Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (9/15?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?

~Wild Thang - Part 9~

"Oh." Duo said. "Are you going to explain to me what
mating habits are?"

"I'd rather we explain when we get back to the
village. It will make explanations easier." Wufei
informed Duo.

Duo frowned, "But everyone in the village hates me.
And Solo too! They hated us both. I don't want to go
back! The jungle is my home now."

"But Duo, it was only a select few who didn't like
you. The rest followed their lead because they
thought they were right. Now they see that they were
wrong to send you away. Won't you come back?" Quatre

"Iie." Duo replied, swimming farther from them.

"Won't you come for a visit then? If you don't like
it, we can always bring you back." Treize suggested.

Duo thought about it.

"But I don't know how to act in the village. Solo
always told me things about the village and how we
aren't suppose to have any fun." Duo said, pouting.

"Solo's definition of fun is different from the
adults' definition." Wufei informed Duo. "You must
take responsibility for your fun. That's the

"I don't understand." Duo said. "What's

"You have much to learn." Trowa stated. "How about we
get out of the water and back into your treehouse
before discussing any more."

"Sounds good." Heero supported.

They exited the water and dressed quickly. They
trekked back to the treehouse and sat around the fire.

"Tell me about the village? Solo talked about it from
time to time, but he usually steer me away from some
questions." Duo informed them.

"We'll try to answer as much as we can. It's better
for you to experience it yourself however." Quatre
explained to Duo.

"Oh. Um...if I'm going to be visiting, is there a
certain way I have to act?" Duo asked.

"Well, I don't see a problem to how you're acting.
Just act like yourself and I'm sure you'll fit in."
Treize replied.

"What are the people like?" Duo questioned. "Are they
friendly, mean?

"That is up to you to decide. To tell you how people
of the village is like is biased and unjust." Wufei
informed him. "It is best for you to experience for
yourself and come to your own conclusions."

"I see. What do you sleep on?" Duo asked.

"In beds, just like the one you have right now.
Though, it might be a bit softer." Zechs replied,
looking at Treize, Wufei and Quatre for confirmation.

"Hai. It's softer. If you went to the cities they
are much more softer." Treize added.

"Wow." Duo said, his curiosity peaked.

"When do you feel comfortable going?" Trowa asked,
knowing not to rush the jungle-bred boy.

"Tomorrow?" Duo asked hopefully, wanting to see all
these sites.

"That should be fine. We can head off tomorrow."
Heero replied.

"Though, there is something we should tell you first."
Treize said, glancing at Quatre.

"Oh, I nearly forgot! Do you know what a girl is?"
Quatre asked.

"A girl?" Duo asked, confused.

The others looked at each other.

"Do you know the difference between a female and a
male animal?" Trowa asked.

"Huh?" Duo asked, still confused.

Quatre brightened, "Do you talk to faeries?"

"Of course!" Duo stated proudly.

"Do you think that you could get a girl and a boy
here?" Quatre asked.

"Um...I guess so." Duo replied.

The others watched, fascinated, as Duo whispered a few
words in a musical language. Suddenly, two beings
materialized in front of them. The only difference
between them were one being female and the other male.
They both had two multicolored wings on their backs.
The wings resembled that of a dragonfly. They came up
to about chest height and had pointed ears. The boy's
hair was a dark green, while the girl's was a light
green. Their keen eyes caught everything at once.
They were clothed with leafy patterns. Their bodies
are slender and frail-looking to the eye.

"Well, they would certainly be good models for our
purposes to educate you." Quatre stated, breathless.

"I hope they aren't shy about their bodies." Trowa

"They are more prone to being in the nude than humans
are." Duo informed them. "Why?"

"It would help to point out the differences between a
girl and a boy." Treize explained.


To Be Continued...