Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Always Be My Baby? (Part One of the Family Sagas) ❯ Part One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I wish these characters were mine, but alas they are not. They belong to someone else. So don't sue me.

Will You Always Be My Baby?

April A.C 199

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Duo yelled as he slammed his hands against the wall. He pinned a glare that would rival Heero's at the other four former Gundam pilots.

"We already told you, we can't find her," said Heero as he watched his friend pace the length of the Relena's drawing room. He prayed that Duo would never find out what they had done.

"Your onna is gone Maxwell. She doesn't want to be found," said Wufei as he idly toyed with a dagger.

Duo turned and looked at them. He raked his hand through his chestnut bangs and tossed his usual braid over his shoulder. He and Hilde had, had a fight almost two weeks ago and she had promptly thrown him out of the house. He had walked the streets of city well into the wee hours of the morning. He had gone back to the house in a calmer frame of mind to find her gone. And he had searched of her everywhere. She had disappeared without a trace. And if the others knew, they weren't telling him. "Do any of you know where she went?" He looked at their faces. Wufei, Heero, and Trowa were completely expressionless and shook their heads. But Quatre shifted slightly and looked away. He impaled Quatre with his eyes. "Do you know where Hilde is?"

Quatre swallowed. He knew. The others knew as well and Heero was sending him a look telling him not to open his mouth. He hated being put on the spot like this. And he wasn't sure whom he feared more at the moment, Duo or Heero. He ran his finger under the collar of his white shirt. "I…She…Yes…I know. But I can't tell you," he said miserably.

Duo was surprised. Quatre knew, but wasn't going to tell him. "Do you all know?" he said in a low angry voice.

"Yes, we do. But we aren't going to tell you. All we can tell you is that she is safe where she is," said Heero in a low voice.

"Well isn't that just great! Not only did my girlfriend leave me without a trace, but also my friends know where she is and they won't tell me. What the fuck is going on? Do you guys know why she left me? I want to know, dammit!" Duo yelled at the top of his lungs and slammed his hands on the marble mantelpiece.

"I can't believe we promised the onna, not tot say anything. Crazy baka onna. What is the world coming to when women don't know their place?" muttered Wufei as he flopped onto the couch.

"We promised her because we're her friends Wufei," said Trowa quietly.

"We can't tell you Duo. You should remember why you two had a fight in the first place and maybe then you will figure out why she left," Heero snapped.

Duo raked his hands through his hair again, thinking of the fight he and Hilde had.

"I'm sick and tired of waiting Duo. Why can't you accept responsibility?" Hilde yelled.

"I'm nineteen years old Hilde, I'm not ready for that yet!" he yelled back.

"At the rate that you're going you will never be ready! We have been together for almost three years. I want something a little more!"

"I told you Hilde, I am not ready to get married yet!"

"Duo I love you, but I cannot wait around for the rest of my life for you to get ready to be married! I want a ring on my finger! I want to have a family!"

"Isn't the way we are enough for you? We are happy the way that we are! Why do you want to change all of that?"

"You're deluding yourself! I'm not happy with the way we are! I don't want to wake up the next morning and find you gone because you got tired of this arrangement!"

"You honestly think I would do that! I wouldn't betray you ever!"

"Well I can't help but think that! I want something more permanent. I want stability. I want marriage!"

"Stop pushing Hilde!"

"I'm not pushing! I just want you to see that the time is right for us to go onto the next stage of our relationship!"

"I told you Hilde, I'm not ready! I don't want to settle down yet!"

Then she had burst into tears. "Get out!"

"Hilde come on."

"I said get the hell out!"

She had pushed him out the door and locked it. He could hear her crying on the other side.

Duo hung his head in defeat. "She left me because I wouldn't marry her. And because of that I've lost her."

"You should have seen this coming Duo," commented Heero.

"Don't you love her enough to marry her?" asked Quatre softly.

Duo's head snapped up at the mild rebuke he heard in Quatre's voice. "Yes. I love her. I don't know a time in which I didn't love her. First as a best friend and then as a girlfriend, and then as a lover. But marriage…"

"It's the next level Duo. You just have to allow yourself to see that. Would you marry her?" asked Trowa.

Duo sighed resignedly. "I suppose I would have, eventually."

"Eventually wasn't good enough Maxwell. A woman will only wait around for so long. She wants more and you weren't willing to give more. So she left you. She can't wait forever," Wufei commented.

Duo sighed. "I…God I don't know what to do?"

"Learn from your mistake. That is all you can do because we aren't going to tell you where she is. And don't grill the women about it either. They won't tell you anything," advised Heero.

"I love her. I do love her. I won't give up on her. I will find her if it is that last thing I ever do," Duo said. And with that turned and left the room. A few minutes later they heard the front door close.

Quatre let out his breath. "I hated lying to him like that."

"Can someone tell me why we just didn't tell the baka where his onna is, so that he doesn't do anything stupid! The injustice of it all! And that baka onna running off in her condition!" Wufei said irately.

"We promised we wouldn't tell. And we aren't going to. I agree that it was foolish of her to run off in the state she was in. But we can't tell him," said Heero. "It was bad enough that Quatre opened his mouth."

"Well what the hell was I supposed to do!" Quatre snapped defensively. "It was either get killed by him for not telling, or get killed by Heero for telling. And frankly, I would rather not get killed by someone going by the nickname the God of Death. And besides she is his girlfriend!"

Trowa raked his hands through his russet hair. "We have divided loyalties. We are damned if we do and damned if we don't."

"But with her condition, it would have been better if we had said something. I just don't like the fact of Hilde going off alone like that," Quatre sighed as he dropped onto the couch.

"But she is with someone you trust. I mean your cousin Eric, will take care of her?" asked Heero.

"Yeah, he'll take care of her. He will make sure that she will get everything that she needs," replied Quatre. "But I just don't like doing this. I feel really bad for not telling him."

"Don't worry about that Quatre. We all feel bad for doing this to him, but Duo needs to learn responsibility. And he is going to have to learn it the hard way," Heero pointed out. "So until he learns it, we can't say anything whatsoever. And if they do, they won't like the consequences."

"I still think this is a big mistake," Wufei said. "How is Maxwell going to learn responsibility when he doesn't even know that she is expecting? If you ask me it is irresponsibility on her part as well."

"We can't interfere any more then we already have. It's bad enough that we all helped her in the first place and the fact that none of us can tell without being bitched at by Relena, Sally, Catherine, and Middi. I just hope this doesn't last for along time," Heero replied.

"One can only hope," mumbled Wufei.

They all looked at each other and hoped that they were all doing the right thing.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Hilde settled comfortably into her bed in her new home. But she was troubled. She loved him. Even after all that had been said. It still felt odd getting into bed alone without having his strong arms wrapped around her. But she did what she had to do. She felt a little guilty for bringing the others in, but she didn't have much of a choice. "Oh Duo. I didn't really want to do this, but you gave me no choice. How can I be with you when you don't want to get married? I love you, but I won't wait around for something that is never going to happen." She sighed again and pulled the crisp white sheets higher around her shoulders. She could see the New York City skyline through the open terrace doors at the penthouse of Eric Winner, Quatre's cousin. She slid her hand down over her still flat stomach and smiled slightly. "Don't worry, you will be well taken care of." She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Duo walked into the house that he had shared with Hilde. It was hard to come home to an empty house. He missed seeing her standing in the kitchen making dinner for him. He missed having her giving him a good morning kiss. He missed having her warm soft body pressed up against his when they slept. And he especially missed hearing her say 'I love you.' It wasn't that he didn't want to marry her, he just didn't think he was ready for that type of responsibility yet. He loved her with everything that he was. He went into the bedroom and dropped down onto the bed. "Hilde, Hilde, where did you go? I know I was being a jerk about the whole thing, but there has to be more then what we argued about to make you leave me." He sat up and stripped off his jacket and his shirt and tossed them to the floor. He grinned when he thought of the way she would nag him about dropping clothes on the floor and not picking them up. She would always stand on the bed so she could look down on him since she was only a little taller then five and a half feet and he was several inches above six feet. Then she would nag him and he would promptly push her down on the bed because she weighed almost absolutely nothing and cover her body with his. It would make her mad as a hornet when he did that and he would just kiss her to shut her up and usually they would end up making love. He pulled down a pillow and covered his face with it and inhaled. He could still smell the scent of French vanilla. It was a scent that he still associated with her and would always associate it with her. "Hilde, where are you?" he whispered in a broken voice as the evening shadows began to shroud the room.