Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Willing Slave ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part 4

The path through the garden was not so much strewn with rubies as it was made of rubies. Grown from the ground by magic, they provided a streak of red through the jade-colored grass before the path disappeared into the dense tree line. Still sitting by the crystal-clear pond off to the side, Duo and Quatre shared a plate of fruit brought in after their breakfast, talking in quiet voices with the occasional hushed laughter. Until...

"You really can't read?" Quatre gasped.

"Quatre!" Duo looked around to make sure they were alone. "You don't have to go shouting it out!"

"Sorry," Quatre said, placating his friend. "I just...I mean, you belong to a prince. All slaves of royalty are expected to be able to read and write."

Duo groaned and flopped back onto the grass. "I'm kinda new here, remember? Besides, it's not like there are free schools in Lagrange." He shrugged as he stared up at the ceiling. "I'd love to looks like fun."

Quatre chewed his lip as a thought started to grow and take shape. "Um...I could teach you."

"Huh?"Duo sat halfway up and stared at him. "You could do that?"

Quatre nodded, his worry fading away. "Sure, it's easy!"

"But I thought you needed to know magick to know how to read," Duo said.

Quatre laughed and shook his head. "No, no. All you have to do is remember a few symbols."

Not entirely convinced, Duo frowned. "It's easy?"

"Easier than aiming apples at officers," Treize cut in, entering the garden. Rubies crunched beneath his boots. "He'd be a good tutor, Duo."

Startled by the captain's abrupt appearance, Duo just stared at them for a moment before grinning broadly. "Okay, then! Can we start right now?"

"Sure, we can use the sand right here," Quatre nodded, clearing away the little scribbled flowers he'd been doodling at the pond's edge.

"Before you do," Treize said, "have you seen Wufei? I thought he was going to be with you."

"He said he had to work on the garden," Duo said. "Something about the 'special plants'."

"Ah," Treize said with an understanding tone. "I see. Thank you." He left them still sitting in the grass, as Quatre dug his finger around the sand.

"See," the blonde started. "Let's start with the phrase I learned first. ' one...God...and his...prophet'."

"Saracen," Duo smirked. "Okay, but if you make me get on a little rug every day, the deal's off."

Quatre's lips quirked. "From what I've heard of your mass, I thought you Christians liked that sort of thing. Up, down, up, down..."

They stared at each other for a moment, and then they both started to laugh. Duo leaned forward and tried to commit the squiggly marks to memory.


"Wufei?" Treize called out. He could barely hear the pair of slaves laughing in the distance, and the silence around him was unsettling. The garden was beautiful, he had to admit, but for all its plants and blossoms and was unnatural.

For one thing, the tiled roof extended over the garden, giving the garden an eerie echo. The garden was actually the largest room in the palace, if one didn't count the dungeons, and the only difference from the rest of the palace was the soft dirt floor.

The layout of the garden was unique, as well. Despite his exposure to several cultures, or because of it, Wufei had come up with his own design, consisting of natural plants set in a broad circular ring surrounding a large grove of the most interesting plants.

The "natural" plants consisted of the exotic imports from around the world. Only magick could keep them growing in the same climate and soil, and Wufei did an excellent job tending every tree and flower. Apple trees, cherry trees, peach, pear, apricot, and others Treize still couldn't remember the names of, grew together in one huge orchard. Some bloomed while others held fruit, paying no attention to the seasons. Grapes grew year-round, and orange trees straddled the vines, growing in the same dirt but neither plant destroying the other. Servants had to work every day to gather the fruits and prepare them, since they were the only ones the palace inhabitants could eat. Any other plants from the outside could too easily be poisoned or spelled.

Soon Treize came into the inner grove, full of the most amazing plants in the world. Amazing, in that they weren't alive. They were stone, but Wufei still managed to make them grow. With trunks of copper or bronze, the trees had leaves made of jade or emerald, and they were all covered in fruits of varying precious jewels. Pears made out of silver, grapes of pearl and amethyst, apples of rubies and blue berries made of sapphires, and mangoes of gold so that every tree sparkled. On the ground, the flowers were much the same, except that every petal was made of crystals and the centers were diamonds. Even the rocks and pebbles were made out of precious stones.

"Wufei?" Treize called out. "Are you in here?"

As he walked further in, he noticed a small plate of fruit laying on the ground. He smiled, Wufei must be nearby if this was here, and took a slice of the assorted apple and oranges pieces. "Wufei?" he cried before swallowing his light lunch.

His only reply was that of a drowsy Nataku walking out from behind a tree, dragging her tail and wingtips behind her. She made a little snappish noise at him and nodded her head at the trees she'd just come from, then lay down and went back to sleep. Taking the hint, Treize smiled and went the way she'd pointed out.

There, curled up fast asleep at the foot of an emerald forest of bamboo, lay his slave. Treize chuckled and knelt beside him, brushing the hair from his dark eyes. "Wufei?"

Wufei grumbled in his sleep and turned on his back. "Go 'way..."

"Wufei, wake up," Treize said, giving him a little shake. "If you're that tired, you should be in bed, not on rocks."

Wufei sighed as his eyes opened, and he smiled when he saw who was with him. "Treize? But I thought you didn't come off duty until lunch?"

The captain nodded. "You fell asleep, love. You're more exhausted than you let on." He frowned. "You shouldn't push yourself so hard, especially not now."

Wufei started to protest, but a stern look from Treize cut off any argument he could have made. "I know," he mumbled. "But I feel so useless when I'm in bed."

"Have I made you feel useless in bed, my love?" he asked, trailing one hand from Wufei's throat down his coat, undoing buttons along the way. "I will make you feel quite...useful...from now on."

Before Wufei could reply, Treize swept him up in his arms and looked around, grabbing the staff before he started down the path again. "Don't forget your dragon."

Wufei scowled at being treated like a child, but he looked down and spotted his familiar on the ground. "Nataku, it's time to go."

The dragon screeched its displeasure but flew up anyway, settling on Treize's head. Or where Treize's head would have been, since the captain gave a startled gasp as a strange but familiar sensation raced through his system. "Oh, not again, what was it this time--"


Alerted by that near-routine line, Wufei landed nimbly on his feet amidst the cloud of smoke, and when he stood up, he spotted a large blue and black duck sitting in front of him, squawking and turning in circles trying to look at itself. The sorcerer sighed and picked up the duck before Nataku decided to eat it.

"Oh, Treize," he sighed. "I'd better get you upstairs before anyone sees you like this."

Treize the Duck, who was understandably upset, pecked at Wufei's coat and flapped his wings.

"All right, I'm going to change you back!" Wufei snapped. "Come on, Nataku."

Taking his staff in one hand, the duck in the other, with his dragon on his shoulder, Wufei walked through the garden, waving to Quatre and Duo as he went out. He hurried through the halls to their room, but just before he could open their door, a heavy hand fell on his free shoulder.

"Where are you rushing to, slave?"

Wufei turned slowly, coming face to face with a burly guard. "Let go of me before I tell my master you touched his property," he snarled.

The guard released him, but didn't leave. "I asked you a question, slave. Where are you going?"

"My room, obviously," Wufei said.

"Don't act so smug," the guard growled. "What's with the duck?"

Wufei tightened his grip on Treize, who held silent. "An accidental transformation."

The guard sniggered and leaned against the wall, blocking the door off. "Accidental, huh? Little slant-eyes too dumb to get a spell right?"

"No, someone touched me without knowing what protective spells I have on myself."

The guard snorted. "You can't scare me. What if I tell your master how you screwed up again?" He leaned closer, grabbing the back of Wufei's neck and holding him still. "What'll you give me to keep quiet?"

"A plague of ants in your quarters," Wufei hissed, trying to jerk away.

The guard frowned, his upper lip trembling furiously. "Maybe I'll just make you please me right here and now."

"Try anything and I'll make it fall off," Wufei said.

The guard snarled and raising one hand, about to strike him with the duck stretched up and pecked at his face, drawing blood. Screaming in pain, the guard stumbled back and Wufei escaped into his room, locking the door behind him.

"We have to do this quickly, Nataku," he said. "He'll be back any minute to try and arrest me."

He placed Treize on the floor and grabbed a piece of chalk from the chest in the corner, running back and beginning a small mandala around the duck. Intricate designs were drawn in a rush, and he called out commands to his dragon.

"A size three jade stone here," he said, and the dragon fished one out from the chest and put it in place.

"Size eight diamond here."

"Five emeralds here."

He paused, then whipped his coat off and wrapped it around his hand before reaching into the chest and drawing out a thick pouch. Wincing, he managed to shake it open and drop its contents, one small lump of iron, at the mandala's edge.

"Nataku...sing..." he whispered.

Without further prompting, the dragon tipped her head back and let out one long, continuous note that filled the air. It wasn't so much that she started singing but that she tapped into something that had been singing forever, had never begun and would never end, glorious and eternal. The mandala turned bright red, the stones shone in luminescent colors, and the air inside the circle began to swirl around.

The lump of iron didn't glow. In fact, it stayed dull and lifeless. The air surrounding it hissed and popped as if it was burning, creating heavy smoke that blocked the duck from sight.

Suddenly someone pounded on the door. "Open up in there! Slave, open this door!"

Ignoring the shouting, Wufei clasped his hands, closed his eyes, and prayed.

"That's it, find the damn key!"

"We'll have you thrown in the dungeon for assaulting a guard!"

"Open up!"

Wufei raised his head and held his hands out. "It is finished."

And the mandala exploded. Light burst from the inscriptions as they disappeared, and the stones lost their light, and the iron lump just stayed there.

The door opened just them, and three guards rushed in. The one in charge, still holding his pecked face, held up a set of iron chains. "That's him, hold him still!"

Wufei gasped when he saw the chains and backed away, already feeling the heat radiating from the cold iron. "Stay back or I'll turn you into frogs!" he yelled.

"Not if we're carrying iron," one of them said.

"Not if he doesn't have to," another voice corrected.

They all turned to the side and saw Treize kneeling on the floor, quite naked except for the blanket he'd pulled off the bed. He glared at them, never losing his aristocratic air but giving off as much heat as the iron. "Get away from my slave."

The guards couldn't obey fast enough, backing towards the door.


They turned slowly.

"You two are blameless," Treize said to the backup pair. "You, however," he said, pointing at the first. "You assaulted my slave, tried to scare him into sexual favors, and then tried to rape him." He glanced back at the innocent pair. "Use those manacles on your friend there, and escort him to the dungeon. And report his infraction to Colonel Une."

The condemned paled when he said that and began babbling for mercy, but he was dragged out and the door shut again. Treize sighed and turned back to Wufei, pinning him down with an even harsher stare. "And you..."

Wufei backed up against the wall, averting his eyes so he wouldn't have to see.

Treize dropped the blanket and stepped closer to him, kneeling and placing his hands on either side of Wufei's face, forcing him to meet his look. "What was it this time? I didn't interrupt a spell, I didn't trip any of your traps, I didn't accidentally hurt you and make you shout a curse...what was it?"

"The fruit...I have to curse fruit seeds before I can turn them to stone," Wufei whispered. "Or else they won't grow. I was planting one...I must have fallen asleep then..."

"You were nearly beaten," Treize scolded him, his voice rising. "And he might have killed you, and then I would have been stuck in that helpless shape. I could have been cooked! And if they had taken you to the dungeons, you would have died of iron poisoning! This wasn't just an accident, Wufei, this was carelessness. You didn't even think of the consequences if you worked while you were half-asleep, did you?"

Wufei closed his eyes and fought to keep his voice steady. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

Treize stood and pulled his slave up, undressing him. He put his hand around the back of Wufei's neck and drew him to the bed, where he yanked the blankets back and forced Wufei onto the mattress. "Now," he said, "you are going to sleep, and you are not leaving this bed until I am satisfied you won't act so foolishly anymore." He draped the blankets back over Wufei and went to the foot of the bed, pulling out a short chain which he locked around his slave's ankle.

Wufei kept his face blank. The copper chain...he used the silver one if he was anything less than furious...copper...

Treize turned his back and went to the drawer, bringing out another uniform and dressing. "I'll bet my other set is still in the garden, so I'll retrieve those and that damned plate you left...and then I'll have to see Duo and Quatre safely back in one of their rooms..."

He finished and headed towards the door, turning to say one last thing before he left. Instead he froze. Wufei had turned on one side, his back to his master, and his face hidden under the covers. He couldn't hide how his shoulders shook, though, or completely silence his quiet whimpers. Treize sighed and lowered his head, his anger falling as fast as it had come.

He went back to the bed, sitting on the mattress and tentatively reaching out, laying his hand on Wufei's side. The sorcerer tensed, as if expected to be hit, and buried himself even farther. "I'm sorry," he whispered again. "I'm sorry..."

Treize shook his head. "No...I were trying to keep up with all your duties. You were just trying to keep me happy." He leaned down and pushed the covers back, brushing away the tears Wufei tried to hide. "I've put too much work on you. Keeping up that garden is enough of a job, but then with shielding the palace, helping with the interrogations, and examining all those servants not too long ago..." He kissed his cheek and stroked his hair, not stopping though his slave calmed down. "I'm sorry. You have so many skills I sometimes forget you're still human. You're so strong, but you wear down just the same."

"I'm sorry," Wufei repeated. "It won't happen again. There...there are things I can keep me from falling asleep."

"And you won't take them," Treize ordered. "You're right, this won't happen again, but I won't have you kill yourself with work. Heero told me to reduce your duties, but I hadn't had time to speak to you about it."

"I'm not weak," Wufei insisted, starting to tear up again. "I can handle whatever you want me to."

"You are not weak," Treize agreed. "But you are not perfect, either. The spells you put on the castle should last for awhile, so for now, you are to work only in the garden."

"Treize--" Wufei tried to protest.

"At least until you've rested long enough, and even then you'll have only light duties that I will approve one at a time."


"Is that understood?"

Wufei nodded.

"This isn't a punishment. I won't have you kill yourself with too much work," Treize said. "I shouldn't have gotten angry with you. I apologize."

Wufei glanced up at him. "You still love me?"

Treize smiled and gave him another kiss. "Of course I love you. I was just...frustrated at how I couldn't help you, trapped that way. I will always love you. Think you can get to sleep?"

Nodding once, Wufei settled back on his pillow.

Treize, however, knew his lover's looks. He's trying to hide his emotions, still. Continuing to stroke his side, he began to speak in a soft voice. "I saw something while I was out riding today."

"Mmm?" Wufei asked.

"There was a farmer pulling a cart of pears into market," Treize started. "And he seemed very upset. And when he nearly ran over someone in his haste, I stopped him and asked why he was so angry. He told me he'd been robbed last season, and was looking out for the robber. Now, you know I have to go after thieves, love..."


"He said he'd been robbed by an old man who asked for one pear. When he wouldn't give the man one off his cart, another merchant did, because he felt sorry for him. And then the old man said, to repay him, would create a tree full of pears right there in the street."

Wufei smiled, knowing full well he was being trapped in a faerie tale. "Oh?"

"The old man planted a seed in the pavement and asked for some water, and when they poured some on it, it sprouted and grew quickly, already bearing hundreds of pears. Even though he was old, the man climbed up and started handing down pears to people, until there were no more."

"And what did the old man do then?" Wufei asked.

"Cut the tree down, of course," Treize replied. "So it wouldn't block traffic. And then he left."

"I thought the man had..." Wufei yawned, "...had been robbed?"

"So he was," Treize agreed. "He'd been so entranced by the show that when he turned around, he found his cart was empty, and even worse, one of the axle's had been cut off. That's when he realized it was not an old man but a magician, and he'd been tricked out of his harvest. All because of his miserliness." Not hearing a response, he looked down and saw Wufei fast asleep, smiling. Treize put the covers back up and stepped out of the room, locking it behind him.


Heero and Trowa walked into the garden, neither of them speaking, merely scanning the area for their two lovers. They first paused at the pond, but even though they could see several words written in the dirt, some elegant and some scribbled, Duo and Quatre were not there. They both looked around again, but all they could see were a few servants working to pluck baskets of fruit from the trees.

Heero crossed his arms and frowned. "It's my own fault. I told Duo they could roam the palace."

Trowa shook his head with a smile. "No, I'm sure this was Quatre's idea. I told you he's rather slippery."

"And it has been a few hours since we last saw them," Heero said. "They probably got bored and headed to the stables."

"Can Duo ride?" Trowa asked.

"I don't know," Heero answered. "I doubt it."

While they conversed, Treize appeared in the entrance and walked quickly down the ruby path, not noticing the pair standing near the pond. They watched as he disappeared into the grove and reappeared a few moments later, carrying a rumpled uniform and a plate of fruit. Exchanging a curious look, Trowa and Heero moved to intercept the captain.

"Khushrenada," Heero said.

Startled, Treize whirled around, half expecting a fight, but his shoulders relaxed when he saw who it was.

"You're jumpy today," Trowa said.

"My apologies," Treize said, half-bowing. "The last thirty minutes have been rather...trying."

"Anything bad?" Heero asked.

Treize sighed and shook his head. "No, I've merely been forced to arrest another guard..."

"Another one?" Heero frowned. "What happened this time? More bribery?"

"No, the bastard tried to r--" Treize cut his angry mutter off, and his voice assumed its normal, dignified tone. "He tried to hurt Wufei."

"Is he all right?" Trowa asked, more concerned for Quatre's sensibilities than anything else.

"He's fine," Treize nodded. "Fortunately I saw it all, so it wouldn't be a slave's testimony against a guard..."

Heero's lips quirked. If Treize had been there, then the guard must not have recognized him. "What did he change you into this time?"

Treize sighed and he gazed in exasperation at the ceiling. "A duck. A big black and blue duck. I ate his damn cursed fruit and half a minute later I was covered in feathers." He readjusted the plate around his uniform and turned back towards the door.

"One moment," Heero said, halting him. "I need to speak to you privately. When are you off duty?"

"I will be free for another hour or so," Treize answered. "And then again at sunset."

"If you don't mind, brother," Trowa interrupted, "but I'm going to go find Quatre. When I find them, would you like me to send Duo back to your room?"

"I'd appreciate that. I'll see you at dinner, then." He watched as Trowa left, giving him a few minutes with the captain. "Treize, I need you to tell me something you've never told anyone before."

Treize frowned in confusion. "What's that?"

"How did you defeat Wufei during the Corazon invasions?"

Surprised, Treize looked around to make sure no one could hear them. "Do you mind if we discuss this elsewhere? This place is too open for this kind of talk."

"The armory is near here," Heero said, walking to the door. "Let's go."

Filled with weaponry and armaments of every kind, the shelves and chests of swords and other items made it impossible to find a hiding space, making it the perfect room for private conversations. Treize locked the door behind himself and set his things down, staring straight at Heero.

"Will you promise never to let Quatre hear about this?" he asked.

Heero tilted his head. "Yes, but why?"

Treize sighed and leaned against a large chest, avoiding the sword ends that stuck out haphazardly from beneath the lid. "He'd be extremely upset if he knew what happened to Wufei after the war. He still thinks I just seduced my dragon and carried him peacefully home."

"I remember when you brought Wufei back," Heero said, shaking his head. "He was too weak to walk and his hands were useless."

"Those were from the slave, let me start at the beginning. It was the last battle and Trowa's small army had just entered into Quatre's palace. The last queen was already dead, but her army was still fighting, and Trowa and I broke away from the rest of the fighting to find the prince we'd heard about. When we reached the upper towers, we spotted Wufei and Quatre just ahead of us, running up the staircase...


"I see them!" Treize said to Trowa, who followed his look. Sure enough, he could see two boys racing away, one of them carrying a staff and the other empty-handed. The dark-haired one turned for a split-second, and Treize gasped. Exotic and menacing, the black eyes flashed angrily, staring right at him. Then the far-eastern boy growled something at their pursuers while continuing to hurry the blonde up to safety.

"Treize, look out!" Trowa called in warning, leaning hard to the side as a fireball streaked out of the sorcerer's staff. He had to lean partially out the window, and he could hear a few stones chip off the sill and tumble to the ground hundreds of feet below. The fireball only passed by them but still burned their clothes. "That's Wufei, their Chinese sorcerer."

"But who is the blonde with him?" Treize wondered.

"That must be the prince," Trowa said. "Hurry up!"

With the seconds bought by the fireball, Wufei and Quatre had managed to get a few steps ahead of them, nearing the top. Treize and Trowa caught up just in time to see Wufei opening a heavy door that led to a tiny room.

"But what about you?" Quatre cried, trying to pull Wufei in with him. "I won't leave you behind!"

"I'll be fine, don't argue and lock yourself in!" Wufei ordered him. He gave the prince a reassuring nod and closed the door, and a moment later came the sound of a bolt being thrown behind the door. Locked out, Wufei turned and faced the invaders. "I won't let you hurt him."

There was no way to get around the sorcerer in such a small space, so Trowa started backwards down the stairs. "Keep him busy, Treize."

Wufei moved to intercept him, but Treize stepped in front of him and swung with his sword. Biting off a curse, Wufei jumped back, knelt, and chanted a short spell. A blast of water appeared from above the door and shot out, soaking the captain and pushing him towards the staircase. Treize drove his sword into a crack in the floor and hung on until the water ran out, running down the stairs like a miniature waterfall.

"You don't have to do this," Treize said. "Just surrender. I have no desire to hurt you." None at all he thought.

Wufei stared at him, about to fire off another spell, but he hesitated a moment. Treize noticed and stood again, holding his sword to the side. "You know I'm not lying," he said. "You can feel it, can't you? I would never hurt you."

Wufei blinked. He'd never expected this kind of reaction from his enemies. "You are invaders. Your armies have slaughtered countless civilians, without any regard for honor."

"You believe your country's propaganda?" Treize asked. "This war has been nothing if not honorable. Those 'countless civilians' were a handful of traitors from our side. We've heard what your advisors told you, they told us when we captured them. And you must admit, the bloodshed has been less than if those sisters were still fighting each other."

"What about Quatre?" Wufei growled. "You'll kill him, won't you?"

"Trowa might," Treize said. "He's the last of the royal family and could pose a threat later on."

"Bastard!" Wufei yelled, and a burst of light brightened the room, blinding Treize.

He dodged to the left, shielding his eyes as he moved, and he felt something rush to his side. When he could see again, he turned and saw Wufei crouching several feet behind him, sword drawn. Treize glanced at his shirt and saw a small tear in it.

"Looks like you missed," Treize smiled. "And you seem to have dropped your staff."

Infuriated, Wufei stood and raised his hand, sending sparks of lightning through the room. Treize dove down, avoiding most, but the edges of his uniform were scorched. The thunder died away as the lightning did, and Wufei cursed again when he saw Treize still alive and unharmed.

"Care to try again?" Treize asked, holding his sword at the ready.

Wufei held his sword up, paused, then charged. Treize dodged the first slash, parried the second, and leaned to the side as he aimed a short cut at Wufei's top. The blue cloth tore across the side, revealing smooth muscles and a few scars.

Treize smiled at how clean the slash had been, drawing no blood since that hadn't been his intent, but he frowned when the sorcerer gasped and dropped to one knee. Wufei stood up, one hand against his side, and he brought his sword up again.

"Nataku!" he cried.

Treize froze, wondering what new spell the boy had thought up, when a dark green streak flew in through the window at the staircase and sped towards him, knocking the sword from his hands. He lunged for his sword, only to see a pair of claws wrap around the leather-covered hilt and snatch the heavy sword away. He finally got a good look at it and gasped at the sight of a dragon making off with his sword.

But why? he wondered, looking back up at Wufei. He could make out a thin welt running along his side, fading off with angry red streaks. Iron, he realized. The iron of my sword hurt him, just being so close. But then, what is his sword made of...? He looked closely at the sorcerer's sword and saw that it was not iron, but some kind of smooth stone blade chiseled to a razor sharp edge.

"I had no idea you were so brave," Treize said as he stood back up. "To face an attacker holding pure poison...I'm impressed."

"I don' you think," Wufei snapped. Forced to lean against the wall for support, his breath came in short gasps.

"Now what?" Treize asked. "I have no sword, and you are in no condition to fight."

"I have no choice," Wufei said. "I have to protect Quatre."

Treize sighed. "By now, Trowa's probably already inside."

Wufei's face changed from fierce defiance to shock. "What?"

"The outside walls would be easy to climb," Treize explained. "He went through the window, so if there's one in that little room, he's likely inside by now."

"Quatre!" Wufei cried, turning towards the door. He raised his sword, about to cut through the door, when Treize pounced, pulling him backwards. The sword fell out of Wufei's hand, but he didn't give up. Even as Treize's arms circled him, he hissed out a fast spell and raised his hand again. Pieces of the walls broke off and shot at them, battering Treize so much that he retreated a few steps. Wufei collapsed to one knee, but he kept the spell up, flinging rocks at the captain.

Treize, desperate to avoid the flying brickwork, pulled a small dagger from his belt. Mainly for show, it was not iron but silver, the hilt wrapped in black silk. Still, it was better than nothing. He ducked a large stone and moved towards Wufei.

Mistaking the dagger for iron, the sorcerer panicked and shut his eyes tight. With a silent, strong prayer, the entire wall behind him shuddered, held still again, then violently tore from the rest of the tower and surged like a great wave at Treize.

Slipping on the slick steps, Treize dived back along the staircase, narrowly evading the mass of masonry. The stones slammed into the opposite wall, breaking some of it away while the rest of it crumbled harmlessly to the floor. Treize, breathing hard, came back up, knife clenched tight.

Wufei groaned and fell forward, exhausted. He glanced up and saw Treize coming, and with a desperate cry launched another bolt of lightning at him. It flickered weakly and went out.

Treize shook his head. "You've spent yourself, haven't you? You've been casting spells so long that now you're too tired for any more."

"No," Wufei argued, trying to gather enough strength for one last strike. Treize didn't even move as the faint spark of light launched from Wufei's fingers. He couldn't even feel it crackle against his clothes and fade away.

"You can't fight anymore," Treize said. He knelt beside the sorcerer, putting his hands on his shoulders. "Surrender."

Instead of answering, Wufei shuddered and suddenly relaxed, his body stretching out along his side. His eyes half closed, and he sighed. "Dishonorable...using that..."

Treize frowned in confusion. "Using what?" He looked around, but the only thing he was holding was his dagger. He blinked. It makes sense...he thought. If my iron hurts him...what would silver make him feel? "Why is this dishonorable?" he asked. "Answer me."

Coercion was not necessary, he found, as Wufei replied readily enough. "Silver...the antithesis to iron..."

"I thought that was lead to gold," Treize argued.

"Foolish alchemy..." Wufei laughed derisively. "Know nothing...the feeling of the metals..."

Like a kitten with catnip, Treize thought. Maybe it was dishonorable, but the boy had lost, and this seemed to make him feel better. He gently stroked the flat of the blade along the dark skin, teasing under his chin with the hilt. He easily pulled him into his arms, cradling him. It felt wrong to so easily manipulate someone as powerful and proud as Wufei, but Treize couldn't deny how sweet it felt, either.

"Is he dead?"

The question caught Treize off guard, and he looked up as Trowa stepped out of the doorway, staring at the lack of a wall on one side. Behind him came the blonde prince, his small wrists bound in front of him with silk, with a length of it trailing off into his captor's hands to form a leash. Despite his position, Quatre did not seem at all afraid. In fact, he seemed to be slightly smiling.

"No," Quatre answered Trowa's question before Treize could. "He's silver-tupped."

"Quatre?" Wufei mumbled, unable to speak any louder.

Quatre nodded and his smile became more pronounced. "It's going to be all right, Wufei. I...things are going to work out. Thank you for everything you've done for me." He glanced at Treize. "You'll take care of him, won't you?"

Treize started. "Why would I--?" he began to protest, but Quatre smiled.

"It's obvious you like him."

"How...?" Treize wondered, stunned that the blonde could know.

"He can feel it," Trowa answered. "I'll explain later. Right now we have to end this battle. Quatre's going to willingly hand over his rights as monarch to me, and after that will come the formal ceremony. I'll need you to keep any idiots from trying to rescue him." He looked over Wufei, who, reassured by Quatre's words, had drunkenly returned to enjoying the silver caresses. He seemed incapable of much else with the metal on him. "What are you going to do with him?"

Treize stood, heaving Wufei up with him. "I'm going to keep him. He is a prisoner of war, after all."

Trowa nodded. "Let's go, then."


"That's it, then?" Heero asked, as Treize finished the story. That doesn't explain the burns on his wrists,, it doesn't matter. I have my answer. "Exhaustion and silver combined?"

Treize nodded, folding his arms. "You don't understand, though. Our attack on that palace lasted for three days, mainly because of Wufei's defenses. The amount of lightning and fire coming from the sky was...I almost thought we were fighting dragons. Even after most of their soldiers had been killed or captured, he continued to protect Quatre."

"In other words," Heero said. "It took an entire army to wear him down, and that was just to protect his friend?"

"His only friend," Treize clarified. "Heero, when his clan banished him...he lost everything. Quatre was the first person to accept him. Wufei is fiercely loyal."

Heero shook his head. "At least we won't have to worry about that, then. Unless the Bartons start anything less than a war, I don't have to consider losing his defensive shields."

Treize tilted his head. "The Bartons?"

"I forgot, you don't know yet," Heero realized. "Relax, this is going to take awhile..."


Trowa walked through the palace, his boots tapping against the floor and echoing down the hall. Despite his year away, he still knew exactly where everything was. And he knew Quatre enough to know exactly where he was, too. It was definitely too hot for a trip to the stables, and his little lover loved to lounge in the shade...

He came out of one of the large doorways into the outside gardens. Nothing like the indoor orchards, this garden was much more conventional, covered with flowers in organized patterns and rows along stone pathways. Mostly filled with common flowers, there were several patches of exotic blossoms that he didn't recognize, long petals drooping over thin stems with curly leaves.

"Hello, Trowa. It's been awhile."

Trowa turned and spotted Lady Une kneeling amongst the flowers, a watering can in her hands with a basket of seed beside her. "Hello, Une. It's good to see that some things don't change."

She smiled. "Just what I plant here. Thank you for remembering how much I love snap dragons. I hadn't been able to find merchants carrying seeds for such a long time."

"Quatre's the one who remembered," Trowa admitted. "I had to hold him back from bringing hundreds of gifts for everybody on this trip."

"He's such a treasure," Une pushed her hair back over her shoulder. "Speaking of which, I think I saw him and Duo around the fountains."

"I had a feeling," he said. Nodding his thanks as he turned, he started back down the stone path, careful not to tread any flowers underfoot. Heavy scents of perfume wafted with the breeze as it blew over the blossoms. He kept his eyes downward, trying to escape the sun's glare. I should have worn something thinner, he thought, fidgeting under his clothing. But I've become so used to Quatre's windy climate...I forgot how hot it is here...

A cool wind blew over him, chilling his skin, and making him shiver. He looked up and saw that he'd come around the corner to the back of the palace where the walls were the highest and curved around slightly, creating a small enclave. Little sunlight filtered through, but what did show reflected off the water flowing from the fountain in the center. Three-tiered and constantly churning, water poured off the bottom level and flowed around the floor which, like the walls, was covered in white tile painted with blue designs.

"How many more of these letter things are there?"

"Not too many. You're really picking this up fast."

Trowa glanced around and spotted the pair sitting on a bench against the wall. Their shoes lay beside them, safely raised out of the water as they splashed. Quatre turned and traced his finger along the wall, leaving a trail in the condensation.

"See, this is how you spell your name," he said.

Duo stared at the three symbols on the wall for a moment, then copied them. "Like this?"

Quatre beamed at how similar the words were, save that Dou's lines were a little wobbly. "Uh huh...except..." He completed the curve over the last letter. "There."

Duo tilted his head. "How do you spell your name?"

"Um, it's kind of long," Quatre said shyly.

"Lemme see, lemme see!" Duo begged, clasping his hands and giving Quatre a puppy dog look.

Quatre laughed but he nodded, standing. Water splashed around his ankles. "Okay, let me start at that end of the wall."

Trowa ducked back behind the wall as his slave started to write, and he chuckled at Duo's expression. The braided boy's jaw dropped as Quatre finished his second name and started on the third. Quatre had to stretch to reach over the bench, though, straining his muscles upwards. Trowa's stare wandered along Quatre's lithe little body, admiring the way the harem pants conformed around him.

"Quatre..." Duo started, leaning forward, "careful, you're awfully--Quatre!"

As he spoke, Quatre's feet suddenly slipped and he toppled to the side. Quatre yelped in astonishment, grasping at Duo, who had reached out to grab him. Instead, Quatre's light weight carried Duo off the bench, and they both landed in the shallow puddle around the fountain.

Trowa couldn't help himself. Laughter poured out of him, and he had to lean against the wall to keep from falling over. Duo and Quatre both stared wide-eyed at him, then decided at the same time to scramble to their feet. Unfortunately, they got in each other's way, and Quatre tripped over Duo's leg and tumbled onto him, jerking his braid in the process. It only made Trowa laugh harder as he walked over.

"It looks like you two need some help," he said, lowering his hands to lift them up. He looked over their soaked figures once they were standing and chuckled again. "Well, at least the water's clean."

"Oh, Heero's gonna be so upset if he sees me like this," Duo groaned.

"I doubt it," Trowa said, still laughing. His smile softened when he saw how bothered Duo was. "But if you're really worried about it, I'm sure the sun will dry you off soon."

Blushing from embarrassment, Quatre splashed some water on his face to cool off. "I'm sorry, Duo, if I hadn't slipped...maybe we'd dry faster on the roof."

"It's a nice view of the city besides," Trowa added. "Come on, I'll make sure Heero doesn't see us while we walk."

Duo grinned. "Okay, lead on!"

Trowa waited for them to retrieve their shoes, then escorted them back through the garden. Quatre shook his head a little to get the excess water out of it, but Duo backed a few feet away before whipping his braid to the side and squeezing it out.

"How long is your braid?" Quatre asked as they went.

"I don't know. I've never measured it. Long enough to get me into trouble."

Quatre giggled, sliding his hand into Trowa's. "That's how Heero caught you, isn't it?"

Duo nodded. "I turned to run back out the window and felt my braid being yanked, and then I was on my back with him on me. I never thought he could move that fast."

"Heero's a strong fighter," Trowa told him. "He's probably the best soldier in the kingdom."

"Really?" Duo asked. "But there must be older, more experienced soldiers..."

"Perhaps, but Heero is still the best. King J started his military education early, training him in strategy and every form of martial arts he could find a tutor for. Everything Heero does is completely thought out." He glanced sideways at Duo. "You're lucky he didn't kill you then and there. You must have interested him immediately."

Duo fell silent for several seconds, mulling this over. "That explains it."

"Explains what?" Quatre asked, wondering why he felt so much sadness radiating from him.

"Why he doesn't laugh or smile," Duo replied. "He's so serious it's scary sometimes."

"It's not that, he's just--" Quatre started, but he cut himself and stared down at the ground.

Trowa put his hand on Quatre's shoulder, making him look up into his eyes. "It's all right, you can say it. Heero's personal slave should know, and it's no secret to me."

Duo's eyes narrowed slightly. Little Quatre isn't as free as I thought. Trowa keeps a tight lid on what secrets Quatre gives away...which is wise, considering...I guess. "Know what?" he asked.

Quatre smiled. "He doesn't try to seem like that, it's just his habit. After all his training, and all the pressures of being a prince...and the fact that he can't leave the palace...he has to be serious all the time. One slip could cost him everything." He sighed. "He's actually very lonely."

They fell silent as several guards passed by them, and the two slaves cringed at the harsh glares openly thrown at them. Trowa frowned and grabbed the last guard's arm, forcing him to stop. The rest of the small troop halted, turning around.

"What's the problem?" Trowa demanded.

"My apologies," the guard said. "I meant no offense to you!"

"Why are you scaring a pair of helpless slaves?" Trowa asked, his grip tightening.

The troop commander stepped forward. "A member of our troop has been unjustly thrown in the dungeon on the word of that slant-eyed brat of Treize's. We don't want any slaves getting the idea they can slander freeborn citizens."

"Just because they are slaves now, you think they weren't freeborn?" Trowa growled. "They are war slaves and property of either royalty or nobility...meaning they outrank you."

The commander visibly bristled at that remark. "Not by our laws."

"But in every way that counts," Trowa snapped. "They are afforded privileges above your wildest dreams."

"They are merely slaves," another soldier grumbled.

Trowa stood straight. "I've heard the stories of how Heero was saved from an assassin recently...and you were not in them."

"But that one's not a war slave," the guard he'd grabbed asked. "He's just a little thief."

"A thief who got by your defenses," Quatre murmured, looking away.

"Insolent little..." the commander stammered. "You see, they've forgotten their place! They're as bold as that Chinese whelp..."

"And which 'Chinese whelp' would that be?"

Everyone (except Trowa) jumped at the new voice, and they whirled to see Treize standing directly behind the troop. He glared at his soldiers.

"Wufei did not accuse your former comrade of anything. I did. Your friend attacked my slave, then nearly had him imprisoned. I saw it all. Now if you have any other complaints...?" He waited, daring them to say something else. When no one said anything, he continued. "Then get back to your duties. And stop trying to intimidate the slaves, especially when a prince is before you."

Gasping in fright, the troop paled and offered a few token apologies before retreating down the hall. Treize shook his head. "I'm sorry about that. They're new recruits."

Trowa shrugged. "Not a problem."

Quatre took a step forward, a worried look on his face. "Is Wufei okay? He isn't hurt, is he?"

"No, he's just exhausted. He'll be all right again soon." He looked over the blonde and spotted Duo behind him. "I'm glad I found you , Duo, I have something I'd like to ask you."

Duo shrugged one shoulder and smiled. "Sure, go ahead."

"How did you break into the castle?" Treize asked. "I had every entrance sealed and guards at every post, more than enough to stop most."

"I could get in," Trowa said.

Treize gave him an irritated glance. "Not everyone has your kind of training. I don't have a city full of human jumping spiders to worry about."

Quatre suppressed a laugh as Trowa smiled good naturedly.

"I could show you..." Duo said. "From the roof," he added when he saw their looks darken. He brought his hands up hear his throat, as if he was afraid they might try to hit him. "Geez, come on guys, if I'd wanted to leave, I'd have done it by now!"

Quatre put his hands to his mouth, shaking his head. "No, Duo, we...we're not allowed to say things like that..."

Duo frowned in confusion. "What?"

Trowa lay his hand on Duo's shoulder, holding him. "Since you don't know, it's all right this time, but from now on, don't ever mention anything about trying to escape unless someone asks you directly. Slaves are not permitted to speak about leaving their masters."

"You can even get in trouble for saying you would never try to flee," Treize added, "even if you mean it."

Quatre slowly lowered his hands and sidled up against Trowa. "It's okay to be open with us, we would never hurt you...but the court...we have to keep so quiet..."

"The court?" Duo asked. Reassured that they weren't angry at him, he nevertheless caught his braid up and fiddled with the end of it. "Like the one that sends thieves to hang?"

"No, the royal court," Treize said. "And Quatre is correct, you must learn to be absolutely silent there until you get your bearings."

Trowa sighed and folded his arms. "Heero needs to find you a tutor, and fast." He glanced at Treize. "How about Lady Une? She's kind enough."

Treize looked at him for a moment, then started to laugh. " no no...even if there was the slightest possibility of her becoming Colonel Une while in front of him..."

Trowa laughed lowly to himself. "No, I suppose not. Zechs or Noin?"

Treize considered, then shook his head. "No, both of them are pretty busy with their duties. There must be someone..."

"Do you think Wufei could handle it?" Heero asked.

This time they all jumped as the prince walked up to them, his eyes lighting up for a brief second in amusement. "Seeing as how he'll be on light duties for awhile, I think your sorcerer would be the best teacher."

"Not to contradict you, Heero, but Wufei is not known for his patience."

Heero shrugged. "They both know and trust each other. And he was a scholar once. Tell Wufei he can turn Duo into a cat if he gets out of hand."

"Cat?!" Duo gasped.

Treize nodded with a smile. "Oh, he definitely won't mind with those terms. And it would be nice if he would transform someone else for a change."

"Then it's settled," Heero said. "I believe you were heading for the roof?"

Trowa nodded , putting his hands around Quatre's shoulders as he pulled him forward. Treize followed behind them, while Heero looked over Duo for a moment.

"You're wet," he whispered.

Duo gave a little nod. "Quatre and I fell in the fountain."

Heero's lips quirked into a faint resemblance of a smile. "When you're done showing Treize everything up on the roof and they've left, we'll come back to our room. I've been thinking about you all day."

Duo blushed with the praise and ducked his head. "I love you, Heero."

Heero put his fingers under Duo's chin, bringing his face up for a gentle kiss. "I know."


They caught up to the others just as they reached the stairs. Trowa led their way up, and he stared in mild surprise at the charred edges of the doorway around the brand new door.

"Wufei didn't wait to unlock the door," Quatre noted.

"He can be very impetuous at times," Treize agreed as they went through.

Despite the direct sunlight, the white tiles deflected most of the heat so the air wasn't so stifling as they thought it would be. Still, Duo loosened his shirt and wished he was wearing a lighter shade besides black.

"Wow, what a view," he whispered, staring over the city. He could easily see for miles, spotting the huge market district, the decrepit slums, a few churches... "Hey, Maxwell Orphanage! I can see it!"

Treize looked out over the broad expanse and nodded. "You lived there?"

Duo nodded. "Uh-huh. For about seven years." He scratched at his bangs. " do I tell you the way?"

Before Treize could reply, Heero took Duo's hand and tugged him to the roof's edge. "Don't tell me. Show me."

Duo blinked, and then a broad grin spread over his features. "Follow me?"

"Of course."

Duo sat at the edge and flipped onto his stomach, letting himself down the side until he was hanging by his hands. He then shimmied to the top of the nearest wall on the right and dropped down onto the narrow surface. Once Heero had joined him there, he navigated his way down the length of the wall, turning when he came to the hard right. Up on the roof, Trowa, Quatre and Treize all watched, fixated on the two figures now running along the wall.

"Can you keep up?" Duo laughed, enjoying the way the wind made his braid flow behind him.

"I'm right behind you," Heero replied. He smiled without thinking about it, keeping an eye on the boy ahead of him. In the sunlight, the braid seemed like pure gold. Racing along the high ledge, the hot breeze against his face...he glanced down and spotted a few people watching from below. I'm outside the palace, he sighed in relief. Out of those damn halls and robes...outside...Duo, I could love you just for this.

"We've gotta go down now," Duo called over his shoulder. "There's a gate up ahead, and we don't wanna get caught."

"Right," Heero nodded. "Lead the way."

Duo stopped abruptly and started climbing down the wall, using the thick crevices between a few tiles to keep from falling. Heero, impatient with that route, simply jumped down and landed on all fours, spreading the shock of the impact around. Duo landed a second later, startled when he saw Heero.

"'d make a good thief," he said. "Now remember, I'd be doing this late at night with the dark helping me, so this is like working with a handicap..." He led Heero behind the rose bushes that lined the wall, easing past the thorns and briars. "Now we have to make a run for that wall," he whispered. "And we have to be quick, or else they--" and here he gestured at the two soldiers standing at the gate, "--will see us."

Heero prepared to dash off, but Duo lay his arm on Heero's. "Hold on, just a few minutes...if this shift is anything like the nighttime guard, we need to wait a few minutes."

"Treize has told me the patrols are similar," Heero said.

Duo nodded, his bright eyes watching the action in front of him. After half a minute, two more guards roamed into view, chatting to each other, and they stopped by the gate for awhile before heading back. Heero tensed up again, and Duo held him again. "Not yet...wait for it..." The guards disappeared, and he stared at the ones at the gate. The armed men looked outside, then back in. A minute later they looked out and back in again, then leaned against the wall and struck up a conversion.

"Now!" Duo whispered fiercely, and they both darted across the grounds, vaulting bushes along the main path and ducking behind the roses on the opposite side of the gate. Breathing hard, Duo grinned at Heero, who panted merely for the thrill of being outside. "You're good at this. I wish I'd had a partner like you outside."

Heero leaned over and kissed him for the comment. "Now where?"

"This is where it gets tricky," Duo warned him. "See, the reason I came in your room that night was because I saw your candle in the window. I'd thought you'd left and that the room would be empty. An easy mark, you know?"

Heero nodded once.

"But to get there...well, you have to climb up that tree, and be careful because it's really young, then climb up the wall to the lower balcony. Then you have to jump up to the top balcony and haul yourself up. There isn't much room to balance on the railing, though, so you'll probably fall in the first time."

"Like you did?" Heero smirked.

Duo smiled and nuzzled his throat. "Exactly. Ready?"

"After you."

After a quick look around, Duo ran towards the tree and started climbing. The tree swayed awkwardly as he pulled himself up. Halfway through the weak branches, though, another patrol came by beneath him, and he had to struggle to hold still until they passed by. Once they had disappeared, Duo reappeared coming up along the tiles, sliding over to the first balcony. As soon as he was on it, he scrambled onto the railing and jumped up as high as he could go. His fingertips curled around the edge of the top balcony, and he dangled for several seconds. Finally he managed to pull himself onto the railing, but even with his prior experience, he still stumbled inside.

Catching his breath after all his effort, he was pitched forward onto the floor as someone else landed on top of him. He turned on his side and smiled at Heero. "Told you."

Heero shook his head defiantly. "I didn't fall by accident." He pushed Duo flat on his back and held him down on the carpet, pinning his hands as if it was the night he'd caught Duo. "I like having you this way."

Duo grinned, suffering none of the fear he'd felt that first night. "What about the others? They were watching us--"

Heero hushed him with a quick kiss. "No, I'm sure they'll know what we're doing here. They saw us come in and won't worry. Now...I've shown you what I expect, haven't I?"

Duo's eyes flashed eagerly. "You want me to...?"

Heero nodded once.

"Right here on the floor?"

"Why not?"

"All right, but don't be upset if we both get rug burn..."


Treize grumbled as he watched the prince and slave dart across the palace grounds, running circles around his guards and having a fun time.

"I don't believe this," he sighed.

"If it's any consolation," Trowa said, "Duo got through because he's extremely daring. If anyone tried to sneak in, your men would catch them."

"I know," Treize said," but to see them get through so effortlessly...I have to make a few changes in the shifts...more training...Zechs and Noin won't like the extra time they'll have to put in."

Quatre shook his head. "Don't wear yourself security is ever perfect."

Treize smiled at the blonde." True, but--" he was interrupted as a little green spot streaked through the air, flying between them and losing speed until the little dragon halted in midair and settled on Treize's shoulder. "Nataku?"

"I thought Wufei was sleeping," Quatre said, puzzled.

Treize chuckled as he scratched the dragon's head. "If Nataku is awake, Wufei must have woken up. If you two will excuse me...?" He bowed slightly and disappeared back downstairs.

Quatre watched him go, then stared back out over the city. "It looks like Corazon, almost...the way I saw it from my tower." He hugged his arms around himself, feeling a cold wind despite the heat.

Trowa stepped behind him and draped his arms over Quatre, holding him close. "You're not a prince anymore. You're a slave. No more towers. I will never lock you away." He gently turned Quatre around and embraced him. "I love you."

Quatre sighed sadly and lay his head on Trowa's chest. "I love you." He closed his eyes, cuddling the cloth of his shirt.

Trowa placed a soft kiss on Quatre's head. "You're still wet. I think you should change your clothing and get to bed before you catch a cold."

"But just sitting in bed is so boring!" he pretended to protest.

Trowa kept one hand around Quatre's waist as they walked off the roof and down the stairs. "Then I suppose I'll have to keep you entertained," he whispered. He smirked as Quatre's face turned light pink. "You blush so easily, little one."

The comment only made Quatre blush more.


1. Lagrange is Heero's kingdom.

2. Saracen--an early European term for those of the Islamic faith. I'm trying not to date this story, but "Saracen" is such a beautiful word I couldn't resist using. Duo's use of this is anachronistic, but I won't say how much.

3. The story of the farmer and the pears came from: Chinese Fairy Tales: Newly Gathered from Many Sources. Illus. Sonia Roetter. Peter Pauper Press: 1946.

4. Like most slave-owning societies, the law is that a slave's testimony carries less weight, if any, against someone. So here Treize was glad he was there as a witness.

5. "Silver-tupped": the 'tupped' part comes from Othello, and is a sexual reference. Here's it's a term to describe the drunken feeling that comes with silver.