Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Willing Slave ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part 11

"Achoo!" Quatre sniffled and backed away from the chest, his fingers leaving marks in the thick layers of dust. "Achoo--achoo-achoo!"

"You okay?" Duo asked, looking up from the similarly layered cabinet.

Quatre backed away from the chest and sat down on the large bed, displacing even more dust. "I'm all right. It's just all the dust in here."

Duo picked up his candle and moved to Quatre's side, the flame illuminating swirls of tiny particles in the air. "I guess he didn't use this place so often."

Quatre gazed around what would have been a luxurious bedroom if only it were clean. "He must have stayed in that lab all the time. What did you say he was making?"

"Weapons," Duo answered. "I'm not exactly sure. There were a lot of things, like a crossbow, and a whip, and a couple sword hilts...and some really funny swords. And he had a bunch of little white necklaces he called Zero."

Quatre just tilted his head in confusion. "I'm sure Trowa'll explain everything to me later."

The door opened, and they both looked up at Wufei, who rubbed his eyes wearily as he came in. "Good, you're already here. Why's it so dark?" he complained, closing the door behind himself. Nataku glanced at the dusty bed and chose to stay on his shoulder.

"No light," Duo answered.

Wufei gave him a dry look and snapped his fingers, wincing as he irritated the burn. "Oh, now I remember." He sat down on the bed beside Quatre and leaned over, lowering his head. "He never let me in here."

"Didn't he trust you?" Duo asked, sitting on the floor.

The sorcerer shrugged. "I don't think he trusted anyone except Heero and Trowa." He sighed and looked around the darkness. "Are there any crystals or candles...?"

Quatre shook his head. "Are you feeling all right? You look sleepy."

"Just tired," Wufei waved him down. "I had to cast dozens of spells this morning...but at least we have most of the traitors back in line now."

"I can go get one of the crystals from our room," Duo offered, standing.

Wufei shook his head. "No, just ask a guard to bring some quartz from the treasury. Not much, just a handful."

Duo nodded and went to the door, looking out. "Guard! Anyone listening!"

Quatre couldn't help a chuckle. "Such a silly Duo..." He turned back to his friend. "You sure you're all right? You could take a nap."

"On such a dusty bed?" Wufei laughed. "It's so bad Nataku hasn't gone to sleep, and for her, that's saying a lot."

The dragon squawked, wrapped her tail around his throat and gave a brief, tight squeeze. He swatted his hand at her, sending her into the air. "Go eat something," he snapped. "Being hungry makes you cranky."

She squawked again, then buzzed by Duo and disappeared down the hall.


No one else could be seen in the garden, but even so, Zechs glanced around the lush greenery before following his commanding officer into the thick jade bamboo, entering a small clearing. Neither could hear anything beyond their own footsteps on the emerald grass and the rustling of their uniforms.

"Then, is he dead?" Zechs murmured.

"No need to whisper," Treize said. "But yes, the king is dead." Long live the king.

"And no one else knows?"

Treize thought for a moment. "Heero and Duo were at his side, along with two guards. Sally was called, so she knows. Wufei and I know...and now you. Is that guard still telling people?"

Zechs shook his head. "No, I've told him to keep quiet. But Treize...why hide it?"

"We're too close to war for a royal funeral and coronation, and I don't want to invite any more assassins to dinner. Besides, Heero said it'd be better for the other countries to think J is alive, so they'll be hunting a dead man more than the living monarch." He ran one hand through his hair. "But for all intents and purposes, Heero is king. Just don't call him that."

" close are we to war?"

"Close enough to thank God we turned those traitors back to our side in time."

Zechs sighed and tossed his head to one side, flipping his platinum hair out of the way. "Can we get Relena safely out before anything starts?"

The captain shook his head. "She'd spend too much time on the road back. She's safer here, all undead zombies and assassins to the contrary."

Zechs gave a bitter laugh. "The servants are still giving me hell about the cleanup on my uniform. Even in battle I was never that covered in gore."

"How often do our enemies explode on us?"

"Captain Khushrenada! Zechs Merquise! Are you in here?"

"Over here," they both called out.


"Right here," Treize tried again. "In the clearing!"

Zechs rose one hand to his mouth as he remembered something. "The clearing no one can hear us in."

Treize blinked. "Whoops."

They both came out of the bamboo, startling the soldier who'd come rather far into the garden.

"Sirs, your immediate presence is desired by Prince Heero. He's waiting in the King's laboratory."

Both officers inwardly cringed, but neither gave any outward sign of discomfort as they hurried off.


Duo had never seen such a treasure. Five or six long spikes of quartz jutted up from a reddish stone encrusted with smaller crumbs of the gem. Wufei lay one fingertip on the tip of the longest shard and whispered something neither boy could hear. A moment later, the quartz glowed like a miniature sun, and he set it on top of the dusty nightstand.

With the added light, they could see just how dusty the whole room was. Up to the door, a thick layer of dust covered the floor so they couldn't even see the bottom, save for the places where they had all stepped. Everything was colored a dingy gray, even the walls they knew should have been tiled colorfully. The closet's interior also had dust, although not as much as its exterior. Still, Duo realized that the items on the floor had been clothing he'd touched, disintegrated from old age.

"At least now we can see what we're doing," Quatre smiled, standing up. He blinked and glanced at Duo. "What are we doing again?"

Duo groaned as he stretched his arms out, leaning back a few inches. "Getting rid of what's not needed, but I think all of this stuff is pretty far gone."

Wufei nodded and ran his hand along the bedspread, noting how the thin threads tore under his fingers. "I suppose everything would fall apart even if we simply tried to move it."

Quatre shook piles of dust from his clothing, finally noticing how much he'd accumulated. "You could always just move what you have now."

Duo shrugged. "Ah, it's up to Heero, what he wants to do." He narrowed his eyes and climbed up on the bed, ignoring how he became covered in dust. "Look at this."

They followed his gaze and saw a row of odd markings along the bed's headboard. Duo wiped it clean, pushing huge clumps of dust into Quatre's lap. The blonde grimaced and slapped them away.

"J...u...s...t" Duo read, struggling to make out the ornate writing. "Wu, what's this one?"

"It's an 'h'," Wufei said after a moment. "It must be the king's name. Ah, the late king's name."

"A...m...a...n..." he paused. "Justahamanus?"

Quatre smothered his giggle. "Justahamanus? That was King J's name?"

Duo didn't bother to hide his laugh. "No wonder he liked J better." He swept his hand over the wood, imagining Heero written instead, in simpler letters without dust. Maybe even his favorite slave's name lower in smaller letters. He sighed and turned back again. " what? Do we have to clean all of this up?"

"Of course not," Quatre shook his head. "We're not allowed to get blisters on our hands." He put his fingers to his mouth as he remembered something. "That reminds me, Wufei, I need more of that cream you gave me to keep my hands soft."

Wufei gave him an odd look. "What has Trowa made you do? Heavy gardening?"

"No, he's teaching me how to defend myself, since he can't always be around. I'm only up to daggers, but he says I'm pretty good."

"If he says so, it must be true," he said. "But only daggers? Nothing else?"

"I've only been practicing a year," the blonde replied. "And it's not normal for a king to teach his concubine how to use a knife. I doubt he'd ever let me use anything bigger."

"But..." Duo tilted his head. "He trusts you, doesn't he? An' if people are trying to steal you..."

Quatre sighed and set one arm on the wooden headboard, resting his head. "It's not that simple, Duo. There are rules, laws...slaves aren't supposed to be able to fight back. We're supposed to be soft and stay in bed and do anything our masters need."

Wufei nodded. "We are the lucky ones, Duo. None of us have even been whipped or beaten. That in itself is a rarity."

The thief frowned and crossed his arms. "But...they wouldn't do that...I mean, Heero loves me..."

"You gave yourself to him," Quatre murmured. "Could you love him if he'd kept you in chains, tortured you until you finally couldn't fight anymore? If you'd just lost everything, including your freedom, and were now expected to give in to his every whim?"

"No," Duo admitted. "But...then he wouldn't be my Heero. Loving someone like that is impossible."

Quatre and Wufei exchanged glances.

"It's...not easy," Wufei agreed.


Heero opened the cabinet, careful not to bump the doors into anything surrounding them. He didn't trust the former king not to have left unstable spells out in the open for anyone to trip. Behind him, Trowa and two officers stood still, also keeping away from everything around them. Treize and Zechs had gone so far as to leave their swords at the door so the blades wouldn't tap anything.

"Are these things safe?" Trowa asked, watching his sibling remove seven crystals and lay them on a folded cloth on the nearest table. "Father did have an odd sense of humor."

Heero shook his head as he drew out the sword hilts. "I don't think he would do anything with something this important." He brought out the two poles next, followed by the curved blades. "Besides, he's dead. He hated missing the joke." Next came the crossbow, followed by the whip. He frowned and stared at the gems again.

"Forgot which one goes with which?" Trowa asked.

"J said the zero unlocks the weapons. I'm not sure how he meant that, and I don't know where his book is."

"His grimoire?" Treize asked.

They all stared at him.

"You know about it?" Heero asked.

"Wufei did. He said J wrote everything in it, his notes, his spells, ingredients--"

"Did he say what it looks like?"

"Hundreds of yellowed pages of parchment bound in black leather." Treize pointed to the bottom of the open cabinet. "He said J kept it hidden in a small compartment in there."

Heero turned and leaned over the flat wood, running his hand over the smooth surface looking for knots or cracks. All he got for his trouble was a tiny splinter he had to suck out, much to his brother's amusement.

"Are you sure it's in there?" Zechs asked. "Not another cabinet?"

Smiling ever so slightly, Trowa brushed past his brother and tapped the sides instead. Mostly light sounds came from his knuckles hitting wood, but a deeper knock soon followed. He then slammed his fist in the general spot and a thin panel fell sideways, spilling out the aforementioned book. With a little flourish, he handed it to his sibling.

"You are far too straight forward," he said.

Heero took the heavy volume and lay it on the table. "I don't have your vast experience at hiding."

Treize and Zechs exchanged a brief look and said nothing.

The prince opened the book and flipped through the pages, moving through most of them in a few seconds.

"They would probably be near the back," Trowa said, looking over his shoulder.

"Wait," Heero said. He turned back a couple pages and shook his head. "No, it starts in the middle."

Treize furrowed his brow. "But Wufei said J kept that for years."

Trowa widened his eyes. "How long was he planning this?"

"Long enough to pour his life into it," Heero replied. "And I still want to know who assassinated J."

For a moment, Zechs thought he might have to catch his captain before he fainted. Fortunately Treize kept his head and didn't do much more than gasp.


The two brothers looked at each other as they realized the same thing at once.

"We...forgot to tell them, didn't we?" Heero asked.

Trowa nodded. "Oops."

"How long have you known about this?" Zechs asked.

"About the first day I was back," Trowa said.

Treize did not gasp again, nor did he have to sit down or lean against his former lover for support. He simply made a mental note to speak to Wufei about needing a better way to collect information and his new need for a stiff drink to be ready after every gathering involving royalty.

"So who gets what?" Trowa asked, changing the subject. "Or do we decide?"

"It looks like J designed two weapons for us," Heero answered. "You get the crossbow Heavyarms. I get one of the swords."

Trowa picked up the bow with a small grunt, his left arm shaking a little as he held it. "He wasn't lying. It's heavy."

Heero looked over the weapons again. "We still have to decide who'll use the others. Who on earth can use a whip as a weapon?"

Zechs coughed and smirked at Treze, who glowered at his subordinate. "I believe the captain has some experience in that region."

Heero raised an eyebrow.

"It...isn't easy," Treize said. "But it can be lethal, when used correctly."

"Then yours is the Epyon," Heero said. "Zechs, do you have any experience with weapons other than a sword?"

Treize smirked. "Zechs, do you know of the existence of other weapons besides a sword?"

Zechs glowered at his captain but only shook his head. "Very little, your highness. I train mostly with a sword."

"The other sword will be yours, then. It's called Talgeese." Heero sighed and stared at the book again. "That just leaves us with three more trustworthy soldiers to find. And they have to be absolutely loyal."

"Noin?" Treize offered.

Zechs laughed. "She won't accept unless it's a direct order. I can't even make her change her old short sword for something longer."

"There are other options," Trowa said. "We do have three people we trust with our lives."

They fell silent for several seconds.

"But could they fight at that level?" Zechs asked. "Wufei's a sorcerer, he can't even handle iron. Admittedly, Duo stopped an assassin, but he's still a thief first and foremost. And Quatre...Trowa, are you serious?"

"He's not such a pushover," Trowa said with a smile. "He's been practicing with me ever since I found him. And...he's not a bad tactician, either. I think he could do it."

Heero looked at his captain. "Treize? Could Wufei handle the Shenlong?"

Treize nodded once. "I believe so, if he had some time to train with it. He said he practiced with swords and spears before he lost his ability to hold them. it made out of iron?"

"No, copper with a thin plate of silver."

An indecipherable look crossed Treize's face. "Then...J probably meant for Wufei to use it. Copper is one of the few metals that does not affect him."

"Could Duo handle a weapon?" Zechs asked.

Heero nodded. "I'm sure he could. He's intelligent, and he's certainly strong enough."

"Then it's decided?" Trowa asked.

"Unless we decide one of them can't handle a weapon." Heero picked up a zero gem, but instead of stringing it around his neck, he slipped it into a pocket. "Explanations should be here in the book. You can bring them down here to pick up their...gundams?" He stared back at the word he'd skimmed over. "J called them gundams?"

Treize, who'd been occupied with his new whip, snapped his head up. "Gundams? Wufei mentioned that in his sleep a few times. I thought he was just mumbling."

"It's an abbreviation for something," Heero said. "I...I don't recognize the language."

Trowa stared over his shoulder at the page. "I think I do. It looks like Corazon's native language...but the dialect's different. I...I don't think I can read it. Maybe Quatre could."

"I'll ask Wufei if it's important," Treize added.

Heero took his hilt and hung it from his sword belt, beside his usual blade. "Start looking through that book, see if you can find out more about how these things operate. I have to take care of something outside."

Everyone looked up in shock. After a long moment, a smile spread over Trowa's face. "Of course. He's dead. You can go anywhere now."

"Won't...won't you take a guard unit with you?" Treize asked.

Heero shook his head. "This has to be done quietly. The fewer people the better."

"At least take Wufei or Zechs," Trowa offered. "You've never been outside alone, Heero. You could get lost."

"With the palace in the center of the city?" Heero snorted. "Don't worry. I'm taking Duo with me."

"Ah," Treize said. "May I ask whom you're stealing from?"

"Duke Dermail," Hereo replied. "We should be back today or tomorrow. And remember, things must operate as if J is still alive. News of his death must not leak out."

They all nodded and Heero left, heading back upstairs.


Duo tapped one of the cabinets, wincing as bits of rotted wood crumbled under his fingertips. "Nothing in here is salvageable. How long was J holed up in his lab?"

Quatre shrugged.

Wufei tilted his head, considering. "Treize said he'd been working there since before Heero was born. He only came up once in awhile to sign laws or oversee projects."

"So nothing's of any use?" Heero asked.

They all jumped at his unexpected voice. Wufei merely scooted back on the bed, but Duo hit his head on the cabinet and broke off even more wood while Quatre fell off the bed.

"No," Duo pouted as he rubbed the back of his head. "Not unless you wanna make a blanket with all this dust."

Heero nodded once. "I'll simply have it cleaned out, then. Duo, come with me. You need to get dressed."

His slave frowned and looked over his clothing. "Uh...I thought I was."

"I'll explain on the way." Heero took his arm and led him to the door, turning back to the other pair for a moment. "Treize and Trowa will be here soon, so don't go anywhere."

Duo didn't even have a chance to say goodbye as Heero took him down the halls back to their own room. His soft slippers slid along the floor and he stumbled toward the bed, sitting down hard on the mattress. The prince...king closed the door behind them.

"We're going to sneak into Duke Dermail's palace tonight," he told him. "Will you need anything?"

Duo sat up, his braid falling over one shoulder as he toyed with the end of it. " about short notice...okay...I'll need a good lock pick, more than one if I can. A rag to cover my hands, and a knife would be great, but I'll understand if you don't wanna--"

"What's the rag for?" Heero cut him off.

"Heat spells," Duo said, and explained when he saw Heero didn't understand. "They're cheap spells people put on locks and stuff, makes the metal super hot."

"And the cloth protects your hands."

Duo shook his head. "Nope, they give me a few seconds to pull back before the lock heats up all the way. Saves me a nasty burn, but it still hurts."

"You can use a pair of my gloves," Heero said. "Any type of knife in particular?"

"Not really, just so long as it cuts." Duo lowered his gaze to the floor. "What...what happens if they see us?"

"We'll be cloaked. They won't recognize us." He bent on one knee and started to undress his slave. "We'll need to stay outside for the night. Do you know someplace safe to sleep?"

A slow smile crept over Duo's face. "I...yes. Maxwell's church. The kids'll keep watch for us."

"Good. We'll leave as soon as we're ready."


Heero tightened his fingers around Duo's hand as they moved through the streets, ducking past yelling merchants and the occasional guard riding by. Keeping his gaze on the long braid trailing against his slave's back, he pulled his hood closer around his face and tried to ignore the shouting, the swirling motion of vendors and customers and thieves and animals.

Duo, for his part, couldn't help his smile as he walked through the market, taking in the familiar sights and smells and sounds. For a little while he forgot that he was a slave, on the way to rob one of the most dangerous nobles in the city, with the occasional traitorous guard still lurking about. He was Heero's lover and guide through the streets. Nothing else mattered.

He turned around to see how Heero was handling the street. Instead of giving his love a reassuring grin, his eyes widened in shock. The city's new monarch had gone pale, screwing his eyes shut and doing his best to hide inside his long cloak. Not wasting time speaking, Duo led his master out of the street into the nearest side alley. Heero blindly followed.

Once they were safely out of the crowd, the braided slave leaned Heero up against a wall and pushed the hood back. "Come on, look at me," Duo murmured. "We're alone now."

His muscles trembling, Heero opened his eyes and glanced around, making sure no one was around to bump into him. "How do you handle it?" he whispered. "So many felt like I was being crushed..."

Duo shook his head. "You're just not used to it. I'm sorry, I shouldn't of brought you to the market. We can go over the buildings instead."

Heero put his hands on Duo's shoulders and pulled him close, hugging him and pressing his face against his lover's throat. Too startled to react, Duo hugged him back after several seconds. He could feel his master trembling so hard it affected the boy's breathing, turning it to shaky rasping.

"It's okay," he whispered and wondered if his voice was soothing enough. "You're safe. We won't cut through the market again, I promise."

Heero shook his head. "I shouldn't have come. I'm's too much...too fast."

"No, you'll be fine." Duo ran his fingers through his hair. "We'll be at Dermail's place soon."

"Should've asked Dorothy to do this instead," he mumbled.

His slave couldn't help his smile as he pushed his master against the wall, laying his hand on Heero's cheek and holding him still. "I don't need her help. I need you. And you can do this, Heero. Hell, you could probably do this blindfolded with one hand tied behind your back."

The king raised his gaze. "No more crowds," he mumbled.

Duo nodded once. "No more crowds, I promise. We'll stick to the rooftops. And when we get to the orphanage, we'll stay in my old room. It's quiet there." He smiled sheepishly. "Well, until the merchants get going again." Another brush of his knuckles on Heero's cheek. "Okay? Ready to keep going?"

Heero didn't reply, but merely squeezed Duo's hand and allowed him to lead them down the alley again.


"Where are they?" Quatre grumbled, giving the door another glance.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon," Wufei answered. "Have patience."

The blonde kicked his legs over the side of the bed, softly banging the rotted furniture with his feet which didn't reach the floor. "I don't want to be patient. I don't get too much time alone with Trowa and there's no privacy on a caravan."

Wufei started unbuttoning his coat. "There is more to love than sex."

"Is that why you're stripping before Treize comes in?"

His hands paused before he forced them to continue. "I am not!" he argued. "It's just hot." He spread the coat out on the bed and lay down on it, avoiding the dust.

"You are tired, aren't you?" Quatre asked. He leaned back on his elbows, stretching out. "Why didn't you tell him? I'm sure he'd let you take a nap."

"Because he wouldn't be sleeping next to me," Wufei said. "But he's coming right now, so he'll pick me up and put me to bed, and then we won't sleep."



Trowa stared at the zero gems and slowly lowered his hand, as if they might burn his skin off. He picked one up by its chain, watching it dangle a few inches from his face and staring at the light reflecting off the surface. "Doesn't seem dangerous."

With a little trepidation, Zechs picked up another. "True, but J made it." He blinked when the sparkles dazzled his eyes. "That's reason enough for caution."

"I'm sure Wufei would've told me about this if there was any danger," Treize mumbled. Ignoring the chain, he scooped up the zero. The crystal felt cool in his palm, almost tingling. "I can ask him right now when I get him."

"Don't tell anyone about this," Trowa warned them. "Zechs, you can let Noin know, and maybe even Sally and Une in case these start hurting us somehow, but no one else."

They both nodded.

"If you don't need me for anything else," Zechs started, "I need to go back. Noin expects me for practice in the west hall."

Trowa shook his head.

"Go ahead," Treize told him. "I'll send for you if anything comes up."

The blonde turned and picked his way out of the lab, edging around the tables and glass before finally escaping out the door, grabbing his sword on the way out. Still staring at his crystal, Treize shook his head in resignation and slipped the string over his head. Beside him, Trowa did the same.

And when they looked around the room, everything seemed...




The door opened, the rush of air blowing bits of dust in circles on the floor. Quatre looked up at his master, framed in the light, his figure darkened and outlined in gold, and smiled. In a few minutes they'd go downstairs for lunch, maybe sit in the cool fountain, and eat oranges and play in the water.

Wufei turned his head and glanced at Treize, the warm air swirling over his skin and pushing a few stray hairs back around his face. Taller than Trowa, his captain made a striking image beside the prince, his reddish hair catching the scant light and turning it golden. Maybe...even in front of the others, he'd whisk him off to bed and keep him there for a day? Or even just an hour...

The masters tensed. Their fists clenched at the same time. Even in the darkness, the slaves could see their lovers narrowing their eyes as they stared.

Wufei sat up and tilted his head. "Treize? Are you all right?"

"I knew it," Trowa whispered in a tight voice. A drop of blood formed in his palm where his nails bit into his skin. "I knew it."

"Can't keep their damn hands off each other," Treize said.

Quatre and Wufei exchanged confused glances and scooted away from each other, off the bed.

"Don't bother," Trowa snarled. He rushed towards them and grabbed Quatre's wrist, dragging him back to the door. His slave yelped at Trowa's tight grip and yanked backwards, trying to free himself. "I've already seen enough."


A loud crack echoed down the halls and Quatre fell to his knees, a bruise already rising on his cheek. Without any time to recover, he struggled to stand as Trowa dragged him out of sight.

The captain ignored them and focused on Wufei, who backed away from his master until he ran into the wall.


His master leaned over him, places his arms on either side of his shoulders and boxing him in.

"Treize, what's wrong? Why did you let Trowa--?" His master's mouth suddenly pushed against his, and Wufei winced. Too strong, it hurt, and he pushed against Treize, trying to slip away. Instead Treize pressed even harder. His larger hands seized his slave's shoulders and dug in, grinning when he heard his lover's whimper.

He finally leaned back, still clutching Wufei. His smile broadened when he saw the bruises rising on the boy's lips. "What's the matter?" he chuckled. "You don't mind it from that little blonde, but you won't have it from your master?"

"What's wrong with you?" the slave asked in a whisper. "We didn't--"

He didn't remember Treize's open hand striking his cheek, he simply found himself leaning too far to one side, held up only by his master's iron grip on his arm. Before he could try to stand, he was thrown down to the floor and something hard pressed into his back. He glanced over his shoulder and found Treize kneeling on him while he yanked Wufei's hands behind his back. The thin belt on his uniform came off and was looped over Wufei's wrists, and Treize pulled it as tight as he could. The sorcerer groaned and shut his eyes. Made mostly from leather, the belt still had an iron fastener, and while it didn't touch his skin, the iron's proximity still made him sick to his stomach.

"I've let you run wild for far too long," Treize said, hauling Wufei to his feet. "Always talking back, never following orders...and now this." He backhanded his sorcerer and wiped the blood from his knuckles. "But I'll have you acting properly again. Even if I am a little out of practice with a whip."

Wufei was too shocked to fight as Treize pulled him out of the room.


"Here we are!" Duo grinned, pointing to a building across the street. "Duke Dermail's Palace."

"Villa," Heero corrected. He leaned over the roof's edge and stared at the white limestone exterior and shook his head. "Not like I imagined it."

"'Villa'?" Duo asked.

"Not quite a palace," Heero explained. "Merely a large house."

Duo tilted his head and looked back at the villa again. "If you say so. Looks too big to be just a house."

The square house had only one story, but its sheer size made up for that, taking up more space than twenty of the surrounding houses did. Built more like a fortress than a home, it surrounded a courtyard filled with fruit trees and flowers and a small pond. People moved through the yard, but no one lingered or strolled, walking as if they had important business to attend to.

"Looks kinda like Wufei's garden," Duo commented.

Heero nodded once. "If their Laoshi O is here, then he's probably improved their mundane vegetable patch."

"Even if they're getting ready to go to war?"

The king shrugged. "Magick gardens improve your status. I suppose Dermail cares about how he looks as much as how his soldiers fight." He examined every entrance again and tilted his head. "How do we get in?"

Duo grinned and pointed to the roof covered in glass and rusted scraps of metal. "Over the top, down that big tree with the grape vines wrapped around it, then through that small window near the floor."

Heero's eyes widened in amazement. "How...Did you just figure that out?"

The thief chuckled and shook his head. "No no, I'm not that fast. I was planning on robbing him before you caught me. Ready to go?"

Heero paled. "Through the streets?"

Duo shook his head. "No, we'll stay up here." He slipped his hand into Heero's, squeezing it. "We can climb up on one of the windows there. If all goes right, we won't run into anyone."


Quatre stumbled after Trowa, unable to keep up with his long stride without stumbling. Each time he fell, his master yanked him back up with increasing force. Tears welled in his eyes, and he blinked them away before Trowa could see them.


He was pulled forward and slapped so that his face bruised under the red mark. A second later he had to keep up again. At least the hall looked familiar. They were close to their bedroom.

He heard a door open, but he didn't look up, half-expecting to be bound to the bed and confined for the rest of their stay. Instead he was drawn to one side, and when he did look up, the door leading to the small adjoining room lay directly ahead.

"No!" he cried, " Trowa, no!" He fought to get out of his master's grip, throwing wild punches and using his nails. His fingers connected with something soft and when he pulled his hand back, blood colored his nails.

"You're only digging your grave deeper," Trowa snapped. He grabbed the door and flung it wide, then pushed his slave inside. "You'll stay in there until we go home."

Quatre watched as the door slammed shut, cutting off every bit of light, even stray rays that might have come from beneath the door. He couldn't hear his quiet master or anything else beside his own panicked breathing.

"Not again," he mumbled, crawling towards the door. He struck the wood with his palm a few times. "Trowa, please."

"Shut up."

"I can't do this. Not again." He continued to hit the door until his hand hurt. He paused, and the silence was too much. He started scratching the surface. "Let me out. Why are you doing this? I love you."

"If you don't shut up," Trowa called, "I'll lock you in your cell when we go back."

Quatre closed his mouth and leaned back against the wall, but he didn't stop scratching the wood.


"Careful," Duo warned his lover. He helped Heero onto the patch of roof he'd cleared of glass. "Don't wanna get cut up here."

"Are you sure no one can see us?" He looked over his shoulder at the alley they'd run through. "It's so open out here."

Keeping one hand in Heero's, Duo picked his way through the sharp debris to the richly green leaves poking up from the other side. "We're good, trust me. It's just like when we went through the palace. No one sees us 'cause they don't expect to see us." He turned and put a finger to his lips. "Now shh," he whispered. "Gotta stay quiet."

Heero gave a curt nod and leaned over the edge, watching his lover move. Duo took a firm grasp of the nearest branch and eased himself down onto the next. He didn't even wince as the rough bark scraped his palms through the gloves. Once his foot settled on a thicker branch, he reached his hand up.

"Come on."

"I'd rather jump," he muttered.

The thief narrowed his eyes. "And I'd rather not try to explain to Treize why his monarch has two shattered legs. Now come on."

Heero growled but obeyed, stretching as far as he could. His fingertips brushed Duo's, and the slave sighed in impatience. He somehow reached forward, grabbing Heero's wrist and giving him a sharp tug. The king gasped as he toppled forward, sure he would hit the ground. Instead he fell against his lover's body, instantly wrapped up in his warm arms. Duo smirked and stole a kiss.

"See, you're okay. Let's keep going."

Heero gave no outward sign of his speeding heartbeat. He followed Duo down the tree, reassured by the lack of people around and the soft breathing coming from his lover, much like when he slept. Just a little longer, he told himself. Soon we'll be back at the palace in our new bedroom with no crowds...

He knelt beside Duo and helped him open the window. The braided thief looked inside, then slipped in on his stomach, his legs kicking until he fell the rest of the way. A second later, Heero came after.

When he stood up, he glanced around the room, first to make certain they were alone, then to see where they were. Several trunks lined the walls, stacked on top of each other like bricks. Aside from a few rolled up carpets, they were the only things inside.

"Okay, what're we looking for?"

Heero didn't respond. He pulled one trunk from a stack, surprised by how little it weight, and opened it. His brow furrowed. "What on earth...?"

Duo looked over his shoulder. "Looks like a big doll."

Wooden limbs hinged together with screws lay jumbled around a torso and faceless head. Its hands were mere round lumps, and its feet were rectangles. Nothing else lay inside.

"Why would Dermeel keep a room full of dolls?" Duo asked. "And locked in trunks?"

"I don't know," Heero admitted. "We can ask Wufei when we return. Let's go."

Duo put his ear to the door and listened for a moment, then gently turned the knob. "I think it's locked." He pulled two thin shards of metal from his hair and twisted them into the keyhole. "Give me a few minutes."

Heero nodded while he locked the trunk back up and returned it. Not bothering Duo, he counted the trunks in the room. Twenty boxes. Twenty manikins.

A click echoed from the door. "Got it." He peered through the crack before opening the door, stepping into a long hallway. "Which way?"

Heero pointed to one side. "There should be a door at the far end. I think that'll take us to the main chambers."

"How'd you know that?"

The king shrugged. "J made me study the floor plans for all my vassals, but that was a long time ago."

Duo smirked. "I'm sure you're right."

They walked down the corridor, passing a handful of doors on each side similar to the one they just came through.

"You think all of those have dolls inside?" the slave asked.

"Probably, or else weapons or money." Heero fingered the sword at his side. "That's not important now. We need to find his private chambers. We should find all the information we need there."


"Treize, stop!"

Wufei would have felt shame over begging, dishonor for being so weak, some kind of sense of betrayal, if his mind hadn't focused entirely on the pain blossoming in his right arm, the burning in his abdomen. Another backhanded slap struck his face, deepening the bruise around his eye and making another cut on his lip.


He wondered why no one came to help. Surely the entire palace could hear his screams, or each heartbeat that pounded in his ears. He coughed up another mouthful of blood. His master's hard hands gripped his waist, pulling him away from the wall and throwing him on the bed. For a moment there was blissful quiet. No yelling, no sound of flesh turning blue, only soft footsteps and Wufei's heavy breathing, and the pain dissipating into sharp throbs.

Set on one side, he opened his eyes and watched his master move around the bed. Beneath the window, he spotted something coiled up like a snake. He whimpered when he recognized Epyon.

"I know you're hurting," Treize sighed, picking up the whip. "But you deserve it. Bad slaves must be punished."

"...nothing..." Wufei whispered. "...nothing...we didn't..."

"And slaves must not lie," Treize said. He unfurled the whip, and it hit the floor with a metallic ring. He raised his hand, preparing to strike his lover, but he stopped halfway when the tight cloth held him back. "Damn uniform."

Dropping the whip, he undid his top shirt and slid it from his arms, revealing the zero necklace that hung over his spotless white, long sleeved shirt. He picked up the whip and raised it over his head. "Much better."

Wufei's glance fell on the zero gem and he understood, somehow seeing through his haze of pain and delirium. His hands, bent and swollen from the tight belt, strained towards his master. The whip came down. With a twist of his fingers, he forced it to the side, where it cracked against the bed.

Fire burned up through his muscles, punishing him for his unauthorized spell.

"You should know better than to fight it," Treize scolded him.

Wufei cursed his geis, but deflected the next strike regardless. The whip could lay him open with one hit. When Treize brought his arm up again, the sorcerer stared at the gem and pulled.

The necklace snapped and the gem dropped to the floor, shattering like ice. Stunned, Treize's fingers opened and the whip fell beside the broken crystal. On the bed, Wufei groaned and curled into a tight ball, muscles trembling as his self-imposed geis tightened its grip.

"Wufei...?" Treize wondered as if waking from a dream. He looked around. Things seemed real enough. He looked back at the bed.

Stained red with brown spots already drying, two slashes ran parallel to his lover's body. Wufei's clothes had been torn and bloodied. He seemed about to shiver to death.

"What happened here?" Treize whispered.

There was no answer.

