Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Witches Shoe ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings and disclaimers in first section.  Don’t forget to look or you might get a surprise or three!

I spent the next nine hours in the pilot’s chair, the auto pilot on and my feet propped up on the console as I napped, waiting for the alarm that would tell me when we reached the asteroid field.  Trowa hadn’t come back to the flight cabin since his departure, not that had I expected him.  I hurt him.  It was easy to see in his eyes and hear in his voice, but I knew he’d get over it.  Once this was over and he was home with Quatre and the others, he would realize I’m not worth saving.  I doubted I’d see him again after this and I knew it was for the best, but damn, did it have to hurt so bad to think about?

Shit.  All I was doing was thinking in circles and that wasn’t going to do me, Trowa, or Quatre any favors.   I had to focus on the most important thing, and that happened to be saving Quat’s blonde ass, not the drama between me and Trowa that had started and gotten blown way the hell out of proportion in five days.

In order to save Quatre, I had to get around the sons of bitches standing between my ship and the outlands, where Koleniko and Witches Shoe are located, far away from any other colonies, satellites, or habitable planets.  To get around the PSP, I needed to pilot my poor Hellion through an asteroid field without blowing us the fuck up and that was not going to be an easy feat.

I’m nuts, but not so nuts that I didn’t realize going through asteroids was going to be a bitch.  It’s something I’ve had to do before and I swore at the time I wouldn’t do it again without a damn good reason.  It was going to take hours to get through the field, the better part of a whole day, in fact; the entire time would be spent with my attention focused on everything around my ship.  There wasn’t going to be time to stop for a bite or a bathroom break; once we entered the field, my world was going to narrow down to that and only that.

With this in mind I went to my cabin for some of the energy bars I kept in supply.  They were going to be what kept me going long after my arms and shoulders were aching and my hands were so tired I’d have to convince them that it was necessary to continue gripping the controls.

Trowa was bound to be in my cabin; where else could he go for hours at a time?  There he was, sleeping on my bunk, facing the door.  I wondered if he had waited for me to look for him so we could talk everything out.  Probably not.  He would have realized I had no intentions of changing my mind after the things I said.

The energy bars were in a small closet, but once I got them I suddenly found myself beside the bed, looking down at him while he slept.  I had never really considered how he would look while sleeping.  For some reason, I wasn’t surprised to see that he didn’t look innocent, as one would expect.  I was damn glad his eyes were shut; trying to hide everything from him all the time was a damn difficult thing to do.

Christ, he was beautiful.  His skin is darker than mine, showing the difference in our lives.  I stay in space and he lives on Earth, where the sun warms his skin, giving it a golden glow.  His hair was a little darker during the war, likely lightened by the sun.  Can’t imagine him going to the salon to have his hair done; he’d probably shoot the poor stylist if they touched his hair with scissors.

I knew it was a stupid thing to do, but I touched the side of his face with my fingertips.  His skin was smooth and there was a small scar at the corner of his eye I had never noticed before.  “You can’t live in my world and I can’t live in yours.  This is how it has to be, Trowa, but I really wish things could be different.”

Why in the hell would I even say that?  Sure, I liked the guy.  He was interesting to be around and not too hard on the eyes and I had kinda gotten used to him being on my ship, but why say something or wish for the impossible?  What I felt was attraction fueled by lust because I’d been celibate for too long.  Once this was done and Quatre was home, I would go back to my life, just the way I wanted it.  I wanted to be alone, to be able to make my own choices without having to explain my reasoning.  I was going to run cargo and take some occasional jobs for Une, just like I had been doing for years.  

I’d have my life back, just the way it was before Trowa Barton stepped into it and took over my brain.

The thought wasn’t as appealing as it should have been.  Truthfully, it sounded like hell.

The small shift in his breathing was enough to have me retreating silently. He didn’t move until I was at the door, his hand touching the side of his face where my fingers had been just a moment ago.  Seeing his eyes begin to open, I ducked back into the hall, footsteps silent as I went to the galley to suck down two full drinks.  My throat hadn’t been so dry since I was left in a cell for days with no food or water.  Leaving the galley I took several containers of water with me for during the navigation of the asteroid field.

By the time I made it back to the flight deck, he was there, watching me as I put the shit I gathered into a mesh basket where I’d be able to reach without leaving my seat.  “Get tired of wearing smuggler’s clothes?” I gestured to the jeans and t-shirt he was wearing; he had to bring those with him because I hadn’t seen them before.  Yeah, he looked damn good in them; filling them out in a way that made my mouth water.

“Is that what you call what I’ve been wearing?  They aren’t so different, just tighter than what I normally wear.”

My legs were crossed in the seat as I studied the console, “You have a lot of leather?  Nevermind, don’t answer that,” I really didn’t want to know.  “We try to keep the focus on ourselves instead of what we’re doing.  If someone’s staring at my ass, they aren’t paying attention to the fact that I’m hiding a gun or knife under my shirt.  Misdirection is a good tactic in my business.”

“These clothes feel…weird to me, like they’re too loose,” his tone was almost amused yet serious at the same time.  “I thought it would take longer to get used to a different lifestyle.”

“It’s easy to get used to something in a hurry if your mind is busy with a thousand other things at the same time.  What you have to wear on the Shoe will feel strange.”

“What am I going to be wearing?”

I would have looked at him, but he was watching me again; I could feel those damn eyes on me again.  Did he know that I’m what woke him?  I hoped not.  I can’t say for sure because he has a damn good sense about what’s around him, but he should have been so deeply asleep that he didn’t notice my presence after being aboard the Hellion for a while.  “Pretty much the same thing you did when you got me out of that thrice-damned cell.  Heavy boots, leather pants, tank and duster.”

“If I’m wearing the same thing, why would I feel strange in them?”

Now I did look at him, “Because you won’t be able to hide.  Your clothes and the way you look in them will make you stand out.  People will be watching you.  It’s not really the clothing that will make you uncomfortable; it’ll be knowing that people are looking at you and fantasizing about what they want to do to you.”

“What are you going to be doing while I’m being ogled?”

His voice was sarcastic as hell but I had to laugh a little, doing my best not to predict what his next reaction was going to be.  He’d either take this with a grain of salt or he’d use it as ammunition, “Making sure that everyone ogling you knows you belong to me.”

Well, I hadn’t expected him to stare at me, his mouth falling open in surprise.  Bet many people haven’t had the chance to see him shocked speechless.  “You’re going to do what?”

No way in hell was I gonna look at him while I explained this, so I turned my eyes to the window, “All of my contacts know I would never take on a simple business partner, Trowa.  The only way I would take on a partner is if we were really partners, in every sense.  I wouldn’t trust someone with my business if I don’t trust them with my life.”  It was past time to shut up, dude.  I didn’t need to say anything else; I’d said too much already.

“That’s why you had my name added to the ship’s deed, so it would look legitimate.”

“That was one reason.”  I really didn’t want to explain this, but there wasn’t much of a choice.  Damn Trowa and his probing questions.  “If something happens to me while we’re on the Shoe, you get the Hellion and bug out, you hear me?  With you listed as my partner, no one will stop you.”

“You don’t think you’ll live long enough to leave, do you?”

“I don’t think too hard about anything if I can help it.”  Silence met my quip, so I sighed heavily, forcefully pushing all the air out of my lungs.  “The questions I’m gonna ask might not sit right with some people and the last time I was there I didn’t leave on good terms.”  Turning my chair, I faced him fully, all joking aside, “Promise me you won’t do something stupid like stick around if things turn to shit.”


“No?  What do you mean ‘no’?”

“I won’t leave you there.”

“Listen, I’ll make sure you have everything you need to find Quatre before I get into serious trouble.”

Trowa shook his head, eyes never leaving mine, “I won’t leave you there, Duo.  Quatre isn’t the only one that needs to be saved.”

For God’s sake, this guy was crazier than I am.  “I’m not worth saving, you asshole! When are you going to realize that?”

He stood with amazing calm, leaning over me to brush his lips across mine and effectively shutting me the hell up.  “I believe you are worth saving, Duo.  I’m going to get something to eat.”

As he strolled away, hands in his pockets, I couldn’t think of a damn thing to say.