Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Willing Slave ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part 5

"How can you be so strong..." Duo groaned, somehow getting his words out between Heero's kisses, "...and still be so gentle?" He struggled playfully, relishing the feel of his master's grip on his wrists.

"'Gentle'?" Heero repeated. "I'm afraid I'll hurt're too soft."

"Soft?" Duo cried. "First time anyone's called me that."

"Mmm, but you are," Heero rubbed his cheek against Duo's, then rose a few inches up to stare into his violet eyes. "So soft..." He released one of Duo's hands, reaching around his side to undo the end of his braid. To completely unravel the braid, though, he had to slip his other hand behind Duo's waist, lifting him up as he ran his fingers through the long hair.

His hands free, Duo put them to good use, grasping the back of Heero's neck and pulling him closer for another kiss. One hand drifted down Heero's shoulder and body, squeezing just below his ribs. Heero let out a sharp gasp, unused to the sensation, and Duo grinned.

I found a sensitive spot!

Heero found out then and there just what kind of bed slave Duo actually was. Finding a weak point in Heero's emotional defenses, Duo exploited it, and while Heero froze in pleasure, Duo leaned up and carefully clamped his teeth down on his shoulder. He didn't bite so much as he ran his teeth along the hard muscle and skin, tasting his lover.

"D-Duo..." Heero groaned and wrapped his arms around his slave, fiercely embracing him and burying his face in the hair that cascaded down his side.

And another! Duo nearly giggled. This is fun! "I love you, Heero," he whispered, reassuring his prince. "You're so kind to me, let me return the favor, just a little...please?" He waited for Heero's answer, which came in the form of a shaky nod against his head. "I won't hurt were so careful with me the first time, now I want to do this for you."


Treize slowly eased the door back, peering through the opening to spy on his slave. Wufei, still in bed, was now awake, and he'd shifted the pillows around so he could sit up, the blankets barely covering his lap. In his hands he held a small box of thinly cut slats of wood jointed together. Unaware of his audience of one, Wufei casually bent one leg, allowing the blanket to fall back so that his entire left side was exposed.

A polite smile veiled Treize's anticipation as he walked in. "Awake so soon, little dragon?"

Startled, Wufei dropped the box on his lap and turned towards the wall, baring even more skin. Once he saw who it was, however, he relaxed and sat back, bringing the covers back over himself. "Treize, don't do that," he complained, picking the box back up.

"But it's enjoyable," Treize replied, locking the door. "You needn't cover yourself, love. If I am not mistaken, all that lovely flesh belongs to me."

Wufei smirked, but he glared when he saw his dragon sitting on his master's shoulder. "So there you are!" he snapped. "Disobedient little dragon..."

Treize shrugged his shoulder, encouraging Nataku to fly off and land on Wufei's chest of magick supplies. "I could say the same to you," he said in a mock stern voice, undressing as he spoke. "That was a short nap. I wanted you to rest, not design more puzzles for your friend."

"I must have slept for a few hours in the garden," Wufei said. "I'm really not all that sleepy."

Treize sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching over and running his fingers along Wufei's shoulder. "I suppose not. I see you haven't left the bed, though." He fished a key out from inside his shirt. "The chain isn't that short."

"I am a little tired," Wufei admitted. "But I couldn't go back to sleep, and just sitting around is dull."

"Well, you won't be sitting around for much longer," Treize said, unlocking the chain around his slave's ankle. "Heero's decided you're an ideal tutor for Duo."

Wufei paled as far as his tawny skin would allow. "Tutor...Duo?" he gasped. "That manic bundle of energy?"

"Mm-hmm. Is something the matter?"

"Yes! I mean, he's nice enough, but...Treize, he'll drive me insane. You haven't spent all that much time with him, you don't know--"

"I have been chasing him through the streets for a few months, now," Treize reminded him. "And catching well-aimed apples..."

"That isn't the worst of it," Wufei sighed. "You weren't talking with him in the garden. he talks about the most inane things and he can't sit still for long at all! Quatre and I were trying to talk to him about the court and he jumped up and made us play some ridiculous game chasing each other."

Treize blinked. "He made you play a game?"

Wufei nodded.

"He made you play a game?"

Wufei frowned. "What is so remarkable about that?"

Treize tried to smother his mirth, but to no avail. Within seconds he fell over Wufei's lap, laughing.

"What? What is so amusing?" Wufei had to wait a few minutes for his answer.

"Oh...oh, dragon, I'm not laughing at you...well, not completely..." Slowly he caught his breath and looked back up. "Oh, Wufei...he made you play a game?" Treize grinned as he pushed himself back up. "I think you definitely should tutor him now."


"Heero says you can turn Duo into a cat if he gets out of hand."

Wufei cut his protest short. "I can?" he asked, his smile turning dark.

"I thought you might like that."

Wufei set his box aside and lay back against the pillows. "That reminds me, Duo told me something interesting in the baths this morning."

Treize lay beside him, propping himself up on one elbow so he could gaze down into Wufei's black eyes. "Oh? Is Heero already telling him little secrets?"

Wufei shook his head with a teasing smile. "No...something better..."

Knowing full well he was being teased, Treize bent and trailed tiny kisses along Wufei's cheek, moving down his jaw and throat. "And what would that be?"

Wufei moaned lightly, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. "He's the one who stole your pearl dagger."

Treize jerked back and stared at him. "He's the one?"

Upset that the kisses had stopped, the sorcerer nodded. "He said it's in Maxwell Orphanage, in the basement under a large brick." He opened his eyes at looked up at Treize. "He asked that if you went, could you bring his cross and leave the money with the people there?"

Treize sighed. "Stolen money?"

Wufei raised one hand to Treize's cheek, caressing the light skin and enjoying the contrast. "It's the only way he could survive...the orphans probably need it...and he did say where the dagger was..."

Treize smiled and pulled Wufei close. "See, you do like him."

Wufei pouted and turned his head away, refusing to dignify that with an answer. Instead of taking offense, Treize chuckled and reached beneath the bed, bypassing the copper chain and heading straight for the silver. Wufei perked up at the sound of the metallic jingling, but he pretended to be worried.

"Treize..." he started in low voice, "what are you doing?"

"Preparing to discipline my uppity slave," Treize replied with a perfectly straight face.

"'Uppity'?" Wufei asked. "How have I been uppity? Don't I obey your every order?"

"I thought I told you to get more sleep," Treize said, bringing up several silver chains with silver manacles on the end. "And turning your master into a duck is inexcusable, even if it was an accident." He looked back at Wufei, a crafty smile tugging at his lips. "Now, give me your hands."

"Oh no you don't!" Wufei cried, making a move to rush out of reach.

Having had Wufei for a year now, Treize expected the little move and snaked one hand out, seizing Wufei's arm in a tight grip and hauling him back. "Naughty little slave, trying to escape..." he whispered, placing one palm on Wufei's chest. "Now I really have to punish you."

"I'll turn you into something," Wufei threatened, wriggling under Treize's hand. "A furry panda or a fox!"

"Does that mean I have to gag you?" Treize warned.

Wufei opened his mouth to start the incantation, but Treize pressed his lips on his, effectively silencing him. While he stole his kiss, his hands worked at dragging one of the manacles around Wufei's wrist and clamping the metal shut with a satisfying click. Wufei jerked beneath him, his chained hand spreading wide and trying to somehow slide the cuff off. Knowing he was grinning and unnerving his slave, but unable to hide his enjoyment, Treize forced Wufei's free hand into another manacle. He broke off the kiss and pushed the chains to the headboard, where he locked them down tight, stretching Wufei's arms above his head.

"Let me go!" Wufei cried, trying to yank his arms down. He kicked but he only managed to tangle himself up in the sheets. Already he could feel the silver taking effect on his body, bringing a pleasurable haze over his mind.

"I don't think so," Treize laughed. "You're mine, remember? I can do anything I want with you." Openly staring, he gazed over Wufei's body, stripping the sheets away so he could see all of him. "Maybe we just need to put you in the proper mood." He took the last chain and shackled Wufei's ankles together, leaving them unattached to anything. "Starting to feel the silver yet?"

When he didn't receive an answer, he looked into Wufei's eyes. Sure enough, the sorcerer had stopped struggling and now allowed his head to fall back, exposing his throat. His breathing had slowed to a sleepy pace, and his muscles relaxed until he lay limp on the mattress.

"That's it, just let yourself enjoy this," Treize said, stroking the black hair out of Wufei's face. "You still need to relax, after all." Treize pressed a small kiss to his cheek, then stood and moved to his dresser.

Wufei moaned, a vague smile appearing on his face as he looked to the side. "Treize," he mumbled, "come back to bed..."

Treize laughed in a low voice. "Soon, my love." He pulled the bottom drawer open and took out several dozen small candles which he set out around the room. Using the candle already flickering on the table, he carefully lit each one.

"Oh, but Treize," Wufei grumbled, turning onto his left side. The chains rustled as he shifted, and he settled on his stomach, bringing his arms up beneath himself. "I'm lonely."

Treize watched as Wufei slithered around the sheets, unconsciously sliding his tongue over his lips. "Just a little longer, sweet dragon. I want to soften the light in here." As soon as the candles were on fire and placed carefully, he shut the window, reducing the glow in the room to only the dark sparkle of candlelight. The flames reflected on the silver chains and shadows shifted across Wufei's skin.

"Now?" Wufei asked.

"Now," Treize answered, coming around the bed and climbing behind his slave. He started planting little kisses around his neck and shoulders, playing with Wufei's hair. "Is this what you wanted?" he whispered.

Wufei practically purred in response, pressing himself back against Treize's body. "Mmm...yes..." He tensed and stretched as Treize touched him, the slightly larger hand rubbing his side and coming up to his chest.

"I love you, little dragon," Treize murmured in his ear.

"I'm not Nataku," Wufei griped, not understanding.

The silver must be at full force on him now, Treize realized. "Wrong dragon," he corrected, letting his hand glide lightly along Wufei's abdomen down to his thigh, cupping his fingers around the smooth skin. "Love you, Wufei."

The sorcerer sighed and tilted his head back for a kiss. "Love me?"

Treize nodded and gave the desired kiss. "Always."


Heero's normally nimble fingers fumbled at the buttons on Duo's shirt, but he somehow managed to pull the cloth open and strip it down the pale shoulders, frustrated that it took his slave so long to yank it the rest of the way off. It flew off into a corner, unnoticed by both of them. While Heero continued to run his hands through Duo's waterfall of hair, Duo curled his fingers under his master's tank top and brought it up over his head, forcing it off Heero's hands.

"So beautiful," Heero whispered.

"Yes, you are," Duo laughed. He caught Heero up in a tight embrace and leaned backwards, pulling Heero with him. One hand holding Heero against himself, his free hand worked down the dark, tight pants and pulled the cloth down along Heero's side. His knuckles rubbed the entire length of Heero's thigh and calf, until Heero had to help kick the pants off.

"Your turn," Heero said. He allowed Duo to continue holding him, but now he undid Duo's dark pants, waiting for his slave to boot his shoes off first. Once Duo was as nude as he was, they both stretched out on the carpet. Heero stretched his arm out beneath the bed and came back with a long band of dark cloth. "Don't panic," Heero warned him. Before Duo could ask what he meant, Heero tied the band around his violet eyes, blinding him. He lifted his head so Heero could knot it around his hair, but Heero brought the ends back around and made a broad bow in front of Duo's face. The ends hung down, tickling the edges of his mouth.

"Oh, but Heero," Duo sighed, "I wanted to please you tonight."

"And you will," Heero said. He stood and helped Duo wobble to his feet. "But this will make it much more interesting."


"Ow!" Quatre gasped, bringing his left foot up off the floor. "That hurts!"

Trowa, who had just set his slave down in their room, immediately picked him back up. "Hold on, let me get you onto the bed." He carried him across the soft carpet and set him down on the mattress, pushing him backwards. "Bring your leg up."

Leaning back on his arms, Quatre held his slippered foot up for Trowa's inspection. His master grasped the narrow ankle and eased the cloth off of Quatre's foot. Buried in the center of the pale skin was a small, sharp ruby.

"Mm, you must have picked that up in the garden. Hold still," he ordered. He put his fingers around the stone and pulled it back, hoping the barbed end wasn't hooked. Fortunately it came free, leaving a small drop of blood behind.

Quatre hissed as the wound's sting grew disproportionate to its size, and he reflexively tried to pull his leg back. Trowa maintained his grip, however, and held him still, sitting next to him.

"Quatre, I need to get a few bandages for that puncture," he told him. "Can I trust you not to mess with that until I come back?"

Quatre nodded, managing to look quite pitiful. "You won't be gone long, will you?"

Trowa shook his head. "Of course not, just a few minutes." He pressed his lips against Quatre's, kissing the corners of his mouth. Temporarily forgetting the pain, Quatre smiled and leaned into his master's arms, but then Trowa stood and moved towards the door. "I'll be right back," he said. "Don't move."

Quatre sighed and flopped back on the bed, frustrated beyond patience. Every time I get him to be gentle, he slips away! Duo's lucky, Heero's so eager to open up, he just needed someone he trusts...and Wufei got that beautiful officer, I can practically see the waves of love radiating off of him...but it's so hard to get Trowa to talk...even after a long, frustrating year...

Unfortunately, it was a frustration he was used to, and he merely resigned himself to another round of trying to force Trowa to show his emotions. With a groan, he sat back up and started to unbutton his shirt.

"Stop that."

Quatre's head snapped up as Trowa stepped in through the door, one hand carrying a small covered basket. "That was fast," he squeaked.

Trowa turned and locked the door behind himself. "I said it would only take a moment." He sat beside Quatre and lay the basket down, undoing the long velvet ribbon that held the cover on top. He took a tiny gauze compress and a roll of bandages out and set the basket under the bed even though Quatre could tell that there were more items inside.

"Trowa, what--?"

"Hush," the master ordered. "Don't worry about it." He lay the compress against the small wound and held it there while he wrapped the bandage around Quatre's foot, securing the compress. "There, how does that feel?"

Quatre wiggled his toes to stretch out the skin a little. "Better. It doesn't sting so much now."

"Sally said she put something on the pad," Trowa nodded. "But I don't want you walking around until it doesn't hurt."

"How did I get it in the first place?" Quatre asked, glancing at the ruby on the nightstand. "It's huge!"

Trowa's mouth quirked into something resembling a smile. "It must have worked through your slipper. Next time check your feet." He brushed his fingertips across Quatre's cheek. "I'd hate to have to punish you for trying to make off with Heero's rubies."

"Trowa!" Quatre sighed. "What do I need with more jewels? Besides, thievery's too painful. It's hard on the feet."

"And on the braid, likely," Trowa mused out loud.

Quatre giggled. "Probably on the rest of the body, too."

"You dirty minded little slave," Trowa scolded. "What am I going to do with you?"

Quatre smiled and lay back on the bed, toying playfully with his shirt. "I could think of a few things--eep!"

Quatre only had enough time to shut his eyes and squeak as Trowa lunged forward and snapped up Quatre's wrists, working his fingers around until he could hold them in one hand. He shoved them down above Quatre's head, pinning him to the bed while his free hand worked at yanking off the slave's clothing. Although he could hardly move, Quatre twisted around trying to make Trowa's work easier.

Halfway through Quatre's harem pants, Trowa narrowed his eyes. This is taking too long, he thought. He looked around and spotted the loose ribbon Sally had used to wrap the basket. His eyes lit up and he grabbed the strip of velvet, tying Quatre's wrists. He pulled it taut before knotting it off, so tight that it started to cut into the pale skin. Quatre winced but didn't protest.

No longer worried about holding Quatre still, Trowa could now devote his efforts to getting his slave's clothing out of his way.


"But Heero, I can't see!"

The prince smiled and grasped Duo's outstretched hands, laughing when Duo surged forward and put his arms around him for support. "You're not going to hit anything, I wouldn't let that happen."

"But I feel like I'm going to fall," Duo protested.

"Then let's get you off your feet." Heero pointed him in the proper direction, allowing him to bump into the bed and fall onto the mattress. "Better?"

"Depends," Duo said. He lay back and shook his hair out, allowing it to frame his body and cover parts of himself. "Where are you?"

Heero practically gaped, aroused at how Duo could be so vulnerable and still keep control. He hadn't even moved to take off the blindfold. He silently crept to the other side of the bed and snuck up behind Duo. "Right here."

"Eek!" Duo pivoted and put his hand out, grazing Heero's chest. He could feel the bed shift slightly as Heero joined him, though, and he turned and got a decent idea of his master's location. "There you are!"

Heero held still, watching as Duo slowly lay his hands on his skin and tried to figure out exactly what was what. After a moment's confusion, Duo's touches shifted from searching to teasing.


"Treize!" Wufei cried, writhing without caring how silly he might look. "Stop it!"

His master laughed at his discomfort and continued to snake his fingers along his ribs, tickling him mercilessly. "Make me." He snuck a kiss in as he worked. "Admit it, you love this."

Unable to respond, Wufei gasped for breath and bucked, trying to sneak out from under Treize's grip. Instead his chains merely rattled and Treize laughed even more. Wufei finally managed to slip out from under his arm and roll, but he only landed on his front, leaving his back exposed.

"If it weren't for this silver," Wufei sighed, edging to the side.

"But I thought you liked silver." Treize dropped his hand on Wufei's rear, holding him down as he kneaded the pliant flesh. "You always asked for it before..."

With the tickling over, Wufei relaxed and purred while Treize massaged his hind end. "Mm-hmm...better'n copper chains...I thought you were mad at me..."

"Were you so upset over that?" Treize asked, surprised. "Darling, I wanted you to sleep, and silver would have only stimulated you."

Wufei rose his rear into Treize's cupped hand. "I don't like it when you're mad at me..."

Treize carefully lay his body on top of Wufei's, putting one arm under his hips to hold him up. "Shall I show you how much I love you?"

Drunk on silver, Wufei actually giggled and nodded. Treize's heart beat a little faster when he heard that giggle. It was so hard to make Wufei loosen up...It's a pity I'll have to take these chains off soon, Treize thought. But I don't want him overdosing, or else he'll be like this for days!

"Then just relax and I'll take care of everything," Treize promised. He used his spare hand to push Wufei's legs slightly apart, then rhythmically stroked his back. As he slid forward, though, that hand gravitated lower until he had a firm grip around Wufei and caressed him in time with each push.


Heero stared wide-eyed, unable to believe that his slave would be so willing to do this for him. Duo pressed his lips to Heero's, then slowly trailed down his chin and along his throat, blazing a little path along the center of his chest. After a brief few seconds of searching, his fingers found the dark pink nipples on Heero's chest and toyed with them.

Heero sighed and lay his head back. Duo's efforts were amateurish, clumsy at times and nervous at best, but for some reason they satisfied him more than any specially trained slave he'd owned before. The first delicate touch on his abdomen made him forget any thoughts of previous slaves, and he looked back down. Duo was getting unbearably close.

His slave put his hands on his master's hips, using them as leverage to move farther. Still dragging his lips down the tight muscles of Heero's abdomen, Duo could only guess as to where his target lay. He could imagine the general location, since he had a firm grip on Heero's body, but he knew he was only fumbling at this and he was close to tears thinking Heero might be impatient with him. He nearly cried in relief when he felt the velvety firmness graze his cheek and heard Heero gasp. Eager to please, Duo now mimicked the motions from their earlier love-making.

Every little noise that escaped out of Heero's mouth reassured him and only made him work harder.


Even though he couldn't get Quatre's shirt off, Trowa found that he could at least tangle Quatre's hands up in it, rendering his hands even more useless. With his fingers covered by the strong cloth, he couldn't grab on to anything nearby. Trowa used the long sleeves as ties to the headboard, leaving Quatre unable to bring his arms down to cover himself.

"You're mine," he whispered, circling his fingers around one of Quatre's nipples.


Trowa tilted his head, staring while Quatre closed his eyes. I want to blindfold you, he thought. I want to see you twist and groan and have no idea where I am...where I'll touch you next... He shook his head and moved down, pulling the loose pants away. But I won't do anything to frighten you...

Quatre jerked when his body lay completely exposed, but he couldn't move to help himself. He moaned as Trowa's warm hands slid over his stomach and sides, gliding down to his legs. There was a feathery brush where his hip joined his body, but that was all.

"Trowa..." he groaned. "More..."

"Spread yourself for me," Trowa said.

Quatre obeyed with all speed, forcing his legs out to either side. Trowa smiled and began to pet the smooth inner thighs, heavily caressing them and pushing them wider. The light skin was a beautiful contrast to his own darker, tanned hands. On a whim, he gave the sensitive skin a little pinch.

"Oh!" Quatre gasped, bucking. "Oh..."

"Did you like that?" Trowa asked.


"Should I do it again?"


Trowa smiled and pinched him again...and again...and over and over until the white thighs were now dotted pink. The first spots were already fading.

"Oh..." Quatre breathed. "More..." Show me that I'm still alive. He could feel Trowa's heart racing, feel Trowa's sheer desire for his body...and to think he held back simply to take care of his slave's needs first... "I love you, Trowa."

Instead of answering, Trowa scooted even further back along the mattress and lightly kissed one knee. Then he kissed a little higher, and a little higher, kissing the white flesh and licking the red marks. And once Quatre was obviously ready, he kissed the very tip and worked his way down.

Quatre let out a cry and brought his head up simply so he could slam it back down onto he pillow. He tried to clamp his legs over Trowa's head, but his master anticipated that and held one of his thighs open, leaving the other leg to tremble ineffectually. When his muscles reflexively kicked, Trowa dug his fingers into the soft skin, wrenching a groan out of his little slave and cutting off any control he once had over his own body. Completely under his master's power, Quatre shrieked as Trowa brought him over the edge.

Not a minute later, still gasping for breath, Quatre watched as Trowa straddled his chest. With Trowa pushing himself against his slightly parted lips, Quatre had no choice but to give in. Opening his mouth wide, he allowed Trowa easy access, keeping his gaze firmly locked on Trowa's eyes. The master stared in mute fascination, softly thrusting in and out. He came out entirely, allowing Quatre a quick breath, then shoved his way back in.


At last the shuddering stopped and Duo swallowed. The reluctant moans ceasing as the body beneath his fell limp, Duo sat back up and felt his way onto the mattress, relieving Heero of his weight. Pushing his hair back out of the way, he extended one arm to find Heero's side and instead grazed Heero's lips with his fingertips. "There you are."

He moved to snuggle, but Heero reached up and caught his right arm, holding him back. Shocked, Duo froze.

"D-did I do something wrong?"

He couldn't see the look of fright on his master's face, or the confused astonishment it softened to once it became apparent that Duo wasn't going to move. The slave could hear Heero's rushed breathing, though, and wondered if he'd inadvertently harmed him.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Duo whimpered.

"No." Tears clouded his eyes, even though he had no idea where they came from. Not trusting his voice, he allowed Duo to lay down next to him. With one hand holding him up on his side, Heero softly traced his hand along Duo's throat, moving down his arms and shoulders. He examined Duo's body, touching every inch of him, as if he were some strange and exotic creature he'd never seen before. Licking his lips, he took hold of Duo and started to rub, gently at first but with increasing strength and speed. Duo cried out, and as the pace intensified, he rammed his hands into his hair, curling the long strands between his fingers.

Heero saw and smiled. Still taking care of Duo, he leaned over and put his hand on Duo's, forcing him to return his hold. Their fingers locking, Duo's grip tightened as he came closer. A moment later, unable to hold himself back, his fingers splayed wildly, tense, then fell limp. His arm grew too heavy to hold up, but Heero let him drop it to the mattress. Little groans escaping with every breath, Duo curled on his side, turning himself towards his master.

Still smiling, Heero stretched out before Duo and hugged him, helping him get situated on the pillows. "Are you all right?"

Duo nodded, not saying anything. Pleased, Heero bestowed a little kiss on Duo's forehead, just above the blindfold.


"Must you?"

Treize turned the key in the locks on Wufei's ankles. "Yes, or else you'll absolutely disgrace yourself if anyone comes in to see you."

"Mm...don't care 'bout that..." Wufei giggled again. When Treize bent over his face to unlock his arms, Wufei snuck a quick kiss and moved his arms out of reach again.

Treize gave his slave a scolding glance and pinned Wufei's upper arm down. "My sweet, I don't think I'm up to punishing you just now, so please be a good little slave and hold still."

"Must I?"

"Yes, I think you've been chained down long enough." Finally he got the silver off and tossed the heavy links to the floor. "Better?"

Wufei groaned and turned his face away. "No..."

Treize frowned, then gasped as he remembered. "Oh, I completely forgot about the lights." He stared at Nataku, who stared back with one open eye. "Could you snuff the candles, please?"

With a yawn and a stretch of her wings, she jumped up to the table and pushed her snout to the flame. She didn't blow it out as much as she swallowed it down. Once she finished that one, she hopped around devouring every other candle flame, flicking her tongue out as if it was dry food.

"Is that better now?"

With the only light coming from cracks in the closed window, Wufei nodded and inched closer to Treize, burying his face against his lover's throat. "Damn side-effects..."

"At least it doesn't last very long," Treize offered. "It's not at all as bad as a hangover."

"Mmf." Wufei sighed as he felt Treize slide away, firmly pushing him back onto the pillows. "Do you have to go so soon?"

"I'm afraid so," Treize apologized, retrieving his uniform. "I have to speak with Zechs and Noin about several changes I have in mind for the guard. An assassin is bad enough, but Duo's little display set me on edge."

"But you don't have to take care of that right now. Come back to bed."

Treize only gave him a kiss and brought the sheets up to his chest. "Tonight. Not now." He finished buttoning his shirt and headed for the door. "At least you might be sleepy now?"

Wufei scowled at him. "Is that all this was for? To put me back to sleep?"

Treize smiled and opened the door. "No. Not all. Now get to sleep."

Wufei watched as he left, then turned on his stomach and rose up on his elbows. He heaved a sigh and glanced at Nataku, who seemed to smirk at him. "What, did you enjoy the show?" he snapped.

She chirped an affirmative.

He just growled and lay back down. "It is not a spectator sport," he said as he shut his eyes.


"Heero, are you okay?" Duo asked.

"I'm fine," Heero said. "You...startled me before, but...I'm fine."

He needs that control, Duo thought. Even if I'm his slave, he has to have physical control over me... "I love you."

"I know." Heero reciprocated with a kiss. "Why haven't you taken the blindfold off yet?"

"I thought you wanted me to keep it on."

Heero chuckled and lay his hand on Duo's cheek, easing a single finger up under the cloth. Stealing one last kiss, sweeter than usual since Duo didn't expect it, he slid the blindfold off. Duo blinked at the dim glare from the window and closed his eyes again, but that only made him drowsy. Heero noticed how his slave was beginning to drop off and stood, covering Duo under a single sheet so his body was only highlighted by the thin cloth.

"I'll let you sleep for awhile, but you'll have to get up for dinner," he said.

"Okay..." Duo mumbled before completely falling asleep.

Heero watched him for five full minutes, stroking the long hair. He touched the tip of his finger to Duo's lips for just a moment, then shook his head and got to his feet, throwing his clothes on quickly. He'd put it off long enough, procrastinating just to spend time with his slave. Now, with Duo taken care of for at least a few hours, he had time to head for the dungeon and have a talk with the would-be assassin.


Fingers rendered clumsy by exhaustion, Trowa unbound Quatre's wrists and rubbed them, massaging away the soreness and creases in the skin. "Are you all right, little one? I wasn't too rough, was I?"

Quatre gave him a reassuring smile and shook his head. "Of course not. I love it rough. Reminds me I can still feel."

Trowa's expression didn't change, but Quatre winced at the amount of sorrow radiating from him. "It's been a year, Quatre. A whole year. You know I would never hurt you like that."

Quatre turned away.

"I'm not like your sisters," Trowa insisted, laying beside him. "I won't lock you up in some cell."

Still no answer.

"Why don't you believe me?"

Quatre screwed his eyes up tight, but he had to answer his master's question. "There are...factions..." he whispered, "...who want the 'lost little prince' back on the throne...they don't want to believe I'm dead." He turned suddenly and latched onto Trowa, as if he was his only anchor and comfort. "If they ever found out it's'd have to get rid of me..."

Trowa shook his head, stroking Quatre's back as he started to cry. "No, no, my little one. No chance of that. No one knows what you look like, and even if they did, you are always veiled at court." He cradled Quatre protectively, soothing him with loving words. "And if the worst happened, and they did find out...I would visit them all in their sleep. No one will ever hurt you again."

Quatre huddled close, accepting Trowa's hold. Blankets were pulled up over his shoulder, warming him up even though he knew the room wasn't cold. "Don't...don't you have to help Heero with something?"

Trowa shook his head and put his hand behind Quatre's neck, tilting the blonde head forward onto his chest. "Nothing he needs me for. Looks like you need me more right now."

Still crying, though not as hard now, Quatre smiled and closed his eyes, lulled to sleep by Trowa's heartbeat.


Heero walked down the single corridor that led to the dungeon, his footsteps echoing oddly and reverberating in different directions. He hugged his arms around himself as if he were cold, and indeed he could see his breath mist over in front of his face. It was the only place in the entire city where the temperature dropped so low. Even the dungeon was warmer.


The prince turned and saw Treize coming up towards him, one hand finishing up the buttons on his collar. "Khushrenada. I take it you're headed for the dungeon as well."

Treize slowed as he caught up, nodding once. "I wouldn't be down here otherwise. I hate this tunnel."

They continued walking, and Heero glanced over his shoulder once, wondering why he felt eyes staring at him.

"You're not the only one," he commented. "There's something strange about this place."

Finally they came to the corridor's end, a large wooden door with heavy metal bolts. Heero unlocked them, and they both stepped down the handful of steps to the lower dungeon floor.

Straw strewn on the floor muffled their footsteps as they passed by several empty prison cells. Most in front were mere cages of iron bars, some of them without doors but with manacles against the walls. At the far end of the dungeon, though, deep in hidden recesses the torchlight couldn't reach, lay a handful of thick doors with huge locks and tiny windows at the top.

"He's in the third one," Treize said, reaching for a ring of keys on the wall. "Heero...when Zechs and I finally broke him, he admitted his crime and explained how he got in, but he held out on who'd hired him. We haven't been able to get that out of him yet."

"Even with a truth charm?"

Treize nodded. "I think he's more afraid of whoever's paying him than he is of us."

"How long as he been isolated?" Heero asked.

"Since we brought him down here," Treize answered, unlocking the door. "He's had nothing to eat or drink, either."

Heero nodded once, then walked in after Treize.

In the corner of the tiny cell, just beyond torchlight, the straw covering the floor rustled as the prisoner scuttled out of reach. A visible trail of blood led to the torn and bandaged hand. Heero shut the door again and stared at the captive.

"What's his name?"

"Nichol," Treize replied.

"Nichol, who hired you?" Heero asked.

The prisoner glared and turned away.

Before Treize could launch into another round of interrogation, Heero moved in a blur and grabbed Nichol, slamming him against the wall. The assassin groaned in pain, stars swimming in his vision.

"I asked you a question," Heero hissed. "I dislike being ignored. Now, I will ask you only once more." A knife appeared in his hand, and he pressed the tip against Nichol's ribs. "Who hired you?"

Nichol tried to shy to the side, but the young prince seemed to have the strength of a monster. "Do what you want," he growled. "I won't talk."

"Wrong answer." The blade slowly pierced the skin, the cold metal slicing past bone and into muscle. "Who?"

Nichol groaned again, but he said nothing. The blade went in farther.

"I'm only inches from your heart," Heero said. "Tell me and I'll end this now."

"Go to hell."

Without changing his expression, Heero pulled the knife back out and pushed it into Nichol's abdomen. Hot blood gushed over his hand. Nichol tried to scream but he couldn't force his words to take shape. Instead his breath came out in shallow hiccups.

"Say nothing and you'll have a dozen matching wounds," Heero told him. "Give me my answer and I'll send you to your chosen afterlife."

Nichol spared a glance at the captain of the guard, who had opted to lean against the wall and wait. Treize noticed his look and shrugged pitilessly. Heero's methods were often cruel and heartless, but they usually got the job done.

"Your choice. I've seen him do it before." Khushrenada smiled, ice in his eyes. "Of course, I can always have my sorcerer raise your dead spirit and get the answer that way."

"And I don't have to let him send you back again," Heero added.

"Actually," Treize said, considering. "Now that I think about it, his dragon hasn't swallowed a soul in quite awhile. I think she might enjoy the treat."

Nichol shut his eyes tight as Heero made another stab. "But...the master...he'll do that if I talk--aagh!"

Heero ceased twisting the knife, waiting. Master?

"No," Treize shook his head. "We'll send your soul off here and now. This palace is safe from magick. You'll die, and no one will ever be able to touch you again."

Heero pushed the blade into another spot, closer to the heart. Blood was starting to cover the floor around them. "You have my word. Tell me who hired you and your soul is safe."

Blood trickled over Nichol's lips, and his voice gurgled. "Sank...Catalonia."

Without hesitation, the blade dived into the beating muscle and stilled it. A few shudders ran through the hilt, and then the body slumped to rest. Heero pulled his knife out and wiped it against the body's clothes before sliding it back into its sheath at his side.

"Sank?" Treize wondered. "I would never have expected the attack to come from those girls."

"I don't think it did."

"You believe he was lying?"

"What does the Sank kingdom care about challenging our sorcerer? No. I think he was telling the truth as far as he could. He mentioned that he had a master, so I doubt he was thinking of either Queen Relena or Catalonia. Still..."

"Best to be certain."

Heero nodded once and rose. "Sank...I think we need to formally invite Peacecraft here, along with her pet foster."

Treize did not look up at the mention of the girl with the long blonde hair. "I'm always surprised someone was willing to foster that girl. There is something unnerving about her."

Leaving that subject behind, they left the cell with orders to the standing guard to clean up the mess. Heero followed the captain out of the dungeon, walking beside him down the hall. "Treize..."

"Yes, Heero?"

"Did something happen down here that I was never told about?" Heero stopped in the middle of the corridor and examined the tiles. "I realize this place is old, but even so, the servants should clean it as well as the rest of the palace." He tugged a cobweb down from part of the wall.

Treize forced himself to remain calm, despite the irrational anxiety building up in him. "No one likes coming down here. It is dark and lonely and often filled with the screams of tortured prisoners." He placed his hand on the hilt of his sword for reassurance. "But you are correct. I have heard my soldiers talking to young recruits and frightening them with ghost stories about this tunnel."


"Two of them. An assassin who saved J's life years ago, and...the original Trowa Barton."

Heero leaned against the wall, in no hurry to leave. "How did they come to be here?"

Seeing that they were not going to return to the main palace until the story was done, Treize leaned against the opposite wall. "I have heard this only as rumors, so they may or may not be entirely accurate. Years ago, during the first wars of your father's reign, the kingdom was attacked by a handful of assassins all intent on murdering J. He retreated down here with what remained of his personal guard, but it finally happened that only his own assassin kept him from being killed. I believe his name was Orin Lowe, Odin Lore, or something like that. In the end, this Odin person defeated the other assassins, but the wounds he sustained were mortal, and he died in this hall."

"And the original Trowa?"

"I thought you knew this story."

Heero shook his head. "I know what J allowed me to know. With him in a coma, I have a chance to find out the truth. What happened?"

"You probably know most of it. Young Miss Barton arrived on her way to Corazon after her trip to Sank. Since the trip takes months, no one must have known that she was pregnant when she set out. Instead she gave birth here in the palace, as did one of the women in a circus troupe performing for the king. I don't know why he chose Triton Bloom, since he could have had the pick of any child born around the same time. But when Trowa was still born, J had the mother killed and brought the dead baby somewhere down here to be hidden away."

"So he sent her body back," Heero nodded in understanding. "Claiming she had died during childbirth."

Treize grimaced. "And since the 'child' was too young to be sent on such a long journey without a mother, Lagrange would foster the prince. After all, we reportedly had a circus mother who had just recently given birth to a stillborn and could take care of the royal child."

"Ingenius," Heero muttered. He glanced back down the hall. "But has anyone ever seen anything?"

"You mean ghosts or spirits?"

Heero nodded.

"No." Treize hesitated, then went on. "There are sounds other than screams, though, like footsteps when no one is near. One of the servants told me that she heard a child crying down here once. There is a rumor of blood appearing on the walls and floor and vanishing again, but that is probably just a lie."

Heero held silent a moment, then stood straight. "Let's leave."

Treize followed after.

Heero shook his head as they left. "I understand why the servants down want to be down here. There may not be real ghosts, but it is disconcerting."

They came into the palace again, relieved at the sudden brightness and the satisfying click of the door locking behind them. Treize adjusted his uniform and bowed to the prince.

"If you won't be needing me anytime soon, your highness, I need to run an errand in the city."

Heero shook his head. "I don't foresee any crisis in the immediate future. Just remind your front gate guards not to get too absorbed in conversation while you're going out."

Treize sighed and frowned. "Zechs and Noin will be taking care of that. They're probably out there already."

Heero watched his captain disappear around a corner, then headed to the palace seamstress. If the Sank delegation was to be invited, then a formal court would have to be involved, and that meant Duo would have to appear at his knee. In full finery. Reminding himself to inform Trowa and Quatre about the invitations, he allowed his mind to wonder what Duo would look like in violet silk with black, black silk with violet jewelry and ribbons, and a soft veil across half of his face, just revealing those innocent jade eyes.


Duo woke to the sound of someone knocking on the door. He heaved a sigh and sat up, drawing the blankets up to his chest. If they were knocking, they weren't Heero, and that meant he wasn't to show more skin than necessary. "Who is it?"

"Prince Heero's sent me to take your measurements. Please let me in."

He frowned at the feminine voice. "Measurements?"

"For your new clothes. I'm a seamstress here."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

Childlike laughter. "If I wanted to lie, I wouldn't be carrying all this heavy stuff with me!"

The laughter won him over. "Come on in, then. I think he left the door open."

A young girl with shoulder-length blond hair walked in, a large bag draped over her arm. She smiled and closed the door behind her. "Hi. My name's Midii."

Duo watched as she knelt on the floor and opened the bag, beginning to remove several swatches of fabrics of different colors. "Um, I'm Duo--"

"I know," she said, not looking up. "Everyone knows who you are."

Duo heaved a sigh and lay back again, resting on one elbow. "There must be something more interesting than me to gossip about."

She laughed and shook her head. "Nope, you're it. You have to admit, you've given all the servants plenty to talk about. Breaking in, stopping an assassin...just the fact that his highness didn't kill you immediately is special." She drew out a measuring tape and a notepad. "Okay, this shouldn't take too long. Could you stand up, please?"

Duo blushed and withdrew into the blankets a little. "I can't. Heero wouldn't want me to."

Midii smirked. "His highness knows just how much I'd have to see. Don't worry, I'm not going to pinch your butt or anything."

Duo scanned the room for something, anything he could use and grinned when he saw one of Heero's spare shorts on the floor where'd it had fallen before. "Just toss me those, huh? Then I can get up."

She spotted the shorts and, giggling behind one hand, picked them up and handed them over. He scooted into them beneath the covers and then stood, surprised at how tight yet comfortable the black shorts were.

"Have you ever been measured before?" she asked, coming close.

He shook his head.

"I'm going to put this tape around parts of you and write the number down. You just have to do one thing."

"What's that?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." She placed her notepad down on the bed and started to wrap the tape around his chest. "Don't breathe in, don't exhale too much, don't try to hold anything in. Just stand there and do nothing."

"Is that important?"

She stared into his eyes as she put the tape around his head and face, judging where the veil would fall. "It is if you don't want to burst any buttons at the dinner table."


He held still as the tape stretched over his body, and watched curiously as Midii scribbled little symbols on her pad. I'll bet those are numbers, he thought. I wonder what they mean. I wonder when Wufei'll start showing me those. Hmm, what's that word...c-h-e-s-t...oh, okay...but what's that little one...h-i-something-s...I haven't seen that one before...

Her arms suddenly circled his rear end, and figured out that unknown word meant hips. "Whoa!"

"Sorry 'bout that," she said dryly. "Didn't mean to startle you." She jotted the number down. "Done with that. Have a seat."

"Now what?" he wondered, worried about what else she might have in mind.

"Fabrics." She brought out the pile of swatches and lay them beside him. "Now..." she mused to herself, "he said you'd be in black with violet none of these...and he hates wool, so nothing of these..."

"He?" Duo asked. "You mean Heero?"

"Mm-hmm. Here we go." She set nine different types of black cloth out and three types of violet ribbon.

"Why so many?"

"Different dyes and dyeing techniques on different silk," she answered. "It affects the texture, and no one wants their slave to have a rash or itch all day because of irritating clothes."

Midii took one patch of black silk and held it to the underside of his wrist. "How does that feel? Scratchy?"

He grimaced. "A little bit."

She put the same patch up against the back of his neck, and this time he visibly cringed. "Not that one. Let's try this one."

"Not so bad."

"This one."


"Okay, no...this one now."

"Mmm...I can't feel it."

She smiled and moved it from his neck to his inner thigh, slowly coaxing it down his leg to the top of his foot. "Not itchy at all?"

He shook his head, turning so she wouldn't see his blush. "No."

"Hold it against your arm," she said, letting him hold it. "If it gets hot, it might change how it feels."

He obeyed, but after the rest of the cloth was tested, the third was still the best. She stuffed it in one pocket alone with her notes and jammed everything else back into her bag. Slinging it over her shoulder, she glanced around to make sure she hadn't left anything behind.

"Great, that's all I needed. When you see his highness again, let him know I said about three days."

Duo blinked. "Three days? Wow, that's a long time!"

"For the first outfit," she nodded. "But once that's done, I'll have the patterns I need for the rest." She tilted her head at him, folding her arms. "How long did you think it would take?"

He lowered his eyes and his hands drifted towards his braid. "Um, in the market, I've seen them make three shirts in one hour."

She nodded knowingly. "Mm, the quick stuff. But that's got large stitching and poor cuts. Not to sound vain, but my stitching's tiny and my work'll fit perfectly."

"What'll it look like?"

Midii shook her head, wagging her finger at him. "Nuh uh uh, you'll find out in three days. See you then."

He watched her leave, then went over and locked the door before tossing Heero's shorts onto the chair. There was no way to tell if Heero would mind him wearing his clothing, and it wasn't worth getting punished over. Nude again, he retrieved his bag of candy and sat at the window, sucking on fancy jaw breakers as he viewed the immediate landscape. He spotted a troop of guards standing at attention, being sternly lectured by Zechs and blinded by the glow of his platinum hair. Beside him, Noin added points as she saw necessary and occasionally smacked a guard if she thought he wasn't listening.

Duo smirked as Zechs tossed his hair back again, making several guards blink. "Definitely not a regulation haircut," he mused to himself. Enjoying the show, he glanced up for a few seconds to stare across the city. If he looked hard enough, he could just make out the high cross of Maxwell's Orphanage.
