Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Window to a Soul ❯ Window to a Soul ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Trowa rules in this horror flick. As a Gundam fan fic writer this is the first time I have written a story using pilot 03 as the main character. The story takes place in episode Ground Zero one year after Gundam Wing. Our pilots are on a minor colony where Quatre has recruited Trowa and Duo's help in trying to convince Heero and Wufei to give up their Gundams. Everything goes along the main story except there's one little problem. Trowa has something on his mind and can't get rid of IT. There is a lemon warning.

Here is the standard disclaimer not the non-standard one, which would claim how I own this work and all that. "These Characters belong to Bandia and Sunrise and a brunch of other folks, not I. I'm not making any money off of this and it just for fun."


AC 196, Present Time

Heero and I sat in the hangar, looking out over the Gundams below. The empty spot where Sandrock would be stood glaring at us like an empty hole. The look in his dark eyes were steady and thoughtful. After all the recent looks of suspicion and anger it was a pleasant combination.

"The window to a soul," Heero repeated thoughtfully. "You are sure you did this thing, you didn't just dream it?"

"I didn't dream it. And I didn't do it either-I told you that. It did."

Heero made a thoughtful sound. "He's there?"


"You remember where?"

"Yes." I wrapped my arms around myself, hugging myself against tremors that threatened to shake me apart. The bandages around my head were of little help. "If you want to see where, we'll have to take the Gundams." Heero's Wing Gundam was in the hangar. It was in ship mode and looking unlike anything as harmful as a battle mecha. We had all gathered since Quatre's call to disarm and remove the Gundams from the world forever.

"Not yet. Will you tell me once more?" He asked again.

I sighed and tried to stop myself from shaking. He placed a hand on my shoulder. It was a great gesture from someone like him. I took a deep breath and tried to resist the urge to clutch at my head. The tremors were maddening enough without adding pressure by pressing against the bandages.

"All right," I said. "Last night at seven I was going to leave, and-"

"Go further back," he invited.


"About the time you were found."

I started to shake my head and stopped myself. "Heero we've been though it and though it. There's nothing-"

The quiet countenance and enigmatic man showed no frustration. "You may remember," he said. I think he just wanted to hear me say it again.

"Do you think so?" I asked doubtful.

"It's possible. A quiet reflection is very different than an agitated one. When you are done we can look for him."

"For him," I said. It had a hollow, horrible ring, darker than anything, darker even than all that terrible blank space outside the ship where Quatre and I had travel through many times. Quatre was now just a him. It was hollow. Hollow.

Beneath the bandages, a soul stared, always staring trying to see past the bandages forced on It. It itched.

"You remember in AC 195, we were sent to stop an unknown Gundam from destroying another colony. You were cautious since you had never met Quatre." Actually Heero would have been cautious anyway from what Duo had told me regarding their earliest interactions.

When I heard that it was Quatre flying the unidentified Gundam, I raced forward to meet him not knowing he was under the control of the Zero system and in a murderous rage.

Quatre nearly killed me before he came to his senses. In fact I thought, I was dead, as I sped away from the colony my Gundam all but destroyed. I don't remember much. "I must have ejected from the cockpit. The salvage team that rescued me said I was nearly comatose. How I managed to survive was a miracle. I know now it wasn't. It kept me alive. Then, later while traveling with the circus group that took me in I met up with Duo."

"I know," Heero said. He paused. "Show me your forehead."

"No." It came out very quickly and sharply. "I can't let It see so freely. I've told you that."

"It's been two years," Heero said. "Why now, Trowa? Can you tell me that?"

"I don't know. I don't know! Maybe whatever It is has a long gestation period. Or who's to say I even got It out there? Whatever It is might have entered me during my Gundam training. Or right here on this abandon station, for all I know."

Heero frowned and looked out over the hangar. "I'm trying, Trowa, I don't want to think that you are losing your mind."

"If I have to I'll show It," I said. It cost me an effort to say it. "But only if I have to."

Heero stood up and started down the gangplank. He looked pensive and troubled. "I'll get Wing. We'll look for Quatre."

"Thank you, Heero."

I got up and followed him. So far I have still been able to pilot my Gundam. Duo and Wufei were still inside oblivious to our conversation and mission.

~ ~ ~ ~

I had written this story and others and I have posted them however I've never gotten any comments on them. My hopes are that if you read this you will send in a review and let me know what you think. I will post more regardless and try to finish off the story before too long. This is a short story and will be broken up into only a few chapters. Also I have never gotten reviewed before so please be kind.

Thank you,
