Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ With Arms Wide Open ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well, I don't exactly expect a warm and fuzzy welcome. But I can make an entrance! SO here is the entrance:

Finally the long awaited finalé to my songfic trilogy! I hope you all like this... *sighs* I don't know if it is any good (oh and by the way, I am back... or that is to say my modem is!). Please I want C&C! (Ah, something else I am proud of! On Tyr's page I have 2018 hits!!!!!)

Category: Vidfic, deathfic, sap, yaoi, reincarnation, lime-light
Rating: R
Pairings: R+1 (at first), 1x2
Notes: !!Sequel!! to 'Don't Close Your Eyes'. Nothing is mine! I am poor! I altered one lyric to fit the fic!!!
Feedback: All C&C accepted, flames will be used to roast marshmallows!

With Arms Wide Open by Willow
/Well I just heard the news today/

[As the music begins, the camera focuses on the gray sky. The gloom clings to everything and everyone, not a stone is left untouched by its melancholy. Gray, brown, and green mix together in a artist's nightmare of desolation and death.

People mull about in a mass of emotional pain and misery.]

/It seems my life is going to change/

[Camera singles on an individual person.

Relena stands silent as she watches the casket being lowered into the ground. Not a tear makes its way past the lids of her eyes, though the pain on the passing is evident in her strained features.]

/I closed my eyes, begin to pray/

[As the priest reads the verse, she clasps her hands in silent prayer.]

/Then tears of joy stream down my face/

[The clouds part briefly, admitting a single ray of sunlight to cast itself down upon the casket.
Seeing this, Relena smiles and the tears begin to track their way down her flushed cheeks.]

/With arms wide open/

[The camera begins to follow a unseen person, soaring high into the clouds and far into oblivion.]

/Under the sunlight/

[The tops of the clouds glow from the light of the sun as the camera soars far and high away from the melancholy of the funeral to something far and beyond.]

/Welcome to this place/

[As the camera descends it pans out and around until we see the transparent figure set foot on one of the clouds. He smiles and the camera swivels around to focus on the boy running to meet him.
Heero grabs the boy up and swings him around, planting kisses along the cord of his throat. Feathers swirl, blocking out the scene.]

/I'll show you everything/

[The feathers swirl away to reveal a indigo-violet eyed. The violet then morphs into cobalt blue and the camera pans back to a view of the two boys staring hopelessly into one another's eyes.
Duo mouths a promise to Heero and Heero nods, smiling.]

/With arms wide open/

[Duo releases him, the camera follows him as he moves away then pans to Heero. Then back again as Duo backs to the edge of the cloud and spreads his arms wide and he falls back off the cloud.
In a rush of wind, the camera returns to Heero who runs and makes a flying leap off the cloud.]

/Well I don't know if I'm ready/

[The camera zooms in to Heero's face, for a brief instant he seems fearful, indecisive. The camera zooms further in, falling into the deep pool of Heero's left eye.
The scene floods with color then suddenly goes black.]

/To be the man I have to be/

[The scene slowly fades back in and we see a dark haired boy sitting at a desk, surrounded by girls. The boy looks unsure of what to do. He glances to the side.
The camera follows his glance to center across the room on a boy with chestnut hair and violet eyes.
Sakura swirls...]

/I'll take a breath, take him by my side/

[... and the scene changes to the chestnut haired boy sitting on a bench in a park, reading. He looks up at a noise. The camera pans to the approaching boy, his dark hair falling in his eyes as he looks up at the violet-eyed boy.
Their eyes meet. The screen splits to show violet eyes up top and cobalt eyes below and a spark goes between the two boys: recognition; connection; belonging.
The screen fades out then to a view of both boys. The violet-eyed boy lays his book down and runs to the darker eyed boy, his eyes glowing with love and happiness.
They reach one another and embrace.]

/We stand in awe, we've created life/

[The camera zooms closer as they look deep into each other's eyes. All they knew of one another and their past love being conveyed in that soul seaching gaze.

/With arms wide open/

[The scene changes to a later time and place. Duo runs ahead of Heero, he stops in the middle of a grassy field and begins to spin in circles with his arms thrown wide.]

/Under the sunlight/

[Heero smiles at his whimsy and walks from under the tree, blinking, into the sun.
He calls Duo to him and the energetic boy runs to him, nearly knocking him down with his enthusiasm.]

/Welcome to this place/

[Heero leads him to a small lake at the edge of the field.
Duo gasps in recognition of their 'special place'.]

/I'll show you everything/

[The camera does a sweeping view of the field and lake.
The tire swing still hangs out over the lake from the big on the bank.
The graves... one beside the other... fresh flowers on the graves.]

/With arms wide open/

[The camera refocuses on them as Duo buries his face in Heero's shirt. Heero hugs him tightly, whispering promises of love.]

/Now everything has changed/

[Duo looks up suddenly, then over at the graves. The camera swivels to zoom in on the graves...
Only then do we see that there are actually five graves. The camera then pans to Duo.
His face is pained as he realizes that their friends are not around anymore. Tears start at the corners of his eyes. Heero gently brushes them away and Duo looks up at him.
The camera follows to rest on Heero's face which holds love and comfort.]

/I'll show you love
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open/

[Heero kisses him gentle and promises him that they will meet with them again.
They sink to the ground, lips seeking flesh, hands rediscovering what they so longed to touch... the scene fades to black.]

/If I had just one wish
Only one demand
I hope he's not like me
I hope he understands
That he can take this life
And hold it by the hand
And he can greet the world
With arms wide open.../

[The scene opens to a hospital room. A twenty-something Duo sits on a chair at the bedside.
The camera swerves to Heero laying on the bed. His features a white and frail looking. He is dying and he knows it. He looks up, the camera follows to rest on his friends lining the wall of the room. Then to Duo. He looks at the tear streaked face and lifts a frail hand to wipe them from his eyes. Duo clasps the hand as though it were *his* lifeline.
Heero begins to speak and he leans into hear. He tells him that he will be waiting for him... for the next life.
Duo fights tears as Heero's hand goes limp and the heart monitors flat line.
As he loses the battle (now crying on Heero's cooling shoulder) the camera travels over his shoulder to where Relena, Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei stand, looking down in respect and sorrow.
It continues out the window and up into the bright blue sky. As the music fades Heero's last words can be heard echoing... "Until the next life... I'll be waiting... with arms wide open."]


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Author's Notes: For the reincarnations I used their normal names for the sake of preventing confusion (sorry PnM, but that is your job not mine). I hope you liked it. I know you have been waiting long enough for it. I finally finished it (yes, it is very different than the teaser... I had to change it! Don't ask why: Creative license.) Again another long-ish fic from me. 6-7 pages.
Please! Please! Tell me what you think! This is the first set of !!!major!!! fics I have finished! This is my pride and joy! Let me know if you think it is a worthy fic.
