Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 19

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (19/25?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order, maybe an odd
hint of 3x5, 13x4, and 1x?)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?
Note: About that little addition to the Zechs and Duo
pairing, I felt that the others could use a bit of
romance to...spice things up so to speak.

~Wild Thang - Part 19~

Having finally packed, Zechs, Duo and Heero met up
with the others. Wufei and Trowa handed out rations
to be carried in the packs. Quatre made sure the
charms were working before they set off on their
newest mission.

"Ne Heero-kun, why do you always say 'ninmu ryoukai'?
Or anything regarding 'ninmu'?" Duo asked, walking
beside Heero.

"Because every movement must be planned out like in a
war for optimum success." Heero replied.

"He is obsessed with being a perfect soldier." Zechs

"So when is the Perfect Soldier going to find the
Perfect Lover?" Quatre asked.

Heero flushed, "I already have."

"Oooo! Do tell!" Quatre said, winking at Duo.

Duo looked over at Zechs. Zechs smiled and offered
his arm. Blushing, Duo took the offered arm and
leaned up against the muscular body. Trowa looked
back to where the elders meet, to see all elders
watching their departure. Their leave was going to be
recorded. The risk of being outcasts were increased.

Wufei placed a hand on Trowa's shoulder. "It'll be
okay. We'll make things okay. We'll be the new
elders soon."

"If we live to see that day." Trowa replied sadly.

Together, the group marched out the village, knowing
that they may be outcasted for disobeying the elders.
Walking deep enough into the jungle, Zechs turned to

"Do you wish to have your hair free so that you may
wear that charm?" Zechs asked.

Duo smiled shyly at Zechs, "I don't mind the braid.
Just as long as you are the one to put it up like it."

Zechs smiled back, "It would be an honor."

"Okay love birds, lets get a move on! We don't even
know where to start looking for any sign of Duo's
dad." Quatre stated.

"We could start with the faeries." Treize suggested,
wrapping Quatre up in an embrace.

"Sounds good, but how do we contact them?" Wufei

"Why don't we go back to my treehouse? That way, they
know I'm back." Duo suggested.

"I go where you go." Zechs said, wrapping an arm
around Duo protectively.

Duo blushed, whether in embarrassment or something
else, can be discussed. Duo led the group to his
treehouse, stopping for the night along the way. The
next day, they found the treehouse and climbed in.
Duo closed his eyes and reaffirmed his connection to
the surrounding jungle. When he was at the village,
his connection wasn't as strong as it should be. He
had felt lost and vulnerable.

Several musical cries of joy alerted his senses to the
faeries hanging around outside. Duo smiled, calling
out to them with his own voice. The others looked at
him in startlement when he spoke of the fae's

"They come to show us the way." Duo informed them.

Soon enough, two male faeries showed up. Duo followed
them without hesitation. Zechs obediently followed.
The rest followed soon after. The faeries led them to
a large willow tree that didn't belong in the jungle
in a clearing.

"I thought willow trees grew elsewhere. I didn't
think they grew in jungles." Zechs said, astonished.

"They don't. The only times you'll find a willow tree
in the jungle is when faeries live in them. Faeries
enjoy living within a willow tree over any other." Duo
replied. "That is, as long as they are of earth
element. The other elemental faeries live elsewhere."

"There are different types?" Quatre asked.

Duo nodded. "Just as there are different humans,
there are different faeries."

Several smaller faeries flitted curiously around their

"You must excuse the little ones, faeries don't get
visitors to their home. Therefore, the little ones
don't see anyone." Duo explained.

One of the older faeries approached Duo, speaking
quickly. Duo nodded in agreement to something said in
their musical tongue.

"I wish I knew what they were saying." Quatre sighed.
"It's such a beautiful language."

Duo turned to the others, "You guys have an option of
knowing the language within sight of the willow tree,
or I can play translator for you."

"I want to learn!" Quatre replied excitedly.

The others nodded in agreement, eager to learn the
strange language. Duo gave consent to the one who
talked to him from before. The group felt a little
tingly. Duo held Zechs' hand supportively. Soon, the
sensation faded.

"Cool!" Quatre squealed in the fae tongue.

"Congratulations, you can now speak fae, as long as
you are within sight of the willow tree. We can't
exactly have you guys running around in the village
speaking fae. You'll get imprisoned for sure." Duo

"Then how are you able to keep that language Koi?"
Zechs asked.

"I dunno. When I learned it in my loneliness, it
stuck and there was nothing they could do about it."
Duo replied, shrugging.

"That could be a sign that your father was fae."
Quatre suggested.

"Could be." Duo replied, thoughtfully. "It could be."

To Be Continued...