Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
This is in response to the Lost In the Wild challenge.

Title: Wild Thang (1/?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?

~Wild Thang - Part 1~

Solo ran as fast as he could. Holding his precious
treasure against his chest, he disappeared into the
wild foliage. The animal trackers stopped at the very
edge and dared not go any further. The hunters that
followed the animals stopped there as well. The
Sicilian Jungle would do their jobs for them.

Deeper and deeper into the jungle Solo ran, not daring
to look back for fear of them closing in on him. At
whatever the cost, he must protect his precious

"Fear not small one, I won't let them take you, ever."
Solo promised the baby within his arms. "Somehow,
I'll make things right. Just you wait and see."

Solo knew that he must find a permanent shelter for
them or they shall perish before the morn. Scanning
the trees for possible shelter as he ran, Solo found a
large and twisting tree that could shelter them from
many predators. There were thick vines that looked
strong enough to support two grown men wound around
the trunk that would give him the perfect ladder to
climb up.

Taking advantage of the afternoon light, Solo gathered
branches that could support a great deal of weight,
many lengths of strong vine, and sought a few rocks
that could be used as weapons or something else.
Setting the child down in a nook of the trunk, Solo
went to work, building the shelter they would call

Nimbly climbing up and down the large tree, Solo
transported the larger branches up first by a pulley
system. Finding a place where two branches make a V,
Solo started laying the large branches for the floor.
Using the vines to make sure the floor will be stable
and firm, Solo started on the walls.

Before long, he had the roof structure and roofing
done. Placing the small child into their new home,
Solo went out to seek some sort of floor covering that
would add to some sort of comfort. By luck, Solo
discovered a rubber tree nearby. Gathering the sap
from the tree, Solo smeared their home with the sap to
make it somewhat protected against the elements.

For the flooring and bedding, Solo found grass and
leaves. Solo knew that they would need to build a
fire, but was unsure as to how without setting their
home on fire.

"What am I going to do? We may starve from not being
able to cook the food or we may freeze, which might be
unlikely seeing how we're in a jungle, but you never
know." Solo commented.

The child just blinked back in response with their
blue, nearly violet eyes.

"Hmm...what wouldn't be able to burn in this jungle?
I can't possibly just build a fire on the wood. It'll
catch..." Solo pondered out loud.

The child held up a dirt covered hand, reaching for

Solo smiled, "You are a boy genius!"

Grabbing the child, Solo held him close. Setting him
down, Solo got some dirt and dumped it where the fire
would be, making sure to pat it down hard. Putting
the firewood nearby, Solo picked up the boy again.

"You and I are going to make it here. It'll be a new
life away from those bratty, snobbish, assholes. We
will survive out here like no one can. Just you wait
and see. I'll teach you everything there is to know
about surviving." Solo promised the boy.

The boy gave Solo a toothless grin.

Laughing, Solo twirled the boy around, "That's the
spirit! We'll show them that we don't need them! We
are free! Free as the bird and animals. Free!"

Placing the boy down, Solo winked at him and said,
"Stay right here and I'll be back with food for the
both of us. Hopefully enough to last us a while."

Climbing down Solo disappeared off to gather food.
Hours later, Solo returned with various vegetation and

"We'll have to probably hunt everyday. The meat will
spoil if we don't do it that way. That is, unless we
smoke it or whatnot. I got you some green coconuts so
you can get some coconut milk. They taste great! The
meat ain't so bad either. Nice and soft." Solo
commented, starting up the fire.

Crawling up to Solo, the boy rests peacefully against
Solo, enjoying the fire. Solo smiles at the boy,
wrapping his arms around him. They enjoy the warmth
of each other as well as the warmth of the fire
raging. The future looked frightening, but together,
they will hope to make a life and survive like no

To Be Continued...