Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Women Aren't So Weak, Wufei! ❯ Chapter 16

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 16: Women Aren't So Weak Wufei!

*warning* this story is definitely going to contain some mature themes, thus the rating. They are not so much about sex or anything...well, they are about the female sex...and some, uh, things we have to deal with *cough*time of the month*cough*. There's also some profanity.

*disclaimer* I DO NOT OWN GUNDAM WING OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS!! Unfortunately...If I did, the series would not have ended where it did. It would be much longer and a lot more would have happened...

Wufei stared.

And stared.

And stared some more.

He finally attempted to open his mouth and say something, but no words would come out and he was left looking like a fish out of water. The girls, sensing that a whole lot of yelling was soon to come, inched slowly out of the room. It wasn't like they had any idea why everyone except for Wufei had turned back into a man, and they didn't want to be a part of the argument that was sure to come. They made it out of the room just in time.

"What the hell?!" Wufei screeched, causing the other guys to wince as they came out of their shocked trances. "Why the hell are you guys back to normal?! It's only Wednesday!" The four who were back to their normal state shared worried glances.

"Uh," Quatre spoke up. "Well....ah...we don't exactly know." Wufei groaned and glanced down at himself, hoping desperately that maybe he WAS a guy again, and just hadn't noticed. After all, his hair WAS already long... Nope he was definitely a girl, if the way the spaghetti-strapped shirt clung to his figure and hung low to show the tops of his breasts was any hint. Suddenly self-conscious of the four pairs of very MALE eyes on him, Wufei pulled his shirt up a little in an attempt to cover more of his chest. Of course, this only resulted in half of his tanned stomach being shown. Scowling, he yanked the shirt back down to where it originally was. The silence in the room was becoming unbearable.

"What?" Wufei asked warily, crossing his arms across his chest. Abruptly, all four heads shook themselves slightly, and Quatre's already sunburned face turned a darker red. Wufei growled.

"Man Wufei, I don't know what to say!" Duo said cheerfully, crossing his arms behind his head. The movement caused his own to shirt to ride up higher than it had been, since it was already too small on his male form. "Damn. I definitely didn't bring any guy clothes with me," he continued on, oblivious to Wufei's glare.

"I did," Quatre and Heero spoke simultaneously. Wufei growled again, and stomped across the room to where Duo was standing, and began poking him in the chest.

"How can you even think about CLOTHES at a time like this?!" he spat out, each poke punctuating his words. He was a bit miffed that he had to crane his neck back to look into Duo's face, and that only made him angrier. Duo, startled by the Chinese teen's sudden anger, dropped his arms slightly and took a step back, his eyes widening.. "Just because YOU are all back to normal does NOT mean everything here is peachy keen!" Wufei continued, pushing Duo back which each poke until his back hit the wall. Wufei, oblivious to this, stood up on his toes so he could look Duo in the eyes. Inadvertently, this caused his entire body to lean into Duo's. "I am still in a freakin' WOMAN'S BODY, in case you hadn't noticed!" Duo's eyes were impossibly wide as he gulped.

"Oh, eh-heh, I noticed all right," he squeaked out. Immediately, his face flared up in color, and he cleared his throat self-consciously. Wufei's eyes snapped wide.

"Duo!" Quatre cried, shocked at what he just said. Trowa and Heero both coughed and glanced away. Wufei jumped back from Duo, his face several shades paler. Duo looked noticeably relieved at the distance between them now.

"I couldn't help it, Quat!" he said defensively. "LOOK at him! Would YOU like him pressed all up against you?" Quatre blushed again, and coughed.

"Er..." he mumbled, and quickly trailed off. Wufei, still standing in the middle of the room, thought about that. Had Duo pressed his female form up against his male one, he definitely would have had the same reaction. He crossed his arms and glared at the floor, cursing his current situation. Relena poked her head through the door into the extremely quiet room.

"Why don't you all go change?" she suggested softly. "We'll have breakfast ready when you come down and we'll talk."

"Aren't we leaving today?" Trowa asked.

"Well, we were supposed to leave about an hour ago," Relena said. "Traffic will be horrible now, and if we leave this afternoon, we won't get back until late. We don't actually have to hand the house keys over until tomorrow..." she trailed off and shrugged.

"So we're staying until tomorrow," Heero concluded. Relena nodded. "Good, I can actually go to the beach as a GUY." Duo frowned.

"I didn't bring my suit!" he whined.

"I brought extras," both Heero and Quatre said simultaneously again. Duo smiled.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" he exclaimed, dashing out of the room. The others followed at a much slower pace, Wufei bringing up the rear. By the time they got to their room, Duo had already stripped his shirt off and was rummaging through one of the dressers. He paused suddenly, lifting out a bra that was hanging on his finger.

"Thank God I don't have to wear these anymore," he snickered. "Where's your guy stuff, Heero?"

"That's MY dresser," Wufei growled, snatching the bra out of his hand.


"Damn it, Winner, stop blushing. You were only wearing these things the whole week," Wufei grumbled, as he noticed the blonde teen's face darken again. He walked over to his bunk and climbed up to his bed. Sighing, he glanced down at the bra in his hand. Why him? WHY?? Suddenly, a stray shirt smacked him in the head.

"Oops, sorry Wu-man!" Duo called cheerfully. Wufei glanced up to glare at him, but froze as he noticed clothes EVERYWHERE.

"What the hell?" he whispered to himself.

"I KNOW I put two swimsuits in here," Heero grumbled to himself as he flung various outfits over his shoulder. He wouldn't be needing THOSE clothes anymore.

"Heero, they're over here," Duo said, picking up two pairs of black trunks. "You threw them out when you threw those other clothes out." Heero "hn"ed and snatched a suit out of Duo's hand.

"You're going to have to clean that, you know," Quatre said, offering Trowa a dark green swimsuit he'd brought with him.

"Later," Heero said, abruptly taking off his shirt. He paused suddenly, glancing up at Wufei. The Chinese teen was still sitting on his bunk, ogling the four, now topless, former Gundam pilots. Heero raised an eyebrow. "You going to change, Wufei?" he asked, smirking slightly. Wufei snapped out of his dazed state quickly, and glared back.

"Oh yes, I hope you don't mind me stripping down right here," he snapped, reaching down to grab his red and black suit which was hanging off the bed. When he got no reply, he glanced back up again. All four of them were staring at him, or more or less at his breasts as he bent over. Growling for the umpteenth that day, Wufei sat up straight and practically ripped off his shirt. As he was wearing no bra, the effect was almost immediate. Duo, who'd been leaning over a little too far, promptly fell and smacked his chin on the ground as he stared on in shock. Trowa and Heero's eyes shot wide open and both of their ears tinted red. Quatre nearly had a nosebleed as he abruptly turned around. Wufei, top halfway on, smirked. "What's wrong?" he asked sweetly. "You've been seeing the same thing every time you looked in the mirror for the past week and a half," he finished dangerously, pulling his top all the way down. The three still gawking slowly looked away and tried to act normal. Wufei made a disapproving sound and hopped of the bed so he could finish getting ready in the bathroom. As soon as the door clicked shut, Duo groaned.

"Ooowww," he moaned, rubbing his chin. "That hurt like a bitch." The others were quiet.

"I need a shower," Heero said suddenly, heading out the door and towards the girls' room.

"Same," Trowa said monotonously, looking at the suit Quatre had given him.

"A cold one," Duo mumbled, throwing himself into the pile of clothes on the floor.

"Guys," Quatre chided softly. "It's just Wufei."

"'Just Wufei,' he says," Duo snorted, burying his face in the clothes. "She's freakin'- HE'S fre- wait no, that wouldn't sound right. She...he...damn it! He's fucking HOT!"

"I'm sure Wufei would LOVE to hear you say that," Trowa remarked sarcastically. He picked up the green bikini he'd been wearing that week. "Though I'm inclined to agree with you," he mumbled, images of Wufei when he'd been wearing it flashing through his mind. Of course, he'd been a girl then too, and could have cared less.

"You guys!" Quatre scolded again. Just then, Heero stormed back in.

"That was fast," Duo commented, looking up at him. He was already dressed in his bathing suit and water dripped from his still wet hair, leaving a trail down his body.


"No, seriously. You were gone for like three seconds," Duo stated. Before Heero could reply, the bathroom door opened, and out came Wufei, dressed the way he had been the first day they went down to the beach. All four guys stared at him.

"What?" he snapped irritably, brushing past them and into the hallway. The four watched him leave.

"I feel bad for him," Quatre said.

"He's only got three more days, he'll live," Heero said, searching for a dry towel.

"I don't know if I will," Duo complained.

"You've got Hilde to occupy yourself with," Trowa said, nudging the braided teen with his foot. Duo shot up, his eyes wide.

"Hilde! You're right!" He smiled wide and engulfed Trowa in a bear hug. "Thanks, T!" he cried, grabbing the black pair of trunks Heero had given and dashing into the bathroom. A full two seconds later, he dashed back out again and ran downstairs. Trowa blinked.

"O...kaaay." Heero shrugged.

"Get dressed," he suggested, sitting down to tie his shoes. "I'm hungry."

Some ten minutes later, the other three now-men walked into the kitchen, dressed in their beach attire. There was a table full of food waiting for them, and the girls, minus Hilde who was occupied with a certain God of Death in the corner, were still working on frying some bacon. The smells wafted through the air, and almost simultaneously the guys stomachs' began growling. Without waiting to be told, the guys, including Duo, who'd managed to detach himself from Hilde in order to quiet his stomach, pulled out chairs, sat, and dug in. Wufei watched them, absolutely shocked at how much they could inhale without getting it all over themselves. In fact, they all had great table manners, with maybe the exception of Duo.

"Do we...always eat that much?" Wufei whispered to Sally. She smiled.

"Why do you think we made so much?" she replied. Wufei just blinked in astonishment.

The day passed uneventfully for the most part. The guys stayed in the sun the whole time, in a vain attempt to get a normal tan for themselves. Wufei sulked to himself under one of the big umbrellas. He was AVOIDING the sun. And the rest of the girls actually enjoyed their last day at the beach by boogie-boarding, tanning, eating ice cream, and having a grand ol' time. When the sun finally started to set, the group gathered up their things and headed back to the house.

"Guys, I say we go out to eat tonight," Sally said as they trudged back up the sand dunes. "We didn't last night because of the fair, and we haven't actually eaten at a really NICE restaurant the whole trip."

"No," Wufei said firmly. "Not a chance. Nice restaurants mean dressing up. I REFUSE to dress up again for the remainder of the time that I am a...woman."

"Aw, Wufei! It'd be fun," Midii spoke up. "Sally's right, we should make our last night here a nice event."

"Fine, then you all go. I'll stay home," Wufei said stubbornly, crossing his arms.

"Wufei, don't be such a grouch!" Duo teased playfully, giving him a slight punch in the arm. Wufei scowled at him.

"Well, what would you wear? I'm pretty sure Heero and Quatre did not think ahead enough to bring four 'nice-restaurant' outfits," Wufei spat out. That caused the others to pause.

"I brought some slacks, but only one pair of shoes," Heero finally spoke up.

"Why on earth did you even bring guy clothes?" Hilde asked, hugging Duo's arm. Heero shrugged.

"Just in case. You never know." Quatre nodded in agreement.

"Right, as a Gundam pilot, it became a habit to always be prepared," he added.

"Well, let's go buy some shoes for you all right now then," Relena suggested. There were murmurs of agreement from the group, and they set off towards some shops along the boardwalk.

* * *

A few hours later, the group found themselves sitting in one of the nicer restaurants along the beach they were at. It was a warm night, so they chose a table on the patio outback, overlooking the water below. There was some soft music in the background, barely audible over the sound of the waves crashing into the rocks.

"This is a nice place," Quatre commented after they ordered their food. Wufei snorted, but Quatre ignored him and continued on. "How did you find out about it?"

"It was in one of the brochures we had," Sally answered, taking a sip of her ice tea. "Actually, Wufei found it for us." Quatre blinked.

"Er...Wufei?" he asked. Wufei growled.

"Not on purpose," Dorothy spoke up. "He was trying to throw the brochure away so we wouldn't see it. Hilde caught him," she finished, smirking. Duo burst out laughing.

"Nice try, Wu-man!" he exclaimed. Wufei just slouched lower into his seat, scowling at everything. Other than the sounds of glasses clinking together, it was silent for a while before Duo stood up abruptly and turned to Hilde. "May I have this dance, milady?" he asked, faking a British accent and bending over with his hand extended. Hilde smiled.

"Of course, my good sir," she replied, taking the hand offered to her and pulling herself out of the seat. They began swaying easily together to the music, causing the other girls at the table looked on dreamily. The song eventually faded into another one, causing Relena to perk up noticeably. Across the table from her, Heero blinked, trying to figure out where he had heard it before. As realization hit him, he looked up and glanced at Relena, who appeared to have gone off into a happy dream world. Heero smirked and stood up, walking over to stand in front of her. She blinked and glanced up at him, before smiling slightly.

"Are you still going to kill me, Heero?" she asked softly.

"Yes," he answered monotonously, though his eyes were twinkling with emotion. He held out a hand and Relena eagerly accepted it. The two joined Hilde and Duo on the dance floor. Quatre scratched his head.

"Um...was anyone else confused by that exchange?" he asked. Both Trowa and Wufei raised their hands slightly.

"It was sooo romantic," Midii said dreamily. Trowa winced as she shifted her gaze to him.

"Uh...w-would you care to dance, Midii?" he asked after a slight hesitation. Midii smiled.

"Of course," she replied. They left, leaving Quatre, Wufei, Sally, and Dorothy at the table. Quatre sighed.

"Would any of you three like to dance?" he asked politely, eyes roaming around the table, before they jerked to Wufei who was clenching his teeth together and turning a lovely shade of red. Quatre immediately realized his mistake. "Two!" he exclaimed, eyes widening. "I-I meant any of you TWO! Honest, Wufei. I'm sorry, really! I am! I didn't mean-"

"Winner! Shut UP!" Wufei ground out. "It's ok," he continued in a calmer tone. Quatre still appeared a little flustered, so Dorothy sighed and came to his rescue.

"I'll dance with you, Mr. Winner," she said. Quatre looked at her exasperatedly.

"Dorothy..." The said girl smiled.

"Fine. I'll dance with you...QUATRE." Quatre smiled and offered her his arm, before the two headed off to join the others. Sally sighed and rested her chin on her fist, casting a look at Wufei out of the corner of her eye. Wufei scowled.

"Don't look at me like that," he snapped. "You know that if I were a man I'd ask you to dance."

"You would?" Sally asked, smiling. Wufei blinked.

"Well, would be rude not to when everyone else is dancing..." he trailed off, flushing a light pink. Sally just smiled and said nothing.

"Hey, Duo, one of you guys should ask Sally to dance," Hilde said to her boyfriend as they moved slowly around the dance floor. Duo glanced over to their table.

"Hey, Trowa," he said as they moved closer to him and Midii. "Go ask Sally to dance."

"Oh, poor Sally. Yeah, Trowa, you should go ask her," Midii said, lifting her head from Trowa's shoulder. Trowa blinked.

"Alright," he said. "But why me?" Duo smirked.

"Because you're the only one as tall as she is," he replied in a "no-duh" kind of tone. Hilde smacked him lightly on the shoulder, but Trowa just returned the smirk. "Oh, hey," Duo continued, "ten bucks I can get Wufei on the dance floor before we eat," he said, holding out his hand. Trowa raised an eyebrow.

"With you?" he asked incredulously. "Or are you going to get someone else to ask him." Duo paused.

"Um...with me. Ten bucks I'll get him to dance with me." Trowa eyed him for a minute, before grasping his hand and shaking it.

"You're on," he said. "I need my money back from that last bet we had anyway." Duo smirked.

"You won't be getting it back," he said. "Hey, Hil, why don't you and Midii go to the bathroom or something?"

"I can't believe you're betting on poor Wufei," she said, shaking her head. "Men!" she exclaimed before pulling Midii off the restrooms. Trowa and Duo headed back to the table.

"Sally, would you like to dance?" Trowa asked as soon as they reached their destination. Duo plopped down in the seat next to Wufei.

"I'd love to, Trowa. But...where did Midii go?" Sally answered.

"She and Hilde are in the bathroom," Duo answered, blowing bubbles into his coke. Sally watched him for a minute, and then turned to Trowa.

"Ok, dance, now. Let's go." Trowa nodded and the two quickly left. Wufei glared at Duo disgustedly.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"You...are disgusting," Wufei replied. Duo blinked and shrugged.

"Oh well. Hey, wanna dance?" Wufei promptly choked on his drink and looked at Duo's smiling face through wide eyes.

"...Excuse me?"

"Do. You. Want. To. Dance?" Duo reiterated. Wufei face-faulted.

"No, not with YOU."

"Aw, come on! Just one dance, pleeeaaaase?" Wufei stared at him incredulously.

"Have you forgotten who I am?" he asked unbelievingly.

"Nope. You're Chang Wufei, pilot of Gundam 05, last of the Dragon Clan, age 17 and have already been through the whole marriage thing. You're rude, sexist-"

"Exactly," Wufei cut him off, before pausing. "Hey!" Duo shrugged.

"Sorry." Wufei glared at him. "So...let's dance!"

"Duo, I am NOT going to dance with you!"

"Why not?" Duo whined.

"Because I'm not really a woman!"

"So? You looked all lonely by yourself."

"Sally was with me."

"Well she's not anymore."

"Duo," Wufei sighed, "why are you so annoying?"

"I won't call you Wu-man for a week," Duo offered hopefully. Wufei blinked.

"A month." Duo considered that.

"Fine," he said, standing up and holding out his hand. Wufei grimaced, and ignored the hand, getting up by himself.

"And you can't go into my room without my permission, ever."

"But that was already one of your rules," Duo reminded him.

"Yeah, but now you actually have to abide by it. I mean it too. If you don't, you'll find yourself without a braid one morning." Duo's eyes widened.

"Geez, fine. All I wanted was one lousy dance," Duo grumbled.

"And I still don't know why," Wufei replied, following him onto the floor. Duo didn't answer. Instead he turned and wrapped his arms around Wufei's waist, causing the Chinese teen to squeak in surprise. "Duo!" he exclaimed angrily.

"It's just a dance," Duo said. "Calm down." Wufei closed his eyes and counted to ten before reluctantly putting his hands on Duo's shoulders. Duo "tsk"ed and pulled him closer, forcing Wufei to wrap his arms around his neck. Wufei scowled. "You want to know why?"

"Why what?" Wufei asked tightly.

"Why I asked you to dance," Duo replied cheerfully. Wufei eyed him warily.

"Why?" Duo leaned forward so that his face was only an inch or so away from Wufei's. For the briefest second, Wufei was scared to death that Duo was going to kiss him or something and admit his undying love to him. Wufei's eyes widened. Duo took a breath and braced himself for the outburst he knew would come.

"Ten bucks," he whispered, smirking. Wufei blinked, his eyes narrowing slightly before widening again in realization.

"You asshole!" he exclaimed, punching his shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'll give you half of it, ok?" Duo said, laughing. Wufei glared up at him.

"Which of these other jerks did you bet with?" he asked dangerously.

"Me," came Trowa's voice from next to them. "I didn't think you'd actually give in." Wufei glared at Trowa and gave him the finger. Trowa just smirked and shrugged.

* * *

The following morning, the gang packed up and left, arriving home late in the afternoon. The rest of the day was spent lazily. Wufei, still pissed at everyone because they'd decided to take pictures of him dancing with Duo the night before, locked himself in his room. He didn't even bother coming down for dinner. The day after that, Friday, was supposed to be Wufei's last day as a woman, so he was in a much better mood. He came downstairs dressed in a pair of old sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt that had the word "JUSTICE" written across the front of it.

"Good morning, Wufei," Relena said as he entered the dining room. She and some of the others were scattered around the table, drinking coffee or reading newspapers. "They're some waffles in the kitchen. Coffee's in there too. Do you want any?" Wufei nodded meekly as his stomach growled. Relena smiled. "I'll get you some." Wufei nodded again gratefully, and sat down beside Heero.

"I want out of this body," he moaned, causing Heero to smirk at him.

"Well, this is your last day, right?"

"Hopefully. I still don't know why you were changed back before me anyway," Wufei scowled.

"Because it wasn't entirely their fault in the first place," a vaguely familiar voice said. Everyone in the room tensed, looking around warily. Just then, Relena re-entered the room.

"Here you go Wuf-"


Relena was cut off as a cloud of purplish smoke erupted in front of her, causing her to screech and drop the plate and mug she was holding. They crashed on the floor sending glass and bits of syrup covered food everywhere. Heero was by her side in an instant, gun out and making sure she was ok.

"I-I'm fine, Heero. It just shocked me, that's all," Relena said, trying to calm her breathing. Heero nodded and turned to the cloaked figure emerging from the smoke. One of its arms lifted and a pale hand pointed at them. Heero stiffened and pushed Relena behind him. The arm lowered slightly, and the hand spread. A burst of light emitted from it, picking up the broken pieces of the dish and all the food. As it hovered in mid-air, then hand closed and then opened quickly with a blinding flash of light. When it cleared, the plate and food were good as new, and the mess was gone. The arm moved towards the table and directed the food down so that it landed in front of Wufei, before the arm finally dropped completely. By this point, everyone was gathered around the dining room, whether they were sitting at the table or peering in through the doors. The cloaked figure's hands rose up and slowly lowered its hood, revealing a pale face with big, clear-blue eyes and long, shiny, silver hair.

"Sorry about that, Relena. I didn't mean to startle you," the Goddess of Death said cheerfully, smiling widely. Heero immediately lowered his gun now that the would-be threat was gone.

"You're back," he stated.

"Mhmm, a day early, I know. But that's all right. How've you all been?"

"Like hell," Wufei growled. The Goddess of Death narrowed her eyes at him.

"Half the world goes through it everyday for their entire lives," she snapped. Wufei didn't reply.

", may I ask why you're here?" Quatre asked after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. The Goddess of Death turned and smiled at the blonde.

"To change Wufei back of course!" she answered cheerfully. Wufei blinked.

"Really?" he asked excitedly, despite the attempt to keep his voice monotonous.

"Well...maybe," she replied. Wufei's face fell.


"Yes, maybe. Why SHOULD I change you back?"

"B-because! I want to a man again!" Wufei exclaimed.

"Yes, but WHY? What's the big problem with being a woman?"

"I don't LIKE being a woman! That's the problem!" Wufei yelled, standing up from the table.

"WHY??" the Goddess of Women insisted.

"Because they're WEAK!!" The Goddess of Women sighed.

"But are they really, Wufei?" she asked, her calm voice startling Wufei. "You couldn't even deal with it for two weeks. How would you like dealing with it forever?" Wufei lowered his clenched fists slowly.

"Fine," he ground out. "Fine. I COULDN'T deal with it. Ok? I wouldn't be able to deal with getting my period every freaking month, along with all the stupid mood swings. I don't like being hit by men when I'm clearly not interested. I hate having to put on make-up everyday. I hated it all! Fine, women deserve a lot more then I give them credit for, alright? Are you happy? Can I please be a MAN again??" The Goddess of Women smiled slightly.

"Very good, Wufei. I liked that answer. Now, just tell me the main thing you learned out of all of this, and you'll be a man again as soon as you blink. And don't play stupid. You KNOW what I want to hear." Everyone in the room turned their heads towards Wufei. He grimaced, and opened his mouth to speak before closing it again. He tried again, and failed. He looked up at the ceiling once as if saying, "Why me??" Finally, he managed to get the words out.

"Women...women aren't...weak," he said tiredly. "There, happy? I said it. Women AREN'T weak. Now change me back, damn it!" The Goddess of Women grinned.

"It is done," she said simply, disappearing in another cloud of smoke. The occupants of the room began coughing and waving it away.

"Is everyone ok?" Duo called out, holding Hilde close to him.

"Man, am I glad THAT is over with," Dorothy muttered to Sally.

"Wufei! Are you alright?" Trowa called out, trying to find the Chinese teen. He didn't get an answer.

"Wufei?" Quatre asked. The smoke finally cleared to reveal Wufei on the other side of the table, looking down his shirt. When he lifted his head, there was a huge, very uncharacteristic smile across his face. It was apparently contagious, because soon everyone else was smiling with him.

"I'M A MAN AGAIN!!!!!" he exclaimed. The others just laughed.


Ok, it's actually not the end because there's still the epilogue. So go read that! And make sure you read the ENTIRE Author's Note at the beginning. It's VERY important. And I got an AOL IM screen name: maxchan0125. So feel free to IM me if I'm ever on, and please do!! Now, go read the end! And review!!! Trust me, you want to this time!
