Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Always Be My Baby? (Part One of the Family Sagas) ❯ Part Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Damn. I don't own them!

Will You Always Be My Baby?, Part 4

Hilde looked over her shoulder at Christopher sitting in the high chair as she baked a cake. He was turning one year today. She didn't forget who else's birthday it was. She smiled when her son gave her silly smile. She put the bowl of chocolate icing in the fridge and went over to him "How is mommy's little devil?" she asked as she knelt down in front of him.

Christopher gurgled happily at her and raised his hands in the air, wiggling his fingers. He brought them down onto the high chair's table.

She laughed and gave him a smacking kiss on the cheek. "I see that you're happy. Mommy's little boy is turning one today," she said. She looked at him and thought of Duo. How could she not? He had Duo's eyes, his chestnut hair, and that devilish personality. "I wonder what your aunts and uncles will be bringing you?" she mused as she thought of Heero and Relena, Sally and Wufei, Trowa and Middi, and Quatre and Catherine. She knew that they all couldn't come so as not to raise Duo's suspicion. But she was glad that they tried to be there for her as much as possible.

"Hey, that smells good," said Eric as he came in to the kitchen and pulled out a chair.

Hilde looked up at him. "It's Chris's cake. It should be ready soon," she said as she went over to the stove a looked though the window. She stood up straight and pushed back a few ebony locks of hair that framed her face. "So, what time do you think that they will arrive?" she asked.

"They should be here around five thirty, six o'clock," Eric replied as he ruffled Chris's hair affectionately. He adored the little boy. He treated Chris like his own. He looked up at Hilde. She was gazing at her son lovingly. But there was sadness there. He knew it was for Duo. She loved him, but was too stubborn to go back to him and she didn't want him to know about Christopher yet. He had talked to his cousin several times, saying that this wasn't getting any better. It was getting worse. And according to Quatre, Duo was just as bad off as Hilde was.

Hilde looked at her son. "Duo you would be so proud to have a son like him. He looks like you more and more each day. I can imagine that he will look like you when he grows up. He'll be a real heartbreaker like you." She looked at Eric. He was looking at her. "What?"

"You have that look again," he said as he stood and walked over to her.

"What look?" Hilde asked, feigning ignorance.

"That sappy look which tells me that you're thinking about that handsome man you walked out on," Eric replied sternly.

"I'm not," she said, flushing.

"That's bull and you know it. You know the longer you put this off the harder it's going to be," he said as he put his hands on her shoulders. "You're just being stubborn now."

"Don't you think I know that!" Hilde hissed at him as she looked up into his face. "But I won't go back on what I've said. He can't know about Chris. And if he still wants to marry me, I don't want it to be because I'm the mother of his son!"

"You really think he would do that? Baby, the man was smitten with you and still is according to Quatre. I don't think he would care about anything else as long as he had you!" Eric stated.

Hilde turned away. Part of her wanted to believe it. Part of her wanted to go back to him so bad, but her pride prevented her from going back. She knew it would be worse the longer she waited. She knew he would loose his temper. She wasn't afraid of it. He would rant and rave for a few hours, and then usually take a long walk to cool off. "I know that. But it still won't change my mind. I just…I don't know anymore. It will be too hard for him. How can I expect him to commit to being a father if he didn't want to marry me," she said softly.

"You know he might have changed. I mean you've been away from him for more then a year and a half," Eric said as he lifted her chin to look at him. "Now come on. This is a happy day. It's your son's birthday."

She sighed. "That's right, its Chris's birthday," she said as a smile gradually returned to her face. "And I still have a lot of things to do before his party." She went over to Chris and picked him up out of his high chair. "And while I'm busy, you can take him for a walk in the park," she said as she handed Chris to Eric.

Eric took the little boy from her and put him on the floor. Chris stood and looked up at him. "Come on sport, your mom wants to get things ready for the party tonight. We can go to the park and look at the birds," he said as he took his hand and left the kitchen.

Hilde looked after them with a smile. She went back to the stove when the buzzer sounded. She opened it up and took out the vanilla cake. She set it down on the island and went to get the icing out of the fridge. She set the bowl down and looked at the icing. Chocolate icing had always been Duo's favorite. She remembered letting him lick the bowl afterwards because he wouldn't leave her alone unless she did. A slight smile curved her lips as she thought of that bittersweet memory. "I wish you a happy birthday too Duo," she whispered to the silent kitchen as she began to ice the cooling cake.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Relena finished packing the gifts that she had bought for Christopher. Heero was tending to their four-month-old daughter, Victoria. "Heero, are you all done packing?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder at her husband.

Heero looked over his shoulder. She was standing there with her hand on her hip, tapping her foot, waiting for an answer. He couldn't help the smile that crossed his face. "Yes, I'm done. I also packed for Victoria, so you're the only one that's left."

Relena snorted. "Well running back and forth packing my clothes, taking care of the baby, and all the paper work that I had to do before I left on this trip kind of held me up," she said with some exasperation. She raked her hands through her hair. "And I also had to think up a lie to tell Duo, where you and I will be."

Heero arched his brow a little and picked up Victoria from the floor where they were laying. He went over to his wife and gave her a soft kiss. "This is getting to you, isn't it?" he asked as he held his daughter on his hip.

"Gee can you tell?" she said sarcastically. "I'm not the only one lying here. Each and every one of us is lying and you know it. You guys just elected me to tell him these things because I'm a woman and because he won't hesitate in killing the four of you if you were the one's to tell him."

"That's true," he admitted. "But she didn't want us to tell either. I know it's hard looking into his eyes and lying. I don't like it anymore then you do. None of us do."

"Quatre and Catherine are coming this time too. It's his birthday too," Relena said softly as she looked away.

"Hey, I know that. But Sally and Wufei, Trowa and Middi will be here for him," Heero said as he lifted her chin to look at him. "Now, come on. The plane will leave in three hours and we have to get to the airport

Relena smiled a little. "At least we can have something for him when we get back."

"That's better," he said as he pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Hurry and finish packing. I'll take Victoria downstairs. Our bags are already down there." He gave his wife a kiss on the lips and left the room.

Relena sighed. "Great. Now I have to think of what I'm going to tell Duo. I hate this," she muttered as she began to pack her bags.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

An hour later, everyone was assembled downstairs, saying good bye. Sally hoisted her seven month old daughter, Leigh on her other hip. "Well I hope you guys have a good trip," she said as she spared Duo a glance. He was giving Victoria a hug. She looked back at Relena. "So what did you tell him?" she whispered.

"I told him that I had to attend an important meeting in the States. What else could I tell him" she whispered back. She had remembered telling him when he had arrived. She could see some skepticism reflected in his eyes. "But I'm not one hundred percent sure he believed me. He knows that we're lying to him about certain things."

Duo looked over at Relena and Sally whispering. Something was up. He knew it. There was more to this trip then Heero and Relena were letting on. Catherine and Quatre were the same way. He had the sneaky suspicion that they were going to see Hilde. But he wasn't going let it go on anymore. He was determined to follow them to New York, where Catherine had said they were going to visit Quatre's cousin.

Heero watched Duo. He knew that Duo wasn't stupid. He was starting to catch on and he knew the longer this whole thing went on, well let's just say he didn't want to think of the consequences. "Relena, its time for us to go," he called over to his wife.

"All right," Relena replied as she gave Sally a hug. "Try to keep Duo occupied," she whispered.

"Count on it. Middi and I will make sure that he's busy," Sally said softly.

Relena nodded as she went over to where Heero, Catherine, and Quatre were standing. "We'll see you guys in three days," she said as she picked up her black leather purse.

"You guys have a nice time. I hope your meeting goes well," said Middi as she and the others followed them outside to where the limousine was waiting. She cast a glance over at Duo. "Don't worry about a thing."

Trowa and Wufei watched Duo as he said good bye.

"Have a safe trip good looking," Duo said as he gave Relena a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry we hope we will," Relena said as she gave him a half smile. She climbed into the car and let out her breath as the door finally closed. She leaned her head back against the seat. "That was hard."

"I know. Every time he looks at me, I feel guilty," said Quatre as he put his arm around his wife.

"Well let's just hope this thing ends soon," Catherine commented. "Its so hard to lie to him when you know where Hilde is and when you know he has a son that he doesn't know about."

"She's just being stubborn now. Her pride is preventing her from going back to him," said Heero as he handed Victoria over to Relena.

The car rolled down the drive and made the short trip to the small airport. They were taking the Concorde that Quatre just happened to own to New York. It would be a short flight.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Duo watched them leave before turning on his heel and walking towards his SUV parked in the driveway. "Well I'll be heading home. I need to get some paper work done," he said as he climbed in.

"Do you want us to stop by later?" asked Sally as she leaned in the open window.

"Nah, I'll be all right. Don't worry about it being my birthday. I much rather have a party with all you guys there," he said as he started it up. "I'll see you guys," he said as he slid his sunglasses onto his face and drove down the drive. He watched them in the review mirror. "I'm not taking this anymore. I know you guys are staying here to make sure I don't go anywhere because I know that they're going to see Hilde. Well, I'm going after them." He smiled at his own ingenuity and drove towards the airport. As soon as he heard that they were going to New York, he made arrangements of his own. He pulled into the airport parking lot. He saw Quatre's Concorde taking off. "Don't worry guys, I'll be right behind you this time."

Sally and the others stood there for a little bit. "Do you think we should still check in on him?" she asked as she looked over at Trowa and Wufei.

"I think we should," said Wufei. "I wouldn't put anything past him. Maxwell would try anything. Like Heero said, he's starting to catch on."

"I agree. We should follow him now and make sure he goes to where he said he was going," said Trowa as he started to walk over to his convertible.

"You guys really think he's going to do something?" asked Middi as she followed her husband of three months to their car.

"Maxwell was acting strange the entire time he was here. He's up to something," said Wufei as he climbed into Sally's green Chevy Tahoe.

"You guys are being paranoid," Sally said as she followed behind Wufei. She put Leigh in the safety seat in the back and climbed in. "You better be right about this," she said as she looked over at him.

"Onna, have I ever been wrong?" Wufei said as he looked at his wife.

Sally rolled her eyes and didn't reply.

The two cars went down the drive towards the town. Trowa was the first to reach Duo's house. There was no one there. "Damn, he gave us the slip," he muttered.

"Trowa he might be out somewhere," Middi said as she looked over at him.

"Doubtful," Trowa said as he picked up his cell phone and called the airport. His jaw clenched when he heard the information that he asked for. "Looks like Duo made flight plans for the next Concorde that came through there."

Middi's eyes widened. "That's not good."

"No, its not. We have to inform Wufei and Sally because we're going after him," he said as he floored the accelerator and sped down the street.

Wufei listened to what Trowa told him over the phone. "Damn, the baka actually did it," he said to Sally as he turned around and drove back to their home. "We're going to have to go after him. Told you he would."

Sally sighed. "So you were right. But how are we going to catch up with him when he took the next Concorde," she said.

"I don't know, but we're going to have to inform Heero about this," he said. Wufei looked at the road ahead of him. "But that baka is finally showing initiative. I think he's had enough. It's about time he went after that crazy onna of his. Enough is enough."

Sally snorted and brushed her blond hair away from her face. "For once I agree with you."

Wufei looked out of the corner of his eye at his wife and smiled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

Duo sat calmly aboard the Concorde. He tapped his fingers to the music he was listening to through the headphones of his CD player. He looked out of the window to the blue Atlantic below. He smiled. He couldn't help it. Hilde was in New York and he was going to get her back, if he had to fight her every step of the way. He loved her and didn't want to live without her any longer.