Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Celebration ❯ Part One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Winter Celebration:Part 1"Winter Peacecraft-Yuyby: A dear friend --means thinking--.those mean flashback~~~quote"note*
Ya know the restwill only be like 2 or more parts to this. At the most 4. I hope that you like it and I hope that you will review it for me. It means alot that people read my stories. Well, I am gonna head out , and I hope that you enjoy.Yours,Peacecraft-YuyDecember 18, A.C. 200; 8:45 p.m. Relena Darlian Peacecraft walked out onto her balcony. Her long elegant dress blew in the breeze. She was so eager to hear that her cousins are visiting for the Winter Holidays. Even though she was Vice Foreign Minister, she still had to attend school. She had daily classes at the Sank Kingdom University, and she loved it. Still attending to her duties though, the now 20 year old had more problems to worry about. It was winter and a beautiful blanket of snow was on the ground. She thought about how long it had been since the Mariemaia accident 4 years ago, and how her knight in shining armor always came to her has only been fours years. Heero..where are you? Why haven't you come to see me lately? DUH Relena, he doesn't wanna see you. You chased him around like a lost puppy. He wouldn't think twice about me. If only I would've.....-- Relena was cut off from her thought when she saw a black limo pull up in her drive way. --Now...the fun begins! We are gonna have the best Christmas ever. I hope that they haven't changed at all. Relena thought.-- of the limo stepped two young women. One had blonde curly hair and stood about 5'8" and the other had brown wavy hair and stood about 5'6". Relena saw their weddings rings shimmer in the winter sunset. Relena never thought that they would be married before her.
must go down and meet my dear cousins.-- Relena said as she walked of her balcony into her room.Mays-Cagle stepped out of her limo to meet the winter Sank Kingdom sunset. Wendi stood a good bit of 5'8". She disliked being short when she was 15, so she was glad that she grew in the last 7 years.(Talking about when she was in the 10th grade. She is a 4th year college student) The 22 year old was so excitied that she got ahold of Relena. She hasn't seen her cousin in 8 years, and now, it was time to show her how it was gonna be. --What she doesn't know is that I got a surprise for.--after Wendi was a 21 year old woman who stood 5'6".Underwood-Langan was happy to see that Relena actually kept a whole kingdom in tact. --I can't believe that Relena is a princess. Even though we are not her real cousins by blood, it is still go to know that she hasn't forgot us-- Krystal thought as she stepped up to Wendi. She looked at her, and wished that she was as tall or even taller than her. She was even shorter then her husband, Jonathan Langan. Hell, she was shorter than Wendi's husband, Nick Cagle.
Wendi, how is the weather up there?" Krystal asked her cousin.What about down there?"I guess. To be winter, it sure does feel good out here." Krystal said.does, but I wanna know where our dear little cousin is to greet us! That girl could never keep track of her own head if it wasn't on her shoulders," Wendi said.look around you. What do you see?" Krystal asked.dirt, the ocean, sky, and our limo," Wendi said.mean this is Relena's kingdom. It looks like she can take care of her own kingdom, much less her own damn head," Krystal said.

Just then the door flung open, and out came Relena's figure.

"I can see you are still taking care of me Krystal," Relena said."Somebody has to. Besides, if I didn't, who would?" Krystal said with a smirk on her face. funny," Relena said.I am sorry to break up this happy moment, but we do have bags in the car," Wendi said in a bossy tone.Bitch-a-Wendi, chill out. It's not like we can't get them out ourselves," Krystal said.that is what they are for," Relena said, pointing to her maids.maids grabbed their bags and escorted Wendi and Krystal into Relena's damned," Krystal said.nice shin-dig ya got her Lena," Wendi said, patting her cousin's backI've lived here for a while, and it gets pretty lonely around here," Relena we are here," Krystal said.We are gonna actually teach you how to live. First things first...get rid of that ridiculous outfit and dress normal," Wendi said as she tugged on Relena's wrong with this dress?" Relena asked.doesn't suit you," Krystal said.brought you some good jeans that were on sale at the Galleria. We knew that you wouldn't wear them, but with a little persuasion and my charm, you will wear them," Wendi said as she pulled out a pair of jeans and I red tank top.will not wear such a thing," Relena said as she pulled away.grabbed her arm and pulled her up the stairs to her room.I have a surprise for you later. You have to put this on. Nick and Jonathon will be here soon and I want to show them how my cousin can not only be a princess, but a normal person," Wendi Nick and Jonathon?" Relena my husband and Nick is Wendi's husband," said Krystal as she stepped into the my surprise?" Relena asked.I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise Lena," Wendi said.try on the jeans," Krystal said as she handed them to her.but I will only wear them one time and one time only," Relena said.don't think so," Wendi said.bought you more," Krystal said.let out a sigh and gave in knowing that she couldn't win. Somethings never change. Relena thought.9 year old Relena, 10 year old Krystal, and a 11 year old Wendi walked out of there school. They were so happy that summer came and they were going to the colonies later that day.are you happy to be going to the colonies?" Wendi asked Relena.don't wanna go," Relena said.Krystal asked.really don't wanna go and not spend time here," Relena said, making no since at are going whether you like it or not," Wendi said.I am not, and you can't make me," Relena stuck out her tounge and took off running towards her moms car.and Krystal caught up with her. Wendi stepped in front of Relena and threw her over her shoulder.are going. I don't wanna have to beat your little ass," Wendi saidnote: YES.....even 11 year olds cuss*Relena screamed.Now Wendi put her down," Krystal said.put Relena on the ground and hugged don't go...we won't have no fun," Wendi said.but I won't go again," Relena knew it was useless trying to fight with," Wendi and Krystal said together.Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~walked out of her bathroom and twirled around in front of Wendi and I look?" Relena asked.look great," Krystal complimented her.doorbell rang. get it!" Wendi shouted, running for the door. went down the stairs with Relena and Krystal following her. She opened the door to find two men. One 5'11" with blonde hair, and the other 5'10" with dark brown hair.never thought you'd make it, Jonathan!" Krystal said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.should know I couldn't be without you that long," Jonathan said as he picked her up and carried her inside the living room and laid her down on the couch.Nick said." Let's leave them alone for a while." He looked at Relena, then at Wendi."Come on, baby. Let's go check out the bedroom."just go up to my office for a little while and give ya'll some time to catch up, if ya know what I mean," Relena said with a sly smile on her face.I have to introduce you to our husbands," Wendi said as she escorted them to the living room to break up Krystal and Jonathan's happy reunion.this is Jonathan Langan and Nick Cagle," Wendi said pointing to them Langan," Jonathan said. "Everyone else does."for me, " Krystal said. " I call you whatever I want, Teddy Bear."stuck out his hand and said '' Nice to meet you."started to take a bow, but Krystal shouted, "Don't you dare bow, Lena! He is not royalty!"stopped herself, and, instead, gave Nick a welcoming hug. "Is that better?" Relena asked.better," Krystal replied.looked at Wendi, then at Relena. "So are you really a princess?"But I don't claim to be anymore. I am the representative for Earth and the Colonies," Relena off of Krystal and helped her to stand. "Have you heard from the Gundam Pilots?"took this oppprtunity to elbow him in the side and gave him her own death glare. Relena hung her head low, and spoke in a whisper, "Yes, I talk to Duo and Hilde alot. Sally and Wufei come by to visit alot for The Preventers, Trowa and Catherine usually come by when the circus is in town, and Quatre calls me alot and talks."about Hee..," Nick was cut off by Wendi pulling his hair. "I mean Milliardo and Nion?"live not to far from here, and they bring my neice over to visit," Relena said.You are an aunt?!" Wendi said estaticly.they had a girl about two years ago," Relena," Krystal said.her name?" Jonathan asked.Lachelle Peacecraft," Relena said a cute name," Krystal said.I hope that Krystal and I will have a family soon," Jonathan said.hoping ain't gonna get us anywhere," Krystal said with a sly smirk on her face. "Let's excuse ourselves and go to my bedroom." As she started to walk up the stairs.good to me," Jonathan said as he followed Krystal.Nick, and Wendi were all sweatdropping. "We better go," said Wendi.were all leaving when they heard Jonathan and Krystal's bed banging against the wall. sure are getting their groove on. Aren't they?" Nick said.doorbell rang and Relena walked over to get it.Let me get it," Wendi said. She walked over to the door and there stood....well wait and find outdear, you have ALOT of visitors," Wendi said turning to Relena with the door wide open.turned to the door and stood wide eyed. There stood all 5 Gundam Pilots, Sally Po, Hilde Schbeiker, Catherine Bloom, Dorothy Catalonia, Milliardo and Noin Peacecraft, and Lady Une. She couldn't believe her eyes. --All the pilots togther?! How odd. Anyways, I can't let them stay in the snow.--you gonna invite us in or are we gonna stand out here and freeze our asses of?" Duo asked the person at the door.maid, let us in. You onna," Wufei said.of all, I am not a damn maid. Second of all, you can't tell me what to do. Third of all, if you wanna come in, then get in here. I ain't stoppin ya," Wendi said as she held the door open for them. Wufei was about to step in, when Wendi suddenly slammed the door in his face.Wufei screamed. He burst through the door to find that woman, another man, and Relena on the floor laughing.was so..he he...funny..he he...I would've paid money to see your face..he he," Relena said between giggles.ha ha...I have to stay...ha he...focused...he he...I am losing my control..he he...SWEET JESUS THAT WAS FUNNY," Wendi ya there Wu-man," Duo said smirking.was not amused by this at all. He looked over at Relena and noticed something. --How did she get those clothes. She usually doesn't dress like that-- He actually thought that she looked good in jeans. --Her curves, hips, breasts....STOP....I don't like Relena. She is nothing more than a person that I have to protect to maintain peace.-- But he knew that was ok, Relena?" Milliardo asked.had to catch her breath. She tried to get up, but she lost her balance and almost hit the floor, when she felt to strong arms around her in a split second. She looked up to met by those pair of Prussian Blue eyes that she fell for long okay?" Heero asked.Just a little short of breath," Relena said.on Lena. Let's get ya something to drink," Wendi said.are you? You are to address her as Miss. Relena," Dorothy said as a matter of factly.can address her anyway I please, Ms. Catalonia," Wendi that so?" Trowa her cousin," Wendi said as she walked into the kitchen going to fetch Relena's water.Everyone asked dumbstruck.she is my cousin. You better treat her right, or else," Relena said.can you do? " Wufei asked.just put it this way. I can do enough," Relena said as she walked into the kitchen with Wendi.just stood there minding his own business, until Milliardo walked up to him and stuck out his hand. "I am Milliardo Peacecraft."Cagle. Nice to meet ya," Nick So are you my sisters boyfriend?" Milliardo asked in a protective tone.are you? One of Lena's new butler?" Quatre a gardner?" Trowa asked.are you then?" Heero asked as he pulled out his gun. "An assassin?"I am Wendi's husband," Nick said.cousin. I am her husband, and her name is Wendi. They came down to visit her over the holidays," Nick 'they'" Hilde asked.and Krystal. Her other cousin. She is up stairs with her husband Jonathan Langan. I don't wanna go any further," Nick said.has been in Noin's arms the whole time. She jumped down and walked over to Nick. She looked up and waved at Diana"

"Hi there, I am Nick. You are mighty cute for a girl your age," Nick said.grinned as big as the Grand Canyon and ran over to her mother. "Mommy, mommy. Nick said the I was pwetty."he was telling the truth," Relena said as she walked back into the room with her water.old are you, Wendi?" Hilde twenty-two," Wendi said.and Jonathan walk down the stairs and into the room.did all these people come from?" Krystal asked with a confused look on her and Jonathan were up the puttin dough in the oven, the Gundam Pilots and co., stopped by for a little visit," Wendi said.that is a good way to put it, honey," Nick said.was just laying out the facts. Plus, the thought of them fucking makes me sick. Dammit Krystal, could've you of kept the fucking noise down up there?" Relena asked.looked at her wide eyed. They couldn't beleive what she had just said.GO LENA," Wendi shouted.that settles that," Jonathan said.time is it?" Dorothy 9:45," Hilde said.I think that it is time for me to throw in the towel and hit the sack," Wendi early?" Quatre asked.go to bed earily and wake up late," Wendi turned to Relena who stiffled a yawn. "I think that you need to hit the hay to, Lena."I think that I will," Relena said.what about you guys?" Nick said addressing the others.think that it has been a night for us too," Trowa is all settled then. We go to bed, and wake up at seven-thirty a.m.," Heero said.Listen here Mr. Perfect Soldier, you may be getting up at seven in the morning, but I sure as hell ain't. End of discussion," Wendi said as she walked up the stairs with Nick. "Put your gun away. You couldn't shoot me of you tried." With that, Wendi and Nick went to their room and locked the door so they wouldn't be disturbed.let's all head out," Jonathan said as he took Krystal's hand and lead her back to her bed room.else followed suit and headed to their room. Heero was the last to leave. He checked around the house to make sure that everything was secure. After that, he started heading for one of the guest rooms. He noticed that Relena's door was open and peeked in to see what she was doing. He found her on her bed sound asleep. He noticed that she kept her windows unlocked and decided to lock them for her. After he locked them, he saw and heared Relena winning in her sleep. He thought that she was so cute when she did that.Relena said as she wimpered in her sleep.Heero didn't know whether to be shocked or surprised.leave me again....stay with me...forever," Relena wimpered again.walked over to he and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I promised I would protect you Relena. I will stay here as long as it takes. I promise." Her carressed her cheek and placed a soft kiss on it too. He finally realized that he had feelings for this girl, and it felt real good too. Relena threw her arms around him in a death grip, and somehow he knew that she wouldn't let go. --Might as well make myself comfortable.-- Heero thought as he slid in the bed with her and wrapped his arms around her. With that he fell into a deep sleep.Decenber 19, A.C. 200; 7:45 a.m. Relena awoke to feel a pair of strong arms around her. She looked up to see, none other than Heero Yuy. --Oh my....-- Relena thought as she thought about it for a second. She saw that her arms were around him also. --Damn....I must be dreaming or something.-- awoke to find his princess awake and staring at him.Heero said.who finally awakens," Relena said with a cute smile on his face.what time is it?" Heero Perfect Soldier mode.-- Relena thought. She let him go and looked at her watch. "Seven forty-five."Heero said, " I should've been up fifteen minutes ago."you don't like laying here with me?" Relena asked as she made a puppy dog know it," Heero said with a genuine smile on his face as he got up.fell of the bed in the process, "HOLY SHIT!?" Relena screamed.Heero asked.actually cracked a joke and smiled in one day. What happened while I was asleep?" Relena asked.walked in here to lock your windows. Then you was calling out something. I went over to hear you and you threw your arms around me in a death grip. Really Relena, you have poor security," Heero said.thanks, I guess," Relena said as she got up off the floor and headed for her bathroom.welcome," Heero said. He walked out of her room to find Wendi walking down the stairs.thought that you didn't get up this early," Heero said.turned around to find Heero at the top of the stairs addressing her.Wendi groaned and walked up to face him, "I usually don't. But since you made it clear to my husband last night, he put an alarm clock in our room. I actually got up at 6:45, but I went back to sleep. I swear I could kill you," Wendi said as she gave him her death glare.that is my look," Heero said.Wendi really didn't care to hear what he had to say. She turned around to hear a muffled sound come from the bathroom. --That sounds like Krystal.-- Wendi thought. They heard the toilet flush and Krystal emerfed from the bathroom. She looked like crap.good morning, Miss. Sunshine," they turned to see Relena at enterance to her door. "What has our Krystal been eating latley?"damn thing she can get her hands on," Wendi said.up, Wendi. It is too early for this," Krystal said.Heero appraoched Langan's room to notify him of his wife's current condition, he noticed the window was open. He checked around. He couldn't find Langan anywhere. As Heero looked out the window towards the horizon, he saw a large black figure off in the distance. To his surprise, it seems as if it was a Gundam.he didn't," Heero said aloud.a matter?" Relena asked Heero from the believe that Langan just stole my Gundam," Heero shocked.going on in here?" Krystal asked as she and Wendi came into the room.husband just stole my Gundam," Heero said.face appeared on the vid-screen in the Living room.Heero, sorry about that. Always wanted to try out a Gundam," Langan said. "What the..something is wrong here."is it?" Quatre asked.think that there is a squad of mobile dolls headed towards the Sank Kingdom," Jonathan said.DOLLS?" Duo exagerated.the hell out of there you fool. You don't know how to work a Gundam," Heero said as he come down from the stairs with Wendi, Krystal, and Relena.I'll try an get...." the screen goes blank.NOOOOOOOO," Krystal screamed.quickly ran up to Langan and Krystal's room to see what happened. He noticed that a group of moble dolls had decended apon him.on you fool, get out the beam saber," Heero said.a bright flash came over the house. Langan had fired off the beam cannon. Destroying 3 mobile dolls. Wing Zero soon took flight across the house. As it landed, the cock pit door opened and Langan quickly dropped out.Jonathan said, "Go out there and destroy the mobile dolls."gundam was already in persute of the mobile dolls. Heero passed Langan, he quickly said, "Your not suck a bad pilot. Maybe you could fly with us someday." He sprang into the cock pit and flew off to the battle field.always worries me when he goes out to battle," Relena you think I feel? My goofy husband thought that he was everything, and decided to take a Gundam out for a joy ride. Almost getting killed in the process," Krystal said should be proud of him, and how well he handled a Gundam," Trowa said. wander what would have provoked such an attack," Relena said.the hell outta me," Duo said.I wanna know is why you guys are still here. Aren't you suppose to be helping Heero and Quatre?" Wendi asked.think that they have got it under control," Duo's only a squadren anyway. I could take those guys out blind folded," Wufei said. walked down the stairs to meet his wife and apologize. When he got down there, he found a very worried Wendi, and a wickedly pissed off Krystal. He advanced towards her, but she pulled back and slapped him.dare you do that?" Krystal asked.what?" Jonathan asked trying to be convincing. off in Heero's gundam and almost getting killed in the process. I love you to much to let anything happen to you," Krystal started to cry.pulled his wife into a hug,"I promise I won't do it again."vid screen turned on and Heero's face appeared. He looked worried about something, but it didn't show.what's wrong?" Relena asked. She was the only one who could find that something was wrong with him.Compl....," The screen went blank. Muffled sounds could be heard from the other side.come in, Heero," Duo going on?" Nick asked.don't know," Trowa said.had an idea. She ran up the stairs to look out Krystal's window. She saw nothing, god," Wendi said. "It can't be." what's wrong?!" Relena asked.couldn't speak. She only gave Relena a worried what is wrong dammit!" Relena demanded. She still said nothing. Not a word. She could only look at Relena and tears sprang to her eyes at the thought of what would happen if she knew. --Should I tell her.-- --NO, it would break her heart.-- While Wendi was have a argument with herself. She didn't notice Relena walk over to the window and see what was going on.
--Wendi is just over reacting. Nothing could happen to Heero. Noone could tou...-- Relena didn't get to finish her thought, for outside laying on the snowy ground was the Beam Saber from Wing Zero and the Heaters from Quatre's Gundam,, this can't be. Heero would never....NOOOO!!" Relena screamed to the top of her lungs falling to her knees. This brought Wendi out of her thought. She looked over to she her cousin on the ground holding her own body, and sobbing.
"Lena, I...there is nothing I can say to comfort you is there?" Wendi asked.
"No, there isn't, but there is one thing that we could do that would help me," Relena said as she turned to her cousin. She wipped the tears away from her eyes, and stood as did Wendi. Relena turned and looked out the window.
"What would that be?" Wendi asked.
"To hunt and kill those who took my one and only love," Relena said. She turned around to face her cousin. Wendi gasped in shock. Relena had the coldest glare on her face, no light shined in her aqua eyes, and Wendi only saw that glare once in her life. She could only think of one thing --The people that took Heero away are gonna regret what they have done. Cause from this moment on, Relena will not stop till she gets what she wants, and that is all of you dead.-- Wendi returned he glare to Relena.
--Thank you Wendi-- Relena knew that she was behind her all the way. Once Wendi returned a glare, that meant she was coming along to help. "Let's go tell the others what has happened, and the plan."
Wendi could only nod as she followed Relena out of the room. They headed down stares to tell the others about what was going on, and who they were planning to kill.
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Author: do you like it? I thought that I would make Relena really pissed off and go into a killing spree or maybe not. It is up to you to decide what will happen. Do you want:
1) Relena to go on a killing spree
2) The pilots, Relena, Wendi, Nick, Jonathan, and Krystal to go get some MS and fight or
3) Relena and Wendi not to tell the guys and rescue Heero and Quatre themselves.
Like I said. It is up to you to decide. I am only hear to please the peoples wishes. My co-writes and I will discuss it later when we get the results. Until then Merry Christmas and keep safe.
-Winter Peacecraft-Yuy and co.
Disclamers: I don't on Gundam Wing. If I did, I wouldn't be here writing this story to pass my time. Instead, I would be in the money!!! ROLLIN IN THE DOUGH!!!!