Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Witches Shoe ❯ Chapter 15

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings and disclaimers in first section.

Less than twenty minutes after we left, we got to see that for ourselves.  Trowa was tense in the seat beside me as I edged away from Koleniko, but I believed we were out of danger.  With Jezz and Esteban in flight control, nothing was going to happen.  “If you have questions, now’s the time to ask before you forget.”

“You don’t consider yourself a criminal.”

That wasn’t a question.  “Nope; not by your definition of criminals.  Yeah, I look out for myself, but I’m loyal to my people.”

“I wasn’t questioning that, Duo.  If you were a criminal, in the terms you have described, you never would have agreed to help us.”

“Was there a question in there somewhere?”

“Not really.  I understand the distinction…and the way you think.”

He really did understand me, damn it.  “Something’s on your mind, then.”

“How can someone betray a friend that way, the way Allbright obviously did Esteban at some point?  I never agreed with Oz’s ideals or tactics, but I couldn’t find fault in their loyalty.  I just…can’t understand that kind of betrayal.”

“I don’t either.  People are selfish, but not usually to that extreme.  I don’t try to understand human nature.”

“Psychology again?”

“You got it, babe.  It’s as pointless as trying to figure out what makes someone become a murderer instead of an assassin or a smuggler instead of a Preventer agent.”  I put our new heading into navigation, depending on it to do the calculations this time.  “It’s like trying to find the reasons behind why two people with the same circumstances would choose two different paths.”

“You’re being obvious, Duo.”

“What are you talking about?”

My false innocence didn’t fool him at all, not that I had expected it would.  “You’re reminding me that I’m an agent and you’re a smuggler,” his face was grim.

“You’re letting the edges blur, Trowa.  You can’t afford to do that.  If those lines blur too much…”

“I know, I know.  Damn it, why does it have to be so difficult?”

“You should have known making everything personal was going to make things more difficult.”   Yeah, I was a little hurt by the way he was acting.  Sure, making things personal was a mistake, but I didn’t think he would regret it, not until we had gone our separate ways.

My harness was damn near ripped apart before I had realized he’d moved.  Trowa’s damn fast and not happy, but it was a shock when he yanked me out of my seat and pulled me against him, fusing our mouths together and spearing my lips with his tongue.  He didn’t lessen his grip until I sank into the kiss and him, letting myself go lax.  Releasing my mouth, his lips made a hot trail across my jawline to my neck.  “It’s getting difficult to remember I have a normal life, Duo.  I’m tired of having to remember I have a normal life.”

“For the first time that I can remember, I wish I was able to have a normal life.”  My fingers curled into the hair at the back of his neck, just long enough to grasp.  “Things are the way they are, lover.  You can’t change those things.”  Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the way his breath felt against my skin, giving a shiver when his teeth found my earlobe.  If this didn’t stop, we were not going to be making any plans for when we reached the Shoe.  “We need to get in touch with Heero.  He needs to know what we’ve learned.  We should have contacted him first thing.”

“Give me another minute, Duo.  I have to take what I can while I have a chance.”

Call me pathetic, but I gave in to the request.  Take what we could while we could; it sounded so easy but it was so hard to know that the next time I visited Kol or navigated this route, I’d do so alone.  Take what we could.  “Alright, Tro,” I whispered, letting my head lean on his shoulder, hands smoothing over his arms and back like I could memorize the way he felt.

Another minute turned into ten before he pulled away, only to cradle my face in his hands.  I never really paid attention before that trip, but he really does have big hands, slender and with long fingers.  Those large hands moved down and applied pressure, pushing my hips into the strong thigh until the feel and the heat from his body made me swallow a whimper.

His hands clenched slightly at the strangled sound, his eyes darkening.  “Trowa, we can’t, not right now.  We have to contact Heero.  How would you feel if it was you waiting for news about someone close to you?”

“I can understand how difficult it would be waiting to hear from you.”

Just when I start to think I’d be able to live without him, he had to go and say something like that.  “I’ll get the call connected and you can talk to him.”

“A connection from this distance will take several minutes to go through.”

“More like fifteen because the computer will secure the transmission.”  The smirk he was giving me made me roll my eyes.  “Not enough time for that, lover.”

“You can’t blame me for trying.”

“I do have an idea, if you think you can handle it.”

Trowa couldn’t resist a challenge.  His eyes narrowed at me, “Give it your best shot.”

“Good.  I’ll get the connection started, you take your pants off and have a seat in my chair.”

“I am not talking to Heero half-naked.”

“So you can’t handle it.  Oh well,” I turned around and started the connection to Heero’s personal computer, hiding a smile when I heard the zipper on Trowa’s pants.  Like I said, he couldn’t resist a challenge.  “Don’t worry, Heero won’t be able to see anything below your chest.”

“You know this for a fact?”

“I normally don’t bother with clothing when I’m alone.”

“So you didn’t invite the PSP on board that way just to piss them off?”

“Nope; I don’t like clothes.”

“Don’t feel you have to get dressed on account of me being here.  I doubt it would be that much of a distraction.”

Hmmm, I don’t know why, but I never would have pegged Trowa as a sex addict.  Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the way he was eyeing my backside, eyes completely focused on that one particular part of my anatomy.  “Nice try, but I do wear clothes in dangerous territory.”

“Are we in dangerous territory?”

“Anything past Kol is dangerous, but I really meant being around you.  I have a feeling if I was to run around in the buff, you’d take advantage of me every time you had a chance.”

“You’re probably right.  What do you want me to do now?”

Oh.  My.  God.  He was sitting in my seat, bared from the waist down, his cock arrogantly standing erect from brown curls.  Having had that inside me, my body tightened in anticipation even though I was doing all I could not to pull off my clothes and take a seat on his lap, letting that hot length pierce me.  “You’re effin’ perfect, Tro.”

“Did you want me to get half-undressed so you could ogle me?”

“No, but that isn’t such a bad idea, come to think of it.”

Sinking to my knees in front of him, I ran my hands up the insides of his thighs, letting the fine hairs tickle my palms.  “We’ll have to see how long you can last and act like nothing’s going on.  If Heero realizes something’s not quite right, I win.  If you manage to fool him and last until after the call is over, you win.”

“What do I get if I win?” his breath came out in a rush as I ran my tongue up one thigh, stopping just short of my ultimate destination.

“You get anything you want.  If I win, I get anything I want.  Those rules are simple enough, I think.”  My mouth was watering at the idea of tasting him, of wrapping my lips and tongue around that hardness.  “Is it a challenge?”

“If I win, if I can last through the entire conversation with Heero and he doesn’t suspect what’s happening, you’ll do anything I want without arguing?”

If it had been anyone other than Trowa the gleam in his eyes would have had me worried.  As it was, I felt the breath trying to get caught in my lungs, excited about what would put that look on his face.  “That’s pretty much it.  You up for it?  Mentally, of course,” I added after leaning forward and blowing air over his erection, smirking when it jumped at the stimulus.

We really should have been taking this threat more seriously, should have been planning ways to track Quatre’s location down, but it would be a waste of time and effort until after I got the list Esteban promised me.  I already had what we needed to get access onto the colony; the jewelry I got from Al would provide a story and bribes at the same time.  This was an effort to relax before the real work began.  We had four more days before reaching the Shoe if traffic was light.  I intended to make the most of those four days.

I ran my hands along his legs, using my tongue to trace the lines of muscles and listened to the way his breathing changed when I reached different spots, making note of the most sensitive areas to explore later.  When I heard the computer hum, telling of a connection being made, I leaned forward to run my tongue along his sac, pulling him into my mouth and sucking lightly.

“Oh, god…”

I teased, suckled, tasted and licked every part of his thighs and sac, but didn’t take his erection yet.  Honestly, it didn’t matter which one of us won this little bet, it would be interesting either way.  When I heard Heero’s voice, I made a slow journey up Trowa’s thigh, not ending until I was able to wrap my lips around the tip of his erection.  Other than a quick jerk of surprise, Trowa did nothing to give us away.

I listened to the conversation as I sucked Trowa off, damn near giving us away when I moaned; his taste was like nothing I’d had before, his scent intoxicating.  To hell with drugs, they never gave me that kind of high.

“Heero, do you still have eyes on Allbright?”

“Captain Allbright is sitting in a cell, being guarded by three Preventer agents.”

“How did that happen?”  You’d never know by his tone that Trowa had a hand on my head, fingers clenching slightly each time I moved.  His wasn’t trying to guide me or anything, just used that touch to convey his pleasure.  His other hand was gripping the arm of the seat, knuckles white.

“Some evidence magically appeared in my room here a few days ago, video of Allbright and his men abusing prisoners.  There were several instances of abuse.  We have found several members of the force willing to testify against Allbright and his men.”

“Knowing you have him in custody makes this a little easier.  Allbright is involved in Quatre’s abduction.”

“How did you come by this knowledge?”

Trowa launched into an explanation of events just as I used my teeth on him, scraping slightly before swallowing him to the hilt.  He paused only once to clear his throat, fingers pulling my hair a bit more forcefully than before, a silent warning of how badly he wanted me to lose that challenge.

“Is Duo okay?”

“I managed to stop the doctor before he could use the injection.”

“The doctor?”


“By Duo’s hand or yours?”

“Neither.  The…leader on Kol had the dubious pleasure.  It wasn’t one she took satisfaction in.”

“And now you and Duo are…?”

“On our way to the Shoe; we shouldn’t have any problems finding Quatre, if Duo’s knows his way around as well as he seems to.”

“He’s very good at what he does, but I was asking how the two of you are getting along.  Duo can be difficult when he chooses to be, but he’s a good man, despite what he would say if he heard me say that.”

Good men aren’t smugglers.  If I hadn’t been so busy, I’d have called him out on that.  An argument with Heero was the last thing I wanted at that moment.  Feeling and tasting Trowa had me hard as a damn rock and my pants were cutting into me.  Keeping my mouth busy with Trowa, I worked my pants down around my knees; I hadn’t bothered with underwear that morning.  If Trowa hadn’t noticed that, I’m damn sure he saw when I slipped the tube of lube from the pocket on the side of my chair.  What can I say?  I’m on board a lot and I get bored a lot.  Masturbation is a great way to pass time and relax all at once.  I heard the hitch in his voice before he spoke again, sounding both amused and flustered, “Duo and I are getting along rather well, to be honest.”

“I’m glad.  I worry about him at times.  He’s alone far too often.”

“That may be, but he’s very capable of taking care of himself and…Jesus.”

Taking care of myself indeed.  It was the perfect phrase to choose before I slid a lubed finger inside myself, stroking him with my tongue to match the motions of my finger and moaning around his length.

“Trowa, are you okay?  Are you certain you and Duo are getting along?  Where is he, by the way?  I’m surprised he let you at the controls of his ship.”

“He let me fly, well…he let me dock when we reached Koleniko.”

“You aren’t certified any longer.”

“That doesn’t matter out here.  As for what he’s doing?  He’s taking care of some prep work we’ll be doing as soon as you and I are finished speaking.”

Ooohh, very smooth.  What a way to tell the truth without admitting to anything.  I’d have to congratulate him for that later.  As a reward, of sorts, I sucked on the head of his cock, earning a grunt as his erection pulsed with a life of its own.

“Is it anything important I need to know about?” Heero sounded worried.  What the hell was he talking about?  It was getting harder to keep my thoughts from wandering.  

“It’s important, but not to you.  Maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime.”

“Alright; try to keep me up to date on your progress and…thanks…to both of you.  You’re taking a lot of risks.”

“Quatre’s our friend.  We wouldn’t have turned away from that.”

There he went again, forgetting that life of a smuggler wasn’t his, thinking like he’d be out here with me to take further assignments to help out.  Fuck it, I felt too good to remind him otherwise.  “Thank you anyway.  Tell Duo I said thanks.  Yuy out.”

“You are extremely good at that…and very distracting.”

“Either…I’m not too good…or you’re…very determined.”

“I was very determined to win.”

Win what?  Oh, yeah, nearly forgot about our little bet.  I didn’t count on the reaction I would have to a half-naked Trowa Barton sitting in my pilot’s chair, his hand dug into my hair, fingers scraping against my skull in a way that shouldn’t have been considered erotic, but damn it, it was.  All I could think of was a way to ease the ache inside me, an ache my damn fingers weren’t reaching although I was trying my best.

“I won.”  Trowa’s hands were pulling me from the floor, his erection coming out of my mouth with a liquid pop and a sound of disappointment from me.  Without the distractions, I could focus, a little.  “I won, so you have to do what I want.  Those were the terms.”

“Those were the terms.”  I remembered, but I wasn’t sure if I liked the look in his eyes; that gleam was back.  Either he was going to do something very pleasurable or very mean or very…both.  “What do you want me to do?”

“First, take your clothes off and then kneel in the seat with your back to me.”

I did as he said as fast as I could, my damn legs shaking and slowing me down more than I liked.  I was surprised when he moved behind the chair, as naked as I was, his cock right at the level of my mouth.  “Suck me.  Do what you were doing while I was talking to Heero.”

Not what I expected, but I wasn’t gonna argue.  Trowa was fast becoming my favorite lollipop in the ‘verse.  His hum of appreciation was enough to make me harder, pressing against the back of the seat in hope of some relief.

“Everything you were doing, Duo.”  If there was any way to misunderstand him, he went on, his voice a growl more than anything else.  “Get yourself ready for me.”

Letting go of his hips, I leaned down to retrieve the tube from where I had dropped it on the floor, putting a long line on my finger before reaching back and pushing it inside myself, my head falling back on its own.  Trowa was there, invading my mouth with a stab of his tongue, moving away just as quickly and leaving me breathless.

He had consciously let go of control this time, actually made the choice to do so, and it was a glorious thing to behold.  His hands were bruising my shoulder as I returned to work on him, his voice unmuffled as he vocalized his pleasure.  “Are you ready for me?”

It was a question I couldn’t manage to answer aloud, nodding as I pushed my fingers deeper inside myself.  He was behind me before I could register that he had moved, pulling my hand away and guiding it to my erection, keeping his hand there until he was certain I was gripping myself.  He took me at my word, offering no further prep, his hardness pushing into me with unbearable slowness and only a little resistance and mild pain.  He didn’t give me time to adjust before he pulled out and slammed into me, starting a tempo I couldn’t hope to keep up with.

Nails scraped down my back before both hands settled on my hips, pulling me onto him as he pounded me to the edge of oblivion, where only stars can reach.  Every sense I had was attuned to him, fighting the orgasm that was already threatening to overtake me.  I wanted to wait for him.

His pace was brutal, like he was fighting his own demons by fucking me, and I didn’t have a single complaint.  When his hands tightened on me, I knew he’d found his pinnacle, was poised on the edge and then he was falling over it, slamming into me so hard the chair squealed, the bolts on the floor threatening to let go.  His semen flooded me as I finally let go with a scream that bounced off the metal walls and back.