Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winning Duo ❯ Chapter 30

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Winning Duo
Chapter: 30/?
Author: Calic0cat <>
Story Started: Jan. 2003
Genre: Yaoi, Romance, Humour, Angst
Pairings: Working towards 1x2x5; 3x4; 6x9; others may be implied
Rated: R
Warnings: OOC, Swearing, Shifting POV, Threesome
Archives: At under Calic0cat. Anyone with archive permission for my other fics can help themselves; anyone else, please ask.
Disclaimer: Duo and Heero and the rest of the GW gang aren't mine. This story is. Nuff said.

Notes: Starts one year after Endless Waltz. POV changes frequently.

*** Time passing or scene change

Author's Notes: I usually write 1x2x1, so a 1x2x5 is a first for me (well, writing one is - I've been reading them for quite a while now, that's the *only* threesome I actually *like*). Feedback is appreciated.


"Of course we want you to stay," Wufei said firmly. He regretted the fact that they hadn't made that clear much sooner. Maybe if they had, Duo would have had enough trust in their love to have admitted he was getting sick. 'Or maybe he wouldn't. There's no way to know and you could "if only" your way right back to the war and it still wouldn't change a damn thing, Chang. Just remember what all this has taught you and keep the lines of communication open this time. No more assumptions, no more secrets.'

"We were just discussing the fact that we will need a new place since both of our apartments are far too small for three people," Heero added. "We thought maybe we could buy a house if you would like that."

Duo froze, heart racing. "*Buy*? A *house*?" Would he *like* that? More like *love* that! "Uh yeah, that sounds kinda nice..."

Heero was a bit puzzled by Duo's surprisingly subdued response at first. Then he realized that Duo probably wouldn't show much excitement over things he *really* wanted, not when he was so cautious of happiness. Placing too much importance on something would just make the disappointment greater in the long run when things went wrong, after all. Well, only time would serve to prove that this time, the happiness would last.

"Good. Then that's what we'll do. Do you think that you can put off your trip to L2 long enough for us to house hunt before you leave?" Heero wanted Duo to know that the house was there waiting for his return. That *they* were waiting for his return.

"I'll have to try and switch my ticket but yeah, Hilde should be able to handle things for another week or so on her own," Duo agreed.

"Are you going to finally give in and take Une's offer?" Wufei asked. He knew that Une had made an open offer of a position to Duo right after the Barton uprising over a year ago.

Duo nodded. "I think so. I woulda before but... well, I didn't think I could handle being around the two of you if you still acted like you used to, not when I was still in love with you. It woulda just been too uncomfortable. Now though, that won't be a problem, so it should work out okay."

"What about your share of the salvage business?" Heero inquired hesitantly. He was really hoping that Duo would sell out. If he didn't, if he kept that share, Duo would be keeping a bolthole open in case anything went wrong. And Heero was a bit concerned that having that bolthole waiting for him might make Duo a little too likely to *use* it.

"Oh, I'll just..." Duo's voice trailed off as he realized that he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. The business was doing well enough that Hilde could probably afford to buy him out; the bank wouldn't balk at loaning her the money. And the money should easily cover his share of a house with enough left over for a few improvements. But once he sold out, he wouldn't have that to fall back on. Wouldn't be able to go back to running the yard if things didn't work out.

And that was precisely why he *had* to sell out, Duo acknowledged reluctantly, looking from one anxiously waiting face to the other. Because selling out was a commitment. A commitment to *making* things work. "I'll just sell out and use the money to pay for my share of the house," he forced himself to say. The relieved smiles that greeted that remark made the slightly panicky feeling that gripped him bearable.

"Well, now that we've settled that," Wufei said, "there is something I need to talk to you both about. But Heero, if it is okay with you, I'd like to speak to Duo alone for a few minutes first..." He was a little nervous about bringing this subject up, nervous and embarrassed too, but he knew it had to be addressed. 'You promised yourself that you would discuss it with them, now live up to your word Chang.'

Assuming that Wufei probably wished to settle things between Duo and himself regarding yesterday's sparring accident, Heero readily agreed. "It's getting close to lunch time, why don't I go out and get something for us? I think there were several takeout restaurants nearby..."

"I think that sounds like an excellent idea. Duo, what would you like?" Wufei asked.

Duo shrugged, "Surprise me? I'm not very picky really; I'll try most stuff at least once..."

'Not very picky because he grew up eating whatever he could find,' Heero thought. He suspected that someone who'd had to survive off of other people's garbage wouldn't be likely to be too finicky about whether their chicken was fried, broiled, or broasted. "Okay," he nodded. "Wufei?"

"You have a fairly good idea what I'll eat," Wufei said. "So just surprise me too."

They'd sent out for food enough times when they were working late or on a stakeout that Heero did have a pretty good idea what Wufei would eat. He nodded again, then slid off the bed to go get his wallet and head out, muttering a bit at his stiff muscles as he went.

Duo hunched his shoulders as the door closed behind Heero. "Okay, go ahead and yell," he muttered in resignation. He knew he had it coming to him. Wufei had been really understanding, but he'd fucked up badly yesterday and even with the painkillers Fei was obviously awfully sore and uncomfortable. He deserved a good scold and he knew it. He was just glad that Fei hadn't done it in front of Heero; he was going to be humiliated enough as it was.

Wufei's brow wrinkled in puzzlement. "Yell? Why would I yell, Duo?"

"Because of yesterday. I mean, I know you said you forgive me and everything but I really fucked up and you're the one who got hurt and you've got every right to yell at me but I really wish you'd just do it and get it over with because..."

Wufei leaned over and kissed Duo, his good hand reaching behind Duo's head to hold him firmly in place. "Hush. You know you were wrong, you apologized, I accepted, end of story. I reserve the right to yell at you the next time you unnecessarily put your own health and safety at risk, but yesterday's incident is a closed case."

Duo blinked in surprise, then gave in to Wufei's gentle tug, curling against his side and putting his head on Wufei's shoulder. "Oh. Then... what did you want to talk to me alone about?"

Drawing a deep breath and summoning up his resolve, Wufei started with simply, "Heero. Duo, if I were to..." he faltered, uncertain how to word this, then tried again. "Over the past few days, as I have gotten to know Heero better, I have discovered that I am - attracted - to him." Despite his burning cheeks, Wufei forced himself to continue, "I care about him a great deal, maybe even almost as much as I do you. I'm not certain whether I am in love with him or not, but, given the opportunity, I almost certainly could be. Obviously, this affects all three of us and I will have to tell Heero too but I wanted to find out how you felt about it first." He paused, then before Duo had a chance to respond, hastily clarified, "This doesn't change how I feel about *you*, Duo. It's as-well-as, not instead-of."

"I was kinda hoping the two of you would learn to love each other too," Duo admitted quietly. "Otherwise, it's gonna be awful hard for me to keep things balanced. Overlapping couples we might manage to make work but a true threesome would be a lot more stable. And I can understand the as-well-as part, 'cause I love both of you."

"I thought you might be okay with it. I just wanted to be *sure*," Wufei said. "There have been far too many misunderstandings already." He was silent for a few minutes, simply holding Duo. Then he added, "It may be a moot point anyway. I do not know what Heero's reaction will be. He may not be interested in changing the nature of his relationship with me. And even if he is, I think that all of us need to get to know one another better before... Well, before things go any farther than they already have."

"Heero's kind of confused about how he feels about you right now, I think," Duo offered. "Knowing that you're - umm, interested - might be enough to help him figure out what he's feeling. And you're right, the little bits and pieces we've all shared with each other aren't really enough. We need to get to know each other better. Learn each other's likes and dislikes and figure out how to handle arguments. That kind of thing."

Wufei made a soft sound of acknowledgement. 'One down, one to go. Now all I have to do is hope that I don't spontaneously combust while trying to explain myself to Heero...'

"Fei? Do you want me there while you talk to Heero, or would you rather talk to him alone?"

'Good question. Which would be the better choice?' Wufei wasn't sure. Discussing this with Heero in front of Duo would add to the embarrassment factor for both of them. But it would also ensure that Heero knew Duo did not have a problem with it. "I... am not sure..." he admitted. "Alone would probably be better... but he needs to know that you are aware and approve too..."

"Okay," Duo said. "Then when you're ready to talk to him, just let me know and I'll tell him that you've already discussed things with me and it's okay, he should do whatever he wants and it won't upset me. Sound okay to you?"

"Yes, that sounds fine," Wufei answered. 'Now I just have to find the right time to broach the subject with Heero...'


Wufei had been watching Heero closely all through lunch. 'He's very stiff. Between the muscles he strained trying to pull that kick yesterday and the fact that he couldn't really move most of the night, I guess that isn't exactly surprising.' Heero really needed a good massage, but Duo was still favouring the wrist he'd injured rollerblading and *he* was certainly in no condition to offer one either. 'What a sorry bunch we are,' he thought in wry amusement. He had a few stiff and sore muscles of his own and he was pretty sure Duo did as well, from the coughing if nothing else. Maybe...

A quick check of the hotel 'Facilities & Services Guide' confirmed that his idea was at least a possibility. It should help with some of their sore muscles and provide a relaxing way to spend part of the afternoon as well.

"Heero, you're obviously stiff and sore; I'm sure Duo has sore muscles from all the coughing earlier; I have some as well... Why don't we all avail ourselves of the hotel's hot tub?" Wufei suggested.

"The chlorine fumes may aggravate Duo's bronchitis," Heero pointed out reluctantly. A nice soak in a hot tub *did* sound awfully tempting though.

"If my cough flares up, I'll just have to come back to the room," Duo shrugged. "It's worth a try..."

"What about your ribs and arm?" Heero asked Wufei.

"I'll just keep the cast out of the water," he responded. "And we can change the wrappings on my ribs afterwards."

"Come on, Heero, we'll be okay," Duo urged. "Doesn't a nice soak in a hot tub sound nice?" The fact that he'd get to enjoy seeing his two boyfriends - err, that sounded odd - future lovers? - that sounded odd too... Well, the fact that he'd get to see *them* both in just their bathing suits had *nothing* to do with liking the idea. Not a single solitary thing. Nope.

Well, okay, if he was completely honest, Duo admitted, maybe it did have just a *teensy* influence on his enthusiasm for the idea. Though watching the cautious way Heero had been moving so far today had a far greater influence. Heero was obviously *very* stiff and sore.

"Alright," Heero gave in with a sigh. He was still a bit concerned over whether this was a good idea for Duo and Wufei, but - well, he'd just have to take their word for it.

"Good," Wufei said with satisfaction. He hesitated a moment, debating whether or not now was a good time to discuss things with Heero. 'I guess that now's as good a time as any,' he decided nervously. "Duo, once you're ready, why don't you go pick up spare towels for us downstairs then meet us at the pool area?" he suggested. "Heero can help me get changed this time."

Duo was only startled for an instant before he realized why Wufei wanted him to go on without them. 'He wants to talk to Heero alone now...' "Okay," he agreed readily.

"Why not wait and we can all go down together?" Heero protested.

Moving over to Heero, Duo kissed him gently. "I think Wufei would like to speak to you privately for a few minutes. We've already discussed this and it's fine with me," Duo told him earnestly. "I'll see you guys downstairs." He headed off to change, ignoring Heero's confusion. The explanation and question were Wufei's, not his; he wouldn't have said as much as he did except for the fact that Heero needed to know that this was okay with him.

Following Wufei into their room, Heero said hesitantly, "Duo said you wanted to talk to me alone?"

"After we're ready," Wufei answered. He thought it would be best to wait till after Heero was finished helping him with his shirt before bringing up the potentially embarrassing subject.

By the time that they were both changed and ready, Heero was extremely curious and admittedly a bit concerned. Had Wufei changed his mind about being willing to share Duo? "What did you want to talk to me about?" he demanded.

Uncertain how to word his explanation, Wufei said simply, "This." He slid his uninjured arm around Heero's neck, burying the hand in the hair at the nape of his neck, and kissed him firmly.

Heero froze in shock. Wufei was kissing *him*?! And it felt - good. Not the *same* as when Duo kissed him, not quite, but still - good. Very good, in fact.

Wufei was almost ready to break off the kiss in discouragement at Heero's unresponsiveness. Before he could, however, Heero's mouth softened and his hands raised, one coming to rest against the small of Wufei's back and the other cradling his jaw. 'That is *much* more promising,' he decided with relief. He had almost forgotten Heero's warning to Duo that he needed time to react properly to unexpected touches. 'And I think that this would *definitely* qualify...'

Finally breaking off the kiss, Wufei couldn't help smiling slightly at the confusion clouding Heero's eyes. "You are - very - attractive, Heero," he said, somewhat more at ease now that he knew Heero was not exactly uninterested. "And I - care for you very much. It - would not take a great deal for me to fall in love with you too." He struggled on in spite of his very warm cheeks, "We have already agreed to share Duo; he has agreed that he would be - glad - to share us with each other as well." Before Heero could respond, Wufei touched a finger to Heero's lips and shook his head. "I don't expect a response right now. Take your time and think about it first."

Heero nodded slowly, still in shock. "I - will..."
