Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (7/10?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?

~Wild Thang - Part 7~

The six followed him to the tree house that Solo made
for the two of them 18 years ago. The six travelers
wondered how they were going to get up into the tree
house when they saw Duo agilely climb up the vines
that posed as a staircase. Following Duo's lead, and
not losing any of their items, they found themselves
within the tree house.

Zechs watched Duo closely as the boy set about to do
his daily routine. The sleek muscle beneath the
supple skin rippled with every movement. The
temperature seemed to be getting hotter and hotter to
Zechs. And most definitely, his clothes seemed to be
getting tighter and tighter, especially his pants.

Heero snickered softly to himself and he nudged Trowa.
The two of them found it immensely hilarious to watch
as the emotions on Zechs' face play themselves out.
Quatre looked at his companions and smiled his secret
smile. All was going to plan. Wufei and Treize just
ignored the others and planned on how they were going
to convince Duo to return to the village of his birth.

That night, they decided on sleeping arrangements.
Zechs insisted that Duo take the bed that now sported
a hide covering over the mattress and hide covers.
Duo however, saw that it was his duty that he make
sure that the others were comfortable.

"Well, the bed is certainly large enough for the both
of you." Wufei commented wryly.

"But if I sleep in the same bed, I'll end up cuddling
up next to him." Zechs protested, blushing a bright

"Cuddling?" Duo asked, unsure about the new word.

"It means like this." Quatre replied, showing Duo with
Trowa what cuddling is.

"Oh just sleep in the same bed Zechs!" Heero ordered,
pushing the both of them towards the bed. "Quit
fighting over about it. We'll be fine around the

"I promise I won't touch you." Zechs promised to Duo.

"Touch me?" Duo asked, thinking that was a ridiculous
promise when cuddling required touching.

"Um...Zechs-san, I don't think Solo knew about the
facts of life when he came out into the jungle."
Quatre reminded Zechs, blushing slightly.


"Touch me?" Duo asked again.

Zechs had to control his raging hormones at the nearly
imploring tone of Duo's voice.

"It is a type of phrase describing mating habits."
Trowa replied, trying to term things that Duo would

Sadly, that didn't go over too well.

"Mating habits?" Duo asked.

"You know! Make babies." Wufei growled.

Duo was instantly on guard with the tone Wufei

"Hush, he doesn't mean you any harm. He's just tired
and grouchy." Zechs explained in a soothing manner.

"Hn." Wufei grunted.

"Well he didn't have to be so mean about it." Duo
stated, pouting.

Zechs had to rely on his years of self control to
fight against the urge to kiss those lips.

"How about we discuss sex in the morning?" Quatre
suggested. "We should get to sleep."

Treize, Trowa and Heero nodded in agreement.

Treize whispered to Zechs, "Think you can control your
raging hormones for the night."

Zechs groaned at the thought of sharing a bed with
that delectable body beside him, pressing up against

"'re drooling slightly." Treize reprimanded.
"Tsk tsk."

Zechs blushed, wiping the small amount of drool away.
Treize pushed Zechs towards Duo, who was waiting for
Zechs by the bed.

"I prefer to sleep close to the wall." Duo informed

Zechs could only nod, speechless by the beauty before
him. Duo climbed into bed, waiting to see what Zechs
would do. Zechs climbs in after him, hoping the boy
didn't see his straining erection. Zechs looked over
his shoulder to see Trowa, Heero, Quatre, Wufei, and
Treize laid out on the floor by the fire.

"We'll be fine over here Zechs-san. Pleasant dreams!"
Quatre tried to reassure Zechs.

Zechs gulped and lied down, getting comfortable. Duo
does the same and fell asleep almost instantly. Zechs
found himself watching the boy. The fire casting an
interesting glow to the boy, even if Zechs was
blocking most of the light.

'Beautiful.' Zechs thought.

To Be Continued...