Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Windows to the Soul ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Another chapter!!! I will start writing on this and Song of the Phoenix more often, because I am almost finished with When We Were Young. Yay! Hehe. Well I hope everyone enjoys it! ^^

Disclaimer: The point of these annoying occurrences at the start of each chapter, is to merely bring to light the fact that I do not own Gundam Wing, and I never will. I swear these disclaimers are cruel!!!! Cruel, I tell you!!!!!!!!

Chapter Five

Sally walked into the elevator, punching her floor number with the same monotonousness she used every morning. She had come to the conclusion that Wufei would probably run off again. He had done so before and nothing was stopping him this time.

//It's not enough just to be sorry

Don't think that I can take another talk about it.\\

It was too early, and she really didn't want to think about it.

As she walked by Une's office, she was called in by the president of the Preventer's herself.

"Hey Sally, I found ya another partner," Une said, handing out a manila folder for the Chinese woman to take.

Sally cocked an eyebrow, curious as to whom her latest "victim"-as Une so lovingly put it-would be. Since Wufei had left Sally hadn't been able to hold a partner for very long. It wasn't her work, she was actually very efficient in her work, but she had been awfully moody and her partners hadn't been able to put up with it.

Sally opened the folder in Une's office, skimming over the unimportant details to find her partners name. She nearly dropped the folder when she read, "Wufei Chang."

"What the hell is this?" Sally asked, slamming the folder down on Une's desk.

"I believe your old partner as returned for good," the brunette said with a quirk of her upper lip.

//Just like me, you got needs

And they're only a whisper away\\

Now Sally wasn't one who let people walk all over her, and she didn't appreciate being left behind without a second thought. But, she never was right in the head when it came to Wufei, and now that he showed up she had a choice to make. 1) Be his friend, and convince him to stay for good. Or 2) Bastardize him for leaving in the first place. It was not a difficult choice.

Sally signed the papers and handed them back to Une. The other woman offered Sally a smile, but the blonde was too absorbed in her thoughts.

Sally walked into her office and nearly jumped when she saw Wufei seated at the computer.

"I told you I would see you tomorrow," he said, taking a sip of his coffee and offering Sally another cup. Sally frowned slightly. How in the world did he know she hadn't had one yet today?

"Instincts," he said, and the Chinese woman bit back a surprised remark that formed at the tip of her tongue. Was she really that transparent?

"Really, Sally, you must have dense friends," the Asian man said, taking another sip of coffee, "You look terrible today. Doesn't anyone realize it?"

No, they don't, Sally thought. And you're the reason I look terrible, I was up all night!

Wufei looked up from the computer as he realized Sally hadn't moved or said anything since he had handed her the coffee. A frown marred his features as he studied her.

"Sally?" he asked.

"You're right, no one seemed to notice that everything I did was forced. Everyone was oblivious to my façade, even Quatre wasn't quite sure. And it isn't just today; it's been every day, everyday for the last three years, damnit. And I look terrible, because I was up all night last night, wondering why, after three years, you decided to show up all of the sudden. You obviously didn't care too much about your friends if you were able to pick up and take off without a backwards glance, so why did you come to "check up" after three years? I used to understand you, Wufei, but I never expected something like this of you. I always thought you were strong, but you were the one who refused to adapt to peace," Sally said all of this in a rush, trying to get it all out before she chickened out.

"You're right, Sally," Wufei said vehemently, standing up and looking down at Sally, "I refused to adapt to peace. I tried to be strong by refusing to care, but that plan backfired. Do you know why, Sally? Because I cared anyway. Despite all of my actions, I. Still. Cared. And do you know what?" Sally shook her head, unable to find her voice lest she was imagining this. "I still care. I never had a hope of returning to the uncaring teen I trend so hard to be. I never had a chance, so now I'm trying to compensate for lost time and for stupidity on my part. And for once in my life I'm trying to suck up my pride but, damnit, Sally, you keep knocking me down again."

Sally opened her mouth, but was only able to utter a struggled, "Oh." But Wufei wasn't finished yet.

"I want to be around everyone from the war. I have no family left, there is no other hope for me. I've come to realize that I can't live by myself. And Yuy showed me that no one should have to live alone. Did you know that he's engaged now?" he asked.

Sally shook her head dumbly. "I haven't been going to those group things anymore. All of the pilots and their war friends would get together on holidays and stuff."

"What did you do?" Wufei asked.

"I stayed home," she said icily, "I don't have a family either, but I didn't have to run away to seclude myself."

//And we softly surrender to these lives

that we've tendered away.\\

"Why, Sally?" the Chinese man asked, "I know why I did it but I don't know why you did."

Sally opened her mouth to answer, but froze on the spot because, truthfully…

She didn't know…

A/N: Okies, chapter five up. This may seem OOC for Wufei, but you'll soon learn that he goes by a new justice or motto "Live for the moment." He wants to get these feelings and things out, because each day may be his last, you never know. Well I hafta go now…toodles, and please review!!

Luvvies, KaT aka Mistress Shinigami