Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Why Bother? ❯ Why Bother? ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author: lain
Warnings: My sense of humour:P and some OOC.
Disclaimers: No $ made sadly:(

*** Why Bother? ***

"I'm bored," Duo griped as he flopped down on his bed and laid back.

"What"? Heero asked, swivelling around on his chair to face the intruder in room. He did not want to deal with interruptions when he works.

"I said *I'm* bored!" Duo huffed, propping himself up on his elbows, and quickly flopping back down again.

"Hn. As usual," the dark-haired boy snorted and turned back to his laptop.

"Hey, do ya wanna do something?" Duo chirped from his prone position on the bed, eyes bright and hopeful.

"I'm busy," Heero monotoned not even pausing in his typing.

"Oh." Violet eyes dimmed.

Minutes past...Quiet. Too quiet. Something's wrong.

"What are you doing?"


"There is no such thing. It goes against logic," Heero argued, cobalt eyes narrows at the other's reflection on the laptop screen.

"Fine, then. I'm staring at the wall."

"Oh." A pause. "That *is* nothing."

Duo raised his head and flashed a grin behind the other's back, "See."

"Do something constructive."

"Like what?"



"Repairs on Deathscythe?"


"Mission report?"



"Hey!" An indignant cry.

"Stop bothering me then," Heero swivelled back to glare at the braided-boy.

"OK. I'm done anyway," Duo got off the bed, bounding in the direction of the door.

"Nani?" Heero blinked.

Duo swung around to face the seated boy, braid swinging. He leered, "You were one of the things in my To-Do list,"

"Huh?" Heero blinked.

"First was my homework; second was repairs on Shinigami; third was mission report; and finally, fourth was to bother you," the braided-boy explained with the ticking off his fingers, a smug smile etched on his face.

"Oh." Heero blinked...again. 'I only ranked fourth?!'

"Well, that was fun. Ja!" Duo dashed out the door, braid waving like a banner.

10 minutes later in the now very quiet room...

"Now I'm bored... Duo?" Heero called, then paused. "Want to do something?"

"Naw, I'm busy."

"I guess I'll do nothing," Heero turned to the wall challenging it with a round of staring contest.

The wall won but not by much.

