Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Willing Slave ❯ Chapter 14

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Part 14

Deep inside Dermail's villa, where the only light came from the torches in the corners of the room, one sorcerer leaned a dark mirror up against the wall and sat down in front of it. He tapped it three times, then called out one name. The surface of the mirror rippled like water and another face came into view.

"What is it? I can't be here long."

The necromancer with the metal nose nodded once. "Understood. Things have come up. Dermail says we're too attack in a few days time."

"What? He knows I can't get there that soon."

"True, but he has reason to suspect that the new king suspects our plans. If you can't reach here, neither can Relena's army."

"Damn. I'd hoped...damn. I take it you've called for the cannon aspect."

"Yes. The Libra spell is nearly complete. All that remains is to add the cannon and tie the seperate parts of the spell together."

"Very well. A moment." The face disappeared, coming back after a few seconds with a scroll bound with velvet. "Here. Don't let anyone else see you with this. Just say I sent it through without anyone's knowledge. They shouldn't know you're my eyes and ears."

"I understand." The scroll pushed through the mirror and popped into the necromancer's hands. "Thank you, master."

"One other thing."


"Trowa Barton. If he fights on Heero's side, kill him. And make sure his little concubine doesn't survive, either."

"It shall be done."


"...and after I snuck across the border, I rode into Lagrange and came straight to the palace." Zechs put his empty cup of tea down and took a breath.

"Were you going to ask for shelter?" Relena asked.

He chuckled and shook his head. "You forget, I wasn't coming as Prince Milliardo Peacecraft. I called myself Zechs Merquise and came for the next try-out for the palace guard."

"How did you think up that name?" she asked. "It's so different."

"Exactly. I wanted something that didn't sound formal, something a little harsher. I didn't have too much experience with the lower levels of society, though." He ran his hand through his hair. "Treize said that's what he noticed first...well, second. My name was too exotic...he has a thing for the exotic."

"What was the first?"

"What?" Zechs asked, looking up.

"You said he noticed something else first?"

His face turned a light pink. "Oh...that..." He coughed. "Well..."

Relena giggled. "Please, I'm not an innocent virgin. Don't worry about burning off my pure ears."

"No, I suppose not." He glanced at the window Dorothy had all but fled through and figured she was probably still out there listening. "Treize...he said he noticed my hair."

"Oh, I thought--em, never mind. But you didn't cut it?"

"Too vain. But it's a good thing I didn't, because Treize pulled me aside right there and evaluated my sword skills."

Relena smiled. "I'm sure he did."

"Not like that." His blush spread. "You really aren't an innocent anymore, are you?"

"Dorothy's a bad influence sometimes."

Boots shuffled along the ledge beside the window, but both of them pretended not to hear it.

"In any case, he said he didn't believe that I was a commoner, but that I must be at least a bastard noble. Then he mentioned that Sank's prince had run away from home and asked me why he should risk his life to keep my secret."

"And that's when you slept with--"

"No, it is not! If you must know, I didn't start a relationship with him for another month."

"My apologies."

Zechs had been away from court duties for so long that he failed to recognize her political insincere smile, and he nodded. "Accepted. I told him that I was the best skilled swordsman in the kingdom, that I was trained in military strategy, and that he had a secret he could hold over my head."

"What did he say?"

"I found out later Treize likes having power over people." He held one hand up before she could say anything. "No, he isn't cruel, but he prefers to have total control. He had their sorcerer--the one they had then was practically falling apart at the seams, kind of like your sorcerer--put the usual loyalty geis on me, and then immediately showed me that I was not the best swordsman in the kingdom." He smiled and refilled his tea cup. "Apparently I'm the third best."

"Heero and Treize are above you, I take it?"

He nodded. "Although from what I've seen recently, Wufei might be able to lay Treize down in a fight."

Relena sipped her own tea. "But I thought most sorcerers can't hold iron. And isn't it punishable by death for a slave to strike his master?"

"Yes for both, but there are more metals than iron that can be used for weaponry, and Wufei isn't limited to weapons, either. As for striking his master," Zechs smiled, "don't tell this to anyone, but Wufei isn't a slave anymore."

Relena smiled. "He's free? That's wonderful. Is he really as powerful as I've heard? The rumors are that Treize recently beat him."

Zechs leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--" Relena started.

He shook his head. "No, it's all right. That wasn't Treize's fault. King J was forcing Wufei to help him in the creation of new weapons, but part of the spell went haywire and affected a few of us. We ended up attacking those who love us the most. In Wufei's was bad." Zechs clenched a fist and released. "It's hard to believe they were able to defend themselves as well as they did. Well, almost."


Zechs took a deep breath. "Noin could fight back. She isn't a slave. She knocked me flat and had a sword at my throat before I did much damage."

Neither said anything for a moment.

"Then I guess you're more like the fourth best swordsman in the kingdom."

"She'd agree with that." Zechs laughed and looked up. "I think I need to introduce the two of you."

"I would like that." She stood up as Zechs did. "You'll come by once in awhile, won't you? And later, write? It feels so good to know where you are now."

"I promise. I'd better return to my duties, and I think Dorothy may fall off if we leave her out there much longer."

Relena sighed and looked out the window. "That girl...she probably thinks I'm going to yell and scream and make her sleep on the floor."

"You wouldn't."

"Well, I might make her sleep on the floor..." She hugged him one more time and saw him out of her bedroom. When he disappeared around the corner, she closed the door again and walked to the window. "I know you're out there, Dorothy. You can come in now."

Relena gathered up their robes and looked back at the window as her lover climbed in as quietly as she could. "I think I'll take you up on your offer of a bath. Shall we?"

Dorothy nodded and followed after Relena, hanging her head like a scolded puppy.


Trowa used his sword to block Quatre's slash and came back with his own side slice. His slave used one kami to catch the sword and brought his other one down towards Trowa, who let go of the sword hilt with one hand and grabbed Quatre's wrist. Quatre, in turn, tried to tilt the kami around, but Trowa applied a little pressure to his wrist. Quatre winced and dropped the kami.

"You can still kick," Trowa said.

Mentally kicking himself, Quatre used the grip Trowa had to jump up and doublekick with both legs, planting his feet in his master's stomach. Trowa's eyes widened and he fell backwards while Quatre landed on the ground a few feet away.

"Not bad," Trowa said as he stood up. He held his hand out to Quatre, who rubbed his hip where's he'd hit. "I didn't expect that. Where'd you learn that move?"

Quatre took the offered hand. "I watch the Maganacs when they practice. Not all their moves are so easy, though."

Trowa nodded. "You mean that kami twirl you tried? That takes a lot of practice. If you get that move down, though, you could take off someone's hand."

Quatre turned and watched the others fighting. "'If.' I'm never going to be any good at this."

"That's not true. You're already very good."

"Trowa...I feel the same as when we first started. You disarm me in just a few minutes, and I always get winded so soon."

Trowa stepped closer and pulled Quatre closer, and the blonde settled against his body and closed his eyes. "You were kept in a tiny room for years," Trowa whispered. "You've only been out a little while. You can't expect to be completely recovered so soon. And as for me...remember, I'm the best assassin in two kingdoms, and you're still holding your own against me, at least for a while..." He held Quatre's shoulders and held him back a few inches. "You're going to be a great fighter when you get a little stronger."

Quatre smiled. "I...maybe."

"Just give it time. You'll be all right for the battle if you practice a little more. How do the kamis feel?"

"Natural, like they're part of my body." He looked back at the others. "But not as natural as the Shenlong must feel."

Trowa followed his look and started to laugh.

Treize backed up across the room, followed by Wufei, who thrust with his spear several times. Treize finally managed to get to the side, out of the spear's path, and moved his Tallgeese to parry. He'd watched Wufei's form and the next move was shaping up to be another set of lunges. To his surprise, Wufei ducked down as he slid forward, all of his weight coming to rest as he crouched under the sword's stroke. He kept his spear just behind Treize as he moved, but the second he stopped he swept the staff forward, striking Treize's legs and sending him to the ground.

Treize landed on his shoulder, too off balance to get up again, and saw the spear heading down towards his face. He winced, but several seconds passed and he felt no pain. When he opened his eyes again, he found Wufei's glowing spear tip resting just above his throat. Wufei smirked at his lover and raised his weapon, extending one hand to help him up.

Treize let Wufei help him up. "I've never seen anything like that before. You're so fast."

"No, I'm still a little slow. I haven't practiced since I left the clan."

"Well, you're better than I am with these things," Treize said, hanging his Talgeese hilt on his sword belt. He smirked back at Wufei. "But I'm still better with plain old swordplay."

Wufei blushed. "I remember." The green glow of his spear tip faded until all he had left was a silver pole.

Treize lay his hand over Wufei's forehead, then frowned and felt under his lover's jaw. "Your fever's back."

Wufei shook his head, but he didn't shy away from Treize's cool hand, either. "It's just the exercise."

"And the armory next door wouldn't have anything to do with it?" He put his arm around Wufei's waist and held him close. "I think you need--"

Wufei stomped his foot. "If you say more sleep, I'll turn you into a...a..."

"A fluffy bunny rabbit?" Quatre offered.


Treize shook his head and kissed him. "No, you need to practice outside, where there's not as much iron."


"But I do think you need to go to bed now."


The captain bent and whispered in his ear. "I didn't say sleep, love. I said go to bed."

Wufei turned bright pink. "Oh..." He retrieved his usual staff and carried the two poles with him as Treize accompanied him out. When they reached the armory entrance, Treize didn't wait for Wufei to stumble but picked him up and whisked him out of the hall.

Trowa watched them leave and then slung his Heavyarms behind his back. "That's a good idea. I think we might fight better outside in the open."

Quatre nodded and looked down at himself. "What do I do with Sandrock?"

His master reached into his pocket and brought out Quatre's thick blue veil. "We can get you the right belt from the armory," he said, attaching the veil on the cloth around Quatre's hair. "Something light and easy for you to move in." He settled the cloth around his slave's face and let it fall against his cheeks. "Comfortable?"

Quatre nodded. "Am I going to need armor?"

"I don't know. I don't want you unprotected, but mail and suits are heavy even for grown men. You might be better off with a leather armor." He kissed Quatre's forehead. "Let's go see if there's one that fits you."


"Yes, little one?"

"Afterwards, could we go to the garden again?"

Trowa put his arm around Quatre's shoulders and hugged him close. "If it doesn't get dark too fast, we will."

Duo turned his head for a moment to watch them leave, then found himself falling as his legs were swept out from under him. His scythe fell out of his hands as his back hit the floor, driving the breath out of him, and when he opened his eyes he found Heero's Wing slicing down towards his head.

Heero tensed his muscles, about to halt his blade's flight, when it slammed against an invisible brick wall a foot in front of Duo's face. The impact jarred his arm and sent him sprawling forward. His sword flickered and faded back into a simple hilt, and he landed on top of Duo. Or at least on the invisible shield a foot above Duo.

"Are you all right?"

"You startled me."

Heero stood up and put his hand out. "Never turn away from the enemy. If I were your enemy, I might have killed you."

Duo accepted his hand. "You wouldn't hurt me. Besides, I blocked you pretty quick."

"True. I'm glad you can do that. You didn't seem to need too much focus to do it."

"I focused on your sword," Duo said. "I think I do have to focus, at least a little. Um, looks like we're alone now."

"Good. I've been wanting to ask you something for awhile." Heero stepped closer and tightened his grip on Duo's wrist. His slave cringed. The grip didn't hurt, but it frightened him. "You were able to throw me across a room and hit me with a table, and you didn't feel any pain."

Duo took a step back.

"Why didn't it hurt you? Did you block the geis?" Heero dropped his sword and put his hand under Duo's jaw, forcing him to meet his eyes. "Have you been able to block it the whole time?"


"Are you a sorcerer?"

Duo blinked. "What?"

"You move things without touching them. You use your gundam as well as Wufei. You didn't feel the geis. Are you a sorcerer?"

"No, I'm not." Duo wriggled and tried to step back again.

Heero released his hand but grabbed his shoulders. "I won't punish you if you don't lie. But I have to know. I can't afford lies right now."

"I'm not." Duo struggled and felt Heero's hands tighten just a little. "I'm not."

"Then why didn't the geis affect you?"

"I don't know. Ask Wufei, he's a sorcerer." Duo started to shiver. "I'm not a sorcerer. I can't do magick. He says I just use my mind. It isn't magick. It isn't."

Heero paused. "Duo, when you hit me...what were you thinking?"

"I don't know, I don't know. It all happened so fast."

Heero relaxed his grip and hugged Duo close, letting the shaking wear down. "I'm not angry at you. We're too close to war now for any doubts. I have to know what you are. What were you thinking? Remember."

"I...I just knew you were so nice one minute, and then you were trying to hurt me. And I didn't know why, and I was scared. And the way you were talking. You didn't sound like yourself. And you held me so tight it hurt and hit me--"

"Wait. I didn't sound like myself?"

Duo shook his head. "No. You weren't that mean even when you caught me. You'd been so gentle before...I mean, you hadn't hit me. I didn't think you could want to hurt me, not after the things you'd said to me before. Not after you took me dancing."

"Duo, did you like hitting me?"

"No, I--"

Heero rubbed his back. "I think I understand now."

"Understand what?"

"Your geis. It didn't fail. It worked perfectly. Wufei does good work..." He held Duo a few inches back again. "The geis stops you from going against my wishes. When the zero took over my mind, it made me act out my baser wants but not my real desires. You acted according to what I really wanted." He brushed the back of his hand against Duo's cheek. "Your well-being."

"But then why was Wufei hurt?"

"He thought Treize was punishing him. You thought I was acting crazy. Small difference, but it's enough."

Duo stared at him. "Heero? What would you have done if I was a sorcerer? If I was lying to you?"

Heero closed his eyes. "If you hadn't told the truth now, I'd have been forced to have Wufei put you under truthspell to find out why you were playing at being my slave. If you really loved me, I'd have punished you for lying for so long but that would be all. If you were something else...I would have kept you locked up until we knew what. And if you were dangerous..." his voice trailed off.

Duo tilted his head. "You'd have executed me."

"I'm the king, Duo. My wishes come second to that of the country." He stroked his slave's braid. "But it would have been quick, without pain. I..." He broke off and turned away. When he spoke again, his voice was thick. "It'll be time to eat in a few hours. We should practice outside."

Duo half-smiled. "Yeah. I guess we've been in here awhile." He picked up his scythe pole and twirled it. "What do I do with this?"

Heero looked back at him. "Keep it with you. We can get Wufei to shorten it later, if that's possible."

Duo walked up next to him and slipped his hand into Heero's. "It's okay. I understand. You know I'm not a danger to you."

A real smile actually spread over Heero's face. "No. You're not a danger."


Nataku looked up from her spot on the table as Treize and Wufei came in, but she lowered her head and closed her eyes again. Wufei leaned his staff against the wall and locked the door behind himself. "I suppose after this, you'll tell me I need to spend the rest of the day in bed."

Treize smiled as he dropped his jacket on the table and unbuttoned his shirt. "It would be to your benefit."

Wufei turned and watched his master...lover...strip down and sit down on the bed. "You think so?"

"Oh yes." Treize stretched and lay down, patting the mattress beside himself. "I've been waiting for your arm to heal for so long..."

"It was only broken for a few days," Wufei said. He felt his lips try to curl into a smirk and he fought it down. "Are you certain you want to do this now?"

Treize rose up on his elbows and frowned. "Of course. I mean, you want to, right? You said--" He breathed in sharply and put his fist to his face. "Oh always wanted to, didn't you? I...I never meant to force you, ever. I mean, I always thought--"

Nataku cracked one eye open.

Wufei smiled and shook his head. "Calm down. You never raped me." He pulled off his tank top and untied the string around his pants. "Although it's nice to see my captain so flustered. You're usually so calm."

Treize sighed. "I never wanted to hurt you. I was always afraid I was."

Wufei let his pants fall and stepped out of them as he walked closer. He sat down on the bed and put his hand on Treize's chest. "Then why did you take so long to free me?"


"You owned me for a year." He let his hand drop and he looked down at the floor. "You left me chained to the bed so often, without even thinking how I felt. Why?"

"I only tied you down when you needed to rest." Treize sat up and put his hands on Wufei's shoulders, pulling him back against himself. "You always pushed yourself too hard. You never know when to rest."

"Is that the only reason?"

Treize's hands stilled. "I suppose I shouldn't try to lie to a sorcerer."

Wufei set his hands on top of Treize's and looked up. "Do I need to put you under truth spell?"

The captain shook his head. "No. I...would you have left me?"

"Left you?" Wufei turned and faced him. "You mean if you had freed me earlier?"

"You're strong enough to destroy armies," Treize said with a nod. "I was afraid you'd turn your anger on us, or join one of our enemies." He stroked Wufei's hair, brushing his knuckles against the darker cheek. "Or you'd simply leave and I'd never see you again."

Wufei shook his head. "So instead of trusting my word, you kept me as a bit of property."

"No, I didn't...I mean...I never thought of you as belonging to me...not entirely."

"And what did you think?"

"I thought..." Treize sighed and pulled away. "I'd hoped, maybe you thought of me belonging to you, a little."

"How could you think that? I was the one in chains."

"Not chains." Treize ran his fingers through his hair. "Wufei...if Zechs had come back and said he didn't want Noin anymore, that he wanted me, would you have simply let me go?"

"I wouldn't have had much choice with that geis," Wufei shrugged. "And if you wanted him, who am I to stop you?"

Nataku hissed. Stupid boy has no mind sometimes.

" don't mean that."

Wufei didn't answer.

Treize looked at his lover for so long that Wufei turned to see why he'd gone quiet. After a few minutes, Treize turned away and gathered his clothes. "I see." He jerked on his pants and shirt and grabbed his boots. "I am such a fool."


"To think you would ever love me. Everyone always told me you'd only love one of your own kind. I should have believed them."

"But I do love you."

"Don't lie," Treize said. "If you wouldn't do anything at all to keep me, even just ask me to stay...God, they were right." He strapped on his sword belt. "I told you I wouldn't force you into anything. You said you wanted me. I am such a fool."


"Maybe I should've left you there with Quatre. You seem to like him more than me."


"Or just sent you off on your own wherever the hell you were going in the first place. Maybe that's the reason they exiled you. You don't seem to give a damn about anything except what you want."

Nataku would have squawked, but her jaw only dropped.

Wufei's eyes opened wide. "No..." He climbed over the bed to reach his lover, but as soon as he touched his shoulder, Treize turned and backhanded him. Wufei fell back against the bed, hand against his cheek, and watched Treize walk towards the door.

He hit me, Wufei thought. Tears sprung to his eyes. I love him and he hit me. He looked back at Treize, who had his hand on the doorknob. Oh no you don't.


The half-opened door slammed shut and the lock turned. Treize whirled around, about to snap at Wufei. He breathed in when he saw Wufei sitting up and staring at him, his eyes sparking around the edges. Treize's hand reflexively dropped to his sword.

"Do you think you can hurt me with that?" Wufei asked.

"I don't want to hurt you," Treize said. "But I will stop you if I have to."

"I'm not exhausted this time. I'm not under your geis. You can't hurt me."

The swordbelt came undone and fell to the floor. Wufei tilted his head, and the belt sped along the floor and disappeared under the bed. Treize reached back for the doorknob but was shoved against the wall by blue bands of energy that slithered out of the air and slid around his body. Wufei stood up, one hand still on his face. The bands tightened over Treize's arms and legs and throat.

"I don't like being hit," Wufei whispered. "And I don't like being insulted." He slapped Treize twice and let the bands get a little tighter. "It isn't wise to anger a sorcerer."

"'Fei," Trieze whimpered, "cn't br''t..."

"I know you can't breathe," Wufei said. "I'm the one choking you." He waved one hand.

All the bands disappeared but the one around his throat, tugging him toward the bed. Treize put his hands around the blue energy and tried to pull back, but it dragged him forward until he fell across the bed. He heard soft rattling under the mattress, and the silver chains slithered up and wrapped around his arms, stretching them out to the headboard. The other set curled around his legs. They didn't lock him down but the magick kept him immobile. One more chain wrapped around his throat just tight enough to make him nervous.

Wufei took a rose blossom out of his trunk and tossed it into the air above Treize. It hovered in mid-air, and petals dropped down across the Treize and blew out the window. The rose never diminished despite the blizzard coming out of it. Wufei then took a black stone and set it on the window sill so that the sunlight turned back. For light, the sorcerer lit a few candles.

Nataku yawned and fell back asleep again.

Treize's eyes widened as Wufei came closer, but when the sorcerer climbed up onto the bed with him, he closed his eyes and turned his head as far as the chain would allow. Wufei sighed and lay his hand on Treize's face.

"You honestly think I'm going to hurt you?" Wufei asked. He stroked his lover's cheek and down his throat, running his finger along the skin just above the chain. "I'm doing this because I love you."

Treize didn't move.

"Or maybe you think I'm going to turn into a tiger and eat you? Serve a roast Treize duck?" Wufei nuzzled Treize's cheek and nipped gently. "I think I'd rather keep you like this for awhile, like you kept me."

Treize didn't open his eyes. "I never meant to hurt you."

"I know." Wufei smiled and sighed. "I know." He started undoing the buttons on Treize's coat and then the ones on his shirt. "But you have a temper. Every time you locked me down, I thought 'this is it. This time he's going to whip me'."


"I know you never whipped me. You slapped me, once in a rare while, and I suppose I deserved those. I know I can be stubborn sometimes. But that doesn't mean I was never afraid when you tied me up." He finished with the top and worked on the pants now. "When the zero made you beat me, I thought I'd finally angered you, and now you were going to treat me like every other slave I've seen."

"Are you going to hurt me?"

"No." Wufei gave his cheek a pat and lay down on top of him. "I'm going to make sure you never hit me again. I won't hurt you, but I want you to know how it feels to be trapped and helpless, even if you know for certain that I won't hurt you."

"But I don't know for certain."

"All the better."


Relena sat on the edge of one of the pools and eased down until the water came to her shoulders. A few feet in front of her, Dorothy pushed a tray full of soaps to her queen and turned away again. Relena stared at her lover's back for a moment before grabbing one of the soaps and moving behind Dorothy. She grabbed the long hair and began running the soap through it.

"Miss Relena?" Dorothy sidled up to the wall and tried to look over her shoulder, but Relena kept a firm hold and wouldn't let her turn around.

"I'm not angry at you," Relena said. "So stop sulking."

Dorothy lowered her head. "But...I knew. I knew he was here. Aren't you mad?"

"You sound like you want me to be."

She didn't answer.

Relena finished lathering her lover's hair and grabbed her shoulders, pushing her down gently. "I'm more curious as to why you didn't tell me. You knew I wanted to know where he was." She finished rinsing her hair and turned her around. "Did you think I would try to drag him back to Sank?"

Dorothy shook her head. "Nothing as altruistic as that."

Relena smiled. "Of course not. Not my Dorothy. Let me guess. You held it over his head in case you ever needed a favor from Lagrange's second in command."

"I wouldn't have actually--"

Relena raised her hand. "I know. But that was implied, wasn't it? And even if no one had believed you, that would have threatened his marriage and his standing as second in command." She giggled. "I'm surprised he didn't realize that's exactly why you wouldn't say anything."


"Dorothy, please don't insult my intelligence. We both know I'm not the silly little girl I pretend to be."

Dorothy smirked. "Well, at least not all the time."

Relena splashed water in Dorothy's face, then was promptly dunked. They wrestled for a few seconds before Dorothy grabbed Relena's arms, pushed her backwards into the water and held her there just under the surface. Relena kicked and thrashed, but when her lungs started to burn, she stopped fighting and held still. After a few more seconds, Dorothy brought her back up and pushed her against the wall so she couldn't go anywhere.

"Miss Relena, you have to promise me something." She smoothed back the queen's hair and cupped her hand around Relena's cheek. "If I tell you to run, you mustn't argue with me. Wherever we are, run back up to your room and stay there, all right?"

"I know. I always do." Relena tilted her head into Dorothy's hand. "That's why I'm still alive."

Dorothy shivered and put her arms around Relena, hugging her close and laying her head on her shoulder. "I know. That's what scares me sometimes."


Inside the armory, Quatre pouted and stuck his tongue out as Trowa started to laugh. "It's not that funny."

Muffling his laughter into snickers, Trowa looked at his smaller slave all but hidden inside the shell of leather armor. "Actually, it is." He gripped the armor's broad shoulders and pulled it up over Quatre's head. "You looked cute like that."

Quatre smoothed his hair back down. "I looked ridiculous." He looked around the room and pointed at another set. "How about that one?"

Trowa followed his look and nodded. "That might fit." He picked the light brown armor off the wall and held it up to Quatre's front. "It looks about right." Undoing the laces in the back of the armor, he helped Quatre into it and then laced it up again.

"It's like a corset," Trowa said.

Quatre shook his head. "No, it's not that tight." He turned his head so he could just barely see Trowa out of the corner of his head. "I kind of liked that, though."

"So did I. You look good cinched in a little. But I like you better filled out." He finished tying the laces and smacked Quatre lightly on the rear. "How does that feel?"

"Nice. Oh, the armor..." Quatre waved his arms around and bent halfway. "I can move in it."

"Does it press in anywhere?"

"A little, on the shoulders and around the waist."

"That's to be expected. A good fit, for not being tailored." Trowa sighed and took Quatre's hand. "I would've had one made if I'd thought I'd be dragging you into combat."

"It's all right. I'll be fine." Quatre stretched and found the leather shell didn't limit his movement. "I've been trained by the best assassin in the world."

"Open fighting isn't like assassination." He brushed his knuckles on Quatre's cheek. "But I think you'll be all right. Just keep close so I can help you in case something goes wrong." Noticing something brown over Quatre's shoulder, he looked up and nodded to himself. "That should do for a belt."

His slave watched as Trowa picked up the thin belt and put it around Quatre's waist, cinching it snug. He hung the two kamis, one on each side, so that neither of them swung around. "Perfect."

Quatre wiggled his hips to make sure the belt wouldn't slide down or his kamis fall off. "Yup. Do you want to practice outside now?"

"Yes. I'm going to give you all the training I can before the battle." He wrapped his arms around Quatre and squeezed him close. "I swear I'll keep you safe."

Quatre smiled and closed his eyes. "I know you will."


No longer on top of Treize, Wufei floated to one side of the bed, his legs crossed as if he were sitting on a cloud. He stared at his bound lover, trying not to smirk. I must be careful. This can't be awful, or else Treize will never trust me again.

He gripped the edge of Treize's shirt and pulled, but the shirt didn't tear. It passed through Treize's body as if he wasn't there and came free without even disturbing the chains. Treize shifted and turned his head toward the pillow. The bound captain didn't feel anything except a rush of air over his legs that told him he was completely disrobed. Petals fell on his skin and would have buried him, if not for Wufei's magick.

More streaks of magick swirled over Treize's body, looking like a blue thunderstorm coalescing on the ceiling. Like slow lightning, one spiraled down and touched his ankle, curling around his foot and winding its way up his leg. When the tip reached his hip, the streak tightened into his thigh and undulated, teasing his skin and scattering petals. A second streak did the same to his other leg, the edge stroking his inner thigh. He closed his eyes and tensed, arcing his back an inch off the bed and bending his legs, strange little noises escaping his throat. Wufei smiled and picked up the lock, hooking the chain with the lock's open end and pulling Treize's legs back down, clicking it shut on the footboard. Treize looked up when the chain wouldn't give and spotted the next blue streak dripping to his stomach, brushing his abdomen and pausing for a moment. Treize held his breath. It whipped to the side and ran under his back, coiling around his stomach and chest. As it tightened enough to threaten Treize's breathing, Wufei smirked and waved his hands once. The magick ribbon twisted into place, and its ends trailed across Treize's chest, toying in little circles around his nipples and twisting to pinch.

Still smiling, Wufei leaned back to better view his work. Treize's noises turned into groans and he arced again, thrusting up until he had to lay back down and catch his breath, and then thrust again, dislodging the sheets. He opened his mouth, gasping, and Wufei lowered his head a few inches, looking very much like a hungry predator. He raised his hand and let it back down, drawing out another blue streak. Now moving as fast as lightning, the blue ribbon swirled around Treize's throat and pressed down. His air cut off, Treize's eyes opened wide and stared at Wufei. The ribbon slipped one end past his lips into his mouth while the other caressed his cheeks and lips, stroking his eyes so that he had to close them. Wufei allowed the ribbon to loosen, and Treize breathed in as much as he could with the other ribbon around his chest.

"Wufei..." Treize whispered. He writhed on the bed, unable to relax. The ribbons constricted or stroked and prodded, making him tug in all directions and reminding him he was helpless when he strained at the chains. "Please..."

"You look beautiful," the sorcerer said, floating down and sitting beside his lover. He brushed Treize's hair from his eyes and patted his cheek. "You're doing very well. Just relax and enjoy this." The ragged breathing told him Treize was far from enjoyment.

"Let me go," the captain whimpered and tried to pull his arms down. "Please."

"No, love. You stay like this for awhile."

"I...I can't..."

Wufei lay down alongside Treize, sighing as the flurry of petals landed on his back. He grabbed a handful and drizzled them over Treize's face. His prisoner tried to close his mouth, but the ribbon stretched out and pushed his jaw down. A giggle slipped out of Wufei, and he poured petals into Treize's mouth until it was full of soft silk. Treize whipped his head back and forth, trying to throw them out so he could breathe, and Wufei bent and kissed him. Petals slipped out from between them, and when Wufei sat back up, he swallowed the bitter bulk of them. Treize rushed to swallow what was left, and his chest heaved with his panting.

"Wufei, please, let me go." Treize arced several inches as one of the ribbons pinched both of his nipples and another pinched all along his thigh. "Please!"

"You're not afraid, are you?"

Falling back onto the bed, he nodded.

"But have I hurt you? Has anything bad happened so far?" Wufei stroked Treize's throat and chain. "This is punishment for months of nervous fear. You need only stand it for one day, one hour."


Wufei nodded once. "Slavery must be the worst thing in the world."

Treize hissed in a breath and ducked Wufei's touch. "You presumptuous little...would you have preferred death? Because that was your only other option."

Wufei leaned back. "What?"

"You think you were afraid?" Treize said in a rush. "I fought you only with a sword, and then just a dagger. I took care of you, our strongest enemy, kept you safe in a camp full of soldiers who had lost friends, brothers, because of you." He caught his breath as the ribbons paused. "By all rights I should have killed you," he moaned his words as the ribbon went back to work, "dragged you in chains before the soldiers and humiliated you in every way possible before finally killing you. I could have thrown you to my men to be torn apart, but I didn't. I saved you."

Shaking his head, Wufei put one arm up as if to silence him. "Stop."

Treize narrowed his eyes. "You think I've been cruel, enslaving you and keeping you under a geis? After all my reassurances, you thought I would hurt you? I risked my life to protect you. I took care of you."

"No, you could have--"

"What, let you go? You honestly think I could have just let you go?" He laughed. "Just as much as we can let Dermail go."

"But even after a few months--?"

"You killed people, Wufei. Enemies don't forgive so easy. They still want to kill you. I keep you safe because I love you. I love you, dammit." He turned his head and looked away. "Now it seems you don't even care about me as a friend."

For awhile, neither of them moved. The blizzard of petals dwindled away until the rose stem, devoid of petals, fell on the floor. The ribbons loosened and dissipated. In the window, sunlight broke through the dark spell, and a breeze put out the candles.

Something clicked, and Treize found his chains unlocked. Slipping out of his shackles, he sat up and looked at his small lover. Wufei had his hands over his face, his shoulders shaking while he cried. The captain lowered his head. His former slave hunched further, and his loose hair fell around his face.

Without a word, Treize stood up and closed the window, then gathered the sheets up from the floor where they'd fallen. He lay one on the bed but draped the second over Wufei's shoulders, covering most of his body.

Wufei looked up, and tears streamed down his cheeks, following trails left by other tears. "I..." He lowered his head without saying anything else.

Treize closed his eyes and put his arms around Wufei, pulling him close. Wufei tucked his head against Treize's neck and allowed his captain to rock him back and forth, rub his back and hug him.

"I know, love." Treize pressed a kiss to Wufei's forehead and kept rocking him. "I love you, too."

And still lying on the table, Nataku rolled on her back and continued to sleep.


Servants lay plates of freshly slaughtered game and rich fruits from the garden in front of the kings and slaves. Heero and Trowa pulled the covers off their plates, and a moment later Duo and Quatre did the same. While he ate, Duo looked back and forth between his plate and the door.

"Are you all right?" Heero asked, putting his hand on Duo's thigh.

Duo suppressed his shiver. "I'm fine. I just wonder where Wufei and Treize are."

"Good question," Trowa said. "They know they're allowed here with us. They should be here." He turned and motioned at one of the guards along the wall. The guard bowed once and left the room.

"Is he one of yours?" Duo asked.

"Yup," Quatre said. "He's Abdul ibn Nerun ibn Rashid ibn Haroun."

Both Heero and Duo stared at him.

"How do you remember all that?" Heero asked.

"I spend a lot of time with them. Aside from us, they're the only ones who know my real name."

Duo grinned. "That's right. I keep forgetting you're called Teacup."

"Shaay," Quatre said, and they could all hear his foot stomping the floor. "It means tea, not teacup."

"But you look like a little teacup."

Heero squeezed Duo's thigh. "Be nice."

"I was just saying he looks cute."

On the other side of the table, Trowa seized Quatre's hand. "No flinging food, little one."

His hand hovering over a bone, Quatre allowed Trowa to pull him arm back down to the table.


Moving through the hallways, Abdul ibn Nerun ibn Rashid ibn Haroun nodded at the few Maganacs he spotted and finally stopped at the captain's door. He knocked once and waited.

"Yes?" someone called from inside.

"His majesty King Trowa bids me ask about your absence at dinner," Abdul said. He heard a sigh and footsteps toward the door, which opened enough to let Treize look out.

"I'm afraid Wufei and I cannot attend tonight," he said. "He isn't feeling well."

"My apologies for my intrusion, sir. Should I send for your woman doctor?"

Treize shook his head. "It isn't physical. He'll be fine in a little while. Please give my regrets to Heero and Trowa."

"I'll inform them immediately." Abdul turned so sharply that his heels clicked, and he left before Treize had locked the door again.

Wufei felt Treize settle behind him again, stroking his cheek and sweeping his fingers through the thin black hair. "I hope they aren't angry."

The captain nuzzled his cheek. "I'm sure they won't be. It's been a rough few weeks for everyone." He tugged the sheet higher over Wufei's shoulders. "Are you sure you aren't sleepy?"

"I'm sure."

"You sound a little better."

Wufei leaned back on Treize's shoulder. "You mean I'm not sobbing my eyes out."

"That too. You all right now?"

Silence. Wufei stretched his arms up and breathed deep, looking out the window at the setting sun. "I'd planned to clean out J's workshop today, but it's almost night."

"That shouldn't matter," Treize said, allowing him to change the subject. "It's always dark down there."

"I know, it's just..." Wufei turned a faint shade of pink. "I don't want to be there alone at night."

"Still afraid of the dark?" Treize kissed him and nuzzled his cheek. "What if I come with you?"

"I'd like that." Wufei stood up and let the sheet fall back on the bed while he gathered his clothes.

Treize grinned and put his hands on Wufei's shoulders, spinning him around to face him. He cupped his hand under the sorcerer's jaw and tilted his head back. "You look beautiful without anything on. That's something I will miss."

"I could say the same about you." Wufei smiled back and lay his finger on Treize's chest, pinching gently. "But I don't think we'll stop long enough to ever miss it."


Zechs' boots tapped loud in the hallway, and he stretched the sore muscles along his back and arms. Running his fingers through his hair, he caught a small tangle at the base of his throat and closed his eyes. Rat's nest, and rat's nests came out only after long, painful brushing. He stepped into his room and shut the door.

"You all right?" Noin asked, looking up from her book at the window. "You look tired."

"It's the extra practice with the white fang," he said. He walked to the bed and sat down, closing his eyes. "I wish Dermail would hurry up and attack. Just get it over with."

Laying her book down, she smiled and sat down beside him. "The longer he takes, the longer we have to get ready."

"I'd rather go in and destroy his villa right now."

"And take on a bunch of necromancers in their own hole?" She put her arm around his shoulders and drew her fingers through his hair. "Better to draw them out."

"I know..." He winced as her hand found the tangle.

"Oh, that's a big one," she said, retrieving the hairbrush. "You must've been practicing hard. Hold still."

Her brush strokes straightened out the surface tangles until every strand lay in place, and then she held his hair up with one hand while drawing the brush underneath it. She heard him hiss once when she tugged the tangle out, and she put one arm around his front.

"You could tie it back, you know? Just a simple tube holder to keep it in place. No more tangles and no more hair in your eyes."

"Harem slaves use those things," Zechs said.

"So do a lot of women in the city."

"That doesn't make me feel any better about them."

Noin laughed and leaned over, putting her hand under his jaw and forcing him to look at her. "And having long hair like a woman isn't a problem?"

"Better than using slave gear."

"How about a black ribbon then? Or maybe a braid?"

"No braids," he said. "But maybe a plain black ribbon."

Tossing the brush back on the nightstand, she lay back on the bed. "All right. I'll ask Midii for a few."

He reached behind himself and found her hand. "I'm going to head to the baths. Coming?"

She held silent for a moment. "What were you doing after you left the first practice session? You were late coming back.'

"I...was with my sister."

"Without your mask?"


"So she knows now."



He turned around and looked at her. "And we spoke for a few hours. Nothing more."

"Nothing less." She sat up and faced him. "Is she going to try to take you back?"

"No." He smiled. "But she did talk me into writing letters."

She stared for a moment. "So you're not leaving?"


Noin grinned and put her arms over him, yanking him across the bed with her. "Then I'll join you in the a little while."

"Noin?" He smiled and turned his head to one side as she pushed him down on the mattress.

"I want to take care of something else right now," she said.

"Noin, love, I'm still tired and sore."

"Then don't move."


Four boys sat inside the largest private bath, listening to the water echo through the room. Quatre leaned against Trowa and let his master wash his hair for him, drowsing up to his throat in the warm water. On the other side of the pool, Duo's unbound hair stretched over the water, already washed, and he lay wrapped up in Heero's tight embrace, unable to move.

"Relax, little one," Trowa said. "You're all tense."

Quatre closed his eyes as water poured over his head. "I'm worried about Wufei."

"Don't be," Duo said. "That Ibn guy said he wasn't sick."

"His name isn't Ibn," Quatre said. "It's Abdul."

Duo tilted his head. "But...ibn's in there so much."

"I believe it means 'son of'," Heero said. "But Duo's still right. Your guard wouldn't lie. Neither would Treize."


"You'll see him tomorrow, love." Trowa turned Quatre around and kissed him. "After we've all slept."

Duo yawned and snuggled against Heero. "Yeah, he probably just needed some of Treize's--" Before he could finish that thought, Heero clamped his mouth over Duo's and kissed him until he ran out of breath.

While Duo panted, Heero tapped his finger once on his slave's lips. "Be nice."

"Mm, that reminds me..." Quatre looked up into his master's eyes. "Will I need to wear a veil when the fighting starts?"

"Veils?" Duo asked. "We have to wear veils in combat?"

"You don't," Heero said. "Your identity isn't a secret. But Quatre...if anyone finds out he's not Shaay but the last of the Winner family, there could be war in Corazon."

Trowa nodded. "He's right. I can't take that chance. I'm sorry."

Quatre shook his head. "It's all right. I just wanted to know."

"I guess Wufei doesn't have to wear veils either," Duo said. "I wonder what he looked like with them."

Heero smirked. "Treize tried putting him in a harem costume about a month after they arrived."

"What color?"

"Emerald green with white trim."

Trowa blinked. "He must have been pretty to look at."

Quatre started to giggle. "He must've been furious."

"Treize thought he looked fine enough," Heero nodded. "But he made a mistake in taking Wufei down to the garden where everyone could see him. I believe that's the night Treize spent as a tiger cub."

"Aww," Duo said. "I'll have to remember that for later."

Heero stroked the long hair floating in front of him. "The garden is definitely the best place to train with the gundams. We should practice as much as possible tomorrow."

Both slaves groaned and closed their eyes.

"Heero, can we go to sleep now?"

Quatre lay his head on Trowa's shoulder and nuzzled his throat. "Yes, can we? I'm exhausted."

"Of course." Trowa reached back and grabbed two towels and their robes.

Heero helped Duo up and out of the pool and helped dry his hair out. "Are you sure you can sleep like that?"

"With wet hair, you mean? No problem. I did it the first night, remember?"

Heero slipped his robe on. "I do. Duo?"


"I'm sorry for how I treated you then."

Duo paused and put his hand on Heero's cheek. "I know," he whispered. He waited until Trowa and Quatre had left before going on. "I know. That's just the way you were. But not anymore, huh?"

Heero shook his head. "No, I suppose not."


"Are you sure you have to clean J's lab out?" Treize asked, staring down the dark staircase. "I mean, right now?"

Wufei took his hand. "Now who's afraid of the dark?" He slid his hand around Treize's and led him down the steps. "Don't stumble."

"I won't." Treize gripped the rail and didn't let go until he heard Wufei opening the door. "Wufei...I never asked you this, but what happened to J's body? My guards said he was there one moment, and then he disappeared."

A ball of blue light filled Wufei's hand, and he tossed it into the middle of the room. It hovered near the ceiling and flickered like fire. When Wufei turned around, his outline shone blue.

"Don't worry, he's not in here. I think he had a quick decomposition spell on himself. Instead of decaying for years, the body turned to dust in a matter of seconds. Now be careful." He walked into the room and lay his staff against the wall. "Don't touch anything."

"Would I turn into a snake or something?" Treize asked.

Wufei hesitated. "Or something."

Treize crossed his arms and looked around himself. The floating eyes in a jar looked back. He spotted the skinless snake wriggling in its tray, still dead and alive. "What the hell was he doing down here?"

Wufei glanced back and followed his look. "Oh, that. I forgot about it." He walked over to the snake and put his hand on its head, pressing down hard. "Sleep."

It stopped moving.

Wufei picked up the jar of eyes and spilled them onto the snake's body. They rolled around, and Treize turned away, putting his hands over his eyes. A few seconds later, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"It's all right. They're dead now."

Treize didn't turn around. "What were they?"

"Two of his experiments. He wanted to see how long he could keep them alive."

"Anything else I should know about?"

"Just the arms, but they're dead now." Wufei looked around the lab. "There's a few bodies and some blood, but nothing like those."

"How can you stand it?"

"I've been down here for almost a year. I've had time to get used it."

Turning, Treize put his hands on Wufei's shoulders and pulled him close. "I'm sorry. If I had known what went on down here..."

"I had to obey the king no matter what," the sorcerer said, gently pulling away. "Don't feel bad."

"I do."

"Yes, and you have a bad habit of thinking everything is your fault." Wufei walked to the far end of the room and opened the cabinet that had held the gundams. "You put too much blame on yourself."

Treize followed after him. "Look who's talking.''

Wufei smiled and looked through the cabinet. "I do not, I just--found it!"

The captain looked over Wufei's shoulder at the small book he held. "What is it?"

"It's J's last spell." He opened the pages, all handwritten, and read through some of it. "He called it the 'peace of millions'."

"And you didn't say anything about it until now?"

"I didn't want anyone coming in here and tampering with something, and I couldn't come down here until I healed."

"Is it a weapon?"

"No. It's a shield, very hard to penetrate." Wufei frowned and flipped through the pages. "Damn. It looks like he didn't finish it. Got pretty close, though." He sat down at the table and pulled the stack of blank paper in front of him, picking up the ink well and feather from the other side of the table.

"What are you doing?" Treize asked.

"I'm going to finish it. Look," he held up the last page, half written on. "He almost finished, I think. He only had a few more lines to write. All I have to do is complete it."

"How long will that take?"

"Not too long. A few hours, at most."

Treize put his hand on Wufei's, stopping before he could write. "Love, it's late. We need to sleep."

"After I finish. We may need this soon." Wufei slipped out from under Treize and started writing. "We could go to war in the next few days. Don't you think we should have some kind of defense?"

Treize sat down and watched him write. "You're just avoiding going to bed after that scene earlier."

Wufei sighed. "Maybe. But we still need this."

Putting his fingers under Wufei's chin, he forced his former slave to look up at him. "All right. But after the fight, whenever it is, you and I need to talk."

Wufei nodded once. "All right. After I finish this."

Treize leaned back and watched him work. Wufei wrote in his first language, using marks and symbols Treize had only seen when he'd asked his slave how he wrote. The complex characters came in quick strokes until Wufei had two pages filled.

"How much work does it take?" he asked.

"Less than it looks like. I just have to make sure I do it right, but once I do, we'll have a good defense against Dermail."

"Better than any guards could provide." Treize kept his eyes on the pages so he didn't have to look at the blue lit lab around them. "I suppose magick makes things easier."

"You think so?"

"Doesn't it? You can make it rain, you've grown the garden and all the plants inside, and now you're building a shield."

Wufei laughed once. "Yes, I can bring rain, make light, grow strange plants. But my love for you, my affections for my friends, that's all that matters. Everything that's important to me has nothing to do with magick. It really hasn't altered my life in any way."

" were exiled."

"More for who I am than what I can do. The master discovered my liking for men. Otherwise, I imagine they would have kept me for added protection."

"They want you back now because of it."

"But they won't have me, so magick doesn't change very much, does it?" He smiled and went back to writing out the spell. "In the end, magick doesn't do much at all for anyone, and people who devote their lives to it find that they have missed the most important part of their lives. Magick kills souls."

"You seem alive enough to me."

"I don't use it very often. Half the time I do...I tend to hurt someone. Or myself. It's cost me more than I wanted to pay."

"Do you wish you didn't have magick?"

Wufei smiled and reached up, brushing his fingers along Treize's cheek. "Sometimes. But I have you, so I suppose it's worth it, for that."


Cries and shouts woke Treize up, and he jerked his sword halfway out before he realized they were coming from upstairs. He looked to his right and found Wufei still scribbling.

"What's going on?" Treize asked.

Wufei added three more characters to one page, then opened the book and added one last line to the peace of millions spell. He leaned back with a smile. "Finished."


"Huh?" He looked up at the door. "What's that noise? Why is everyone yelling?"

Treize grabbed Wufei's hand and pulled him out of the lab, running with him up the stairs. "I take it you were up all night finishing that spell?"

"Yes, and it's perfect."

"Good. I have a feeling we're going to need it." When the reached the top, they found servants rushing back and forth down the halls, trying to avoid running into the guards moving into position. "Wufei, get upstairs with Heero and Trowa."

"Where are you going?"

"To organize the men. I should be able to find Zechs and make sure he's getting the White Fang out." He ran down the hall and disappeared.

Wufei took a deep breath to steady himself, and then made his way upstairs. He turned the corner just in time to see Heero and Duo coming down the corridor. Neither wore anything more protective than a hard leather armor, but both carried their gundams. Trowa and Quatre followed a few steps behind. Dressed only in a black suit, Trowa still looked like he didn't need anything else.

"Shenlong," Wufei whispered. "Come."

"Wufei," Heero called out. "Where's Treize?"

"With the guard, as is Zechs. What's happened?"

"One of the patrolling guards rode in and sounded the alarm," Heero said. "Dermail seems to be attacking earlier than we thought he would."

"Where's your gundam?" Quatre asked.

"It's on its way."

They walked through the halls, dodging servants and extra guards rushing to their posts. Instead of heading to the main room, they went up to the palace's front wall, passing archers and finding Relena and Dorothy standing at the very front, looking out towards the sunrise. Heero glanced down and found the White Fang lined up at the gates with Zechs and Noin on their horses in front of them.

While they scanned the horizon for their enemy, they heard a faint scratching sound coming up behind them. Wufei stopped and turned, and the others watched him.

"What is that?" Dorothy asked.

Heero put his hand on Wing's hilt.

A moment later, two servants rushed by as if chased by a devil. On their heels, a silver pole turned the corner and came straight at Wufei, who caught it in his hand. Nataku appeared out of the sky to their left and alighted on Wufei's shoulder.

Quatre blinked. "Wow."

The humans in the palace squawk like birds, Nataku chirped. Humans are noisy.

Wufei nodded once. "It happens when they think they might die. Here, look." He held the spell up for her to see. "What do you think?"

Nataku skimmed the characters, and her tail flicked behind her. Hm. I think this is going to get quite colorful.

Frowning, Wufei looked back at the spell. "What?"

Trowa pointed out at the horizon. "There they are."

They looked over the palace walls towards Duke Dermail's villa, at the wave of white moving towards them. Manikins moved like marionettes, jerking along the streets, over the rooftops, some even flying through the air, and the puppet masters moved behind them, commanding the army from the backs of larger dolls. With the sun coming up behind them, they looked like glittering demons.

"The puppets," Duo said. "The white dolls they had. That's their army."

"The vanguard, anyway," Heero said. "Look behind them. Dermail's human forces are bringing up the rear."

Dorothy breathed out. "Grandfather has all of Romefeller with him."

"I guess arresting Dermail isn't an option anymore," Trowa said to his brother.

Heero shook his head. "No. The object now is to kill all of Romefeller."

Dorothy turned and put her hand on her lover's shoulder. "Miss Relena," she said, "run."
