Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winner Takes All ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Winner Takes All
Genre: gambling, lime, one shot, language,
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Quatre asks Wufei to a game of strip poker. Winner takes all. ^_^
Pairing: 4x5

Dedicated to: Boredom (the main reason so many ideas pop into my head)

A/N: I'm normally a 1x2 fan but this idea kept nagging the hell out of me. Oh well, enjoy!

The safe house was eerily quiet. There were no rapid taps at a certain stoic pilot's laptop or the cheerful babble of another braided pilot's mouth. The soft melody of a flute and violin had died down to only the latter and the strong swipes of a Tai Chi lesson had become the most interesting thing in the world.

Things were quiet.....

Quatre sighed for the third time that day. Everyone was off on a mission except himself and a rather isolated Chinese boy. There was no way of getting around the boredom plaguing him from all directions. He had even set to reading through the numerous books Trowa kept lying around every safe house the stayed in.

Things were quiet.....

Wufei leapt and swiped in the air for the ump-teenth time. He had stretched out his Tai Chi practice for about three extra hours to avoid going back to the desolate silence that was the safe house. He even began miss Duo's constant mutalation of his name.

He straightened from where he had landed and sighed. Loose hair clung to his face and his ponytail hung limp at the back of his head. He was covered in sweat.

//A shower would be good// He thought to himself. He took the time to sheath his sword and pick up his abandoned navy blue tank top. The cooling breeze fluttering through the trees did wonders to his heat stricken body.

Things were quiet.....

Quatre flopped yet another book back onto the side table with a loud 'humph'. He needed something to liven things up.

Just then, Wufei walked in. The arabian's jaw hit the ground. Golden skin drawn tightly over steely muscles winked at him teasingly. The white baggy pants hanging on the pilot's hips whispered naughty things about the package being hidden inside.

"I will be down to cook dinner after I shower." Wufei said. He was oblivious to the hungry look on his comrade's face as he turned the corner to the stairs.

Quatre swallowed hard. He had known he preferred men over women at the age of twelve. All twenty nine of his sisters knew this fact along with most of his desert army of mobile suit pilots.

A shaky breath left him. It was going to be difficult watching the other pilot walk around the house from now on. If he at least knew what Wufei's preferance was it would be easier. He knew that Trowa gay if not bi having had the teen present during a long hide out in a small crawl space. Duo and Heero were an obvious couple and had let him join them on occasion.

He had to find out.

Wufei came down stairs in a pair of baggy cut off jeans. He had his shirt slung over his shoulder for the moment. It was far too humid to try and push 'proper' clothes at the moment. He didn't stop walking until he was completely in the kitchen. He was still unaware of the hungry look directed at him.

"Hey, Wufei," Quatre called from the living room. He had changed a while ago into a pair of baggy cargo jeans and a ribbed wife beater.


"I'm bored." The blonde teen tried his best to make the statement sound innocent. He grinned when he found that he succeeded.

"There are some books that Barton read..." Wufei said as he began to take out the ingredients for the food.

"I don't find any of them very interesting."

"Television?" He placed the cutting board and needed vegetables on the counter and began to chop.

"I'm tired of watching our faces on the t.v and all we get is the news and weather."

"Hm, what would you have in mind?"

If Wufei was in the room, he would've seen the 'innocent' member of their team grinning.

"How about poker?"

Wufei continued to chop listening with half an ear. "Sure"

"Strip poker."


"Winner takes all."


Quatre smiled proudly to himself. Things were getting interesting.

They ate dinner in silence. It was nothing special, just some different flavored ramen mixed in one. The combination was interesting but good.

Quatre took the time to wash the dishes while Wufei settled into the living room with one of the Heavyarms pilot's books. He spared his housemate a glance as the boy walked in.

Quatre sat down and began to open a pack of cards he found in Duo's room. Once the annoying black box was removed, he began to shuffle after removing the jokers. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"For what?" Wufei countered without looking from his book.

"You said you'd play strip poker with me." The Sandrock pilot gave a childlike whine. He laughed inwardly as the book in Wufei's hand fell through the lax fingers.

"I did?"


Wufei looked skeptically at 04. He gaze was returned with a 'you're not going to break your promise are you?' pout. He sighed and moved to sit across the coffee table from Quatre. "I don't know how it happend but a promise is a promise." He mumbled grudgingly.

Quatre beamed in immediately went into dealing the cards. Once he was done, he sat back and waited for Wufei to take his cards.

Wufei sighed. This wasn't what he wanted to do for the day but if it made the blonde haired boy happy.....

Said blonde boy took up his cards also. "You do know how to play, right?"

"Yes, Winner."

"Alright." to Wufei's surprise Quatre's face turned completely blank. His expression would have put Heero to shame. No emotion could be seen at all.

A chill ran down the Nataku pilot's back. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

Ten minutes later, his hunch was proven correct. Wufei mentally praised Nataku for having put on his shirt before leaving the kitchen. He was down to his shorts while his partner was still fully clothed.

//Not for long//

All the while, Quatre ogled the bronze skin on display. His eyes kept going to the ducky nipples that were hardening thanks to the AC kicking in minutes ago.

"I'll take two." He said politely discarding and taking up two cards. His hand wasn't as good as he would've liked. Not a single pair in sight but his face didn't show it.

"One" Wufei said after some thought. Quatre raised an eyebrow but handed him a card anyways. "What do you have?"

"You show me yours and I'll show you mine." Came the answer.

Wufei didn't pick up on the innuendo. He placed his hand on the table. Four of a kind.

Quatre sighed and put his down as well. A pair of twos he had picked up just then.

He stood dignantly and slowly peeled the tight shirt up and over his head then sat down. Wufei watched the short show in awe. Winner was very toned. His pale skin rippled as he moved surprising graceful.

"Like what you see?"

The Chinese teen blushed and looked away. "I'll deal this time." And so the game continued. The next hands ended in a tie. Neither were willing to give up thier last bit of clothing.

Finally, someone's luck ran out.

"Royal Flush, Hearts." Quatre said. Sure enough the bright red cards glared defiantly up at Wufei. Wufei sighed and sat back. For a minute he looked disappointed.

"Royal Flush..." He began with a steadily growing grin. "Spades."

Quatre gawked at the cards. He smiled and stood looking down defiantly at the teen terrorist. Wufei only crossed his arms over his chest and watched.

Quatre let out a puff of air and hung his head. This wasn't what he had planned but...what the hell. He began to undo the button of his cargos then slowly eased the zipper down. Without the support of the elastic waistband, the pants fell in a rumpled heap at his ankles.

"Now what?"

Wufei opened his mouth to answer but let it close slowly. "You had something planned. You tell me." The raven haired boy said slowly.

Quatre blushed from the his toes to the root of his hair. Did Wufei know what he had planned?

"I always wondered if you were a natural blonde."

That statement knocked the other boy off balance for a second. He stared in disbelief at the boy. "Uh..."

"Winner takes all, right." Wufei stood and made his way around the table to stand before Quatre. They were almost the same hieght with Wufei leading by only half an inch.

The shorter boy nodded hesitantly. The proximity of the other boy was having wonderous effects on him. His cock jumped for joy.

"Alright, Winner." Wufei said simply before he covered the blonde's mouth with his own.

Quatre wasted no time in undoing Wufei's pants. The jean material whispered angrily as it had to leave the dilectable body. With both teens now naked, their erections touched. They moaned loudly into each other's mouth and pulled their bodies flushed together.

They parted for breath quickly. Quatre set to licking and kissing his way along the column of Wufei's neck. Said boy let his head fall back to give better access to the honey brown skin. Quatre paused and sucked at Wufei's adam's apple. He was rewarded with the vibrations of a moan tickling his lips. This was fun and all but things needed to progress a little faster before he lost his control.

Wufei gasped silently as he was pushed back on the couch. The furniture creaked happily as the naked body bounced before settling.

"I didn't know you were gay." Quatre said breathlessly.

"Everyone else did." Wufei said matter of factly. A blonde eyebrow was raised causing the darker haired boy to shrug.

"So I'm the only one that didn't know?"

"Sally doesn't know."

"She doesn't count!"


"She doesn't have a dick!"

Wufei laughed outright at the frustrated youth's state. There they were aroused and waiting for the other's approval to take the next step and he was ranting about being the last to know. There was only one way of shutting him up.
Quatre didn't miss a beat as Wufei pulled him to straddle his hips. He gasped as he was lowered to sit down and their dicks met again for the second time. He rolled his hips gaining the friction he craved.

Their lips clashed again in a more intense kiss. Tongues warred and explored the not so foriegn territory of each other's mouth.

Quatre paused for a minute and got up. Wufei looked at him curiously as the teen bent to retrieve something from his pants.

Quatre turned and settled back into his place on the welcoming lap. He took Wufei's hand and pushed the item he was searching for in his. "Winner takes all." He whispered.

The chinese pilot nodded and looked at the given object. A small tube of lube stared back.

"Turn around." He order softly. He watched the lean body turn around and lean forward in growing anticipation. He slathered a good amount of lube on his fingers. With his pointer finger, he trailed down the crevice from top to the skin behind Quatre's balls. He was rewarded with a shiver and breathless moan.

More lube was added. The same finger was placed between the silky globes of the pert ass. This time it went straight to the puckered entrance and pushed in slightly. There was some resistance but the muscles relaxed and let the invader in.

The heat and tightness was nothing Wufei ever experienced. He had never been on the giving end when he joined the other pilots in bed. It was something about being submissive that turned him on to now end.

He worked the finger in and out in long strokes. The velvety walls clenched and quivered around the digit. Soon another finger joined the first.

Quatre gripped the edge of the coffee table in his hands and his bottom lip between his lips. It took all his common sense to keep him from just spearing himself right away. A third finger was added and his prostate was hit almost instantly. He cried out and pushed back to meet the thrusts.

"Gods, Quatre." Wufei said huskily. He removed his fingers and put a generous amount of lube on his aching cock. He hooked his hand around to spread across the Sandrock pilot's stomach. His other hand angled his weeping member so that it was at the rosebud ring of muscle.

Quatre followed the pull. The blunt tip of Wufei's dick greeted him and he forced his body to relax. His head hung limp on his shoulders as the sensation took over him. His weeping organ glared up at him.

Wufei rested his head back on the couch. Deliciously tight heat enveloped his dick and it took all his will power not to thrust in once he was completely sheathed.

A spasm flew up his back as the passage rippled around him. Wufei looked through hooded eyes to see Quatre pumping himself slowly.

"Are you going to move or am I going to have to do this alone?" The blonde purred.

Wufei moaned and began to roll his hips and make shallow thrusts. The thrusts slowly grew in power. Soon the impaled body was bouncing and falling to meet each penetration.

Quatre continued to ride on the pleasure high until the coil in his stomach began to push at he barriers of his sanity. He leaned back heavily on Wufei's chest. "I'm gonna...."

"Bring yourself off, I want to watch."

The words went straight to the slighter boy's groin. The weeping organ twitched and jerked in the tunnel made by Quatre's hand.


"Come for me, Quatre."


Wufei stilled as his penis was gripped almost painfully. The body above him stiffened and shook. He watched as the milky jet stream died down to a small trickle. That's when his own orgasm hit. His back arched and his hips snapped up until he was emptying himself also.

They rode cloud 9 together and gradually came down.

"We should play poker more often."

"The others don't come back for another week."

"Then we'll have to play again tomorrow."

"Yeah, for now a shower sounds nice."

"Then a nap."


A/N: My first one shot lemon. I'm proud of myself! What did you think?