Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Always Be My Baby? (Part One of the Family Sagas) ❯ Part Seven ( Epilogue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own them!

Will You Always Be My Baby? Epilogue

November 30, A.C 210

"Christopher Maxwell, don't you dare loosen that tie after I just fixed it," Hilde warned her eleven year old son.

"Yes mom," Chris pouted as he sat down in the chair and crossed his arms.

"That's your influence," Hilde scolded Duo as she continued to straighten the tie on their nine year old son, Jonathon.

"Who? Me?" asked Duo as he looked over his shoulder at his wife. He gave her a wide smile.

"Daddy, did you make mommy mad?" asked their six-year-old daughter, Miranda as she looked up at him from the chair.

"No, princess. Mom is just being mom," Duo replied as he smoothed his daughter's raven locks.

"I heard that," said Hilde as she checked their eight-year-old son, David's, jacket. When she didn't find anything amiss. "Why is it that I never find anything out of place with you?"

"I don't know, luck?" said David as he shrugged.

"Goody two shoes," Chris said under his breath. He was his father's mirror image, down to the chestnut braid and the devil may care personality.

"Now let's see what you all look like," said Hilde as she took a step back and observed their four children. Jonathon and Chris looked like Duo. While David had the same hair color, but the eyes belonged to her. And Miranda was her image, except for those intense cobalt eyes.

Duo gazed at his wife. She looked at beautiful as the day he married her, ten years ago. She was wearing a black sweater dress almost like the one she had when they first got married. She still looked like a knockout in it. He grinned and looked at his four kids. "Well don't you think we should get this over with. The kids look like they want to bolt."

"So did you when I reminded you this morning," Hilde said as she came over to him and straightened his tie as well. "You're just as bad as the kids are some days. I'm not taking care of four kids, I'm taking care of five."

Duo snorted at her jibe. He heard his children snicker behind him. "You don't seem to mind," he said as he looked down at her. Her hair was curled softly about her shoulders. He could smell French vanilla.

"I'm used to it, that's why," she murmured as she glanced up at him through her lashes. He was still as handsome as the day she met him and so in love with him since he looked at her over the rims of his sunglasses.

"Mrs. Maxwell, we're ready to take the photographs now," said the photographer as he poked his head out of a room.

Hilde looked over her shoulder at the man. "Thank you," she replied. She cast a look at her children. "Go on in and get your pictures done. And behave," she warned.

"Yes, mom," they all replied in unison as they went into the room.

She looked over her shoulder at them. "We can't leave them alone in there for too long," she said as she smoothed some wrinkles out of his black suit jacket. "They'll drive the poor man insane."

"I suppose you're right," Duo replied. "We've raised a bunch of little hellions," he said proudly.

Hilde rolled her eyes. "That's not something to be proud of baka," she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Now let's go in."

He watched her walk away from him. He couldn't stop his eyes from wandering over her soft curves in that slim fitting dress. He caught up with her and pulled her against him. "I like that dress," he said against her ear.

"Duo! Someone might see you," Hilde said a little weakly as she felt his lips glance her ear.

"Too bad! Watching you in that dress is driving me crazy!" said Duo as he nipped her ear. "So why don't we ditch the kids with Heero and Relena, so I can take you home and find a new way to get that dress off of you," he said huskily.

Hilde felt her cheeks flare. The idea did have certain appeal. "Well if you can behave yourself for the next forty five minutes, I might consider it. And no hanky panky! I don't want to be blushing the entire time," she said sternly as she looked over her shoulder at him. She could see that naughty smile on his face and that conquering look in his eyes. "Remember, you have to behave if you want to get any." She pulled away from him only to feel his hand slid over her hip and give her backside squeeze. "Duo!" she hissed as she looked at him over her shoulder. He gave her an innocent look.

"What did dad do this time?" Chris smirked as he looked at the expression of his parents as they walked into the room.

Hilde looked back at Chris. "Nothing. Your father is being crass," she replied.

"Just in time for your picture to be taken mommy," said Miranda as she skipped over to her mother.

"Were you good?" she asked her daughter

A smile worthy of the daughter of the God of Death crossed her angelic face. "Yes."

Hilde rolled her eyes. Her little girl was as bad as the boys were sometimes. She went over to where the photographer wanted her and Duo to stand. She felt Duo's arms slip about her waist and she settled against him comfortably.

Duo closed his eyes briefly as he thought of the woman he held in his arms. She was his whole life. She was his everything. He opened his eyes again and they fell on the diamond anniversary band he had presented to her that morning. Ten years was a long time and he loved her more each day. "I love you," he whispered.

She smiled. "I love you too."

The photos were quickly done and soon they were soon piling into Hilde's silver SUV. Duo pulled her against him. "Do I get my reward for being good?" he asked in a low voice.

"How fast can you drive?" Hilde replied playfully as she climbed into the passenger's side. She could see the look of utter delight in his eyes.

Duo never drove so fast in his life. He kept on glancing at Hilde, who smirked at him the entire time he drove to Relena's and Heero's. He pulled to a sharp stop in the driveway. He looked over his shoulder at his kids who were sitting it the back. "Time to visit Aunt Relena and Uncle Heero for a little bit."

Chris and Jonathon rolled their eyes. "You just want mom all to yourself," Chris said as he climbed out.

"Look after your siblings and try not to tease Victoria, Chris," said Hilde as she looked at her son.

"Yes, mom," he said, but a dangerous glint in his eyes appeared at the mention of Victoria.

"She might beat you up this time," David said with a smile.

Miranda giggled at her older brother's indigent expression.

"I've raised a bunch of little gods and goddesses of Death," Hilde moaned as she saw the look that entered her children's eyes.

"All right, have fun. Heed your godparents," he said as he jerked the SUV into reverse.

Hilde couldn't help but laugh at his eagerness to get home. They got their house that sat along the cliffs in record time. Her feet never hit the ground for Duo, scooped her up in his arms and rushed into the house. "Can't wait, can you?" she laughed.

"Nope," was all Duo said as he pinned her beneath him on the couch and covered her mouth with his.

An hour later, sated for the moment, Hilde and Duo lay in a tangle on the living room couch. "You couldn't wait long enough to do this in our bed," she said as she propped her head up on his chest.

"It's much more fun when we do it any where in the house," Duo replied as his hand rubbed up and down her back. "But I didn't hear you complaining," he said as he looked down at her.

"Duo, every time with you is fun. And because I love you so much!" she said as she leaned up and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"I love you too babe. More then ever. Happy anniversary," he said as he returned her soft kiss.

"Happy anniversary too," Hilde said as she cuddled against him.

"Now, how about the kitchen," Duo said as his smile became downright wicked.

"Where ever you want," Hilde replied as she found herself in his arms again, heading to the kitchen. Her laughter rang throughout the house. There was no place she would rather be. For she would always be his baby, no matter what.

The End

Author's Note: Finally done at last! But don't worry Duo and Hilde fans, it won't be the last time I write about them!