Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Thang ❯ Chapter 26

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Wild Thang (26/30?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairings: 6+2, 2+6, 6x2 (in that order, maybe an odd
hint of 3x5, 13x4, and 1x?)
Rating: NC-17
Category: AU, Yaoi, Yummy Lemons and Sexual Innuendos
Disclaimers: I do not own Duo nor Zechs nor Solo.
Slight reference to Tarzan. Hmmmm...loincloth anyone?
Note: About that little addition to the Zechs and Duo
pairing, I felt that the others could use a bit of
romance to...spice things up so to speak.

~Wild Thang - Part 26~

In the morning, they continued their journey. As they
approached the village, they noticed that people hid
in their houses, closing windows to avoid looking at

"What is going on?" Quatre asked, confused.

"How about we see Dorothy?" Treize suggested, taking
in the emptiness.

They go to Dorothy's hut and knocked. After a moment,
Dorothy opened the door and ushered them inside.
Inside, they found Relena with a gash on her head,
sitting on Dorothy's bed.

"What's going on here?" Zechs demanded, going over to
his sister to check out the wound.

"After you left, one of the elders stepped forward and
ordered an death sentence, upon your return, if you
do. And they also stated that all who have associated
with us are contaminated and must be terminated."
Dorothy informed them. "They even went as far as to
order anyone setting eyes upon you when and if you
return to die."

"But why?" Duo asked. "Why would they go to such
lengths? Isn't me they're after?"

"I don't know Duo-kun. There must be something else
at work here." Quatre said, mulling over the

"Who is the elder?" Trowa asked.

"Alex." Dorothy replied.

"But he was one of the ones who supported the bringing
back of the lost children!" Treize exclaimed.

"That's why it doesn't make sense." Dorothy reasoned.

"Unless he was hoping that it was Solo who we brought
back." Wufei suggested.

"That is a possibility. And if it was Duo who was
brought back, that only increases the accusations of
the jungle being not hospitable to villagers, and that
Duo is a demon." Dorothy hypothesized.

"Which he's not." Heero added.

"Which he's not." Dorothy amended. "However, the
occult White Fang and Elder Alex do not believe it to
be so."

"Did Elder Alex say that he's the leader?" Zechs

"Iie. He said nothing about White Fang." Relena said

"Then someone must infiltrate their occult." Heero

"But who? None of us can go because they will
recognize us on sight!" Quatre exclaimed.

"Do they know of your involvement Dorothy?" Treize

"They treat me with neutrality. They don't hate me,
but alas, they do not adore me. It would be difficult
to make them believe that I'm a private Duo hater.
None offense to you I hope Duo-kun." Dorothy said

"I take no offense." Duo replied.

"What about Catherine or Sally? Would either of them
qualify for quick and easy infiltration?" Treize

"There will be much speculation about Catherine I'm
afraid. Some may realize that she's Trowa's sister
and prosecute her. Sally I don't see any problems
with." Dorothy said.

"Do they know about our enchantments?" Quatre asked.

"Iie. If they do not suspect me, you'll be fine.
They doubt Quatre's ability before, they'll do so now.
That will be to your advantage." Dorothy said.
"You'll need as much as you can muster."

"Then we consult Sally to see what she say about this
development." Wufei said.

"So long as she doesn't betray us all." Heero stated

"Have her come see me when you've convinced her."
Dorothy said. "But it must be during night hours.
Your huts have been left as they were. People were
afraid of you contaminating their fire."

"An entire village, forced back to medieval times."
Zechs muttered exiting with the others.

To Be Continued...