Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who is Duo Maxwell? ❯ Chapter 4: The Truth ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey Hey minna-chan.

I was originally going to leave this fic be and never update it, but I recently received a letter from Pink Cherry Blossom and thanks to her, I have decided to continue this fic. This chapter is dedicated to Pink Cherry Blossom, as she is the one who inspired me to continue writing this story.

I would also like to apologize to Alexia Luthor. I feel that I was rude to her in my last update and I want nothing more than to be friends with everyone on the fanfic community. I really appreciate her reviews and I hope she isn't offended by what I said. Please enjoy Alexia-chan.

To everyone who reviewed the last chapter. mwa. -kisses and huggles- I love you all. Thanks for reviewing and without further ado, onto the................warnings. LOL

Parings: 2+1

Warnings: None that I can think of at the moment.

Disclaimer: Not yet, but still trying.


(Chapter 4 - The Truth)

A gentle breeze caressed his hair, as Duo ran towards his motel room, where, hopefully, Quatre would be able to give him all of the answers he required. As he ran Heero's hurtful words kept replaying through his head.

//You are a self centered, selfish, prick//

//You must learn Duo Maxwell that one cannot always have what they want//

//you only think of yourself//

//Maybe if you weren't so self centered I might be able to put up with you//

'He might be able to put up with me. Does that mean he likes me?'

Duo had to find out. With the sudden inspiration, Duo quickened his pace and headed for his motel room.


Quatre and Trowa were laying in each other's arm, basking in their lover's presence. Relaxing after the tiring exercise of love making. When all of a sudden the peaceful atmosphere was destroyed by the obtrusively loud knocking.

"Quatre! Please I need to talk to you. It's an emergency!" Duo's panicked voice floated into the room.

"What is it Duo?" The obviously warn out Quatre asked.

"Please Quatre, I need to talk to you." And it was then that Quatre swore that he could detect a trace of tears within Duo's voice.

"Hang on. We'll be right there" Quatre replied, as both he and Trowa through on some old clothes before heading to the lounge room. This was where they found Duo, staring straight ahead at the blank TV, a few tear marks staining is porcelain cheeks.

"Ooooh Duo, what happened?" Quatre asked as he ran over to his friend. "Was it that guy??? What did he do to you?" Quatre queried, immediately fearing for the worst.

"If that bastard lay one finger on Duo, I will make sure that he is 'repaid' for his 'debt'." Trowa voiced. He was fully prepared to carry through with his threat, despite the fact that both of the lovers had never seen Duo's new interest.

"No! Trowa! Stop!" Duo proclaimed, "It was nothing like that. It's just.......He said.......I want to it I.........Selfish, self centered.........Do I only think of myself"

His words startled the two lovers into speechlessness.

And Duo sighed resignedly.

"So it IS true?"

Quatre sighed and ran a slender hand through his blonde bangs, trying to clear the drowsiness from his mind.

"Duo, that's not completely right." Trowa supplied, but he couldn't express himself any further; words were Quatre's department.

"Duo," Quatre sighed again, "Duo, this young boy was not speaking the complete truth. There are times when you can be a bit immature and selfis…."

"Don't say something to prevent from hurting my feelings!" Duo spoke, seriousness colouring his face, "Give me the honest truth…no sugar coating."

Quatre sighed and then walked over towards the couch where the older singer was sitting. Gently easing himself down (His rear still hurt from previous activities including Trowa and some chocolate sauce), Quatre sat next to the pained singer and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"Duo," Quatre spoke, "In all honesty I must admit that there are many times when you can be selfish and think only of yourself. But you are a good person underneath. You care for many people and would do anything for them, its just seems as though you consider yourself before those people.

Don't bury that sweet and caring man that lies beneath your `rock-star' surface. Let this new love interest of yours see this characteristic and he'll see the real you that he would want to see."

"The real me?" Duo pondered.

"Yes Duo, the real you," Trowa agreed, "If he doesn't like you for who you really are then don't waste your time on him."

"The real me." Duo whispered. A sudden grin painted his face as he rushed to sit up and run out towards his own room. Looking back at the two lovers Duo grinned and winked.

"Heero will see the real me." Duo stated just before running out of the room and heading towards his own. After shutting the door, Duo returned to his computer and logged into MSN, in hope to talk to Heero.

Heero was already there.

^Hiya Hee-chan^


Heero blinked as another conversation popped up on his computer screen, while he was conducting research for school. He was even more surprised when he realized who it was that wanted to talk to him.

`I thought I got rid of him this afternoon,' Heero sighed, `BAKA'

^Hiya Hee-chan^

Heero sighed and finally decided to contribute to the conversation.


Duo waited for what seemed like ages before the other boy finally decided to reply.

#Don't call me Hee-chan#

^Nahh Hee-chan. Want to catch up again tomorrow?^ Duo knew it was a long shot, since the boy hadn't exactly left him with a good sign that afternoon.

#No…And don't call me Hee-chan#

^Please Hee-chan. -pout- I really wanna see you again…just as friends?^

#DON'T call me HEE-CHAN. And no, I don't want to meet with you#

Duo was desperate, he really wanted to prove to Heero that he could really be the person that Heero saw in him. That this person was just buried under the `Rock-Star' façade that he had adopted to please the camera's and the fans.

But there was only one `fan', if you could call him that' that he wanted to impress.

^Please Heero Yuy, this really means a lot to me^

Duo waited for a reply.

He waited

And waited

And waited


-snickers- am I evil or what??? This is the perfect place to end this chapter, don't you think. I think a cliff hanger is just what this story needs. YAY.

Did you enjoy this Pink Cherry Blossom, I really hope you did.

Please R&R minna, I really love reviews. Please, no flames though.


Ja, I'm off to write the next chapter.