Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who I Am ❯ Who I Am ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gundam Wing or anything habving to do with them. I also don’t own the song Who I Am. It belongs to Midtown off of the Spiderman 2 soundtrack. No suing whatsoever. I mean it.

Warning: Well, I don’t know yet whether or not it’s yaoi, so just be on your toes…

Pairings: Don’t get your hopes up.

A/N: I don’t think there’s anything in here to offend anyone, but I’m apologizing in advance, the scenes are not necessarily Canon, but some are. SO, I’m not stealing them.

//song lyrics//
“*” means change of scene or time.

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//Another night again
Another journey without friends
Another fight to wish away the loneliness I live//

Duo wiped the sweat out of his eyes. He’d just gotten done with a solo mission and was looking forward to a shower and a bed. He opened the door and checked the interior. It was empty. He sighed. He’d hoped that at least one of the other pilots would be there. He put his stuff down and headed for the bathroom, unheedful of the tear running dow his face.

//Another circus show
Another face that I don’t know
Another night of people asking what I have to give//

Trowa bowed to the thunderous applause of the audience before he went backstage to take off his mask and body paint. It was a habit he’d gained in the weeks after he’d awakened.
The next morning a stranger came to the camp, claiming to know him. Catherine chased him off, but not before he’d spoken to Trowa. His memory didn’t return immediately, but a battle near the grounds brought it all back. He was angry at Catherine.
He was on a mission, where he was acting as a boy whore. He was so glad he could kill them all in the end. Every five minutes another one was asking another favor. One more night.

//I thought that I would drown
But it’s okay right now//

Heero groaned as Zero came back online, showing the water pressure outside the cockpit and checked the systems. All of them showed green or yellow, more of the former than the latter. He shoved the controls and jettisoned out of the water.

//And no one knows the pain I feel
A part of me I have to fight
Buried somewhere deep beneath my skin//

Wufei looked at the picture tucked into the cockpit. The girl in it was smiling, her pigtails flying. He sighed, tears coming to his own eyes. He was on downtime from a mission, a time usually filled with action, like katas and meditation, which wasn’t really action, but whatever. Every once in a while he would sit and stare at her picture, remembering her scent, the feel of her skin, the bite of her insults. He finally got out of the cockpit, sighing and pasting his normal ‘I’m perfect and better than you so fuck you and get down o your knees before me’ look on his face. No one would know…

//The emptiness in me is faded
And I can see my life is waiting
Now I know I’m living for who I am
Now I know I’m living for who I am//

Quatre looked around the board room, at the faces of the stuffy executives trying to talk to him as if he was a child. He was so glad that he had a loooong vacation coming up. He couldn’t wait. The others were waiting outside and he was trying to work the idiots in this meeting along to finish faster.

//The fire grows inside
The feeling cannot be denied
And everywhere I turn the size of guys they push me//

Heero looked around the room. The other pilots were engaged in activities, and he, for once found himself with nothing to do. He was contemplating joining Trowa in weight lifting when Duo pulled him over to play a video game. He realized that he was thawing out, and felt a little fear that the others would find out and use it against him or get hurt inadvertently.
He was captured by Oz again, and chained to the wall. At least this time they respected him by putting him in Gundanium shackles. Every hour one of them would come in and beat him. They were all the biggest and ugliest of the guards, and he had trouble keeping himself from showing that it hurt.

//And all has fallen down
But it’s okay right now//

Duo and Wufei lay in the cell, while Duo panicked. The air to the cell had been cut off and he was claustrophobic and unable to cope. Wufei finally taught him a breathing technique and they survived until Heero came to get them.

//And no one knows the pain I feel
The part of me I have to fight
Buried somewhere deep beneath my skin
The emptiness in me is fading
I can see my life is waiting
Now I know I’m living for who I am//

The five of them stood in the background, behind Relena, as she preached her peace and pompous schedule, each thinking thoughts not that different from the on standing next to them. She was a fool, but they would be there to help insure her peace would be successful. They knew that. They had a purpose after the war, and they reveled in it.

//And everything seems great
And everyone is fake
No one really knows you//

Quatre was at yet another big banquet dinner, smiling and shaking hands with every iiot who thought that they could control the world from a little room in a big house. That was dumb, but he wouldn’t be the one to prove them wrong.

//Look into their eyes
Rip off your disguise
Let them see the real you//
Heero grinned slightly at the looks on the others’ faces when he showed them his ideas for their big vacation. Disneyland was a normal place, right/ He just laughed as Duo made a good impression of a carp.

//And no one knows the pain I feel
The part of me I have to fight
Buried somewhere deep beneath my skin
The emptiness in me is faded
And I can see my life is waiting
Now I know I’m living for who I am//

The five of them walked off into the sunshine, knowing that they weren’t perfect, but that no one would be able to tell them what they were supposed to do. They were their own, and no one could control them. They kept on going, confident that the world lay before them for their life to continue on however they wished.

//Now I know I’m living for who I am//

No more orders (for the most part) and no more problems (yeah right). No more living for someone else.

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Stupid, I know… but I got the album and I just got this idea from it. Be ready for another Spiderman 2 song later, We Are, by Ana. It’s good, trust me… Feedback would be great, thanks!