Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ with out you ❯ without you ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok… Once again I have messed up… bite me…

This is AU, OCC…oh and I do not own them in anyway shape or form… mores the pity…double "Oh" Nathan is mine……and thanks to 'priscel' for the review, it kept me going even when I felt like stopping..

Treize Kushrenada stood in front of his second in command. He had waited a long time to see Lieutenant Nathaniel Bowman, alleged to be a fast rising star in Oz's elite specials. He had been chosen for this mission not only because of the similarity in ages, but also because he was a good at what he did. Spying the lieutenant making his way over to them Treize nudged Zechs, who in turn nudged Max…jostling his arm and causing him to spill his drink over his jacket front…

"Oi…what gives?" Max glared at Zechs, who smirked and indicated with a look, at the approaching figure. Max absentmindedly brushed at the liquid that clung to his clothes then looked in the direction that Zechs had indicated, he stopped, his jaw dropping as his eyes widened, his hand frozen in mid brush. Smiling, Treize placed a finger under Max's chin to close it, bringing Max's teeth together with a resounding click.

"Wow" Max sighed, making it sound as if all the air in his lungs had left him in the long drawn out word. Zechs and Treize smiled at Max, then both moved forward to greet their guest, leaving Max stood apart watching.

Nathaniel Bowman was almost the same height as Treize and Zechs, his long black hair was held at his nape by a leather strip, his hair was just as long as Zech's and when he move it shimmered from black to deep dark blue and his eye's, they where green… deep emerald green… they reminded Max of someone else who had green eyes… and a picture of one of the guys he'd seen in the departure lounge came to mind, yeah, the one with his hair swept over one side of his face. Max was brought back to the present by a hand being waved in front of his face and fingers clicking.

"Max?" Zechs smirked. "Are you well?"

Sheepishly Max swatted at the hand in front of him. His retort frozen on his lips as Nathaniel Bowman stepped in front of him, hand held out in greeting.

"Hello Max" Nathaniel's voice was like warm melted chocolate and when Max held out his hand, Nathaniel grasped it firmly, his touch sending a jolt through Max's arm. Max hastily retracted his hand from Nathaniel and stepped back, putting some distance between them. Treize patted Max on the shoulders and steered him back to the lobby where they would be picked up and taken home. He listened to Zechs chatting to Nathaniel like they where old friends. Max was quiet the whole journey, staring out of the window, which was of a concern to Treize who kept casting glances in his direction while keeping track of the conversation in the car. Max was so caught up in his own thoughts that he jumped when Treize placed a hand on his knee and gave it a squeeze, asking in that gesture if everything was ok. Max just nodded, smiled and returned to looking out the window, not really seeing what passed him by. His thoughts were turned inside. Memories that where his but not, seemed to float in his mind; a boy his age smiling up at him, handing him a cup, chattering elatedly about something that Max knew the boy was excited about. Pictures of other times flashed before his eyes. Some one else now stood before him, dressed as a clown, the sweep of his hair reminded Max of the fellow he'd seen at the port, only this time he had a half mask obscuring his face, there was another boy again his age but dressed in blue tank top and white pants with dainty flat shoes, his hair was as black as Nathaniel's but shorter, more ridged looking. All these pictures, flashes, where making Max's head ache. He lent his head against the cool glass and sighed, misting the window as he did.

Max must have dozed, as the next thing he knew he was being prodded in the side by Treize. Blinking and rubbing at his eyes before moving to the edge of his seat, Max stepping out of the door that had been opened for him. Treize followed him, absentmindedly brushing the creases out of his jacket while waiting for Zechs and Nathaniel to exit the car. Max rocked back and forth on his feet, his hands crammed into the pockets of his slacks waiting. He was just about to say something when Zech's comlink went off… pulling a sullen face Zechs walked to one side of the limo and flipped his com open. He grimaced when he saw who was calling.

"Yes? And to what do we owe this honour?" his voice dripping with so much sarcasm that Treize looked up in concern, raising an eyebrow. Zechs shook his head at Treize, and then walked off into the house with the others following behind, leaving the luggage to the help to bring in. Max looked back at the limo then up at the large country house that they where staying in, undecided, he really didn't feel like socialising now but knew that Treize would only seek him out later. He felt eyes on him and looked round to see that both Treize and Nathaniel where waiting for him, Max smiled sheepishly then bounded up the stairs and into the house, leaving Treize shaking his head and smiling before leading Nathaniel up the step and into the house.

Later that evening Treize, Zechs and Nathaniel where sat in the lounge after their evening meal relaxing and trying to understand while Max explained about an old earth game show that he'd seen earlier and recorded for them, in the end Treize pulled Max on to the settee and told him to *shush* and let them watch the program instead. Max sat for a few minutes before jumping up and dashing out of the room saying something about popcorn and cola's.

With Max gone it seemed that a void had centred in the room.

"Is he always this active, or does he have a medical condition?" Nathaniel asked offhandedly while trying to focus on the large screen in front of them and curl up in the large chair he'd chosen for the nights viewing. Both Treize and Zechs laughed.

"He was like it when we first met…" Treize mused "even in sleep he is active" Zechs nodded in agreement.

"Is he taken?" Nathaniel asked, eyes still focused on the screen, not seeing the smirk from Zechs or the raised brow from Treize

"That" Treize replied slowly "you will have to take up with the person in question."

Treize lent back against the settee and placed an arm along the top while stretching his long legs out in front of him.

"Max is a will unto himself" Zechs offered leaning back onto the settee and into Treize's arms, still smirking.

Nathaniel pondered on this for a while before looking to the pair a thousand and one questions on his lips.
"We will speak of 'Max' at the appropriate time Nathan, when we have all rested. For tonight we will enjoy each others company as it is meant to be." Treize paused smiling "As friends"

Zechs nodded in agreement again and shifted in his seat before bringing up his legs and curling them beneath him.

"Oi…" a voice called from the hallway… "A little help wouldn't go amiss ya know"

Looking over the settee Treize and Zechs watched as Max pushed a cart into the room filled with plates, bowls, glasses, bottles and a whole load of food…

"Max," Zechs sighed "We've only just finished lunch"

"Yeah, but that was over an hour ago, ya know. Sides ya can't watch a film with out the proper complements" Max smiled, pushing the cart to the side of the settee before sliding down to sit on the floor between Zechs and Treize's legs.

"You guys are in charge of dishing out the food" Max remarked, grinning up at Treize and Zechs, before winking at Nathan. "Who's got the remote?"

"I have the remote, got a problem with it" Smirked Treize.

"Ohh," grinned Zechs. "Now we get to play hunt the remote" he said before digging one hand underneath Treize while the other hand searched in front… causing Treize to buck and writhe in order to keep his person out of Zechs reach.

"Get a room will ya" Max giggled before sliding his hand down the side of the settee and retrieving the remote, holding it aloft for all to see then aiming it at the screen…

Nathan watched as Treize and Zechs continued their little game of find the remote before they realised that it had indeed been found.
"Spoil sport" Zechs pouted as Treize slapped his hands away and settled down to watching the game show.

Tinny music and canned applause greeting the viewers as the camera homed in on the game show host, the next five minutes where spent with the host introducing the contestants and explaining what was needed for someone to win the jackpot.

Max toed off his shoes, stretched out his legs and then turned to the two on the settee, giving his most charming of smiles said.

"Pass the popcorn and corndogs will ya?" before turning to watch the game show.

Treize sighed and lent over to the cart, lifting off a bowl of popcorn and passing it to Zechs, then sitting up straighter picked up a couple of corndogs and passed these to Zechs also, making sure that Nathan knew to help himself, he then settled back down to watch the show… a few minuets later Max nudged Treize's legs with his elbow.

"Popcorn and corndogs?" he asked.

Treize once again passed another bowl of popcorn and a couple of corndogs over to Zechs, before settling down to continue watching the show. Treize next found a face grinning up at him over the top of his knees with its eyebrow raised in question. Treize frowned at Max and looked to Zechs who was sat with two bowls of popcorn and three corndogs around him and a big smile plastered on his innocent face.

"Hardy har har" Treize mock laughed. He offered Max one of the bowls of popcorn from Zech and two corndogs then winked over at a grinning Nathan before switching his gaze back to the screen. The next hour or so was spent laughing at the game show and trying to guess the catchphrase. When the show had finished Treize nudged Max who moved to one side allowing the General to leave the room, with his seat vacant Max moved up to sit there and leaning over was just about to ask Nathan questions when Treize bellowed from the kitchen.

"Max Solo, get your butt in here and clear this mess up…" further mumblings could be heard but Max thought it the better part of valour and gathered all the bowls, glasses etc placing them on the cart and wheeling it back into the kitchen

"Coming oh great and wondrous General" he quipped

With them both gone, Zechs and Nathan stretched and stood, Nathan yawning and swaying on his feet fell back into his chair.

"Mayhaps you should retire for the night," Zechs said helping Nathan up again and making his way out to the hall and up the stairs " I'll show you your room while they get the kitchen sorted before Mrs Turnble arrives in the morning," he smirked " or there will be hell to pay"

Nathan raised an eyebrow in question and Zechs smiled. "None of the staff live-in, one of the stipulations for employment here, Treize likes his privacy and has said that when he locks the front door at night he likes to know that he will be the one to open it in the morning. He is also an early riser"

Nathan nodded his head and trudged slowly up the stairs still yawning.

"I didn't think I'd be this tired. I can usually handle long haul flights, it's just that this one seemed longer, if you know what I mean?" he added sheepishly. Zechs made his way along the corridor and stopped outside a blue door "Your room awaits" he mocked bowed as he open the door, hand held out waiting for a tip while the other hand waved Nathan in…Nathan rummaged in his trouser pocket sleepily and took out a credit handing it to a stunned Zechs…
"Thank you my good man. Keep the change" with that he kicked shut the door and after a few steps forward fell asleep on the bed not hearing the laughter echoing as Zechs strolled back down the stairs in search of Treize.

Treize was giving Max a right ear bending about keeping things in order.

"If you make a mess, you should clean it up straight away, not leave it for others to do… god where were you drug up" shouted Treize flicking Max with soapy bubbles from the sink. Max flicked the tea-towel at Treize just missing him.

"I'll pass on that one as I can't really remember, sides you should know the answer to that one, you usually know everything that's going on" he tried another towel flick that connected with a resounding thwack, causing Treize to flinch and Zechs to bark with laughter at the stunned look on Max's face before he turned and rushed out of the kitchen with Treize in hot pursuit. Zechs ambled along the hall, up the stairs and along to the room he shared with Treize in the other half of the house. He'd showered and gotten ready for bed, sliding between silk sheets just as the door opened to admit a rather dishevelled Treize.

"Tell me again why we keep him around? I need to re-evaluate his necessity to this war" Treize pondered, running a hand through his hair as he made his way over to the bed, sitting down beside Zechs and smiling.

"Go on, it's like having a kid brother around and it doesn't make you feel old either…" Zechs said laughing.

"Is that from personal experience?" Treize questioned

"Oh god, don't go bringing Relena into this please." Zechs chided

Treize fumbled with his shirt buttons before pulling his shirt out of his trousers, standing he made his way over to the bathroom door, placing his shirt in the laundry basket by the side.

"Besides, I though it was you who made me feel younger" Treize said before sauntering into the bathroom. The sound of the shower being turned on and Treize's deep baritone singing drifted through the partially open door.

Zechs sat propped up by the pillows behind him and watched as Treize moved around the bathroom, he liked to hear him singing, it wasn't often that the General of Oz got the opportunity to relax and be himself. Since Max arrived things had changed, they both had changed, were more relaxed. When, not if but when, Max got his memories back Zechs wondered what he would make of his time with them, if it would have any effects on how he viewed both himself and Treize. He hoped that they would still remain friends. On that note Zechs decided to make the most of a good day all round and slipped out of bed, sauntered over to the bathroom door and divesting himself of his PJ's before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.