Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Light and Dark ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own GW
Wings of Light and Dark
Chapter 1
Cold and darkness surrounded the two figures in the small 8x8x8 foot cell. Both youths were still unconscious from their capture and left sprawled out on the floor, one of them being on his stomach and the other on his back, of the cold, dark and damp cell. The captors not even having the heart to place them on the cots that lined the walls on either side of them.
Slowly movement could be detected from one of the prisoners. It wasn't much only a slightly deeper breath at first then another, until fingers slowly began to curl and uncurl. Shortly after the prisoner began to rise from the floor slowly raising his head and upper body from the cold floor until he was on his hands and knees. He looked over to where his partner lay on his back still unconscious. Quietly he crawled over not having the strength to rise yet to try waking him.
“Duo…hey Duo wake up.” Heero said quietly while gently shaking his partners shoulder. A soft moan could be heard coming from the braided pilots form. No movement followed the moan only another moan.
“Come on Duo, wake up.” Heero insisted worried when his partner wasn't coming back to the conscious plane. Heero continued to gently shake Duo. Finally after another soft moan Duo started to move, slowly at first until full consciousness came about.
“Heero?” Duo finally said after slowly rising to a sitting position and running his hand over his eyes and temples trying to dispel the headache. “Did you catch the name of the Gundam that ran me over?”
“Figures, we got captured again?”
“Do you ever answer with sentences longer than one word?”
“Fine anyway we can break out.”
“Haven't looked yet. But probably not until the guards come for us.” Was Heero's reply as he started getting up to explore the small cell they were currently being held in. There wasn't much to look at four walls, a ceiling and a floor. One wall contained the door out of the cell the other three were bare no windows or bars only the two cots and a toilet in the upper left corner of the cell when you walked in (your basic prison cell). But still Heero looked for anything that could be of service to their escape. The cots couldn't be used as they were bolted to the floor and wall and of what use could the toilet be. A magnetic lock locked the door from the outside. Even if they could make it to the keypad, that was a good foot away from the door on the outside, they would not be able to reach it to tamper with it to release the door. The walls were two feet thick concrete lined with Gundanium rods so trying to break through the walls would also be impossible.
After a fruitless search Heero finally relented to sit on the left cot across from Duo who had set himself on the other.
“Giving up?” Duo asked trying to start a conversation.
“No.” Heero replied.
“Didn't think you had.” Duo said. “Anyway I don't have a plan either other than waiting for the others to realize that we haven't reported when we were suppose to.”
“That's assuming the others haven't been caught also.”
“Point taken, we'll just have to hope an opportunity to escape presents itself soon.” There was no response from Heero since he had taken up his familiar pose for when he was thinking. Being sitting with his back against the wall, his arms crossed against his chest and his eyes closed looking like he was taking a nap. Duo taking a hint that there wasn't going to be any more conversing he decided to lay down himself seeing as his headache still hadn't gone away.
A few hours later Heero was shaking his partner awake having heard footsteps outside their cell coming their way. Not wanting to be at a disadvantage when facing their captors for the first time. Duo got up quickly when he also heard the footsteps coming in their direction. Both youths turned towards the door when the magnetic look was heard opening.
At the door was your typical soldier wearing an OZ uniform gun pointed right at them. Behind the soldier he had backup in the form of at least fifteen other officers. Obviously the people in charge were not stupid when it came to these prisoners.
“Come with me.” Said the soldier.
“And if we refuse?” Duo asked.
“Then you will be brought by force.” The soldier replied pointing to the other officers behind him. “And if that doesn't work you will just be sedated. So don't resist you will be coming with me one way or another.”
A look passed between the two pilots saying they would follow the officer until they could find a way to escape. Slowly they made their way over to the door and out of the cell being cuffed before following the soldiers down several hallways. All the hallways looked the same, cells lined both sides. After what seemed like endless miles of hallways they finally reached a point where it seemed feasible to escape Heero gave the quiet signal, which was a light bump to Duo's shoulder with a quick glance. Both pilots bolted towards the end of the hall where an exit could be seen but neither made it as two darts, filled with a strong sedative, pierced their shoulders rendering them unconscious with in seconds.
“I told you you'd come with me one way or an other.” The soldier said to the two unconscious pilots with a smug look on his face. Giving orders to two of his men to pick them up and bring them into the lab the soldier proceeded to continue with his orders while dismissing the thirteen other officers.
Once in the lab the soldier quickly uncuffed and tied down the two pilots to special tables. They were made so that prisoners were restrained on their stomachs but also they could be tilted so that the prisoner was either vertical or horizontal. The head of the restraining tables have this circular opening with some padding so that a prisoner neck could be completely straight and not turned to one side. The foot of the table has holes so that the prisoners feet could be inserted in for when the table was vertical. The prisoners were restrained on their stomachs with strips of three-inch leather around their wrists and ankles, a five-inch strip at their waists and a two-inch strip keeping their heads within the hole. Their shirts were cut away from their bodies, surprisingly Duo's braid was untouched and moved to the side, and then the tables were placed vertically so that the pilots were standing still strapped to the tables.
Once secure the soldiers left and two doctors came into the lab and set up the equipment they were going to need. Both doctors were wearing the typical white lab coat. The first doctor was a man that looked to be in his late forties early fifties with greying hair and sinister looking brown eyes. The second doctor was a woman who looked to be no older that thirty with shoulder length brown hair and calm amber eyes. Moving the tables so that they were facing each other but not changing their vertical position yet. The doctors were waiting until the sedative wore off to speak to their lab rats. But this hadn't stopped them from setting up catheters in each of the prisoner's right hands for easy access to veins when they were going to be needed.
The doctors had just finished with the catheter placements when Heero woke up from the sedative. While still groggy he was attempting to break free of the restraints but was unsuccessful due to the position he was strapped in.
“So you have awakened 01.” Said the doctor that was in charge. As usual silence was the reply along with a death glare that didn't seem to faze the doctor in the lease.
“Well it shouldn't be long now 02 should be waking at any moment now.” The doctor said addressing his colleague. He was right since a few minutes later Duo began to struggle against his restraints also unable to break free.
“Alright now that you've both awaken it's time to start our little experiment.”
Well that's chapter one please review for I need the feedback