Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 35

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 35/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Yaoi, Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairings: Working towards 1x2x5; 3x4; 6x9; others may be implied
Rated: R
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV, Threesome, err - Touch of Lime?
Archives: At Lev's Lair and at (my site) and at under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other fics can help themselves.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). Feedback is appreciated.


"Then I guess we'd better give him something worth watching, hadn't we, Duo?" Heero said.

Heero's response to Wufei's teasing caught Duo by surprise. But when he turned his head to look at Heero, he saw the flushed cheeks and slight hint of discomfort in his eyes. 'He's trying to get past feeling uncomfortable about kissing in front of Fei; the comment was an attempt to match Fei's teasing mood. They're both really tryin' to make this work...' "Yep, we'll have to give him a good show," Duo agreed with a conspiratorial grin and a wink. He shifted up onto his knees and crawled over closer to Heero. Draping his arms over Heero's shoulders, he leaned forward to kiss his earlobe first. He whispered, "Want to have some fun and really give him a show?"

The mischief in Duo's voice almost made Heero say no. But he knew that Duo wouldn't get *too* carried away. He trusted Duo; he knew that Duo wouldn't deliberately embarrass him. He murmured softly and a bit hesitantly, "Okay..."

Hearing the hesitation in Heero's response, Duo adjusted his idea slightly. He'd let Heero take the lead, that way he wouldn't accidentally push Heero too fast. Heero had come a long way over the past few days; he barely hesitated over unexpected contact from him now and he was getting a lot better about contact from Wufei too. But it would still be better to let Heero get things started. He kissed his way lightly across Heero's cheek, teasingly pecked the tip of his nose instead of his mouth, then brushed the other cheek on his way across to the so-far-neglected ear on that side. Softly, he whispered, "Okay. Push me over backwards across his legs and just - experiment. Have some fun; explore a little; I trust you."

'What *is* he up to?' Wufei wondered silently. Duo seemed to be doing a lot of teasing and whispering. He hadn't so much as brushed a kiss across Heero's lips yet, though he seemed to have kissed just about every other part of his face. Even as he thought that, Heero's eyes flickered shut involuntarily as Duo gently brushed light kisses around them, then on his closed eyelids. 'That must be very - frustrating - on the receiving end. Heero must be getting impatient for a proper kiss by now...' So he wasn't surprised when Heero suddenly moved his hands from where they'd rested at Duo's waist to his shoulders. But he *was* surprised when Heero pushed Duo backwards across *his* outstretched legs.

Heero smirked into the kiss as he brought Duo's teasing to an end, capturing his lips as they landed. Wufei had actually yelped in surprise as he and Duo suddenly landed virtually in his lap. He could feel Duo grinning against his lips too. They'd definitely caught Wufei off-guard. Duo's idea was working quite nicely already. 'Experiment, have some fun, and explore...' Well, he really didn't know what Duo had in mind... But there were a few things he'd been wondering about...

Duo parted his lips readily when he felt Heero's tongue brush tentatively against them. He'd been considering trying that for a couple of days now but he hadn't been sure that Heero was ready for it yet. And he wouldn't start something with Wufei that he didn't do with Heero too. He had to keep his physical relationship with them both in balance. Especially right now, when the three of them were just starting to figure out how to make this - the three of them together - work. 'Letting Heero take the lead and giving him explicit permission to experiment was an even better idea than I realized... Maybe I'm making too much of an allowance for his relative newness with physical contact...'

Wufei closed his jaw with a snap. 'I guess he really meant it when he said they'd better give me something worth watching...' He was pretty sure that there was tongue involved in that kiss. And their hands were doing a fair bit of wandering too. Not to mention the fact that Heero was - well, lying mostly on top of Duo. 'And that they're *both* basically in *my* lap!' Not that he *minded*... He had a *very* good view from here... A little voice inside pointed out that he obviously had unsuspected voyeuristic tendencies and he really shouldn't be enjoying the show quite *this* much. Shouldn't he be feeling left out? Jealous? After all, this was considerably more than just Duo paying *a* kiss that he owed. But before he could pursue that train of thought too far, the kiss was breaking off and Heero was pushing himself up to a kneeling position before offering Duo a hand.

Duo gave Wufei a smug grin, "Enjoy watching the show, Fei? I know that *we* sure enjoyed putting it on, didn't we Heero?"

Heero's cheeks became even warmer but he managed to smirk and agree, "Yes." He definitely had. 'And I didn't even freeze when Duo ran his hands up under my shirt!' he exulted silently. Maybe only because he already had one under Duo's so that it wasn't entirely unexpected? Well, it didn't matter, he hadn't frozen even briefly and that was the important part. And although he'd *mostly* been able to forget that Wufei was watching them, he hadn't forgotten completely. He'd remembered that they had to be careful not to leave Wufei out of things for too long and had broken things off before he was really ready to because of that. It wouldn't have been fair not to. Despite how much he'd been enjoying himself.

"Yes, I did," Wufei admitted, his cheeks flushing. A small part of him - that hidebound, traditional bit - protested faintly but he ignored it. He *had* enjoyed watching them kiss. Which was a good thing, considering the relationship that the three of them were going to have together. "Hopefully we can entertain Heero just as much," he added, shooting Duo a mischievous look. Though he *was* a bit limited by the fact that he only had one good arm and his ribs were still damn sore.

"Hmm, well, we can sure try..." Duo answered. He crawled over to straddle Wufei's lap, facing him. Wufei's ribs and arm limited things a bit; this was the best way he could think of to let him get at least almost as close as he'd been to Heero without hurting Fei. He braced one arm against the wall to keep from leaning too heavily against Wufei and slid the other around him.

Meeting Duo's kiss, Wufei wasn't too surprised when the tip of Duo's tongue ran lightly over his lips. 'I *thought* there was tongue involved in their kiss...' He opened his mouth eagerly, accepting the welcome intrusion. Sliding his good hand up under Duo's shirt, he pressed firmly against Duo's back, pulling him closer, not caring that his injured arm and ribs twinged at the increased pressure.

His cheeks warm with slight embarrassment, Heero leaned one shoulder against the wall while watching Duo kiss Wufei. His lips were still tingling and he could still taste Duo. He wouldn't have minded doing a little more "experimenting". 'But now that I know Duo doesn't mind, I can always take the lead another time...' He hadn't tried to before because he was a little hesitant over possibly doing something - well, silly. Of reminding the others just how inexperienced he was at simple human contact let alone kissing and making out. But he hadn't done anything wrong; Duo had seemed to enjoy the kiss as much as he had.

'Just as much as he and Wufei are enjoying their kiss...' And - he was enjoying watching them. More than he'd ever have believed he would. 'Maybe because Duo and I already had ours? And I know that when they're done, it's my turn to kiss Wufei?' Maybe. Heero was just glad that it didn't make him feel hurt and left out.

Duo let Wufei pull him closer, trusting that Fei would be careful of his own injuries and not let Duo hurt him. He slipped his hand up under Fei's shirt, enjoying the feel of warm skin and firm muscle. Enjoying the unique taste of Wufei's kiss just as he'd enjoyed that of Heero's. 'Sometimes, it's still hard to believe this is all real...' he thought in wonder as he finally broke off the kiss. He smiled at Wufei before turning his head towards Heero. "So how was the show?" he grinned.

Heero flushed and admitted, "Nice."

Wufei gave Heero an understanding smile. "It feels odd to admit it, doesn't it?"

Heero nodded in agreement. He was glad to hear that Wufei had the same reaction. Enjoying watching the others kiss yet at the same time not being entirely sure that he *should* be. Or that he should be very willing to admit to it.

As Duo carefully climbed off his lap, Wufei met Heero's eyes. "Guess it's our turn to entertain Duo now..." He held his good hand out in invitation. "Right, Heero?"

"Yes..." Heero crawled across the mattress towards Wufei. Kneeling beside him, he hesitated. He wasn't sure whether he should duplicate Duo's action and climb on Wufei's lap or not. 'I'm not sure whether Wufei would mind that or not... We haven't been in that close of contact before...'

Watching Heero, Wufei saw his hesitation and guessed what was creating the uncertainty. He caught hold of Heero's arm and tugged. "Make yourself comfortable like Duo did," he invited.

Heero settled himself straddling Wufei's legs, careful not to jar Wufei's broken arm. He placed his hands carefully, one cupping Wufei's neck and the other behind his back. 'Should I kiss him the way I kissed Duo or is that too intimate for us still? I'm not sure where my boundaries are with Wufei...'

Seeing the hesitation still lingering in Heero's eyes, Wufei realized, 'He's still not sure... We need to get past this; he has to understand that his touch and kiss are as welcome as Duo's...' He *could* just take the initiative himself - but that wouldn't address the real issue. He raised his hand to stroke Heero's cheek lightly. "Heero - don't worry about it so much..." he said softly. "You won't do anything wrong. You are just as welcome as Duo. Okay?"

Leaning against the wall beside Wufei, Duo smiled gently as the uncertainty slowly faded from Heero's face. It didn't *completely* disappear; that could only come with time. 'But it's a start. He's been fine with touches or kisses that Fei initiated once he got past that initial brief freezing in uncertainty at any form of contact. But he hasn't been comfortable initiating anything with Fei. He just hasn't been sure that he's welcome. I'm glad Fei realized that and made a point of telling him that he *is*.' He watched happily as Heero and Wufei kissed. It was definitely a slower, more cautious kiss than either of them had shared with him but they both seemed to be enjoying it.

Wufei held himself in check, not wanting to take the lead. Whatever Heero initiated, he would respond to - but this time he thought it was important that he leave it up to Heero to make the first move. 'He has to accept that he won't do anything wrong and make me mad. That the relationship we're building between us is just as important as the one each of us is building with Duo.'

'He said that I was as welcome as Duo; that I wouldn't do anything wrong...' Heero reminded himself. Cautiously, he parted his lips and touched his tongue to Wufei's mouth. When Wufei's lips immediately allowed him entrance, he gained confidence and deepened the kiss.

Duo watched carefully, waiting for the moment that Heero and Wufei began to break off the kiss. As soon as they began to separate, he moved to kneel beside them, leaning so that he could wrap one arm around each of them, pulling them into a group hug. "I love you both," he said softly, pressing a kiss to each one's cheek. 'We *will* make this work. We all want it to; we'll do whatever it takes...'


"Duo, were you planning to drop by Preventers HQ this morning to see Une?" Heero asked. It was only Tuesday but the week would disappear in no time. He knew that Duo had planned to talk to Une about taking up that standing job offer she'd made before he went back to L2.

"Umm, actually, I think I'll call and set up an appointment for tomorrow if I can get one," Duo said as he started clearing the breakfast table. "I figured I'd better try and get through the rest of the list of houses today. Even after we find one, we still have to arrange a mortgage and everything. That's going to take a couple of days just to get things started. And I don't really think I can put off going back to L2 again." He couldn't leave Hilde in the lurch indefinitely; he'd have to go back and help hire and train someone to do all the things he'd been doing. She'd known that he wasn't completely content at the yard and even though he hadn't given her any details beyond the fact that he was going to join Heero and Wufei in the Preventers, she'd been perfectly understanding regarding the fact that he wanted to sell out his share of the business. She'd put things in motion on that end right away. By the time he went back at the end of the week, she'd have the financing lined up to buy him out and the first batch of applicants scheduled for interviews.

"Why don't you set up an appointment so we can get preapproval for a mortgage too?" Wufei suggested. "Schedule it for lunchtime or late afternoon; I'm sure we can manage to take a little extra time for lunch or leave a bit early and make the time up the next day if need be. That way there won't be any delay once we find a house; we'll be able to make a firm offer right away."

"Okay," Duo agreed. He and Hilde had dealt with enough financial institutions while they were struggling to get the yard back on its feet that he would have no problem getting that lined up. And it would take a tiny bit of the pressure off in terms of how quickly they needed to find a house. If the financing was settled in advance, it would save quite a bit of time when they actually went to buy the house. Assuming they could *find* one...

Glancing at his watch, Duo commented, "You two better get going or you'll be late." He set the dishes aside so that he could kiss Heero and Wufei goodbye. "I'll see you tonight. Hopefully with a list of a few houses for us to go look at..."

"Bye Duo," Heero said, hugging him firmly before heading for the door.

Wufei wrapped Duo in a warm one-armed hug. "Don't worry too much about the house," he said. He'd known that Duo was worrying about it last night but really hadn't wanted to talk about it after a long day at work. A long, *frustrating* day since he was of course stuck on desk duty until his arm healed up, a fact that Une had seemed much too happy to inform him of. "We'll find something. I'm sure there've been more houses listed for sale since we printed out that list."

Duo leaned into the hug gratefully. He hadn't wanted to bring the subject up until he finished off the list and was sure that it was necessary but it was nice to know that Wufei had noticed he was worrying about it. "Thanks, Fei," he murmured. Reluctantly, he drew away. "Go on now. I'm fine and Heero's probably holding the elevator for you."

"See you tonight," Wufei said with a smile as he turned towards the door. Hurrying out of the apartment, he discovered that Heero was indeed holding the elevator for him. He gave in to the temptation and gave Heero a quick hug and brushed a kiss across his cheek on his way into the elevator. Heero took a quick step and brushed an equally brief kiss across his cheek, drawing a startled but pleased smile from him.

A faint flicker of a smile tugged at the corners of Heero's mouth as he followed Wufei into the elevator. 'Wufei caught me by surprise but - I didn't freeze up! I kissed him back and he liked it. I'm getting more comfortable with him too...'
