Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Window to a Soul ❯ Window to a Soul ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

See previous chapters for heading, disclaimer and other information.

Window to a Soul

Chapter 6

AC 196, Present Time

I hesitated as I heard Duo's call from the com. He had found Quatre and was bringing both Sandrock and its pilot back. Heero took one look at me and shackled me to a chair. I nearly fought him off then remembered belatedly why he was doing it.

"You didn't have to jump me," I growled and he handcuffed me.

"You were too close to your time."

I was going to tell him that I would have told him, however my time was up. I felt It come awake. Taking control within seconds I felt my fist lash out at him. Heero barely managed to dodge that attack when my foot connected with his ribs. He jumped back clutching his side. I had landed a good one.

He stood away from me watching me with narrow eyes. The staring contest came to an end when Duo came in with Wufei carrying Quatre's limp form. He was still to the light space suit when they laid him on the table Heero had used to examine me.

"I thought you should check him," Duo told him as he and Wufei stepped away from the table.

Heero walked over looking unhurt and unruffled from our encounter just moments before. He pulled Quatre's helmet off. It came free easily with a loud wet sucking sound. I watched it all though both human and alien senses. A soft plop filled the room as a thick whitish substance fell onto the floor.

"What the hell," Duo mumbled looking completely grossed out.

Quatre's face was covered in a thick white film. Heero handed Duo the helmet telling him to take a sample. Duo grimace as he was passed the object. I didn't blame him the smell wafting towards me was pungent.

Heero seemed unfazed as he brushed the mucus looking substance away checking for a pulse. He stood paused over Quatre two fingers on his throat. "He has a pulse."

"He doesn't look like he's breathing," Wufei said pointing at Quatre's still chest.

"His airway might be partially blocked." Heero turned on a small suction device and started to remove the film in Quatre's nose. He opened his mouth and using two big tongs pulled out a large wad of the thick mucus.

When he had cleared his breathing passages, I heard a wet breath hiss out of Quatre. It was faint at first but then it got stronger. Quatre was breathing. I wasn't shocked, I felt It wouldn't have wanted to kill Its host. It had kept me alive in space for a long time.

Heero proceed to undress Quatre revealing his slime-covered nakedness. He took samples of the stuff as he went and had to change his gloves four times. He had just pulled off Quatre's leggings when I noticed a thick mass of the substance on Quatre's privates.

My human eyes closed for a second and I remembered. I remembered orgasm after orgasm when we were making love. I remember looking down seeing his beloved face covered in a film of my fluids. He had fainted.

I was jolted back to the present when I heard Heero ask Duo for a new pair of tongs. I opened my eyes and saw him change his gloves for the fifth time. He clamped down on the mass covering Quatre's groin and started to lift it to the waiting container Duo had procured when the mass writhed suddenly. If he didn't have such a good hold on It, It would have slipped away. I heard Heero shout for another tong. He grabbed getting a good hold of It. He pulled freeing over a foot of It from Quatre's body. Quatre's body spasm and slime poured off the table in a series of soft plops.

"What the hell is that?" Wufei shouted.

Heero didn't answer he was too busy holding onto It. He took another step back pulling more free. It was long and narrow like a pale white snake covered in a thick film.

"What the hell is it!" Wufei shouted again showing how discomposed he was.

Quatre's body writhed on the table his limbs failing out mindlessly. One foot narrowly missed Heero. It was causing his body to jerk. It didn't want to leave the protection of the form It was put into.

"Wufei strap him." Heero grunted. As Wufei complied Heero grunted out another order this time to Duo. Telling him to get the clamps that would hold an orifice open. Heero wanted further access to it. He wasn't going to let this thing have Quatre.

I felt my body respond in defense of It. It wanted to protect the other. There wasn't much left in Quatre. Just a foot more and Heero would have It. All the hairs stood on my body as Duo pried apart Quatre's spincer. They were unaware of the danger right behind them. I couldn't shout a warning.

I saw Heero step back and several things happened. Duo was shouting that he could see what looked like the head. Quatre's body jerked violently and Wufei threw himself on top of him. I smelled ozone in the air and I heard the crackle of electricity. For a second, time seemed to stop and I saw a bolt of lightening gathered in front of me. Silently, I screamed a warning too late.

I watched helplessly as the bolt reached for them striking Duo first throwing him forward. He hit the table and bounced off bonelessly. Wufei leaped back too slow the charge blasted him off his feet. Heero slumped to knees using the last of his strength to pull It free of Quatre. I saw a golden eye flick wildly around as It left the shelter of Quatre's body.

~ ~ ~

AC 196, Earlier That Day

I should have known that they would never leave not knowing what happened to Quatre. Quatre was our unanimous leader. He was in charge of the Zero system a dangerous program all by itself. He had called us together. The fact that he had left every thing including the Zero system in the control room told Heero that Quatre's disappearance was suspicious. No, they would never leave.

After a few hours search and still no Quatre I came back to our quarters to find Duo waiting for me. A quick glanced told me he had went though our things. I didn't panic if he had found something he wouldn't have been standing there.

"What do you want," I snapped.

"Quatre," he said easily a dangerous gin on his face. "And an explanation. I know you two left your quarters together last night. I also know you returned alone."

I froze in fear. Did he follow us? I felt a jolt go though my body as It came aware. Damn not now I thought to It, however It didn't care what I thought. It saw Duo and I felt a strange sensation tingle through my body. I realized belatedly that what I was feeling was attraction. It wanted Duo.

It had taken Quatre because of my attraction to him. Duo was different. His long braid fascinated It.

"Get away from me," I managed to say before It took complete control. I saw him stiffen at the warning.

"You are one sick pup," he mumbled as he turned to leave.

He barely got two steps pass when I felt my body lounged for him. He reached for his gun but I tackled him before he could draw. We roll around a bit knocking things over, still I managed to get on top pinning him. I pulled up his jacket and bound his hands with it tying them to the feet of the cot. He was wearing a white shirt and black jeans.

"Don't do this," he threatened. "I told you I'm not into guys."

It didn't listen to him. I felt my hands shove up his shirt to his neck. My hands stroked his chest pinching his dark coral nipples. They got hard regardless of his protests and I felt him squirm underneath me. He closed his eyes and concentrated on fighting against his body's natural reactions. When It had gotten as much as a reaction as possible It moved on.

I watched myself unbuckle his pants. It pulled them down leaving them half on to help restrict his movements. I could hear him cursing me.

He was barely excited. One hand left his nipples to toy with his limp member. It then started to prepare him. He nearly threw me for that but my heavier weight prevailed. I took him into my mouth and after a few minutes felt him twitch in reaction to my administrations.

As I continued to slowly wear down his defenses it all came back to me, all I had did to Quatre. It had simulated Itself in Quatre. It used sex to enter his body and now It was preparing Duo for the same.

Fight It, I told Duo silently. It wanted his semen to prepare his entrance for It. Fight It, I prayed but I could tell he was losing ground. His body was reacting to the gently pressure and teasing. I could feel a heaviness in my groin.

He twitched again and again in my mouth and I knew it was only a matter of time. My other hand left his chest and undid my pants. I was thick and swollen.

"No, no, no," he sang out as he reached his peek. I heard the door to our quarters opened. Someone had finally heard him and came to investigate. "Wufei help," he said in a breathless whisper as he came.

It paid no attention to Wufei's intrusion. It had taken a lot of time to prepare Duo and It wasn't going to stop unless It had to.

"What sick game are you guys playing now?" Wufei hissed. Besides being a womanizer he was homophobic I am amazed he didn't just turn around and leave.

"He jumped me," Duo shouted. "Just get him off me."

"Get him off yourself, since he obviously already did you," Wufei snapped turning to leave.

"No, Wufei don't go," Duo nearly freaked. "Just free my hands."

Wufei stopped at the door he couldn't completely ignore Duo frantic pleas. He didn't want to stay much less interfere but he could sense something was wrong. "Trowa let him go."

"Trowa let him go its oblivious he's not completely willing," Wufei repeated when he noticed that I had not stopped during their exchange.

It had not stopped but It was now watching Wufei. Its lack of attention on Duo was all he needed. Using his teeth he loosened the jacket on his hands and grabbed for his gun. It turned back to find Duo holding a gun to It.

"Thank you Wufei," Duo said happily as Wufei walked out. "Now get off me," he yelled a dangerous slight smile lighting his features. It sensed my apprehension at the weapon but still I didn't move.

Duo decided it by pulling the trigger. He clipped me on ear, the noise was so loud my head throbbed and for a second It released Its hold on me. I jumped away clutching my ear.

"If Quatre didn't sound so willing last night I would nail you right here and now," Duo growled righting his clothes. He left without a backward glance.

I felt Its control coming back shortly afterward. Duo might have won this round but this was far from over. It wasn't though with him. In fact all of them were in danger.