Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wise Blood ❯ A New Town, A New Start ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Wise Blood

Author: duo_loves_hiiro

Genre: Humour/Romance/Supernatural/General

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or the characters from GW. I do own, however, Astarte, and you can't have her!!

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I was transferred to a new school shortly after my parents died. I guess I was happy to be away from that town and the memories it held, but I'd miss my outcast friends. The school I'd been going to was known for being separated by religious cliques. Considering I wasn't of any particular religion, and I believed that there wasn't a god, only a god of Death, I was shoved into the "Satan worshipping" category. I other words, anyone who wasn't Catholic, Christian, and Jewish was considered a Satan worshipper, even Muslims and Hindus. I had hated that, but I made some great friends because of it. Some of my friends were from those other cliques, but not many. It didn't matter though.

When I had to move away, I wasn't really sad. Sure, I'd miss the friends I did have, but I still had their phone numbers so it wasn't too bad. I was hoping that the new school wasn't like the last, and that I'd be able to be me without worrying about being beaten up by some guy who thinks I'm evil for not "accepting Jesus as my personal lord and savior."[1] I didn't want to have to go through all that again.

So as I walked into my new school, I was pleasantly surprised to immediately see a small cluster of girls standing together, all wearing pentagram necklaces. The were engaged in a serious conversation, it seemed, and I grinned widely knowing that this school was probably going to be better than the last. As I started to walk by, one of the girls glanced up and made eye contact with me. She was average height, and her gray eyeshadow made her blue eyes look sharp. There was laughter in her eyes as she glanced at my form and before I was able to figure out what was up, the short haired girl tore away from her friends and walked over to me.

"Hey! You're new here." She stated, not asking a question.

"Yeah, just moved here from Sirenna [2]." I replied giving her my widest grin, "I'm Duo Maxwell."

She beamed at me, "I'm Hilde Schbeiker," she glanced over at the other girls, gesturing for them to come over. One had the blondest hair I'd ever seen, and her eyes were like ice, while the other had extremely short black hair that she wore spiked and warm shining blue eyes, "And this is Dorothy Catalonia," She gestured to the blonde before pointing towards the black haired girl, "And this is Astarte Yuy." [3]

I nodded to them, and immediately Astarte grinned almost as widely as me, "Nice to meet you, Duo!" She leaned forward and examined my outfit, her eyes locking on the pentagram sweatband on my wrist momentarily before she proceeded to kneel down and play with the bottom of my pants.

Dorothy all but shrieked, "ASTARTE!"

I had no problem with it. As a matter of fact, it was pretty cool to be noticed immediately upon walking into the school. Astarte grinned at Dorothy before swirling me around and snatching my long braided hair. "How the hell'd you grow it this long, man?"

My answer was cut off as my eyes focused on an unruly haired guy walking towards us. His eyes were a dark shade of blue, and that gorgeous mop of hair was unexpectedly brown, despite his obvious Asian feature. I stuttered, and before I knew it, Astarte had dropped my braid and had all but charged the gorgeous guy down.

"HEERO FUCKING YUY!" She shouted, shoving him into a locker, "Why the fuck did you turn Hilde down?!"

I stared at them and Dorothy chuckled, "Aren't they the most pleasant siblings on Earth?"

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[1] "being… savior.'" - No offence to any religious people out there; this is just accurate for some people, and it's not dissing any of the religions mentioned. This is based on something that happened to me a while back, when my best friend stopped talking to me because I'm not Christian. ::shrugs::

[2] "Sirenna" - Don't try looking this place up; It doesn't exist.

[3] "Astarte Yuy" - She's Heero's younger sister. I created her for a single purpose.

A/N: Yay!!! I wrote a chapter!! ::huggles the world:: It's a little weird but I like it so far. The next chapter will take place…. At a later time, but I don't know yet since I haven't written it yet. O_o Oh, and sorry for the shortness. I was just trying to get it started.