Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ the beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else??)

Pairings: none yet

Warnings: silly

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: Hi everyone, it's me again! Well, this story came into my mind while i sat at work. It was really boring and I needed something to occupy my mind... so... why not write a fanfiction ^__^

I hope you can laugh about this, HAVE FUN!!!... and review afterwards!


One day at one of Quatre's safehouses:

Heero sat in his room, typing away on his laptop, when...


// Kuso, how did she find me this time? //

He jumped out of his chair and searched for a place to hide.

// Under the table?... Nah, too obvious... In the closet?... ugh, that's worse... I know! Under the bed! //

He quickly dived under the bed and lied perfectly still,not making any sound at all. He waited... and waited...

// Damn, where is she? How long do I have to hide here? //


// ? //


// What the!?... //

"Ooh HEEROOOO, come and kill meee!" *laugh*


"Damn, I knew I should have brought my camera with me... Your reaction was absolutely priceless, Hee-chan!"


Heero crawled out from under the bed and found a happy grinning Duo in front of him. He held something in his hand and after he had pushed a button Relenas voice was heard, calling for 'her' Heeeeroooo.

Heero flinched at the sound and Duo started laughing again.

" *growl* Omae o korosu!!"

With that he chased after Duo, who was already out of the door, running like hell to don't get killed by a very angry Heero Yuy.



Trowa has fallen asleep on the couch in front of the TV. Wufei sat in an armchair, reading a book and Quatre happyly prepared lunch for them all in the kitchen.

It was quite a peaceful day, until...

"HEEEEEEELLLPP!!!!" // Shit, he's really going to kill me this time! //

Duo ran through the livingroom, screaming for help.

Wufei didn't even look up from his book. Trowa just murmured something that sounded like 'not a chance' and went back to sleep.

"Q-MAN!! You have to help me, he's really going to kill me this time! Pleeeaaaasseee, heeelp!?!"

Quatre was currently preparing some salat dressing, when Duo ran into the kitchen, grabbed Quatre, spunned him around and hid behind his back. The result of his fast movement was, that Quatre sent the bowl flying through the air and the dressing splashed all over the kitchen floor.

Heero took exactly that moment to run into the room. He slipped on the dressing, fell on his back and hit his head HARD on the floor.

Duo and Quatre just stared at the unmoving boy.




Still silence.




Both ran up to him and helped Heero into a sitting position.

*groan* "nnnhh... what... what happened?"

"you slipped on Quatre's dressing - by the way, BAAAD Quatre, tse, tse, tse -"

"WHAT?!? It wasn't my fault! You -"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Well, like I said, you slipped and then you hit your head. Man, that has to hurt! You ok?"

"I'm fine... uhm... can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"... who are you?"


to be continued...

What now?

Will Heero remember who they are?

Will Relena find 'her'Heero? (*shudder*)

Will Quatre ever finish the food?

And who will clean the kitchen floor?

Questions, questions and even more questions.

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...


Well, what do you think? Should I continue? Maybe I will, but you have to review to get a next chappy.

cya all!!

Onee-sama ^__^