Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ White Roses ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Okay, here's the deal. Bandai, Sunrise and all those other companies involved own Gundam Wing, I do not. Bandai, Sunrise and all those other companies involved do not own the giant Pikachu plushie on my bed, but I do. So how about we just keep to ourselves and only use what's each other's for nothing but amusement. Kapeesh? That's what I thought.

Warnings: Shonen ai, yaoi, violence, slight angst, fusion with another anime, possible implied lime/lemon, weirdness, OOC, AU, magic swords, rose brides…anything else?

Pairings: 1+2/2+1, maybe 2x1, 3+4/4+3, H+6…hm, many more will come along as the story continues.

A/N: I'll keep this short, the next chapter will have some more info. This fic is a fusion with the anime/manga Shojou Kakumei Utena (which I also do not own, by the way). The plot will be a mix of both the comics and series, but I will be taking a few liberties and changing some things here and there. If you have seen Utena, that's great, you'll know what's in store. If not, that's also fine, things will still make sense…well, as much sense as Utena does. Anyway, I'll continue later, so just sit back and enjoy the prologue.

White Roses


All I could possibly see was an insane flurry of white, the frosted petals creating an impenetrable storm of silk. Left and right, up and down, it was impossible to make out anything beyond the rushing tornado. The overwhelming, even suffocating scent of roses clogged my nose and when I tried to gasp for air, hopelessly clogged my throat as well. I chocked on rose petals, the tiny things pouring out of my mouth while I coughed and sputtered. As my screaming lungs finally took in a breath of clear air, I felt a familiar softness caress my cheek. I lifted my head, squinting with some difficulty to see through the wall of white. Chestnut tendrils stretched forward and swirled among the billions of tiny petals in an almost hypnotic dance. My hair was loose. I never wear it loose.

The wind abruptly shifted, blowing forcefully against me rather than it's previous funneling pattern. Shielding my face with my hands, I peered through a parting in the storm. Sun peeked back at me, turning the petals a soft gold hue. As more cleared, I could see brilliant blue sky, glittering as light would off of water. My eyes watered from the glaring brightness, creating crystals on the edge of my vision as I found myself weightless, floating high above the earth. From my point, I could see everything from beyond the horizon to the ground down below me. And what I saw there, as I looked down, enchanted me even more then the dazzling seascape of the sun rising from the ocean.

Some incredible spell must have caused this, for no natural human power or skill could have created the sight now looming before me. A castle, one as beautiful and perfect as those in the fairytales, levitated upside down above an endless field of snow-white roses. Its many towers appeared to be reaching for the flowers, glistening gold framework making it look fragile, walls looking as if they were made of glass. The building itself almost had an unnatural glow, and I wondered how it must illuminate the dark hours of the night. Slowly, I felt my body drift lower and lower, until the toy like castle was hanging above me.

I breathed in, closing my eyes and feeling a heaviness growing in my chest as I descended towards the roses once again, and I imagined in a sort of detached way them swallowing me whole and a darkness enveloping me, pressing me into an endless slumber. Momentarily, it was welcome. I idly lifted my eyelids and stared at my black-clad arm before realizing that something was different. For some reason, I was wearing the strangest thing that I could only describe as a uniform, with a tight fitting jacket and white cuffs, black slacks and epaulettes on my shoulders.

My back landed against something soft, and I knew as my observations were interrupted that I had reached the field. I was drawn in languidly before breaking through completely with a sudden jerk. The blackness swirled around me and wrapped around my body, encasing it just as I had pictured. Consciousness was on the verge of leaving me when I saw it, I saw the metallic shimmer and heard the wretched cry that weaved through the thick air like single, broken note. So desperately I wanted to ignore it, let go and never allow myself to wake again, but something inside me rebelled, jumped out of my chest and into my throat as I responded to their wail.

If you do not lose your noble heart…

The words had echoed throughout me, and at that moment, I was not afraid. I stood, facing the nothingness head on, somehow knowing that there would be comfort at the end of my struggles. And that's when it was upon me, the glistening of a thousand blades, their cold silver promising pain that would not stop until you would cease to feel, and then, would continue beyond eternity.

Violet eyes flashed open and Duo's body was immediately upright in his bed. Despite the fearlessness of his dream, his body was drenched in a cold sweat. He knew then, that this had to stop, that he would go mad with the nightmares if nothing were done. Taking a deep breath, the words from his dream once again resounded in the young man's brain.

If you do not lose your noble heart…

…there will come a time when we will meet again…

"…and this ring will lead you to me." Duo whispered, twisting the tiny piece of metal round his finger. He knew what he had to do.