Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Why I Fight ❯ Chapter 1

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Staring up at my hands, I wonder why they aren't stained the red that they should be coloured in. Like Lady Macbeth, the "damned spot" exists only in my mind, invisible to the others around me. Do the others see the same stain on their hands? Are they haunted by the same dreams that feature the faces of those who have faced my beloved Gundam? Distorted by the pain and heat that surround them in the final throes of agony as the flames consume them.

Sometimes, I see my own face in those same flames, melting, becoming featureless. My self disappearing in the heat of war. Would I one day become like when I was controlled by Zero System? Did Zero System really cause me to do what I did? Or did it simply bring to the surface what I could become? Would my heart one day be no longer able to feel for my fellow human beings? What, then, would be my reason for fighting the war?

Wanting to free the people from the autocratic rule of an uncaring body of people, to stop their pain as they struggled through the basics of everyday living. That was why I chose to fight. Because of the people. Because I could feel their suffering. If I were to stop caring for the people, then I have lost my right to fight.

I close my eyes and drop my hands to the bed where I can no longer see them. But still, I see them dripping red in my mind's eye. It is a sight that would never leave me until the day I pass over to the next world. It is a sight that anchors me. As long as I see the blood on my hands, I can continue to fight for my people.


Just a little Quatre-centric fic for my own amusement. Comments and criticisms would be greatly appreciated.