Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Window to our World ❯ Chapter 1

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Title: window to our world
Author: Onee-sama
Fandom: Gundam Wing (I'm addicted)

Pairings: You'll see...
Warnings: I think I can say lots n' lots of sapp ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters *sniff* and I don't get any money out
of this. *sniffsniff*

AN: wow, look at this... after all this months... I'm still alife!
here's just a lil' fic I wrote in january.

Have fun reading!!


window to our world


"You seem thoughtfull today... has something happened?"

There was no answer from the young man who sat next the window. He just kept
watching the world outside of their little house.

His partner waited in patient silence for the answer that he knew would eventually
come. He stood next to him and looked at the nice scenery as well.

It was snowing. The normally green grass was burried under a thick layer of white snow.
A single crow sat on a tree not far away, cleaning it'S feathers thoroughly.
A few sparrows were huddled together between the twigs of another smaller tree and
tried to warm each other. The cat of the neighbours was watching them trough a window,
lazily licking its paw from now and then.

"I think I like it here... It's peaceful..." He could feel the other's gaze on him while he

"Huh, what brought that on all of a sudden?"

"I don't know... I was just thinking of the past. It's been three years since the end of
the war... All the things that had happened. All the sorrow and pain during it, and the
happiness of all the people as the war finally ended... I felt so lost back then... but
now... now... after thinking about all that..."

He took a deep breath and finally turned his head towards his companion, looking him
straight into his eyes.

"What I want to say is, that I think Iam happy. I'm happy with all this. This city, my
job, our house and the neighbours... and with us. I'm happy with my life... for the first
time I feel completely at peace. And... and I want it to stay like this... I want us to be
always together, here in our place, our home."

A big warm smile spread over his lovers face as he sat down on the man's lap and
embraced him.

"Yeah, let's stay like this forever... Hee-chan."

It was a promise. A promise sealed with a kiss and so full of love, that nothing in the
world would ever be able to brake it, maybe not even death...

And outside of that window to their own little world, the snow kept falling silently.




... and? how was it?
Any comments?
flames? criticism?
Just write me and tell me!! (
Or REVIEW!!!???

Ja ne!

Onee-sama ^__^