Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who are you? ❯ Wufei's blushing time ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: ...Who are You?

Author: Onee-sama ^___^

Fandom: Gundam Wing (what else??)

Pairings: soooooon... maybe in the next chappy *grin*

Warnings: silly

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: Next chappy, next chappy, next chappy!! It's getting interesting, believe me *smirk* *insane laugh*... maybe not in this one, but in the others that are about to come... you will seeee, and until then...

ENJOY THE FIC !!! ^__^


End of the last chapter:

Duo came back into the room with abroad grin on his face and a glass with water and icecubes in hand.

"THAT" he held up the glass, "will surely wake him up!"

He stood in front of the couch again, held the glass over Trowa's head and poured the water over the boy's head.


Trowa stirred, gasped and... ... snored some more.

*everyone sweatdropped*

Duo threw his hands up in the air.

"That's it. I give up... maybe he's death?"

"Duo... he's snoring. Death people don't snore."


"Oi wu-man, why are you so silent? Don't tell me that you're in shock again. I really don't want to repeat our little game of tag-"

"Who the hell played tag?!? KISAMA, I just ran after you to KILL you! You-"

"Yeah Wu-bear, I had fun, too. But it was kinda exhausting... Well, what was it you wanted to say?"

"You-... // calm down Wufei, it's just Duo... kill him later! // ... you wanted to know what I was thinking? Well, I think I know a way to wake him up..."

"Really Wu-man?? What are you waiting for? Shoo shoo, wake him up!"

"..." *blushing*



"What are you waiting for? And why are you blushing Wu-wu?"

"Well, it's... I can't wake him up, someone else has to do that..."

Wufei looked at Quatre. Heero followed his gaze and knew immediately who has to wake Trowa up, he just didn't know why.

"Huh? What do you mean? Wu-man?"

"... I mean Quatre has to wake him up." *blushing some more*

"ME?!? Why me?"

"Yeah, why him? Why not one of us?"

"... *bushing even more because of the mental image (if that's possible)* ... Quatre has to... well... he has to-"


to be continued...

Aren't I cruel to stop here? *insane laugh*

Why has Quatre to do it?

What's with all that blushing? (but isn't it kinda cute ^_^)

Do you think Relena is comming nearer?... *evil grin*

Shall I hurry up with the next Chapter?

And is there anybody out there who can say me a proper way to kill a little nasty brother? (he's driving me crazy!!)

All that (or maybe not) in the next chapter...

Want to know how Trowa will wake up? *grin* You will see it in the next part...

Watcha think about this one? Please tell me!

Oh, and can ya all do me a favour? go to and look at my drawings, will ya? Tell me what ya think about them, 'k?

Ok, thanks for reading,


Onee-sama ^__^