Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 6/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairing: None yet, working towards 1x2x5; others may be implied
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV
Archives: At under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other
fics can help themselves; anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). This fic is courtesy of Quin, my romance/humour muse. Feedback is appreciated.


'Where the hell did he go?' Heero wondered, looking out the window yet again for any sign of Duo.

"Yuy. Are you paying any attention at all to what I just said?" Wufei demanded in aggravation.

"Sorry," Heero apologized, "I just don't like the fact that we couldn't find him."

The aggravation faded from Wufei's face and was replaced by concern. "I don't either. If he feels the need to run and hide now, that doesn't bode very well for *either* of us having much success with our plans."

"Look," Heero said, pulling a pen and paper out of his pocket, "we need to figure out how we're going to do this sharing thing anyway, let's settle that while we're watching for Duo to come back. We know that he'll be at the ball, so he can't have gone too far. And he'll follow through on the week since he gave his word. Whatever's wrong, we'll have to try and straighten it out then. So, since we've got seven days, there's a couple of different possibilities. I think it's obvious that we each want at least some time alone with him, right?"

"Right," Wufei agreed, nodding abruptly.

"Okay. I thought it might be best if we make the first day one we all spend together. Maybe that way we can find out what's bothering him and clear up any misconceptions he might have about us being out to get even for his wartime pranks and so on."

"Agreed," Wufei replied. "How about taking him to a theme park? I know he talked about wanting to go to one during the war but obviously it wasn't an option then. And I don't recall him ever mentioning having been to one since in those damn little friendly notes he sends out every month."

'Evidently Chang found those just as disappointing as I did,' Heero thought. "No, I don't either, so I think it's safe to assume that he never did get to one. And that should be sufficiently far from what he'd expect from either of us that he'll realize how much we've changed since the war."

"Well, then that's one day down," Wufei said, pulling out his own pen and paper and jotting down a few quick notes. "And I think neither of us will want the other to have the advantage of spending the *last* day with him either."

"That settles the other point then," Heero said with a sigh. "That means we spend the first and last days as a group, leaving us with two days each to have him to ourselves and one day left over." Heero hesitated, part of him wanting to insist that he should have that extra day since he had outbid Chang to start with. But he could not have beaten Merquise without Chang's assistance, so the question of who contributed more was really a moot point. Reluctantly, he offered, "I guess to be fair, we should make the extra day a group day as well."

Wufei knew that Yuy was an honourable man, but that offer was still a pleasant surprise. Yuy really would have been within his rights to have tried to claim the extra day for himself. "Then let's alternate days and put the group day in the middle of the week," he suggested. A sudden sneaking suspicion occurred to Wufei. "You didn't by chance arrange with Une to work a couple of days of your week and bring Duo along with the excuse that you were trying to persuade him to join the Preventers, did you?"

Heero blinked twice before answering, "Yes... You did that too?"

Wufei nodded silently. 'Damn. We both realized that we needed to show him there was a place for him here as a partner, not just a lover. So much for *that* "advantage" I thought I had.' "I arranged to work Tuesday and Wednesday. You?"

"The same. Now I know why Une had such an odd expression on her face when she gave me the approved request back," Heero said, sounding mildly irritated. 'This is going to be harder than I thought. Chang realizes that Duo needs to know he's valued as more than just a lover too. We're going to be awfully evenly matched...'


Duo sighed and leaned back against the wall. He failed to understand why the organizers had insisted on all the bachelors assembling over an hour ahead of time. Taking the group photo had taken less than half that time.

"Hi Duo," a familiar voice said.

Looking up, Duo spotted Noin smiling cheerfully at him. "Oh, hi Noin," he said, making an effort to give her a small smile.

"What's wrong? Zechs thought you'd be delighted by who won you," she said, giving him a concerned look.

"Oh man, don't tell me he told you everything..." Duo moaned in embarrassment.

"Well, he sort of *had* to warn me why he was going to bid on *you*," Noin told him.


"Didn't he tell you what he did?" she asked in disbelief. "Oh dear. I thought he was going to talk to you right after the auction..."

"I went for a walk and didn't talk to anyone," Duo admitted. "I needed a little time to think. But why would Zechs have bid on *me*?"

"To force those two competitive idiots you're interested in to cooperate with each other in order to win you."

Stunned, Duo muttered softly, "So *that's* why they were cooperating. I thought..." Mind racing, he decided that maybe he could get some *other* answers as well, "Noin, you're working for Preventers too... Have you heard any rumours about Heero and Wufei being - well, *involved*?"

"No, none at all," she answered, puzzled. "Why?"

"Well, it just seems like every time I see one, the other is right there. It was like that at Relena's 'Peace Anniversary' party too. I thought maybe the two of them..."

Noin laughed out loud, then clapped her gloved hand over her mouth as heads turned in their direction. Dropping her voice to little more than a whisper, she ruffled Duo's bangs as she affectionately told him, "Idiot! They've each been trying to keep the other from getting *you* alone."

Duo blinked in disbelief as his entire interpretation of events was abruptly turned upside down. If *that* was what had been going on... "Oh. My. God," he said in shock, suddenly glad that the wall was right behind him to support him as he sagged back against it. "Noin, are you *sure*?"

"If you'd seen the looks they were giving Zechs for daring to bid on you, you wouldn't have to ask that question," she assured him laughingly. "But Duo," Noin continued in a suddenly serious tone, "Zechs wanted to warn you not to make things too easy for them. If you just fall right into either one's arms, you will have *made* your choice whether you intended to or not. Take this week and use it to decide whether you *can* choose. You've had very little contact with either of them since the war. Get to know them again, be sure you really love them. Be sure that you can be *happy* with them. Then if you still want them both - you're going to have to fight to make them accept that."

Dazed, Duo nodded in acknowledgement of the advice. If they really *were* *both* interested in him - oh god, this could be wonderful or terrible. He would have to be so damn careful. If it came down to a choice, it would be incredibly difficult.

Part of him said he'd choose Heero since Duo had fallen for him first. And if Heero had given him even the tiniest bit of encouragement, Duo would have never even let Wufei know he was interested in him too. But Heero *hadn't* given him the slightest bit of hope, and so he'd finally given up. Duo hadn't turned to Wufei immediately even though he'd been attracted to him and cared very deeply for him before then. Instead, Duo had waited for a month or so, just in case Heero had a change of heart.

But there had been no indication that Heero even realized Duo had changed his behaviour around him. It had hurt - a lot - but Duo had resigned himself to the fact that Heero could very well be straight - the odds were definitely in favour of that - and he had decided to make the best of things and stuff that particular dream away as he had so many others before. And so he had pushed all thought of Heero as a lover, as a life-partner, aside, letting it join the long-abandoned dreams of adoption and a family to call his own. And he had turned his attention to the other individual who had earned affection beyond that of a friend or a brother.

It hadn't taken long at all for that deep affection to reveal itself as love once he allowed himself to think of Wufei in that way. But it quickly became clear that this dream was, if anything, even *more* hopeless than the previous one. At the time, he had been deeply hurt by Wufei's strongly negative reaction to his flirtatious behaviour. It was only later, after finding out about Meiran and realizing that Wufei was most likely still in mourning that he had been able to understand just why Wufei probably reacted so strongly. And that, together with Wufei's loss of his clan, was why part of him said he'd choose Wufei, since he too understood loss and grief.

To choose one over the other would, if both cared for him beyond simple physical attraction, mean hurting both himself and the one he did not choose. Choosing neither would leave all three of them hurt and miserable. But to try and choose *both* of them... If it worked, they could all be happy. If it didn't, he could end up destroying any chance of *any* of them being happy. But that was assuming that they felt something more than physical attraction for him to begin with.

Back when he had first fallen for Heero and Wufei, the slightest sign of mere physical attraction would have been enough to send Duo into either one's arms. And bed. Now... Now, it would take a lot more than that.

He had a life that - though far from perfect - was far better than Duo had ever dared to imagine he could achieve on his own. He had a fairly earned share in a business that was just starting to show a profit and a very good friend - almost a sister - who shared that business - *and* a *home* - with him. He might not be entirely happy but he *was* reasonably content. Give that up for a sexual relationship? No. He would not trade a home and a life of his own for a purely physical relationship. If either Heero or Wufei wanted him, they would have to make it very clear that they too were interested in more than just sex.
