Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Willing Slave II -- Corazon ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part 3

The sword hit the throne so hard it embedded in the wood. The other three also hit the throne, carving deep notches in the designs, and the soldiers each put their foot on the throne, trying to jerk their blades out. Behind them, Noin whirled her sword and in one stroke severed all of their heads, watching them bounce along the floor like children's balls.

She kicked their bodies out of the way, ignoring the blood dripping from her boots and clothes, until she could see the slaves laying beside the thrones. "Oh my God..."

Blood dripped from her fingers to her elbows as she knelt and bent forward, reaching for their still bodies.


Across the room, Wufei deflected a jet of blue flame erupting out of Barton's hands. He backed up a step and deflected another jet, then backed up again. That last spell had taken too much time and now he could only duck and dodge Barton's attacks. Every few seconds he could manage a glimpse at the battle, at Zechs, Noin, the kings, but never spotting Nataku.

"Lost your little dragon?" Barton asked, firing another blast of flame. "Nothing comes in this palace now without my permission."

"Except the queen's bodyguard?" Wufei said. He dodged the fire and backed towards the tables.

"Best to get rid of the last witness, don't you agree?" Barton stood and held his hands a few inches apart, gathering a violet flame that roiled into a ball. "I know better than to try to outlast you. I've seen your work before, during the war."

Wufei backed against a table and snuck his hand towards the wineglasses.

"I want to offer you a deal," Barton said. "I need a sorcerer as powerful as myself. I could use your abilities."

"And throw me out once you've finished?" He found an open bottle and grabbed it, hefting it so he could feel how much wine was left.

"Better to throw your lot in with the winners, boy." Barton raised his hands. "What do you say?"

"I'd sooner trust a viper."

"A pity." The flame in his hand burned bright enough to blind, and he flung it down towards Wufei's face.

Wufei flung the glass as hard as he could and dove under the table. The bottle shattered on the spell, bursting into tiny shards that exploded at Barton. The wine caught on fire and sprayed into Barton's face.

His scream went unheard in the shouts and yells in the room, but Wufei could see the sorcerer fall to his knees, his face in his hands. Blood oozed through his fingers.

With Barton down, Wufei turned his attention to the battle. Several bodies littered the floor, mostly Barton's soldiers but also a few of Trowa's. Dorothy and Zechs fought back to back, Rashid smashed one man's head into a pulp, and Heero and Trowa moved along the tabletops, taking off enemy heads from above. Wufei heard their boots splashing in puddles, and he noticed that pools of blood covered the floor, spreading out from under the table.

Most of the soldiers are dead now, he thought. He knelt and used the blood to write a set of symbols on a clean patch of stone. With so much energy pouring out of the bodies around him, the script glowed as soon as his bloody fingertips moved, dripping, to the next character.

Soon he finished, a complete circle of script that didn't begin or end, an ouroborous of magick. He scooped a handful of blood and splashed it into the circle. It pooled, glowed brighter than fire, and exploded onto the walls, patches of orange and red. Cracks formed on the black windows.

"Oh no, not so easily."

Wufei turned, but not fast enough. Barton's tackle caught him from the side, sending them both to the ground. His fingertips felt like claws.

"Get off me!" Wufei felt his cheek pressed into a deep pool of blood, and he grabbed a handful and flung it into Barton's face. It shimmered and burst into flames, but the more it burned, the tighter Barton clung.

"You want to make it light?" he hissed. "The brighter the light, the darker the shadow."

Shadows slid off the palace like a snake shedding its skin, but instead of dissipating, they curled around Wufei and Barton until they looked more like a black lump. Wufei shivered in a darkness that felt like a solid block of ice.

A moment later, blue firelight replaced the darkness, but he no longer heard the fight in Trowa's banquet hall. Only Barton's laughter and the pain of being surrounded by iron.


Light poured into the banquet hall, blinding anyone facing a window. The sunset glowed red in their eyes and made them stumble backwards, most of them onto sword points. The last of Barton's soldiers were cut down and kicked out of the way as men dropped their swords and knelt beside the bodies chained to their seats.

Once sure every enemy lay dead, Trowa sighed and stabbed his dagger into the table, resting on the hilt. "Of ours?" he asked.

"Ambassador Darlian, General Noventa, Sylvia Noventa." Kurtz stood up and glanced at the ring of men in the corner. "And General Venteii will be joining them." He gazed at the rest of the living, generals and ambassadors turned back into soldiers for long minutes, a few now kneeling beside their dead companions. "Killing little ones who can't's strictly against the law of war."

For a moment, Trowa couldn't take his gaze from his hardened generals, men who had taken hundreds of lives, sent men and boys into harm's way, now mourning a dead boy, a dead girl, still covered in veils. He couldn't bring himself to look towards his blood-spattered throne.

"All of them?" he whispered. He felt someone's hand on his arm and he looked into Heero's eyes. "All?"

"No." Heero motioned at Noin. "Wufei managed a spell before..."

He didn't hear the rest. He rushed around the table, knocking a few Maganacs aside, and stopped at Noin's side. She heard him splashing through the puddles and turned.

In her bloodied hands sat two kittens, one yellow, one brown.

Afraid he might break one, Trowa took the yellow one and looked into its eyes. He blinked. They weren't slitted cat eyes but round human eyes, sky blue and clear. Beside him, Heero took his own kitten and held him close, stroking the furry back to relieve his own trembling.

"I almost lost you," Trowa whispered.

Quatre mewed and snuggled into his clothes.

"If Wufei had been any slower..." Noin said. "They were right on them."

"Where is Wufei?" Trowa asked. "I lost track of him in the fight."

"Strange," Heero said. "I don't see him."

"Barton took him." Zechs came up behind his wife, wiping the blood from his sword. "I saw Wufei bring the old man to his knees and then turn his back to dismantle Barton's spell. That's when Barton tackled him. Then the light came in and when I looked back, they were gone."

"Shit." Heero hugged Duo close and looked at his brother. "When can we--"

"Already ahead of you," Trowa said. "Rashid, gather your men. Take whatever troops you want and surround Barton's citadel. I'm sure my brother's army will be right behind you."

"Yes," Heero said. "But first...Zechs. Someone needs to tell Treize."

The captain opened his mouth slightly, then closed it and nodded. "Yes sir."

As Zechs left, they heard a faint moan from beneath the table. Noin drew her sword but let Kurtz go first, kneeling under the table and looking around.

"It's Noventa's slave," Kurtz said. He pulled the key from the dead man's belt and unchained her wrists. She moaned again and turned away. "Come on, little one. Open your eyes."

The other masters didn't look, holding their own little ones and wondering why the dead master's slave had lived. Free to move again, Chrismarlie turned and looked at her master, splayed back in his chair with blood soaking his front. She backed into Kurtz's arms and closed her eyes.

"Sylvia's dead," Kurtz said. "There's only Noventa's wife left."

"She'll want his slave buried with him," Trowa said.

Chrismarlie moaned and started to cry.

"Tell her the slave died." Heero sheathed his sword and stroked Duo's head. "Killing her'd be a waste. The servants always need another hand."

"Kurtz," Trowa said, "could you use a servant?"

"As a go-for, yes." Kurtz put one arm around her shoulders. "My lord?"

"She's yours. Stay here and defend the palace." He looked at his brother. "We should get moving."

"Your generals here," Heero said. "Will they fight or are they going to mourn all night?"

Trowa didn't say anything but left Quatre with Noin and walked towards the tables. "I am going to destroy Barton tonight," he said in a loud voice. Everyone looked at him, most with tears still in their eyes. "Will you come with me and help kill him and his own, or will you stay here and hold their bodies?"

After a few seconds one general let his slave slip out of his hands and stood up. He took the girl's necklace and put it in a pouch under his shirt. Without looking at Trowa, he nodded. Around him, other men stood, a handful taking a memento or remembrance, a ring, bracelet, veil. Most simply drew their hands over their slaves' faces, closing their eyes, and stood.

Trowa nodded. "Let's go."


The soldiers were already mounted and following Rashid's army out when Zechs caught up to his commander. Nataku sat on Treize's shoulder, tail curled around his throat. Her claws flexed in and out, as if she couldn't keep still. Treize looked up, expecting Wufei, and his expression tightened when he only saw his first.

Zechs leaned close and whispered in his ear, looking around to make sure no others heard.

Treize stared at him for a moment, his mouth working but no sound coming out. He looked away and nodded once. "I understand." He mounted his horse and waited for Zechs to find his own horse.

Neither spoke as they rode into Corazon's streets. Windows wide open were shut or left just a crack wide as people stared out. The clank of hundreds of swords and shields told them what would happen.

Zechs glanced sideways at his commander. "Trowa believes we'll be able to save him."

"Of course we will." Treize took a deep breath. "And then I will complete his training."


"To turn his back on an enemy...amateurish. I always forget how young he is. He hasn't had enough experience to stop such foolish mistakes."

"He's only a few years younger than I am."

"A few years make all the difference. So does combat." He patted Nataku's head and wished he could understand her chirps. "His style is beautiful. He's obviously mastered it, but...I wonder if he only used magick when he traveled here. I wonder if he ever used his skill for actual fighting."

"Martial artistry instead of combat?" Zechs asked.

"Something like that." He shook his head and looked down the road. "Zechs."

"Yes sir?"

"If Wufei does not will have to become Heero's new commander."

Zechs glanced at Treize for a moment. "I understand."


Chrismarlie watched the kings and generals walk out, leaving only herself and the man they called Kurtz. A handful of servants came in and began moving the bodies, making a pile of the dead enemy soldiers and leaving the three nobles dead in a line. Only once those were taken out did they carry the slaves out of the room and out of sight. She started to shiver.

From across the room, Kurtz watched her sit in a bloody chair, her hands clutched in her lap, her fine silks stained. She looked at the tables without looking at them, staring through them as if she saw something underneath. He gave the last order to the servants to scrub the room clean of blood, then moved to stand beside Chrismarlie.

She felt his hand on her shoulder but she didn't look up. She waited for him to gently push her to her feet and guide her out of the room, her slippers leaving a scarlet trail back to his room. He slipped her gauze top off, then the blue undershirt off. She closed her eyes as he unclasped her long skirts and removed them.

"There's a wash basin on the stand. Clean yourself off." He picked her clothes up off the floor and left the room.

Naked and shivering, she obeyed as fast as she could. She rinsed her hair off, watching the water in the basin turn red, then lay down on the bed. The sheets felt soft against her body, but she didn't move to cover herself. She stared at the ceiling and waited for him to come back. The lack of chains on her hands and feet felt strange, but she lay still as if she were attached to the bed.

It's all right, she told herself. Nothing's changed. He just didn't have any chains on him. That's probably where he'd gone. He'd be back in a few minutes with a chain and collar.

The door opened. She closed her eyes and waited. At least he smelled better than Noventa. And he worked in the palace itself. He'd be busy then, maybe too busy to want it every night. And his skin looked smooth, not wrinkled. But then he was younger, maybe rougher--

A bundle landed on her stomach, and she looked down. "Master?"

"I didn't buy you," Kurtz said and turned around. "I received an assistant. Get dressed."

Not sure if she should say anything, she looked over the clothes he'd thrown her. Common linen, white, shapeless. She put on the baggy shirt and pulled on the pants, tightening the drawstring around her waist. Cloth shoes of the same color slid over her feet.

Kurtz glanced over his shoulder. "If you do well, we'll get you clothes more befitting your status. For now, come with me. There's a lot of work to be done."

He walked out and she ran after him before he disappeared. Her shoes slipped a few inches on the stone floors and the linen wasn't tailor made, the seams off-center so the shirt hung lopsided. The wide pants whipped around her ankles. Nothing like her tailored silks and gold jewelry. The poorest peasant wore better.

It was the most comfortable outfit she'd ever worn.


The door opened behind her. Relena opened her eyes but didn't look around. "Who's there?"

"Me," Mariemaia said. She walked by her seat and jumped up on the table again, seating herself to face Relena. "I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

"You wanted to know why you were brought here." Mariemaia smiled. "I want you to give me your kingdom."

For a moment, Relena couldn't breathe. She stared at the child in front of her, smile never fading, legs kicking over the table's edge. " kingdom?"

"Yes, Sank Kingdom. If you give it to me, we can save the expense of going to war, although it wouldn't be much. I don't know how you managed to keep your lands under your rule for so long with no real army." She took off her beret and spun it on her finger. "It'll be better for everyone. You can stay on as an ambassador or something, but I will be the true ruler."

"The victor," Relena whispered.

"Now you see it. With your country and Corazon behind me, I can take Lagrange, and then the rest of the world." A faraway look lit her eyes, and she giggled. "I could even reach the eastern lands. Think of it. Once I've established my rule and everyone bows to me, there will be peace. No war. Everyone will be united under me."

"Why?" Relena looked at her with wide eyes. "You don't need that much power--"

"Of course I do," Mariemaia said, slamming her fist on the table. She frowned and glared at Relena. "Corazon must expand. We need breathing room."

"My people won't just let you take them over."

"And how will they stop me? Your soldiers are the only ones with swords. Your people can't even defend themselves from thieves and bandits, how are they going to stop my army? Commit mass suicide in protest? You've already shown you'd rather surrender than fight to defend yourself. You forget, pacifism only works if everyone's a pacifist, and that can never happen. Unless, of course, we were all united under one tyrant." She blew some dust from her nails. "And I keep all my followers armed. Your country will fall in minutes."

"They..." Relena shook her head. "You're wrong."

"And you're blind." Mariemaia jumped off the table and walked towards the fireplace, warming herself in the blue light. "I told you, no more rude comments. Things are moving quickly now. You'll give me Sank in front of the two kings tonight. And by this time tomorrow I should have two more kingdoms."


"Not with my uncle helping." She looked over her shoulder. "This isn't up to you anyway. You only need to speak a little later tonight."

Relena heard a groan outside her door and turned reflexively, pulling the strap around her neck tight. She coughed and settled back. "Who was--"

"It's no concern of yours," Mariemaia said. "Like I said, things are moving quickly. Please don't struggle. I'd hate for you to come to any harm." She came back around and leaned against the table. " I was'll be useful to keep order, but we'll leave one of our officers behind to keep your priorities straight. Commoner's Ambassador has a nice ring, hm?"

Relena closed her eyes and turned her head.


Someone pulled off his overcoat, and the iron heat on his skin made him dizzy. He groaned again. Hands gripped his arms and pulled him to his knees, yanking him back a few inches against a silver pole. The rush of power mixed with pain left him nauseous and cold. Chains wrapped around his chest and wrists, and he sagged against them, all his effort put into breathing.

"Bring in gold," he heard Barton say, but their voices came from underwater. "Pour it in."

Gold coins fell around his legs, slowly covering them and moving up his thighs. He trembled. His energy slipped out of control and expanded. It spiraled around him, lapping at his skin, and swirled amongst the coins.

Someone unbound his hair and forced him to look up. His eyes widened. He recognized the stubby legs, red hem, rough voice.

"Lao?" he whispered. His head snapped to one side before he realized he'd been struck.

"Master Lao." The old man grabbed Wufei's hair again. "What's wrong with him? His eyes are black."

Barton looked at Wufei's eyes, dilated so he hardly saw any white. "The mix of metals. The silver takes his control, the gold transmits his magick, and the iron box around him contains it."

"It won't hurt him?" Lao's hand dropped to a pouch on his belt. "He's no use to us damaged."

"You'll get your magick," Barton said. "I need him for the next day or week. After that, he's all yours."
Lao considered for a moment, then let go of Wufei. "I'll pay you then."

"Lao?" he whispered again. "Why...exile..."

"Still a mouthy little thing," Lao said. "I'm buying you, Wufei. That's all you'll ever need to know."

Their footsteps sounded thick, as if muffled in cloth, and reverberated through his head until they left. He sagged against the silver and closed his eyes. All his power coursed around him, powerful enough to destroy the citadel but impossible to control. He groaned and tried to look up. Blue flames dotted the wall and flickered in massive blurs, moving so much he felt even more nauseous.

Unclean protection for dying dragons, he thought, and muffled his laugh. Laughing hurt. He wondered what was so serious his master would travel so far to retrieve him, a filthy sorcerer. Dying dragons, was his clan dying? Maybe they were already dead. Travel here took over a year.

"Their own fault," he whispered. They shouldn't have exiled him, not while under constant attack. Might as well have destroyed themselves.

He wondered if Meiran had been buried, then wondered if he'd be buried soon. He shook his head to clear it and only wound up dizzier. "Treize..."

He couldn't feel Nataku anymore.


Barton left Wufei and walked down the dark hallways of his citadel, immediately flanked by Commander Sogran and several of his men.

"Is it working?"

Sogran nodded. "The spell is fully charged. You only need to activate it."

"And my Serpent soldiers?"

"They only await your command." He glanced sideways at Barton. "Do we attack tonight?"

"No," Barton said with a shake of his head. "We destroy them tonight."

Their footsteps echoed through the corridors. One of the doors nearby opened and Mariemaia stepped out. "Uncle? What's happened?"

Barton smiled and knelt before her, adjusting her beret and cape. "Ah, my little victor. Just who I wanted to see. Tonight you shall be with me in the throne room of Corazon."

"And the kingdom will once again belong to the Barton family," she smiled.

"Exactly. Take a squad and escort your guest to the main balcony, but don't take her out just yet. When we have the shield up, lead her out. I'll join you shortly."

Mariemaia nodded, signaled a few men following after her uncle to follow her now, and went back inside. Her uncle's procession turned a corner, their footsteps fading.

"Miss Relena," she said, "it's time."


Safely tucked away in Trowa's chambers, Noin set the kittens on his bed and watched them play together. Quatre lay down and watched his tail flip up and down before Duo pounced on him, rolling him a few times through the plush blanket. Both of them wrestled and nipped to the end of the bed, where Noin caught them and set them in the center again. Duo decided her hand made a better chew toy and wrapped his paws around it, kicking with his hind legs.

The battle would rage without her. She sighed and looked out the window towards the citadel. Blue flame lined the edges of the walls and glowed against the last rays of sunlight. Zechs didn't have his mask anymore, thank God. The blue lights reflecting off the metal would make him the perfect target.

"Why couldn't they trust Kurtz with you two?" she whispered, tugging on Quatre's paws. She was a soldier. She belonged in the fight at her husband's side.

Their remaining gundams, Duo's staff and the kamis and Wufei's staff, stood against the wall. She knew Zechs had his Epyon and Treize the Talgeese, and that the kings had their own weapons. But they stood against a necromancer who now had all of Wufei's power at his disposal.

After one more glance to make sure the kittens weren't about to fall off the bed, she sat on the window ledge and looked out. The torches of the army slowly moved towards the blue lights. In a few minutes, the fate of three kingdoms would be decided.

"Damn," she whispered. "It's not fair. I should be there."

"Well, don't stay on account of us."

She jumped to her feet and drew her sword. Then dropped it. Duo, fully human and fully naked, knelt on the bed. Quatre lay beside him, his hand on his back as he tried to feel where his tail went.

"How the hell--?"

Duo held his hands up. "Don't stab us! It's not our fault. Wufei said we'd change back without him."

For a moment, none of them spoke. Then she grinned and sheathed her sword again. Their armor lay beside their weapons and she tossed them their clothes.

"Get dressed," she said. "And suit up. Don't forget your gundams."

"Where're Trowa an' Heero?" Quatre asked as he pulled on his pants and boots. "Are they all right?"

"They're fine, they're leading the army to Barton's citadel. Hurry up!" She started towards the door, then stopped and dug around under the bed. "I think Dorothy left her flying carpet here."

"Geez, you're eager," Duo said. He put on his shirt and fumbled with the string as he tried to tie it.

"I have to get there before I miss anything," she said. "Found it!" She unfurled the carpet and set it on the floor near the window. "Are you done yet? Hurry up, hurry!"

Quatre grabbed his kamis and sat on the carpet. Noin had to pull Duo complaining from the bed, minus one boot, and pushed his staff into his hand. "All right, let's go!"

The carpet raised a few inches, backed up enough to get a good view of the window, and zoomed through into the air. Noin rode at the front, leaning forward to bring the carpet closer to the ground, while Quatre held onto her waist and looked over her shoulder. The sudden acceleration bucked Duo off and he grabbed onto the tassels on the end, hanging by one hand as they flew through the streets, leaving plumes of dust in their wake.


"I don't like this," Heero said. "It reeks of a trap."

"Like a fly going to a spider's web?" Trowa asked. "Maybe he'll find we break his web instead."

Heero glanced back at Rashid and the army behind him. Zechs and Treize rode not too far behind. "I wish we had Duo and Quatre with us."

"I'd rather have Wufei." Trowa pulled his horse to a stop below the citadel's main entrance, two heavy doors set in black stone. The windows around them were blocked up with thick blue fires. "I wonder what he wanted Wufei for? Your sorcerer wouldn't turn traitor, would he?"

"No," Heero said. "But I think that's more for Treize's affections than any sense of loyalty. If he--"

A hum of energy cut him off. They all looked up and saw a black ball, like a clump of ink, gathering above the citadel. Lightning crackled on its surface, then flashed down in solid lines toward the ground, forming a sparkling net. The ink began to run down, turning into a dark parody of the protective Peace of Millions spell Wufei had used before.

"Shit!" Heero spurred his horse on, determined to beat the darkness to the door, but it ran faster than he could and his horse stopped a few inches from the black bubble. "There's your answer."

Trowa took out a knife and flipped it at the shield. Where the knife struck lightning flashed, incinerating the leather handle and leaving only charred metal. "Damn."

"My lord," Rashid called out. He pointed up to the top of the citadel and they all followed his look. The balcony doorway slowly turned blue as a small group of people appeared. Barton, a small red haired girl, several soldiers and the queen of Sank.

With her hands bound tight, Relena stepped out of the citadel. The moon glowed under a thick blanket of clothes, but blue flames lit the edge of the balcony. The torches of the army below dotted the streets, and she gasped. One spark and they would descend into battle. Barton pushed her forward, making her stumble, but she kept her balance and walked towards the edge. Barton and Mariemaia flanked her, stopping at the center of the balcony.

"Hello, Trowa!" Barton yelled down. "I don't suppose you'll hand over your kingdom peacefully."

"Would you hand over your head?" Feeling his master's agitation, Trowa's horse pawed the ground.

Barton laughed, but his eyes stayed cold. "Perhaps you will once I have the Sank's resources at my control."

"What is he--?" Trowa started, but Heero's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Up there, next to him," Heero said. "It's Relena."

Barton gave his prisoner another push. "Go on, do it."

At his push, the Corazon army unsheathed their swords and stepped as close as they could to the bubble.

"Their little army can't hurt us," Mariemaia whispered. "What a wretched bastard."

"What's the matter?" Relena asked, and tossed her hair back. "Scared?"

The little girl's face twisted into a scowl and she pushed Relena forward. "Now give me Sank in front of the two kings."

With swords pointing at her, Relena stepped to the edge of the balcony and looked over the army gathered beneath her. She spotted Heero, Trowa, her brother, Noin, soldiers surrounding the citadel in every street and rooftop. Peasants gathered on the edges and looked out their windows. One peasant with long blonde hair--Relena breathed deep. Dorothy. She would make her proud.

"Mariemaia has told me," she said, her voice ringing over the army's rumbling until they stopped and hers was the only sound in the street, "that war can only stop when everyone stops fighting, or when nations are united under one tyrant. She told me that could never happen. And I believe she is right."

Dorothy leaned forward, shaking her head slightly. No. Not Relena. Not in such a short amount of time...

Aware of the growing unease and Barton's smug assurance, Relena continued. "Unity under a tyrant is not unity. Peace cannot come if people are forced to be peaceful, if they don't have the freedom to act on their own volition and choose peace. And there are always people who will value death and destruction above life. And so I have hand the kingdom of Sank to Mariemaia Barton."

Behind her, Mariemaia still smiled, but Barton titled his head. Something was off.

"She's up to something." Heero tilted his head. "If she can give me a distraction, I bet I can rip open a hole in that shield."

"Get ready," Trowa whispered to Rashid. "She'll give us our signal to attack."

A sword tip pressed into her back, and Relena stepped as close as she could to the edge of the balcony. All that stood before her and a forty-foot fall was the raised ledge. But they wouldn't kill her, not yet. Of that she was sure. She took a deep breath and continued.

"But pacifism is not the same as inaction," she said, and her voice grew louder with every word until she seemed caught in a trance, her arms raising up to the brightening stars. "The road to peace is itself a struggle, a fight, but a fight that need not be violent. That fight can be one waged with words, one waged with ideas and ideals, not the sword. And all that is required is that we put down our swords."

"Miss Relena," Mariemaia hissed. "What are you doing?"

"Stop her!" Barton told his men. Sogran drew his sword and advanced on her.

His footsteps, heavy and metallic on the stone, told her how close he was, but she closed her eyes and clasped her hands. "She will not take the Sank kingdom. We will fight for peace--"

Five steps away.

"without swords and without death--"

Two steps.

"into future generations, until we realize our ideals--"

Right behind her.


Sogran brought the up, about to strike, aiming at her throat. Dorothy screamed and nearly fell out the window. The Maganacs rushed forward, brought up by the army behind.

"--and our freedom!"

With her eyes clamped shut, Relena stepped into the air.