Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Light and Dark ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own GW
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Wings of Light and Dark
Chapter 5
The rest of the day had passed without any incidents and around six in the evening Heero started to wake. Trowa who was now watching over them silently cursed, he was hoping that he would wait another three hours before waking up. Silently watching as his friend moved about.
Slowly Heero came back to the conscious plane testing out his new wings under the weight of the frame and finding them to be easier and a lot less painful to move around, they still hurt but at a level where he could easily ignore the pain. After testing out his wings and sitting up he turned to face Trowa and to look at Duo who was still sleeping soundly.
“How's Duo doing?” he finally asked after looking at Duo for a long time.
“He seems to be sleeping comfortably. How about you, how are you doing?” Trowa replied, “We were hoping that you would stay asleep for another three hours so that your wings would be stronger when you awoke.”
“Very well, are you hungry?”
Trowa got up and headed for the door “I'll go and get you some soup.” Was all he said while leaving the room. Once Trowa had left Heero slowly stood up and stretched his new wings testing them out. / They feel heavy but that maybe because of the frames that are surrounding them / After the stretch Heero turned his attention towards Duo. Walking over he sat on the edge of the bed after setting one of his wings across the bed. He sat there and touched the feathers nearest where he sat, he was amazed at how soft the feathers were until he decided to touch his own which were the same.
This is where Trowa found him when he returned. Walking in and making sure to make enough noise so that Heero knew he was there he made his way in to give Heero the soup. Heero got up when Trowa came in and went back to sit on his bed always careful of his new wings. Thanking Trowa for the soup he began to slowly eat it knowing full well that if he didn't it would come back up.
“Trowa how much longer must the frames stay on?” Heero suddenly asked.
“Till nine tonight.”
“Another two and a half hours then.”
“Yep that sounds about right. Why do you ask?”
“I'm trying to figure out how heavy they are but I can't tell until the frame is removed.”
“Do they still hurt when you move them?”
“Not so much now. I stretched them earlier and they felt fine after.”
“Are you asking if we can remove the frame?”
“Yes, I am but I know that won't happen until Sally okays it.” Heero replied. Slowly getting up to get out of the room Heero moved towards the door.
“Where are you going?” Trowa asked getting up also from his chair and walking to the door.
“To see Sally and use the washroom.”
“Alright go to the washroom and I'll go and get Sally for you. She will come to you in your room to discuss removing the frame.”
“Hn” was all the reply he received but it was understood and he would listen to him for now since he still didn't have the energy to argue. Once his business in the bathroom complete he went back to his room where Sally was waiting for him.
“Heero I'm told you would like us to remove the frame from your wings. I know that you heal fast but in this case absolutely not. We don't know enough about what happened to remove it.” Sally said as he walked into the door. “And on another note I don't want you out of bed for the next few hours until we remove the frame. That's a doctors orders.”
Heero didn't want to be on Sally's bad side so he remained quiet and did as asked and went back to bed just as she was turning on Trowa to give her a piece of her mind about letting Heero out of bed before consulting her. After the brief conversation it was decided that they would leave them alone seeing as Heero wasn't going to be falling asleep any time soon. With a promise to call her if anything should happen. She would be back at nine anyways to remove the frames.
The hours slowly creped by as Heero laid in bed totally awake just watching Duo sleep the rhythmic breathing calming him. / Why is his breathing so calming to me? / he wondered. Silently he got up and sat on Duo's bed near his shoulder very mindful of both sets of wings. His hand slowly drifting to pet the pitch black wings in a calming manner. After a few minutes movement was detected in the wing that wasn't due to the framework, his eyes diverted to Duo's face where he saw the violet eyes shining up at him. Stopping suddenly what he was doing he turned to move away but a hand held him in place.
“Hey, Ro… don't stop it's alright I don't mind.” Duo said
“Hn.” Heero replied and returned to his previous activities surprising Duo. The reaction wasn't missed by Heero and he smirked on the inside.
After a few minutes Duo slowly began to sit up with much effort, he heals quickly but nowhere near the speed in which Heero could. The effort and wince of pain don't go unnoticed by Heero who gives him a hand to sit Indian style in the middle of the bed making sure the wings are placed on either side of the bed for maximum comfort.
“Thanks. Sure wish that I could heal as fast as you do.” Duo said.
“Baka, you heal just fine.” Heero said “And you wouldn't want to have gone through what I did just to heal faster. Trust me it's not worth it.”
Duo was shocked this was the most that Heero Yuy had ever said to him at any one time other than when explaining missions. / What the hell was that? Did he just open up a little? Hell must have frozen over. / Duo thought once his brain came over the shock.
Heero had noticed the silence and sat down in front of his partner. What he didn't expect was the shocked look Duo had on his face. “Duo, what?”
“Did hell freeze over Heero?” Duo asked.
“Why do you ask?” Heero asked back.
“Because I do believe that you just opened up that perfect soldier façade of yours the tiniest of cracks.” Duo replied “And you said a sentence with more than ten words strung together that wasn't mission related.”
/ He's right but why did I do that? / Heero thought. “Hn.”
Duo sighed. / Oh well he's back to normal for now anyways maybe he'll crack some more later, his personality has been somewhat unsettled lately. One can only hope. / Any further thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and Sally and Trowa seeing them sitting on Duo's bed. Sally was not happy. Heero was suppose to inform her when and if there were any changes.
“Well it's good to see you up Duo, when did you wake up?” Sally asked.
“A few minutes ago.” Came the calm response. Sally could let it slide this time since she was most likely on her way here to check on them and remove the frames anyways. She continued into the room to stand beside the bed.
“Duo does it still hurt if you try and move your wings?”
Duo tried and to his amazement they only hurt a little when he replaced them because the frames had pinched in some areas. “No they don't. Though they still awkward.”
“Very well then we'll remove the frames now.” with that said Sally and Trowa started to remove the frame from Duo's wings. Sally would make Heero wait as punishment for not following doctors orders to stay in bed and in not telling her that Duo had awakened.
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Well that's chapter five please review for I need the feedback
I'm sorry these chapters are taking so long to come out but I have a major case of writers block please be patient and I will try and update when I can and as often as I can. I have NOT forgotten about these stories
Thank you to all my readers and those who leave reviews they are appreciated.
I would love to know where you want this story to go seeing as I have no idea where to go with it at the moment.
Again arigato gozaimas