Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

­­­­­­­­­­­ ;­
With You
By Weissangel24
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or its characters. I just have a deranged obsession of making them miserable. I'm not making any money off of this, though that would be nice if I did… Suing me would only be a futile gesture and for your troubles you would receive ABC gum, pocket lint and a broken set of colored pencils.
Warning: This fic is rated R for violence, language, definite Shounen ai and probable Yaoi
Don't like, then don't read. Flames will be used to heat my dinner.
Comments and Criticism are welcomed, just be nice about it.
I am the self nominated Queen of Sap.
Timeline: Two years after Endless Waltz
Thank you, SkyLark & Kai Li, for the beta job!
/All units please respond./ The dispatch beckoned. /Level 7 fire at 16 and Sampson. Heavy casualties, Rescue en route./
“Come on, Quat!” Duo urged, grabbing his med kit. “Let's go!”
“Have we heard from the others?” The blonde asked, sliding into the passenger seat while his braided partner took the wheel. “Their sting operation was in that part of town.”
“Haven't heard anything.” The Preventer shook his head as he reached out his window to attach his emergency lights to the roof. “What's quicker? Haver or Nelson?”
“Haver. Nelson's one way. We'd have to back track.”
“Right.” Duo nodded, turning his siren to full blast as he tore out of the driveway.
Quatre closed his eyes, extending his sixth sense to locate the other pilots.
Duo was a powerful presence beside the smaller teen. His braided friend was tense with worry over his lover, Hiiro. Besides the tension, he was bubbling with fury. Who the anger would be directed at, the empath couldn't tell; but Quatre knew Shinigami would be making an appearance.
Blocking the storm that was Duo, Quatre moved farther, searching for the familiar hearts of the others. It wasn't an easy task. He had to sift through the hundreds of thousands of emotions that he usually shielded against.
“Easy, Quat.” Duo warned, shifting his eyes from the road to the newtype. The blonde was drenched in sweat, his face frowning in concentration. “We'll find them.”
The empath was just about to give up when he felt horror. Quatre gasped, his hands clenching at his seat. “Wu Fei…” He whispered. “I found Fei…” He kept searching until he was bombarded with painful guilt. “Hiiro's alive…” His voice trembled. The emotions that the two pilots were experiencing were unusual from their calm and controlled personas. It worried the blonde as something terrible had to have happened to force those two to react that strongly.
Quatre inhaled sharply, his eyes squeezing shut as he extended his sense to its limitations. “Where's Trowa?” His tone held an edge of barely restrained panic.
Duo shifted his glance between the traffic and his partner, “Quat?” He questioned worriedly.
The smaller teen was breathing erratically as his knuckles turned white from the death grip he had on the car's seat. He couldn't find him anywhere. Not a feeling, sensation, subconscious echo- Nothing. It was as if Trowa were de-
The braided driver swerved as the empath's sudden vomiting startled him. “QUATRE!”
“No-oh no-no-no-no…” Quatre moaned, burying his face in his trembling hands.
“Hang in there, Q. We're almost there.” The teen tried to comfort, “Just another blo- SHIT!”
The blonde braced himself as Duo slammed on the breaks, causing the car to skid to a stop. Before them raged a fiery inferno that consumed at least three buildings. The road up ahead was blocked off by police cars, fire rescue, ambulances and Preventer issued vehicles. Beyond the cars, the two boys could see their commanding officer shouting orders and their fellow Preventers moving to follow those orders. The scene was in absolute chaos.
“Trowa…” Quatre shook his head, fumbling for the car door release, while Duo climbed out his own side. “TROWA!” The blonde cried out, finally escaping the vehicle and stumbling to where his partner stood frozen, searching for his lover.
“HIIRO!” The braided boy exclaimed, spotting the Japanese teen as he was being loaded into an ambulance. Forgetting the empath, Duo ran towards the other boy, pushing the EMTs out of the way, “Hiiro?” He whispered. “Answer me, please? Look at me!? Hiiro!?!”
“He'll be okay. Mostly minor injuries, but several that need X-rays to determine the level of damage.” One of the medics assured the distraught teenager, “We had to sedate him in order to move him. Stubborn idiot refused to go with us until his partner with the long braid arrived. I'm guessing that's you. I can explain the rest on the way if you want to ride with us, but we've got to move out. There're volatile chemicals in those buildings that could explode any minute.”
Slightly reassured by the woman's explanation, Duo nodded and proceeded to climb into the ambulance after his boyfriend had been loaded.
“TROWA!?!” Quatre called again, struggling with the panic in his heart. Where was he? Why couldn't he feel him? Where was he!?
Solemn movement caught the blonde's attention. Chang was standing besides two medics and Lady Une. The Chinese teen held himself stiffly, trying to control the subtle shaking in his shoulders. Drawn, the empath took a small step towards them, before pausing under Une's piercing gaze. The woman murmured something to the raven-haired teen, who then spun sharply to face the smaller boy. There were tear tracks running down his cheeks. The expression in Wu Fei's eyes was something that Quatre had never witnessed in his friend before. Anguish… grief… horror… and a surge of protectiveness.
The newtype's voice trembled as he whispered his plea, “Trowa? I can't find him- I can't feel him! Where is he!? Please! I know he was here! Where is he!? Fei… Please…”
“Quatre…” Wu Fei shook his head, reaching out to the smaller Preventer as he approached him.
The boy took a step back, his hand stealing up to his chest, gripping his shirt over his heart. “Wu Fei, where is he?” His words were so quiet that they were lost in the chaos around them.
Still, the Chinese pilot knew what was being asked. He didn't want to answer. The information was stuck in his throat, making his heart heavy. The terrified, haunted look in the blonde's azure eyes tore at his soul. Quatre already knew the answer, but what he was pleading- begging­- for was, for what he knew to be true, to be denied.
Under Une's orders, the medics lifted the stretcher that they were preparing. On it laid a sheet-covered shape, concealed from head to toe. Despite their careful handling, though, the stretcher jostled, shifting the form into revealing a charred arm with torn remnants of a dark green sleeve. The glint of a dirtied melted silver ring flashed in the angry-orange fiery light, catching Quatre's attention.
Unconsciously, the blonde fingered the matching ring on his own hand, still clasped tightly at his chest. Shaking his head, Quatre screamed, trying to go to his lover, only to be stopped by Wu Fei's strong arms. “Let me go!” The blonde gasped, panic finally taking over as his empathic sense just washed over the empty shell, “LET ME GO! TROWA- I HAVE TO SEE TROWA! WHERE IS HE! GOD DAMN IT- WU FEI, LET ME GO! LEMME GO-LEMME GO! LET GO-LET GO- LET GO! TROOWAA!!!
“Hush, Quatre…” The Chinese teen tried to calm, pinning the fighting teen's arms to his side and holding him tightly to his chest, effectively burying the boy's face in the nook of his shoulder and blocking the grisly view. “I'm sorry… I'm so sorry… It'll be okay- I promise, It'll be okay…”
“Trowa…please… Trowa… Let me see him… Please, Fei- Please!” Quatre's hyperventilating sobs begged.
Wu Fei held him closer, gently rocking the smaller boy in his arms, “No, Quatre.” He denied. His voice gentle and soothing, “You do not want to remember Barton like this… I will not let that be your last memory of him. Trust me, Quat… It's better this way. Stay here… Stay with me.”
With a pained scream of anguish, the empath's knees buckled as he latched on to his friend, oblivious to all around him. “TRO-WAAAAA!
“It'll be alright…” Wu Fei promised as a medic crept up besides the traumatized teens and injected a syringe into the blonde's arm.
“Tranquilizer.” The man explained, rubbing the hysterical boy's shoulder. “By Lady Une's order. He should relax in a minute as he falls unconscious. She then wants us to take him to the hospital.”
Wu Fei nodded his understanding, continuing to rock his grief-stricken friend. “I'm here. You're not alone… I'm with you.”