Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Who Waits Forever Anyway ❯ Happy Ending ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N …And this is the happy one, I the first paragraph is the same as the one in the sad version of the fic, it shows where the realities diverge.

Disclaimer: See part 1

- Alternate Ending

Millardo watched, silently as Duo Maxwell slipped back into the shadows, fitting with them as naturally as if he had been born in them, a split second later he could no longer see him, and he had nothing to distract him from the choice he was going to have to make. A few seconds later he turned and strode determinedly away, as difficult as this was going to be, he knew what he had to do.


Millardo Peacecraft stood on the outside of a door that led to the hospital unit of the Preventer Headquarters.

He hesitated for a second before pushing the door open, Heero was easy to make out, it was a small room and there was only one bed occupied. He licked his lips and straightened his coat well aware that he was stalling.

`Come on, it's only Heero Yuy, you've met him before,' he frowned and thought over that sentence again, `it's only Heero Yuy?' Well, he was probably the first person on either the planet or the colonies to ever say that, when referring to this Heero Yuy anyway.

Heero made the struggle he was having with his mind about whether or not to run away obsolete though when he turned around. For the first time in a year Millardo Peacecraft caught sight of the cobalt blue eyes that were a paradox in themselves somehow being able to be alight with passion and emotionless at the same time, but they were nothing compared to the man behind them.

For the first time ever he saw Heero without a mask, there was uncertainty, hopefulness, disbelief and a touch of apprehension clear in the face and body of the young man in front of him. `What did you do to him,' his brain screamed at him, `look at him, you destroyed him.'

"Zechs?" The voice was quiet and emotionless, at odds with the feelings Heero's face was showing.

"Oh God," he choked aloud, "I'm sorry Heero, so sorry, it wasn't supposed to be like this…"

"This was the way it had to be Zechs…Or are you Millardo now?" The voice was still quiet but the question was said with a hint of simple curiosity as though the answer wouldn't change both their lives forever, Zechs went with Heero, Millardo didn't.

"Neither, both, any, whichever you prefer."

"Everyone needs a name, which is yours?"

He licked his lips again and answered surely, "Zechs."

Heero smiled, a small smile but a real smile which was, as he was now beginning to realise, the most he'd ever gotten from the pilot.

"Zechs." Heero said the name slowly, almost reverently, savouring the word then he smiled again, "I've missed you, Zechs."

`What did you ever do to deserve this?' The annoying voice was back in Zechs' head. `What did you ever do to deserve him?'

`I don't know, but I'm not going to mess it up this time,' he answered the voice silently while closing the door and walking into the room. `I'm never going to leave him again.'


A/N Don't forget to R&R, tell me which you liked best.

This is the sequel to `Who wants to live forever?' the prequel to that fic is up at under the same pen name.