Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Why? ❯ Why? ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


By IsNotSane

Please review!

WARNINGS: language, NCS (rape), angst, yaoi,

Pair: 1x2

(Heero's POV)

Summery: Heero hurts Duo…

He strolls in casually, acting as if there is nothing wrong with him as he wears a thin black tank-top and black silk boxers. His hair is let out from its braid and is still slightly damp from the shower he has just finished. He flashes me that trade-mark grin of his as he passes me by, and I just stare at him as he blurts out some sort of greeting, then turns to his ever-faithful fridge in search of food. I don't reply; but that's pretty normal, so the normally-braided American just continues to go about his business; probably looking for some form of dessert.

He likes me. I know he does. He is constantly treating me as a best friend; even though I am stoic and impassive - and usually unresponsive unless I need to tell him to shut-up. I don't know why he wishes to treat me the way he continues to; but I don't care - that's one of the things that got me to feel the way I do about him.

I want him.


I watch inventively as he bends to search the contents of a cupboard below the kitchen sink of the current safe-house he and I are staying at. He is facing away from me, and his tank-top rides-up in his squatted position; exposing some of the fine, pale flesh of his wonderful back to me. I swallow hard as I stare, trying not to drool and using a whole lot of will-power to force my arms to say firmly on the kitchen table which I am seated at. It was almost as if he were teasing me purposely, and I can hardly take it. I'm becoming hard just by looking at him. Why the fuck does he have to be so damn sexy…??

Apparently, he has found something in the cupboard that is to his liking, and grabbing it, he turns to face me as he gets up. He sees me staring at him, and although his eyes widen for a millisecond in surprise, he quickly replaces it with a smile, holding up his retrieved item.

A packet of Jelly beans.


"Want some?" he asks me, and I try not to take that the wrong way. He is referring to the beans…

"No." I state, still not averting my gaze or even slightly shifting. He shrugs, coming closer to sit beside me at the kitchen table. He chooses the seat closet to me…now we are just a few inches apart. His hair drapes over his shoulders like exquisite velvet curtains, and being so close, I can faintly smell the sweet aroma of strawberries…his shampoo.

I'm becoming even harder as I watch his beautiful features…those big violet eyes looking at me cheerfully as he blabs on about some irrelevant topic to me while eating those sugar-filled beans; even though he probably knows I'm not really listening.

I look down to his half-reveled thighs, feeling a very strong urge begin to take over me. I've been watching him and not taking any action for too long now…

This urge…I'm not exactly sure if it is a good or bad thing… but whatever it may be, it is getting stronger.

I let my eyes wander a little further up along his gorgeous thighs, then along his very seductive black boxers, resting my gaze at the crotch of them…and that urge has suddenly became full-force…

"-eero?...Heero…?" I suddenly hear Duo question, noticing the boy shift a little uncomfortably under my watch. I look up at his face; he looks a little nervous, but then grins at me, "Hey, Hee-man, you alright?"

I just continue to look into his eyes. I keep my face expressionless, where as Duo had a confused frown on his pale, heart-shaped face - looking concerned for me. Staring at those beautiful, attractive features on that smooth, delicate face of his while hearing the sweet sound of his voice had set something off inside of me. That urge which had been building up was enveloping me…my breathing was starting to become ragged and I fisted my hands as I could feel myself begin to loose all self-control.

Duo's confused and concerned expression suddenly changed to a look of shock as I quickly grabbed both of his wrists tightly, standing from my chair.

Jelly-beans fell to the ground and created an echoing background sound which seemed to fit in perfectly with tension as they hit and bounced on the floor and table; the packet falling out of Duo's hand as soon as I had grabbed it.

Duo's eyes are wide with shock ad confusion as I roughly pushed him forward, causing him to fall back from his chair which was pushed away by the action, and land on his ass to the floor, my hands still not letting go of the firm grip I have on his wrists.

Duo looked up at me with a worried and confused frown, trying hard and not succeeding as he tried to free his arms from my grasp.

"Heero!...Let go, what are you doing??"

As soon as those words came out, I let go of Duo's left wrist; but before he could react, I quickly bring my hand up high into the air, then with an iron strength, forcefully swing it down and across his face.

A painful slapping sound seemed to echo throughout the kitchen just as the beans had. Duo, with me still holding up his right wrist, twisted to the left by the force of the blow, his head snapping to the side. Duo was frozen, he looked shocked and disbelieving that I had just slapped him. He slowly began to move his free hand to the cheek that was struck, his right arm limp in my grasp.

Before Duo had a chance to touch his cheek that was already beginning to bruise and swell, I lifted him off the ground by the wrist I still held. Duo winced, but again, before he could react, I pushed him harshly, letting go of him and I watched as he was sent face-up to the cold, tile floor.

Duo was just staring up at the ceiling with wide-eyes and a gapped mouth. He was still shocked over what I had just done - his mind was refusing to comprehend what is happening. That might be a good thing.

The urge is there, and still just as strong; so I figure I better do something about it soon. Taking Duo's shocked state to my advantage, I quickly move to his side and flip him over onto his stomach, pinning his arms to his side. This seemed to bring Duo back to reality, and he starts to struggle under my steel-like grip. But it is useless.

"No!...Heero…Let me…go…!!" Duo protests, but I wasn't really listening to him, I just continue to hold him down. Turning his face to the side, he looked at me. His eyes were pleading with mine; but I just looked into them with no expression. The look in his eyes…it seemed he did know what was going to happen. They were pleading with me to stop…he looked scared, betrayed and hurt. But seeing the beautiful Duo in this position - completely helpless and vulnerable, was just turning me on even more. I need to deal with this urge. Now.

I ignored his look and move to straddle his back thighs. Duo then continued to struggle with all his might, screaming pleads to me, but I didn't falter. I easily moved his wrists to above his head, and held them there tightly with just my left hand. My right hand was busy as I slowly run it down the silky softness of his long, chestnut hair - which was sprawled out in all directions.

I was slightly rocking my hips back and fro on top of Duo as I played with his hair - the stuff just served to turn me on more. I brush his hair to his sides, so it wasn't covering his back any longer, and lean down to start nibbling and licking the slight bit of skin exposed on his neck and back. I move my hand down along his side, and when I reach the end of his tank-top, I thrust my hand underneath it, rubbing the fine skin on his back and sides.

I am beginning to get impatient, so getting up slightly, I easily grab the hem of his tank-top and with just a firm tug, rip the piece of clothing off of Duo. Tossing the now useless shreds of material to the side, I ignore Duo's loud "NO!"

I take in the site of Duo's exposed back and half-naked body. So finely pale and well-built; obviously strong, but still very slim and small. He looks so fragile. It's not like I haven't seen him half-naked before…but he was never able to be *mine* before.

He's mine now.

I rub my hand down his sides and across his back, and I felt duo shiver slightly through his struggling. I decide to just skip this fore-play and I remove my hands from the tight hold it has on Duo's wrists above his head, quickly pressing that arm firmly on top of his back to keep him down.

With his hands now free, Duo tries to get free, thrashing about and trying to lash out at me; but it's not doing any good. I use my right hand to again easily and quickly rip off the American's silk boxers, discarding them somewhere to the side.


It was hard to ignore the very loud and pleading scream of the American Gundam Pilot; but I am way beyond re-considering. I keep one hand on Duo's back as I quickly shift to squeeze my knees in-between Duo's thighs. Duo is still trying desperately to escape, but I am too abnormally strong for him.

My hand stays on his back whilst I unzip my pants and free my throbbing erection once I am nicely positioned kneeling up between Duo's legs. That task complete, I move both my hands to Duo's hips and lift his ass high-enough off the floor to better suit my needs.

Duo's screams are at the loudest they have been now, as I get ready to enter his tight ring of muscle that I so desperately desire. Even though I know he hasn't been prepared in any way for what is coming.

With one quick and forceful thrust, Duo went completely silent and frozen as I forced myself inside of him. I let out a deep groan as I feel his tightness surrounding me…it feels so pleasurable…

After a second, I take a breath and pull out of him. This time, Duo chokes out a scream. I push my hard member until I am deep inside the normally-braided baka. My hard breathing quickly turns into pants at the sensation, and I pull out and force myself inside again.

Duo has given up struggling now - instead, he tries to claw the tile floor and lets out pain-filled moans and cries. And I think by the way his shoulders are trembling, he is crying, too. But I don't take much notice…I just want to continue to bask in the pleasure of Duo's hot tightness…

So tight…

I pull out again, but this time slowly. When I am almost completely out, I quickly and forcefully thrust back in - eliciting a strong cry from Duo. I repeat the same action over and over - slowly pulling out then forcefully thrusting back in. I am sweating and panting heavily now, and I can feel the pressure begin to build…

Duo's cries have subsided, instead he just lets out small whimpers. I am so close now…I can feel it. I harshly squeeze Duo's hips, digging my fingers into the flesh and small layer of baby-fat there. Duo lets out a small cry at this, but his body stays limp in my grasp.

I continue to squeeze his hips and groan, and after just a few more quick thrusts, I finally feel the pressure exploding as I reach climax and fill Duo with my hot seed. I am in complete ecstasy, so am totally oblivious to Duo's reaction.

Panting, I thrust slightly a couple more times before pulling out of Duo's worn entrance. I collapse on top of him and am in a world of total bliss for a while…not being able to think or do anything except lie heavily on the limp body beneath me and breath; even after the after-affects of my orgasm have subsided.

It would have been at least a half to a whole hour before I finally came around again. The body below me was trembling and making small sobbing sounds; too weak, exhausted and abused to push me off.

I look down at the mess of chestnut hair underneath me, and my eyes suddenly go wide.

Duo! Duo was underneath me…crying! Duo doesn't cry…*I* caused Duo to cry…

I quickly scramble off of Duo and zip my pants back up, I stare in shock at the abused and naked body of my fellow Gundam pilot on the floor - with blood! Lots and lots of blood in a not-so-usual place to bleed…Oh God…

Duo…I…I did that to *Duo*…but…why…how?? I admit I've had feelings for Duo, I've had some strong feelings that I was not even able to identify…but I never wanted to…

When did my liking for the boy become a neurotic obsession?

Oh God! I *raped* Duo. The ever-cheerful, never-crying Duo. *I* did this to him.

Realization filled me as I watched the trembling body a few feet away from me. Everything I had done, everything he must be feeling, and all the complication this will arise.

For the first time in a long time… I am unsure of what to do…

I want to help Duo…but Duo won't want the help of his rapist…

I'm afraid to go near him… I have to leave.

I quickly turn to the door as an escape root, but the sound of one word stops me in my tracks.

"…Why…?" Duo rasps through his tears. I close my eyes, but decided to turn and face Duo. His head is turned to its side, facing me. His sobs have stopped, but the tears still freely flow down his bruised face.

I opened my mouth to answer, but suddenly find that my voice isn't cooperating, the words are caught in my throat. Duo's eyes didn't hold any hate or anger, just hurt and sadness. And this pleading look that made my chest tighten and my eyes water.

"I…don't know, I-I'm. sorry…" was the best answer I could master to speak before I quickly turn to open the front door and leave, shutting it behind me and running out; leaving the bloody and broken Duo to the emptiness of the safe-house. I open the car door to the jeep Duo had hot wired for us and quickly got in.

"I'm sorry," I whisper to myself, surprised by how full of guilt, sorrow and regret were in my own words, before starting the jeep and driving out into the night.


Or is it…?

(ok, I know how lame that sounded)

Okay, I *AM* a Heero fan and I don't have anything against him, I just had to write this fic. If I get some reviews, I'll write a sequel that will be a _proper_ 1+2 fic; I wont make Heero a bastard in the sequel. Promise :)
