Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Why me ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Why me?

Authors: Duo no Baka & baka Yarou
started: the 14th of July, 2003
declaimers: we don't own Gundam Wing ( wish we did *sobs*)
warnings: a little citrus but not much
// Heero's thoughts// Heero's POV

Why me?
by Duo no Baka & Baka Yarou
_________________________________________________________________ __________

// They always called me the ' Perfect Solider', Man, if they could see me now.//

Duo cringed at the sound of his fiancé vomiting in the bathroom.
" Hee-Chan, can I get you any thing?"
" Water please" Heero groaned then turned back to the toilet.

// What the hell is wrong with me, I mean this is Duo here, it's not like
he's a total stranger or any thing. (Pah who are you trying to kid,
you know why your nervous.) //

Heero pushed the very idea out of his head, there was no reason for
him to be nervous about a little thing called ' the wedding night',
no he wasn't nervous, he was terrified,
but he wasn't going to admit that little fact to Duo though,
he didn't want Duo to think that he was afraid of him.

" Heero, are you o.k." asked Quater's timid voice
" Yes i'm fine." he croaked pulling himself off the bathroom floor,
Quater was worried never had he seen Heero look so sick be for, he was pale,
sweaty and way to thin.
" Duo said you asked for this." he said handing a glass of water to him,
Heero took a sip rinsed his mouth out and spit.
" Arigatou." he whispered setting the glass on the dresser as he made his way
through the bedroom and sat down.

" Quater?"
" Yes."
" Can I ask you a question"
" Of course, Heero you can ask me anything."
" Umm..., when you and Trowa were married, what exactly did you do on your
wedding night?" Quater made a choking sound and turned bright red.
" Is that what this is all about?" he finally managed to say,
Heero nodded and blushed, Then it dawned on him.
" Heero, are you a virgin?" Heero blushed an even deeper shade of red.
Quater smiled and sat down wrapping his arm around Heero's waist.
" I think we need to talk"

* ~ * ~ *

" I don't understand he was fine two weeks ago"
" Duo calm down, Quarer went up to talk to him, he'll find out whats wrong."
Trowa said in a quiet but firm voice.
" I know but he didn't get sick until..."
" Until you two were engaged."
" Exactly."
" You have nothing to worry about, I think it's just nerves."
" But, what does he have to nervous about?"
" You'll never guess." Quater's voice interrupted.
" Well, are you gonna tell us, or are you gonna make us guess?" Duo asked
breaking the silence that had lasted almost a minute. A wicked smile spread
across Quater's angelic face.

" I think i'm going to make you guess." Duo's mouth dropped.
" Thats no fare Quater, if you know why he's so upset you should tell me."
" What is going on here." Wu-fei's voice interrupted.
" Quater know's why Heero is upset, but he won't tell us." Trowa explained.
" Thats easy, I figured it out weeks ago." Wu-fei said helping
himself to tea and sitting down.

" Tell me then!" Duo demanded, Wu-fei turned to look at Quater a
small smirk gracing his lips.
" I don't think I will." he said turning back to Duo, Duo let out a
frustrated cry and stomped away.
" Well, are you gonna tell me." Trowa whispered when Duo was out of the
range of hearing.
" He's still a virgin." Quater and Wu-fei said together.
" Now that explains a lot." Trowa replied a smile just as wicked a
Quater's spreading across his face.

* ~ * ~ *

// Why me, why can't I beat this, i'm so tired of it all, I know Quater
said there was nothing to worry about, but it still isn't ant better.//
" Heero, can I come in?"
" Yes Duo, of course you can."
// Don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up.//
" We need to talk." Duo said sitting on the bed next to his fiancé.
" I know somethings bothering you and I want you to know you can
always tell me anything."
" I'm, i'm ..." Heero stammered tears welling up in his eyes.
" shh..., it's alright, take your time." Duo said brushing the
tears away with his thumb.
" I don't think I can do this!" Heero cried running to the bathroom and slamming
the door behind him. Duo stared at the door tears running down his cheeks.

" What happened?" Quater asked breathlessly as he burst through the door,
Trowa and Wu-fei at his heels
" I...I think the weddings off." Duo whispered.
" What!" Quater cried siting in the spot Heero had just vacated.
" I tried to find out why he was up set, I told him he could tell me anything,
but he..he started crying then said ' I cant do this' and ran to the bathroom.
" This is my fault, I should have just told you what he told me..."
" I'm just as much to blame as you are..." Wu-fei interupted " I've known for weeks,
it would have been a simple thing for me to tell you."
" I'll talk to him if you like, try to straighten it out." Trowa volunteered.
" Tell me now why is he like this?"
" He's a..."
"No don't tell him, please." Heero sobbed emerging from the bathroom.
" I don't want him to know, I'm sorry Duo I...I just can't merry you, not right now."
Heero set his engagement ring on the dresser, pulled a packed overnight bag out of the
closet and after a heartbreaking look to Duo he was gone,
leaving three shocked friends and a devastated ex-fiancé in his wake.

"Duo are you..." Quater began timidly
" Just go away, and leave me alone!" Duo spat, pushing his friends into
the hall way and slaming door behind them.
" What do we do now?" Quater asked when that were down stairs.
" I don't know?" Trowa replied.
" We need to find Heero." Wu-fei said grabbing his coat and heading for the door.
" Stay here in case he comes back." with that he was gone.

* ~ * ~ *

// I'ts been hours, it's safe to go back in, everyone's probably asleep//
Heero opened the door of the safe house and placed his bag on the floor
than quietly climbed the stairs, he paused when he heard whispering
behind Quater and Trowa's bedroom door, he knew they were talking about
him, mead ihs way to Duo's room and slowly opened the door, though
the room was dark he could see him sitting on the window seat illuminated
by the full moon shining through the open window.
" I thought I said leave me alone" Duo said firmly without turning around,
Heero steped up to him and sat down.
" Duo?" he whispered
Duo turned his head slowly almost as if he believed Heero was not there.
" Heero!" He gasped throwing his arms around his love, Heero broke down
sobbing against Duo's shoulder.
" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I should not have left.. I..I.. should have told you."
" Shh, it's alright, it's alright i'm here."
" I should have told you."
" You could tell me now." Duo offered quietly
" I...I..." Heero broke off sobbing louder.
" Shh." Duo cooed softly stroking Heero's dark brown hair.
" J. did..." he broke off again
The concern on Duo's face turned to anger when he realized what
Heero was trying to say.
" I understand, koi, I know now what your trying to tell me."
Duo said in a calm understanding voice.
" Oh GOD Duo it hurt so much everytime, and I...and I coulde'nt
do anything to stop him." Heero slid down and sobbed against Duo's thigh,
Duo continued stroking Heero's hair.
" I'll kill that bastard for what he did to you." Duo looked down when Heero did
not respond, and sighed Heero had fallen a sleep, Duo lifted his Koi and
gently placed him on the bed.
" I will kill him, I promise you that, no one will hurt you like that again,
if they do I'll kill them." He climbed into the bed and pulled the blankets
over them both.
" I promise." he whispered again Kissing Heero's forehead then pulled him
into his arms as sleep claimed him.

* ~ * ~ *

Duo no baka: Gomen, please don't hate he for leaving off again.
( hate Baka yarou, it's his fault)
Baka yarou: HEY!, why is it my fault?
Duo no Baka: it's your story not mine, i'm just the writer remember?
Heero/ Duo: * chanting * Kill Dr. J., kill Dr. J., Kill Dr. J.!
Baka yarou: okay, okay i'll finish the story, and i'll find a good way to kill
Heero/ Duo: GOOD!
Duo no Baka: great we have to change the raiting too!

Please give us feed back, let us know how you want to story to go!