Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Witches Shoe ❯ Chapter 17

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warnings and disclaimers in first section.

Sorry this part is a bit short.  Just taking a breather and getting prepared for what happens next!!

Trowa’s face paled instantly and the next thing I knew, he was striding out of the door, arms crossed over his chest, as if there was really anywhere to go.  It only took a second for me to be hot on his heels in a fucked up reversal of positions.  A few days before, he would have been chasing me while asking questions.  A few days before, I would have left him alone to deal with whatever issues he had, but damn it, things had changed between us and that really did matter to me.  He was the one that showed me how different sex could be and I was not going to let him hide shit from me.  “What the hell are you talking about?  We didn’t know a damn thing about each other.  Why would you have come to help me?”

“Because I wanted to know you.”  His face was averted, staring out the wide window above the console.  “I’ve always wanted to know you.”

“What reality are you living in?  During the war, you were an ass to me.”

“I never knew what to say to you.  You were so confident, so sure you were doing the right thing…I fought because it would have been better to die in battle than being set out with nothing to do.  I didn’t have a reason to fight, but I was intimately familiar with Heavyarms, so I volunteered to take Trowa Barton’s place, the real Trowa Barton.  It was the first time in my life I had my own name.  What the hell was I supposed to say to someone like you, who was so alive?”

“I stole Deathscythe, Trowa.  I wasn’t supposed to be his pilot, but when I found out what Operation Meteor was…it seemed like a good idea at the time.  As for thinking I was doing the right thing?  That’s just bullshit.  For the first time in my life, I was able to get revenge for shit that had happened in my past.  I had the power at my fingertips to kill.  Eventually, I decided peace was a good idea, but I fought on my terms.  You aren’t the only one that didn’t have a name.  I took both of mine to honor people taken from me instead of in spite, but it amounts to the same thing.  I wasn’t confident about anything, but I vowed that if I died, I was taking as many of those bastards with me as I could.”

“You were very good at faking it, then.”

“I’m good at faking shit when I have to be.”  I had managed to keep him in the dark about how I felt for a few weeks, after all.  “Why didn’t you say anything during the war about this?”  There was something he wasn’t telling me.  “You either avoided me or was a complete jerk.  You really want me to believe that’s how you treat people you want to know?”

“I thought you were sleeping with Heero, at first.”

“Why would that keep you from talking to me nicely?”

“Do you even realize how he used to look at anyone that talked to you for more than a few minutes?  It wasn’t a look that inspired one to have a conversation with you.”

“You were imagining things.  I was the first person he met that he had anything in common with and didn’t have the common sense not to argue with him.  I’m sure you figured that out after he tried to blow himself all to hell.”

“True, but then after the lunar base, I thought you and Wufei…”

“I don’t sleep with everyone I know.”  Geez, it was nice to know he had such a high opinion of me.

“You two were much closer than you were before that.  We were sixteen, Duo.  It isn’t a stretch of the imagination that either of you would take what you could get.”

“When did you figure out Wufei and I weren’t hitting the sheets?”

“I asked him about it, close to the end of the war.  He explained you were close friends, but nothing more.  I guess I looked doubtful, because he told me you had grown closer during your imprisonment, yet you had never shown an interest in him that way.  I don’t think he would have turned you away if you had approached him with sex in mind.”

“Why didn’t you talk to me?”

“I was going to, after the war was over.  You disappeared before I could get the courage.  I…I tried to find you later, but no one knew where you had gone or what you were doing.  When Une announced she could get in touch with you, I hoped I would finally get a chance to talk to you.  Don’t you get it?  I’ve waited years for a chance to talk to you the way we have been, getting to know you better.  I didn’t want you to know because I guessed it would make you feel weird.”

He wasn’t mad, he wasn’t lying to me, but he was unsure of himself.  That was why his posture was so stiff, his words so stilted.  It was sexy to know that he was telling me the truth even though he had no idea how I was going to react.  Should I have gone to him or not?  This relationship shit was new to me.  To be on the safe side, I moved closer, but kept my hands at my sides.  “You should have said something before this.”

“Duo, it makes me sound like some kind of insane person that’s been stalking you for years, waiting for a chance to see you again and dreaming about you in the meantime.”

“I really don’t know what to say, but you don’t sound like a…” Wait a sec.  Had I heard that right?  “You’ve had dreams about me?”

“I know it’s weird.  It doesn’t make sense to have dreams about someone you don’t know that well, someone you may never see again, but that didn’t matter.”  He glanced at me, his face red.  “Since that was the only way I could see you…yes, I’ve dreamed about you, in a number of ways.”

“Like what?” It might not have been important, but I was curious to know what he’d dreamed.  “Was it sex or something else?”

“That’s not important.”

Judging from the blush on his face, sex was on the list, but there was more.  I didn’t see him getting embarrassed admitting he’d fantasized about sex; that’s a natural sort of dream, even when it’s about someone you don’t know well.  “You might not think it’s important, but I’m curious.  Did you dream about us having sex?  Did you dream about doing what we did earlier, with me bent over and at your mercy?”

His breath came out in a rush, “I dreamed about having sex with you, but not that, specifically.  There were…other things, other positions.”  Green eyes met mine for an instant before skittering away, “It wasn’t just sex, Duo.  There were other things, normal things, that don’t make sense.  I’ve dreamed about sleeping beside you, of waking with you, of taking showers with you…god, I’m pathetic.”

Yep, I was in a shitload of trouble.  I should have been making fun of him; he’d just admitted to having fantasies of an actual life together.  Problem is that those things sounded…nice.  The sex stuff was exciting and all, but listening to the other crap was what really had my stomach tightening.  “You aren’t pathetic, Trowa.  What you’re saying sound like things a normal person would want.”


He wasn’t looking at me again.  He knew he wasn’t going to like what I had to say.  “But I’m not a normal person.  When you had any of those dreams, did you ever see yourself on a ship, living a life of crime?  Did you think you would be cut off from your friends and everything you know?”

“The only thing I considered important was you.”  Trowa’s back was stiff, the veins on his arms standing out from the effort it took not to move.  “I wanted to know you and I’ve finally gotten that chance.”  Finally, he turned, his eyes daring me to challenge him, “What I’ve found here, with you, is better than any dream I’ve ever had.  Those dreams can’t hold a candle to making me as happy as I am when I’m with you.”

In spite of the tightening in my chest I couldn’t deny, I shook my head.  This wasn’t good.  This was what I had feared, what I’d been trying to avoid. I could handle being hurt, I was waiting for it, expecting it; being separated from Trowa at the end of this assignment was going to be the most painful thing I’d had to deal with since I was a kid, but it was inevitable.  I did not want him hurt, not for any amount of time.

I still knew he’d get over this, but I guessed it’d take more time than I first assumed.  That didn’t mean I could just pass this off without saying anything.  The only problem was that I had no idea what the hell to say to him.  It would be so easy to tell him what I wanted to say, give in to what I tell him that I wanted to have a life with him.  It would also be the wrong damn thing to do.

That didn’t stop me from moving forward and pulling him down to me, kissing him until his muscles loosened and his arms came around to hold me in place.  When I pulled away, his eyes were infinitely sadder than I’d seen them before.  It was like he was already grieving the loss of someone important and it was almost enough to make me offer some kind of promise that we’d be together once Quatre was safe.  Almost.  “Trowa…we have a lot of work to do.”

“I know.  I’m sorry…for all of this.  Maybe it would have been better if Heero had come with you.”

There was no maybe to it.  Heero should have come, but it was too late to worry about that.  “Come on, we need to figure out our plan.”

“Sure,” his voice lacked any enthusiasm.  “That’s the best…why is that light blinking?  Another proximity alert?”

Glad for the distraction, I was at the console in an instant, “If it was the proximity alarm, there would be a siren.  Someone’s trying to get in touch with me over an emergency channel.”

“Is someone in trouble?” Trowa was beside me, scanning the visible space like he would actually spot a ship before it was right in front of us.

“It’s a rarely used channel, one that I’ve asked some of my contacts to use if they ever need me for something.  The chances of someone sending out an SOS on that channel are practically non-existent.  Here it is.”

“…Captain of the Hellion.  Does anybody read?”

“This is the Hellion.  Identify yourself.”

Hellion, this is the Ringman.”

The Ringman is a small cargo transpo owned and operated by Betty and Peter Chastain, a husband/wife team that’s been on the run from the law since they decided to rob an armored hauler to make some quick creds.  There wasn’t supposed to be anyone on board, so Peter was surprised when he discovered a guard on board, shooting the man by instinct.  It was a horrible accident, but enough to put them on the authorities watch list.  “You in trouble, Ringman?”

“No more than usual, but I’m starting to feel like we’re being chased by a big beluga.”  It’s Betty and she wasn’t happy; neither was I at her choice of words.

“What can I do to help?”

“Can you meet us?  We have something to discuss and it would be best done in RL.  Nose to nose, as it were.”

“I’m kinda on a tight schedule, Ringman.”  I was tracing the link as I said it, shaking my head at Trowa’s confused sound.  They had to be pretty close to be in communication range.

“I wouldn’t have given you a call if it wasn’t important, Hellion.  I’ve got some important cargo aboard and am in a rush to get this white rhino off my back, if you get my meaning.”

This wasn’t good. Mention of one white animal could be a mistake, but two?  “I feel ya, Ringman.  Send me coordinates of where to meet.”  The trace was back.  The Ringman was a short hop away, but the coordinates Betty sent me were located on the opposite side of the Shoe.  “Got it.  We’ll see you in a day or so.  Hellion, out.”  Cutting the communications, I nearly ran to my cabin and threw the jewelry into a backpack before changing clothes.

I was already getting armed by the time Trowa caught up to me, silently moving to change clothes when I pointed at what I laid out for him earlier.  “Someone’s trying to set us up.  I bet the PSP, along with some of the men loyal to Allbright, are waiting at those coordinates.  We’re meeting up with the Ringman now.  We should come alongside them in less than thirty minutes.”

“How many weapons are you taking?” he demanded in a breathless tone when I found another bag and began to fill it.  “Are you going to take over this other ship or what?”

“Betty and Peter happen to be friends, Trowa.  They sent this message because they had to, but they won’t let the PSP get their hands on me.  It sounds like they have a plan, but we have to meet them to find out what that plan is.  I have a pretty good idea, though,” I added, closing the bag and slinging the strap over my shoulder while thrusting the backpack at him.

“You don’t look happy about this.”

He was behind me as I went back to the flight deck, the sight of my chair making me hesitate for a second as I remember what we had done there.  I was considering getting the damn thing bronzed later.  “It sounds like someone wants to make extra sure I don’t get on the Shoe, so going through the main port is gonna be a bitch.  There’s only one other way in that will get us there in the same amount of time, or even faster.”

I could already see the Ringman, not too far away.  Taking the controls, I started the difficult process of pulling next to her, being careful to maintain a steady course.  I didn’t mind dying, but I wasn’t going to take others with me because I was in a hurry.

“How is that?  There are other ports, aren’t there?”

“Only one on the other side of the colony, but it’s usually packed with people coming and going.  The port I normally head for are for long-term stops of at least a week, so they aren’t as busy.  That’s where the Ringman will dock, too.”

“So we’re going around?”

Feeling the jerk that signaled the connection of an airlock tube, I stabilized the Hellion, matching its speed to the Ringman.  “If we go around, the people holding Quatre will have the time they need to get him off the Shoe.  If that happens, we may never find him again.”

“Duo, what are we going to do?” Trowa was more than a little frustrated, and rightly so.

Opening the hatch to let the person tapping on the airlock inside, I gave him a grin, blood already rushing with excitement.  “We’re going to be smuggled onto the Shoe.”