Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Witches Shoe ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimers:  It aint mine, people.  Don’t bother suing me; it won’t get you a whole heck of a lot.

Warnings: Yaoi, meaning men with men doing nasty things.  If you don’t like it, don’t read it.  Angst, sex, cursing, sex, violence…did I mention sex?

Pairings: 3x2, 1x4, some others that aren’t worth mentioning…

Hope you like it!!  Leave me feedback and let me know, pretty please

I have to say I was enjoying myself, spending an evening alone with an…interesting magazine and a sealed tube of port whiskey I had gotten in trade when I suddenly found my evening blown all to hell as the speakers in my ship came to life, a cultured voice cutting into the music I had been listening to, telling me oh so kindly…

“Duo Maxwell, this is Captain Allbright of the Planetary Space Police.”

Okay, so I had two choices.  One of which was to bug out, leaving the PSP sitting around with their fingers up their collective asses, or I could see what they wanted.  I should have left, but curiosity got the best of me and I tossed the magazine aside, retaining my grip on the whiskey; those tubes are harder to come by than breathable air on an uncolonized planet.  Flipping off the music, I turned on the com in my cabin, “The fuck you want?” Probably not the response they were expecting, but who gives a damn?

Captain Allbright came back on, his voice holding a teensy bit of strain.  Guess I pissed him off a bit, but hell, I had a day off and somebody seemed determined to ruin what I thought of as a good time, “Prepare to be boarded, Maxwell.”

I don’t like being called by my last name.  Brings up too much bad shit, I suppose.  I have never been able to fully let the past go.  Only my friends and close acquaintances could call me Maxwell in that tone; this son of a bitch wasn’t either one of those.  “That’s Captain to you, asshole.  Fuck off.”

A long moment passed with nothing but silence from Allbright, what kind of name is that?  I must have shocked him right down to his polished shoes.  When he did speak I sighed, this was beginning to get boring, “Under Planetary Space Authority code four-six-one-dash-bee-three-ell, we command you to prepare your ship for boarding.  If you refuse I have been authorized to track tow your ship to the closest port available, where upon our arrival you will be detained for non-compliance.”

Thinking back to the port I had left earlier that night, I had to laugh, “You plannin’ to take me to Sodom, Allbright?  I’ll get a nice welcome party…don’t know how they’ll take your arrival.”

Sodom is one of the roughest ports in the ‘verse, with its twin port in the next colony system tying it at third place in danger levels.  Yep, you guessed it, Gomorrah.  They are both places that welcome someone like me, but where a PSP vessel would be torn apart before it managed to complete docking procedures.  If the cops on board did survive, they would suffer a worse fate than any I could envision and I can imagine a lot of bad shit.  Kidnapping, murder, rape, smuggling, and piracy run rampant in places like those.  I fit in there, but the cops wouldn’t have a chance in hell.

We were sitting just far enough away from Sodom’s port for me to be all alone.  A bit closer and there would have been pirates drooling to take apart a PSP ship for the bragging rights alone.  There was a brief moment when I thought about making a run for it.  My little Hellion is faster than anything in the sky, specifically designed to escape jerks like these.

“If I have to, I will track tow you to Strident Port.  You have no chance of escaping, Maxwell.  Prepare to be boarded.”  Allbright’s voice was full of steel.  I suppose I should have been intimidated, but people say I’m too dumb to be scared of much.  His next words should have put the fear of God in me, but I’m going straight to hell with my black soul when I die, so what do I care?  “You are surrounded.  If you try to escape, you’ll be blown out of space.”

I wasn’t scared, but the threat did make me pause.  I don’t really think about dying, there’s no point of dwelling on the inevitable, but in space is the way I wanna go, as long as it’s quick.  I don’t want to smother in free-fall or anything, but being blown up with my ship doesn’t sound so bad.  What made me stop and think was my old nemesis…curiosity.

Somebody wanted me and wanted me bad.  I wanted to know who it was.  That desire had me giving out a laugh, “Well, why didn’t you say so?  Got any rum you can bring over?” The lack of reply told me Allbright hadn’t found the comment amusing.  “Everyone’s a critic.”  With one last look at my magazine, I took myself and my whiskey to the flight deck.  Flight deck…that’s funny.  My little ship wasn’t much bigger than a cruiser, but it got the job done.  Sometimes the jobs I did were even legal, but not too often.  Running salvage in space is a waste of time these days, in my opinion.  Too many ships and not enough wreckage left to make it worthwhile anymore.  It was more lucrative to transport cargo that wasn’t entirely legal…well, as long as I’m being honest, most of the cargo wasn’t legal at all.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a smuggler, and a damn good one, too.  After the war, I lit out like the fires of hell were licking at my heels, needing to get the hell off earth.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful and all, but I never really seemed to fit in.  I never bothered to keep in touch with the other guys, though there were times when I missed them so much I wanted to call just to hear a friendly voice, or a not-so-friendly one, depending on who I called.  Those times I would push myself harder.  They never really knew me, after all, so there would be no reason trying to reconnect.

The slight shudder of my ship told me their platform had latched onto the Hellion.  If I had been gonna run, it was too damn late now.  When there was pounding on the air-lock, I took glee in making whoever was on the other side wait until I finished my drink before entering the override code and letting the door slide open.

My small flight cabin was abruptly crowded by eight men, all of them heavily armed, every weapon pointed at me.  I stayed where I was even as a ninth person joined them, his steel-grey hair cut in a buzz cut that screamed military upbringing.  This dude took his job waaaaay too seriously.  “Allbright, I assume?”

Eyes the same color as his hair took in my slouched position, widening just a little when he realized I wore nothing more than a smile.  I wasn’t about to get dressed for these morons.  “Duo Maxwell, I’m now taking command of this vessel.”

“Like hell you are.”

Acting like I hadn’t said anything, he continued in a tone that told me he thought he was an important man, “You will pilot this ship to Strident Port, where you will be taken into custody.”

I hate being ignored.  It’s one of my many pet peeves, but I was so shocked by his last statement I forgot to say so.  “What are the charges?”

“Smuggling, piracy, and murder.”

The first two I couldn’t refute, but I don’t think there was anyone searching for me.  The last crime caught me off guard.  I only killed when I had to and those people would never be missed.  “I’m not going anywhere with you.  Those are bullshit charges.”

“Shall my men search the cargo hold?  I’m certain we can find enough evidence to take you in and lock you away for the rest of your lifetime,” Allbright’s smile was smug.

Mine was probably worse.  Waving a hand, I grinned evilly, every bit as smug as he was.  “Go right ahead.  Have fun.”

Allbright barked orders to two of his men, orders I had no intention of going along with.  I’d been around enough to know how the PSP works.  If they couldn’t find the evidence they want, they plant their own.  “I don’t think so, man.”  The men looked to me then to Allbright, whose eyes glittered with anger.  “If this is an authorized search, I have the right to have a legal representative on board.”

“If you don’t have anything illegal on board, you shouldn’t object to a search by my men.”

“Nobody’s searching anything until there’s someone to watch while a search is conducted that is an unbiased party.”  Slouched in my seat, I gave him a smile, “That’s basic rights, on planet or off.”

“Then I’ll arrest you now on the charge of murder.  You will be taken to a detention facility, where you will wait for trial.  In the meantime, I’ll tear this ship apart to find all the evidence I need to ensure you never see the light of day again.”

Obviously, this dude didn’t like me.  I probably would have kept my head if I hadn’t had flashbacks of my last stay in a detention cell.  No way in hell was I going anywhere that I wouldn’t be in control.  The last time would have killed me if not for a timely rescue by Trowa, of all people.  “I’m not going anywhere with you and you won’t lay one finger on my ship.”

Before Allbright had a chance to react, I pulled the gun I always kept hidden in the pilot’s chair and had it aimed right between his beady little eyes.  It’s a rough business I’m in, okay?  That gun’s saved my ass more than once and I was counting on it to save my ass yet again.  To my surprise, Allbright smirked at me, “Go ahead and shoot.  You get off one shot and you’re still dead.”

Tilting my head, I considered my options.  There was only one and it was insane, but hell, I’ve never claimed to be sane.  I ejected one bullet, cocking the gun again faster than any of the men standing over me could react and pointed it at the window above my console.  With a manic laugh, I tossed the ejected bullet at Allbright, “Explosive bullets, asshole.  One shot and we all die, including everyone on the ship you so kindly tethered to mine.”

Staring at the red tip, Allbright’s face turned scarlet.  Steel gray eyes shot back to me, “You’re insane.  You won’t really do it.”

“Look me in the eyes and tell me I won’t.”  

Doing as I said, he swallowed hard.  He finally realized that I’d do it; I’d blow myself and everyone else all to hell.  My finger was actually beginning to squeeze the trigger when a voice came from the airlock, one I never would have expected to hear.

“Allbright, stand down!”

“Agent Yuy, this man is clearly insane.  He just threatened to kill everyone on my ship.  I won’t let him get away with this.”

“You’ll stand down and return to your ship before I have you court marshaled for disobeying a direct order.”  Heero Yuy, big as life, stood ten feet from my own seat and didn’t even glance in my direction.  The simple nerve almost made me say to hell with it and pull the trigger anyway.

Another two seconds and I would have, had it not been for the sudden appearance of another man I knew, this one’s eyes focused on me instead of the scene playing out between Allbright and Heero.  He gave a sharp nod and I lowered the gun a bit, enough to wave with two fingers, “Trowa-man, long time no see.  How’s it goin?”

His steady voice reached me, containing a hint of amusement, “Hello, Duo, I’ve been well.”

“I was doing pretty good myself until this prick ruined my night.  Whatcha’ doin’ in my neck of the woods?

Allbright had ceased his arguments with Heero during our exchange and was staring at me like I was the anti-Christ.  Who knows, maybe I am.  Apparently deciding I was no longer a threat, he gave his men a really stupid order, “Take him down!”

“I don’t think so,” I chirped, bringing the gun back to aim at the window.  There was no way I could miss the four-foot wide piece of shielded glass from a foot away and the man knew it.

Seeing his men falter, Allbright glared at them, “Take him down.  He won’t shoot with these two on board.”

Leaning against the bulkhead with his arms crossed over his chest, Trowa smiled slowly, “I assure you, he will.”  Heero agreed with a short nod.

We had somewhat of a standoff, me aiming at the window that could kill us all, Allbright staring holes into me.  Muttering a number of heated curses, he finally went into the tunnel that attached our ships, his men following close behind.  Heero finally looked at me once they were all gone, his eyebrows raised, “Would you really have done it?”

Lowering the gun, I rose from the chair and took the steps necessary to bring us face to face.  All the anger I felt for Allbright and the intrusion of what was my home came to me and I punched Heero Yuy directly in the face, smiling grimly when his head snapped back and his nose gushed blood.  “Damn right I would have.”

Turning on my heel I returned to the pilot’s chair and sat down, stowing the gun back in its hiding place.  Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at Heero as he held his hand to his nose in an effort to stop the bleeding.  “Would you like to explain why I was just threatened to be arrested for murder?”