Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Witch Way to Life ❯ WWL2-Oh God, what did I do to deserve this? ( Chapter 2 )

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Title: Witch Way to Life 
Author: shad0w118
Feedback: Yes, please. I appreciate it.
Pairing: 2+1, 3+4, 5+S, R+1
Rating: G
Category: AU, Magic, Humor
Warnings: OOC Heero, Shonen ai, slightly based on Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Notes: Forgive me if any descriptions are inaccurate. I Asian so I'm not really familiar with the settings of western High schools. Just impressions of what I read from other fic's. Next update is going to take a while. I starting work so won't have so much time on my hands and in addition I might have connection problems at the hostel. But I will try my best to update at lease once a month. Ja ne.
Disclaimer: I don't own them and the standard stuff. 
Beta Edited: FranceGamble
/-------/ thoughts
Chapter 2- Oh God, what did I do to deserve this?
The walk was relatively uneventful, if you cross out the number of kids rushing pass and knocking into Heero, which sent him staggering a few times. He was nearly ran over by car, driven by a rude driver who fingered at him and cursed colorful words, which expanded his vocabulary a great deal. As he got nearer to Westbridge High, Heero noticed more possible schoolmates walking towards the school's direction. Just in front of him were three teenagers chatting merrily, most probably about their summer break activities. Actually more accurately, it was the blonde boy talking animatedly while his two companions, one a tall lanky guy with gravity defying bangs which covered half his face and the other a guy with black shoulder length hair pulled into a tight ponytail at the base of his neck, listened to him talk, nodding in response every now and then.
Just as they reached the school ground's entrance the three were joined by another guy. This guy was practically prancing around, and he had the longest chestnut hair Heero had ever seen on a guy's head, braided up but still reaching his butt at the end. Heero wondered how long the hair would be if freed from its plait. Just a bit to the left was a group of girls chattering happily and ignoring their surrounding. The leader of this band seemed to be a dark blonde hair girl with two small plaits, which drew the sides of her hair to the back, in the center of the group. She was fairly pretty, in Heero's opinion, but she had this piercing high pitch voice which sent a shiver down Heero's spine and pain through his eardrums. He wondered how anyone could stand her voice. It would go off the charts, and send animals within a 5 mile radius running, if it was any higher. To make matters worse she was dressed in a horrid shade of pink.
Of the three remaining girls, one had long blonde hair, but she had these funny forked eyebrows. Another had short dark hair which was tomboyish but Heero thought it suited her. Lastly, there was a brunette, with hair reaching her shoulders, wearing a red blouse and a matching skirt. Heero continued to walk behind them into the school building. The hallway was crowded with students chatting away and sharing stories of their break by their lockers. Both groups slowly dispersed as its members individually, or paired up, headed for their own classes just as the school bell rang. The rest of the school population also headed to their classes.
Struck with the thought that he did not know where the office was, Heero paused a random student to ask for directions. After thanking the student, he went on his way, and Heero headed off towards the direction the student pointed him to. At the office the clerk handed him his schedule, locker number, briefly welcomed him to the school and then gave him directions to his first class. Heero looked at his schedule and back up at the room number to confirm he was at the right class. He did not want to embarrass himself by entering the wrong class. He then knocked on the door twice and entered the room. He showed his notice to the teacher, Ms. Noin, who taught Physics.
“It seems we have a new student class,” Ms. Noin announced. “Introduce yourself to the class,” She told Heero.
“Erm, Hi. My name is Heero Yuy and I just transferred here. I'm half Japanese, before any of you ask. My father is American. Anything else you want to know just ask. It's a pleasure to meet you all.”
“So, Heero is it? You can sit there next to Duo.” Ms. Noin pointed towards the second last row at the left corner of the class. “If you haven't your books you can ask Duo to share his with you.”
Heero made his way down the aisle of desks to his appointed desk and sat down. Ms. Noin started teaching again and was explaining a theory to the class. Heero opened his backpack to take out his notebook and took down notes as they were explained by Ms Noin. Beside him Duo was busy scribbling something, but from the looks of it, it was not class related. Heero looked around the classroom and his classmates. He spotted the girl with the forked eyebrows, sitting beside the pink princess girl he saw earlier, three rows up front. Heero felt someone nudge his arm and turned over to look at Duo. Duo discreetly passed a folded note him while pretending to pay attention to what Ms. Noin was saying up front.
Heero opened the note and read:
Hey Hee-chan,
Wanna join me and my friends for lunch break at the cafeteria??? You are new so I thought you'd like a guide around the school and I thought I'd offer for the position. Wat'cha say buddy????
Oh by the way, the name's Duo. Duo Maxwell.
Heero reread the note again and then picked up his pen and wrote down his reply.
Hee-chan??? Thanks for both of the offers. I'd like that.
Heero folded back the note and passed it back to Duo. Class continued relatively in silence, only with the voice of Ms. Noin droning on up in the front. Heero finally snapped back to attention when Ms. Noin told the class the homework they needed to do, before she let them off. She then picked up her books and left the class. The effect was instantaneous. The class roared to life with chattering of the students. A few girls got off their chairs and began to crowd around Heero's desk. The girl in pink and the forked eyebrow were among the few.
“Hey Hee-chan. What'cha have next?” Duo spoke up.
Before Heero could answer, they were approached by a group of girls.
“Hi there. You're Heero right? I'm Clare McKenzie and this is Madeline Gordon,” A girl with red hair introduced herself and her friend. She then offered him a hand to shake.
Heero shook the offered hand.
“So, you said during your intro that you're half Japanese. Since your dad's American, then your mom must be Japanese, right?” Clare continued.
“HEEERROOO!” A sharp voice pierced his eardrums. Heero looked towards the direction of the voice and found the girl in pink addressing him.
“I'm Relena Peacecraft and this is my best friend Dorothy Catalonia. How would you like to join us for lunch later?” Relena introduced herself and batted her lashes at him.
“Uhm... Sorry, but I already agreed to join Duo and his friends; maybe some other time, Relena.” But deep down Heero was glad he could decline her offer. Why was he soo…. lucky to have met this pink monstrosity? /That's too much, Heero. You just met the girl once and you're already judging her. Give her a chance. / Heero had no idea just how wrong it would be for him to give Relena that chance.
Relena glared at Duo for some reason. Duo just ignored her and continued with his own stuff. Relena huffed then turned on her heels and left, with Dorothy trailing behind her. The bell rang, signaling the end of period, and students began to file out of the class.
“Oh, Clare, sorry for the interruption, so, we'll catch up next time? And yeah, my mom is Japanese. So, I'll see you around then?” Heero turned back to Clare since Relena's introduction cut their conversation abruptly.
“Yeah, sure Heero. Maybe we will still be in some other classes together. So, catch you around.” With that Clare and Madeline walked back to their desk. They picked up their stuff and headed out the door to their next class.
“Now where were we? Oh yea, your next class. What'cha having, Hee-chan?” Duo picked up their conversation to where it was before they were interrupted.
“Not sure. Let me check first.” Heero took out his schedule and consulted it. “Chemistry”
“Cool. Me too. We can go together then.”