Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wilderness ❯ Rage ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By Dentelle_Noir
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, duh. Don't you find this as redundant as I? I hope so.
Warning: Eventual yaoi. Man bashing.
Chapter Fourteen: Rage
With Wufei's guiding, which was actually fairly strong, Quatre realized when he tried to avoid the menacing looking cave, he was dragged into the inky blackness.
For something everyone else was treating like a gift, Quatre was ready to give it back and leave the party!
Sounds of rustling echoed around the opening, the rain's drone bounced around in his ears drowning out whatever Wufei was saying, and the only thing Quatre could discern was that right in front of him was outside. And right behind him was more than likely certain doom, death, and destruction, and DOOOOOOMM!
But it was dry.
Rolling Trowa's leefa off, he began to pour the collected water onto the cave floor, a nice little pond for the cave dwelling gremlins to play in. With one twist the staccato beat of the water pouring from Quatre's shirt blended into the pour of the rain outside.
At least it was mostly dry now, and Quatre rolled it back on, shivering from the chill, but feeling it take the wet from his skin quickly as it was designed to.
Click. A beacon illuminated Duo's hands and the brightness surged through the blackness around them. Unfortunately, Quatre would've liked it to light it all up, not just streams by their feet.
A RAT! A rat just scampered by his feet! He wanted to go back outside NOW! All eyes turned towards Quatre who was jumping franticly back and starring ghostly down to the floor.
“Quatre?” Trowa asked concerned.
Finding the source of the voice, a torso of Trowa floating in the blackness, Quatre jumped towards him and clung to his shoulder. “A rat just ran by me.” He explained in the squeaky petrified tone of a woman found standing on a kitchen chair.
Quatre burrowed into Trowa's back, only his eyes peeking out from behind Trowa's broad, strong shoulders. He liked those shoulders. A lot.
“Quatre.” Wufei said, his tone skeptical and about to be mean, Quatre was sure. “You are too cute.” He finished with a shake of his head and a chuckle. At least he hadn't made fun of him. It was actually kind of a compliment. He thought.
“Keep your bitch on a leash, Barton.” Heero snared, his eyes cold and lip twisted.
Trowa began to growl, eyes narrowing. Trowa was beginning to lose his patience with Heero damn quick like.
Duo jumped around, the light flashing all over and sending flickering light to the walls around them.
“Shall we begin our search?” Duo asked, trying his damndest to thwart the blood bath about to ensue. He knew well enough that once the two of them got started neither would stop until they were both unconscious.
Everyone except Quatre was pulling out flashlights. So following the crowd, and thankful Wufei and had made sure Quatre knew where his was, he took out his flashlight too.
“Pair off and meet in the center cavern in one hour.” Heero dictated.
“I refuse to pair off with Mr. Kushrenada.” Wufei declared pointedly.
Treize looked depressed. Heero looked ready to kill. “I don't give a-“
“I'll go with Wufei!” Duo jumped in, happily bounding over to grasp Wufei's arm in his, again stopping a Heero-splosion.
“Get off, Maxwell.” Wufei tried to shake him off.
“That's alright, I'll accompany Wufei.” Trowa piped in, trying to appease Heero.
“Not over my Dead Body, Barton. Quatre stays with you, he's your responsibility. Remember? You clean up after him.” Heero growled.
It was a battle of glares like none had ever seen before. (Well, Quatre had never seen anything like it before, and he hoped small children had never been witness before, either)
“I'm going ALONE.” Wufei spat, wrenching Duo off his arm and trudged deep into one of the tunnels to the left.
“Heero, you and I will go with Wufei. Treize, Trowa, and Quatre go to the right. There are too many ways to get lost in here. Meet back in one hour.” Duo said, incredibly serious for his nature.
Quatre gulped, looking around at the now even more menacing walls creeping into the flashlight beam.
Before he could bump into one of them, Trowa wrapped an arm around Quatre's waist and pulled him to his side. “Don't worry. We have the simple path. It's a circle on this side. It just opens right back up in the center. We'll be there in about half an hour.”
They began to walk, Trowa and Treize shinning flashlights up quickly at the empty ceilings stories above them. It had only taken a second, but Quatre figured out they were looking for bats roosting. The Virginia Big Eared bat roosting, to be precise.
Quatre kept looking for any winged rats, but mostly to make sure none flew in his face, he wouldn't recognize if it had big ears or not. Just big teeth.
“I'm sorry about all of this…” Trieze breathed out after a while of silent watching.
“Wufei just doesn't believe me. I didn't mean to hurt him, honestly. If he'd just talk to me, I could explain.” Treize shook his head, and tried to swish back his hopelessly messed hair.
“I'm sure he just needs some time to cool down, Trey.” Trowa tried to reassure his friend, although he didn't really even believe himself. He'd never seen Wufei that mad, and from what he heard, Wufei held grudges.
“Haven't you heard him? He still won't even call me Trey!”
“Yes, he does.” Quatre said. Then decided he should've kept his mouth closed when two sets of curious eyes darted to him.
After a gulp, Quatre tried to explain, “When he was talking to me earlier today, he said “I was too caught up hating Trey that I wasn't being a good friend, or something like that.”
“He said he hated me?”
Oh shoot. He shouldn't have said anything.
“Well, at least he's acknowledging I'm alive. For him to say he hates me is actually a step up from how pissed he was before. That means he's getting better. Thank God! Maybe he'll start arguing with me again!”
The joy was not what he was expecting.
Obviously his confusion showed, because Treize began to explain.
“When I met Wufei, Duo had convinced him to join him and a group of friends to go to some stupid historical action movie. Afterward, we began to argue the faults of it, I said it was a good movie because it had the events made entertaining and he saying it was horrible because the events were distorted. Again and again, every time we met up we got into an argument that ended with someone breaking us apart before it came to blows.
“When we had seen each other a few times, he started arguing with me over the “injustice' of proms, which I told him my school was putting on. I caught him in a loop and convinced him to go with me.”
Trowa began to chuckle, remembering the story.
Treize smiled warmly, “We ended up being asked to leave, our arguing was disturbing everyone at our table. We left and he told me he hated me. I told him there was a thin line between love and hate and then he kissed me. I kissed back, and the rest is history. For him to say he hates me, means he is starting to come around to being ready to talk to me again.”
Quatre nodded dumbly, acutely aware that he was, in fact, in the presence of a madman.
Trowa pulled Quatre into his hip, and curled his hand around Quatre's shirt fabric, “Don't worry. I'm not twisted like them.” He said and dipped his head in for a quick peck to Quatre cheek before letting go and taking a few steps back.
Quatre lifted a hand to the tingling in his cheeks and resisted the urge to grin insanely, for a second anyway.
He was right, Trowa was bold in speak one second, then shy in action the next.
Quatre would take the next initiative.
Coming to pace with Trowa, who refused his eyes, Quatre smiled and danced his fingers along the back of Trowa's hanging hand, grinning when Trowa took the hint and twined their fingers together again, holding his hand as they walked the cave.
It seemed that the cave turned from being the scariest place on earth, to the most comfortable and romantic setting he could've wished for.
They converged on the center cavern at the same time, surprisingly. But both teams were empty handed.
“It seems our bats have moved on for the night. We'll camp in here for tonight, head out on the river tomorrow. It's still pouring buckets out there, anyway. We wouldn't get far.” Heero's voice directed. Heero seemed less hostile when addressing all as opposed to down right homicidal when he spoke to Quatre.
Duo began to flash his light around again, “There's a nice inlet over to the west of here. It has a cozy little nook we can get in so our fire will light the whole place and keep us cozy.” Duo began to lead the way.
“How does he know that?” Quatre asked Trowa in a whisper. But of course, it was a cave. Everything echoed.
“Because, I pick my team carefully. Everyone on this team has a specialty in these woods. Except you.” Heero chided meanly.
Duo seemed to glare at Heero, then breath deep, “I'm a renowned Spelunker. Which is the actual name for someone who knows and checks out caves. I didn't just make it up, even though it sounds like a word I would. Spelunk. Part of its charm. I know these caves down here better than the back of my hand.”
“I already told you I'm a renowned Climber,” Trowa said. “I've been invited all over the place and have climbed some of the largest mountains you've ever heard of. Right now I'm planning my second visit to K2. I had to cut short the first one because of weather. I've been asked to join the Olympic climbing team, but this forest is my baby. I can climb anything she's got.”
“I know all the trails and cuts in these woods better than anybody,” Treize hopped in his turn, “My specialty is hiking. I'm also the one who can tell you what each plant is and what they can be used for. Don't eat anything unless I tell you too. I'm also a licensed paramedic, if you remember.”
“I'm not incredible at anything, but I am getting to be a very good paddler,” Wufei added, “And I have a pretty good knack for knowing wildlife. I was invited to join, but I couldn't because I already told my father I would join him for the trip. He was looking forward to this trip for so long. And SOMEONE was in a snit to leave right away, and wouldn't wait.” And, who would have thought, that snippy comment was directed to the one and only Heero Yuy; currently ignoring those around him to drop his pack to the cave floor and start to rummage through it.
Wufei huffed lightly and flopped down to the cave floor and dropped his pack as well.
“Just to complete the briefing, Heero survived class five rapids!” Duo explained, a huge grin boasting like Quatre should have been amazed or something.
“Class Four is incredibly difficult and deadly. Almost suicide. It's illegal to cross a class five. Only a handful have ever survived.” Trowa explained, his voice a soft whisper and breath warm as it tickled his ear.
“Well, we're in the dark anyway and away from the elements, we might as well set up for bed, we won't get anything else done tonight.” Duo said, making a big production out of yawning and flopping onto Heero's sleeping bag.
Quatre turned, deciding he should unroll his sleeping bag as well, to see his little sky blue bed all set up beside where Trowa knelt, unrolling his own green one.
“Thanks Trowa.” Quatre said quietly. But again, of course, this WAS a cave and everything echoed!
“Now roll over and play dead.” Heero mocked from the sleeping bag Duo was posed on top of.
Quatre felt his face redden and began to nibble on his lip. Why was Heero always so mean to him! He was trying just like everyone else! He hadn't even screwed up yet or anything!
“HEERO! STOP!” Duo growled from beside him. “We've all had enough.” Sitting up defiantly and glaring for all he could to his boyfriend. Heero just rolled his eyes, ignoring his boyfriend's enraged expression.
“What has Quatre ever done to you! This goes WAY BEYOND just being pissed your plan was a little behind!” Duo sliced.
Secretly, Quatre was glad, he wanted some answers.
Heero's eyes narrowed, his back up and shoulders tensed. “I don't want him here. We don't need a repeat.”
“What the Hell is THAT supposed to mean!”
“You don't see it? Lets put in it perspective then. One person who doesn't know what she's doing, put into a situation she can't handle, and someone else saying they can take care of the other. But no matter how much he watches over, the carabineer just wasn't shut right. Sounding familiar yet, Duo?” Heero snipped, now standing towering over him and close to snarling.
Duo's face paled, “Don't even go there, Heero.” His voice was deadly quiet, more serious and cold than Quatre had ever heard someone. This was getting dangerous and everyone knew it.
Quatre felt his own fear building just looking at the monster Duo had become. He was scared. Damn scared.
Treize could smell the trouble brewing, he had to do something, “Alright everyone. Just simmer down. We're all a little worked up.” He tried to reason.
“HOW COULD YOU TAKE HIS SIDE! This is an injustice! To Quatre, and to Duo.” Wufei flared into the conversation, spitting fire.
Completely ignoring the mutiny and split around them, Heero continued without skipping a beat. “Oh, I will go there, Duo. Quatre has no business here, just like your mother had no business on the mountains either. Your father couldn't save her when things went wrong, and neither can Trowa. But I'll be damned if I let Trowa die too, just like him trying to save her!” Heero was shouting by now, his face lost his expressionless qualities to be replaced by a raging fire and blazing eyes.
Duo stood toe to toe with Heero and took on the cold expression Heero usually wore. Violet eyes flashed like fire and promising pain. Lots of pain. He was cold and pissed off beyond measure and raring to let him know. “Get. Out.”
Heero flared, his teeth bared and practically growling. His hand gripped and gripped again, tensing as if he wanted more than anything to knock him through the roof.
Then, with his shoulders trembling with rage, he turned on his heels and ripped out of sight. Only his pounding steps screaming behind him as he was swallowed, the blackness of the cave following in his wake.
Duo slumped a little, letting his anger abate and his cold face turn to a twisted snarl not even the bravest soul wanted to get in the way of.
He stormed over to Heero and his sleeping bag, both their packs strewn over the rocky floor and kicked Heero's squarely, sending it flying into the cave wall. After kicking around everything in his path, Duo eventually slowed, starring at the sheer disaster around him; his and Heero's clothes lay around him, the deep crimson sleeping bag half over itself almost in a ball and the unpacked food and equipment underfoot and missing, probably also captive to the darkness.
Perhaps Heero would find it when he got back. But right then, Duo couldn't care less. How could Heero pull something like that!
Grabbing his jacket from the floor he balled it up and held it in his arms. “Treize, give me your coat. You too Trowa.” He demanded, brooking no argument. None was given, and both threw their respective coats over, confusion etched onto their faces.
Duo threw Treize's coat to the ground , spreading it as long as it would go. Then he sat down and promptly rolled onto it, sticking his own balled coat under his head and Trowa's coat over him as a blanket.
He actually intended to sleep there.
“I refuse to share a bed with THAT man!” Duo snapped when he saw the confused looks everyone was giving him. As if he'd take any looks from them, of all people. Stupid losers anyway. Just like Heero. Stupid Jock, loser, idiot, prick! URG!!!!!!
After a few moments of silence, Duo shuffled around, sniffled, shuffled again, and bit his lip. Quatre could tell he was fighting off tears.
“He shouldn't have said that about your family.” Wufei said soothingly from his position as far away from the traitor his heart just wouldn't give up on.
Quatre just starred at his shoes. Nothing he could say would be comforting. He didn't even know what was really going on there.
He chanced a glance to Trowa, and felt his insides turn. Trowa looked stricken; his head cradled in his arms which rested on his tucked up knees, curled around himself.
Should he go over and see him? What would he say! Urg! Quatre felt so helpless in this situation!
A few seconds later, Trowa moved from his position and walked up to Duo's prone form.
Crouching to look at him as close to eye level he could get without laying on the floor with him, Trowa took a seat beside Duo and gently moved his bangs away from his red rimmed eyes.
“Duo… I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have… Quatre being here, and I said I'd take care of him, I…” Trowa's head was ducked down low in a gesture of defeat, his shoulders slumped and his voice trembling slightly, “Maybe Heero was right.”
Quatre felt like a baseball nailed him in the gut. `Maybe Heero was right'?, `Maybe Heero was right'! How could Trowa say such a thing!
Wasn't HE the one who told Quatre he could do this. Wasn't he the one who said he was incredible when he set his mind to it!
All his life there was a hundred people saying he couldn't do it. Very seldom was there ever anyone who told him he could. Trowa said he could, and now… and NOW…
Quatre had heard words like that before, and they hurt. But from Trowa, it scalded. It didn't just hurt, it was traitorous!
“I know I can't climb mountains,” Quatre yelled, startling everyone in the cave who hadn't even noticed his presence, let alone his betrayal.
“And I know I can't tell you what Berries to eat, or save people's lives!” he was shaking by now, his absolute rage stopping the tears from falling.
He would not show his friends his tears. He refused to show his underbelly. He refused to be put through this any longer!
“And I can't Splink, or spunt,”
“Spelunk.” Duo filled in, in awe and shock at Quatre's anger.
“WHATEVER! I don't give a fuck! I may not be an expert paddler, or tree hugger. And I may not have any stake whatsoever in this forest. BUT I,” He paused for breath, “I…” He yelled stronger than before.
“I...!” His breath ran ragged. He just couldn't.
With a gut wrenching swallow, he realized he didn't know what to say.
He couldn't DO ANYTHING! He had nothing to say to them all, who had merits filling their trophy cases. He had nothing. NOTHING.
Outrage, self-loathing, embarrassment, and all around anger swelled. He couldn't take it anymore.
He would not let them see him cry!
He turned on his heel, spinning faster than Heero had and stomped out of the light.
Once the dark surrounded him, he let his tears well and fall, cascading down his cheek as he began to run. Run away. Get out. Anywhere where they couldn't see him.
The moonlight silhouetted the mouth of the cave as he neared at breakneck speed, eager to get anywhere he could.
Breaking free, he splashed into the rain-soaked night, the trees ricocheting past his vision in streaks as he ran deeper and deeper. His legs pained and the ground slid and slicked under his feet, but he still ran. Just letting everything he had been bottling up come out through his pounding legs, pumping arms, and swelling, sobbing tears.
Eventually, he found a clearing, a thick fallen tree overlooking at the perfect height to see the splendor of the forest. And he fell onto it, gripping the slick sides, his body soaked to the bone. And he just clutched the branch and let the last of the torrent pass. Making his way to sit on it and just stare blankly, letting his mind be free of everything for a few blessed minutes of peace.