Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will We Be Together? ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Will We Be Together? (6/?)
Author: Sailor Bluestar
Pairs: 1x2/2x1, 3x4 mentioned
Category: Romance, sap, yaoi
Notes: PG13 Sorry, not brave enough to get into a
lemon, yet. ^_^ Oh the possibilities. I'll try to
finish this baby asap. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the
characters...though, if they'd let me, I want to keep
Duo and Heero...

[3 days left]

"Operation Get-Together?" Trowa suggests.

"Operation Get-Together." Quatre agrees with Wufei
muttering darkly under his breath.

"Why can't we just get Heero to tell Duo his feelings?
It would save us a great deal of work." Wufei

"Nothing in life is ever easy. Besides, do you really
believe that Heero would go and confess to Duo his
feelings for him when he doesn't even know what he
feels?" Quatre asks.

"Point taken 04." Wufei replies.

"Arigatou 05." Quatre answers happily.

"I take it you like playing matchmaker 04?" Wufei
growls out.

"What gave it away?" Quatre asks, batting his eyes at

"Control your lover 03. We have a mission to
complete." Wufei says, getting on his gear.

"Ryoukai." Trowa says, hugging Quatre from behind.

Wufei rolls his eyes at the couple. He stalks out the
door for his part of the mission, leaving Trowa and
Quatre to take up their end of the deal.

[Sanc Kingdom, Earth]

Heero stares at his computer. And stares. And stares
some more.

'Masaka. Wufei tells me that Duo may have amnesia?
There is no way that it can be possible. How could
that explain why I couldn't track him down?' Heero
asks himself.

'Maybe you weren't looking hard enough.' a small voice
within his mind replies curtly.

'Hn. That braided baka? How could he has escaped my
knowledge like that? He can't be THAT elusive. Can
he?' he asks himself.

'Only the most foolish would not search Colony L2 for
him. You are a fool.' the voice states. 'Besides,
there is a reason why Wufei sent you that message.
Perhaps he's nudging at you to go and make Duo see
that you care for him.'

'I do not! A perfect soldier does not need emotions.'
Heero argues.

'Then, you are the perfect fool to believe that you
don't deserve a little happiness AFTER the war. Lets
face it, the war is OVER. It's peacetime! Bring Duo
to the celebration and show him your love.' the voice

'Love? Is that what I feel for him?' Heero asks.

'Hai. You've known it for a long time during the war,
but you hid it well, even from yourself. Welcome to
the life after the war where everything you've ever
wanted during the war, you can have.' the voice
informs him.

'Who are you?' Heero asks the vioce.

'Your voice of reason no da!' the voice replies

[Back on L2]

Duo is humming a merry little tune, doing a little
off-hour paperwork, when a knock comes at his
apartment door. He walks over to the door and opens
it. Duo blinks.

"Um. Hi." Duo says, shocked. "What are you doing
