Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Yes Master, My Master ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Quatre felt a strong sense of deja vu as he hung, by his wrists, naked against the cold, stone wall of the small torture room. Once again, Gabriel had rudely pulled him from a much needed sleep, and dragged him into the room that was hidden behind artfully draped tapestries. And as before, Gabriel had simply left him there.

Quatre stared at the wall across from him without really seeing it. How long had it been since he'd been pulled from his comfortable lifestyle? Days, weeks, months? So long....had everyone given up on him? Had Quatre given up on himself? He wanted hope, hope could sustain him. But hope could also destroy him.

The young blond shook his head slightly, letting it droop limply onto his chest. He could feel the thoughts circling in his head, like vultures. But these vultures had no prey; his thoughts came to no conclusion.

There was a slightly muffled sound and Quatre forced himself to raise his head. Gabriel was walking into the room, striding confidently towards the helpless boy. The small Gundam pilot watched him warily with as little expression showing on his face as he could, completely hiding the surprise he felt at Gabriel's swift return. Dispite his careful mask, it seemed to the Arabian, that Gabriel could see, sense, feel every thought, every emotion that coursed through Quatre's body.

The sadist stopped before his chained prisoner and crouched just enough to bring their eyes level to each other. Quatre pulled his head back as far as the wall allowed him, and studied his captor.

Gabriel had a long, heartshaped face, so pale it seemed to have never seen sunlight, and was framed with straight, black hair that hung neatly to just above his shoulders. His chin and nose both pointed delicately; his eyes were almost slits, slanted ever so slightly, and as dark as midnight. Quatre couldn't tell his ethnicity, neither from the man's appearance or his soft, oddly accented voice that betrayed nothing save when he allowed it to.

At the same time, Gabriel ran his eyes over Quatre's face. His pale skin, marred slightly by a singular cut that was now healing thanks to the salve that Gabriel smothered the boy in; the light blond hair that was grungy from dirt and sweat and the clear, aquamarine eyes that still held defiance in their crystal depths.

As though finding something in Quatre's barely upturned face that he'd been looking for, Gabriel straightened once again. "Ready, little one?" he asked, taking a smooth step back without sound.

Quatre continued to watch him, knowing that no matter what he said, torture would soon follow it. Gabriel chuckled at the boy's reluctance to speak, and reached out to run a long forefinger down Quatre's jaw bone, then over his cracked lips. "Still strong," he said, ignoring Quatre's feeble attempts to escape the caress. "Don't worry, little one, it won't be so hard this time."

Letting his hand drop the demon like man glanced over towards the curtains. Quatre followed his gaze, surprise and horror dawning on his angelic face. So caught up in Gabriel's hypnotic gaze had he been, that the young man hadn't noticed the entrance of three others.

Two, he knew. The short bald man and his blond companion that had hurt him first stood with faint, half smirks on their faces. Between them there was a boy.

He was small, obviously malnourished, clad in ragged clothes that were filthy and hung loosely off his frame. The sadists that were his escort each held him by a boney arm, while the boy, making no attempts to escape, looked around the room, wide eyed and frightened ignoring his dirty brown hair that hung unevenly around his face.

Quatre ripped his eyes off the other victim with difficulty and focused once again on Gabriel, who stood still, his expression unchanged as he watched Quatre. "You-you can't!" Quatre said louder than he'd meant to, despair and anger crossing his face and lacing through his hoarse voice. "You can't hurt someone else, you-"

With a quiet clucking noise, Gabriel shook his head, causing his ebony hair to swing and brush against his slender neck. "Dear little one, sweet little Quatre," The Arabian's eyes had returned to the boy, who was being carried, his bare feet dragging across the cold floor, to the chains that hung directly opposite those that Quatre hung in.

"I can, I will," Gabriel continued, not oblivious to the direction Quatre's gaze was now focused, but ignoring the activity. "But don't worry, sweet prince, it will not be too bad. Just a taste, for you. He," the sadist absently waved a hand over his shoulder in the general direction of the frightened boy, who was now being secured against the wall. "He will not suffer much."

Quatre violently shook his head, knowing that Gabriel's words were a blatant lie. "No," he insisted, the thought of what he would be forced to witness causing his stomach to turn and vomit to rise unpleasantly in his throat. He swallowed with difficulty and repeated himself with more conviction than he would have expected to be left in his battered soul.

Ignoring Sandrock's pilot, Gabriel turned, his eyes feasting on the boy as the two other sadists finished chaining him, arms over his head, boney legs spread, to the rough wall. They stepped back, looking at Gabriel like two hungry children trying to get a treat out of a stern parent. Gabriel waved the fingers of his left hand towards the curtains, and the two men left, disappointment written plainly across their faces, each giving Quatre venomous glances as they passed him.

Quatre allowed his eyes to follow the other two briefly, but then he snapped back to watch with sickened horror and despised fascination as Gabriel stalked closer to the terrified child.

Gabriel's body soon blocked Quatre's view. Something that caused him to relax greatfully, as it meant he would not have to watch the upcoming scene; yet curse secretly with a sick fascination and curiosity about what would happen to the child.

His eyes remained fixed on the others in the room and Gabriel reached forward to touch the child, whispering soft words and promises that Quatre's ear couldn't pick up. He saw the little boy flinch away, his eyes red, his mouth open, yet silent.

Gabriel fingered the lanky hair that half covered the boy and then let it drop. Turning, Gabriel made his way around the room to a small cabinet made of dark, almost to the point of black, brown wood that Quatre hadn't noticed, even while he'd been trapped in the room for days. Opening the cabinet with a barely audible 'click,' Gabriel withdrew something then carefully shut the doors once again.

Squinting through the gloomy room, Quatre strained to see what the sadist had taken out, but he couldn't see it. With footsteps feather soft, Gabriel made his way back to his other prisoner.

Gabriel knelt; his right knee nearly touching the floor, and pulled something out of the black leather boot that made it's way up his left leg. The faint light reflected off something shiny, and Quatre's eyes widened as he realized it was a knife that Gabriel had grabbed. Was he planning on stabbing the poor boy? Quatre hoped so, for the child's sake. Spare him the pain, spare him the hurt. If he couldn't return to his home, let him be killed rather than share the Quatre's tortorous fate.

Bringing the knife in front of him, where Quatre couldn't see it, Gabriel made a few quick slashes. The boy chained to the wall whimpered. Quatre did the same, closing his eyes tightly, not wanting to see the death that he couldn't prevent, yet had prayed for.

Quatre waited sadly for a gurgle, gasp or choke to let him no that Gabriel had done the deed. Instead, a sharp fingernail found it's way under Quatre's chin.

Blue eyes snapped open and focused on Gabriel who stood before Quatre wearing a small, humorless smile that radiated nothing but ice. "No, little one," the sadist said, as Quatre glanced away, back at the now naked boy who was shivering violently from cold and fear, his one time garments now in pieces around his feet. "I'll not kill him yet. And you will watch."

Once again, Gabriel turned, leaving the young Winner staring after him, his mouth hanging open somewhat, his thoughts and feelings a tangle in his head. Gabriel paused in the center of the room, and reached up. Hanging from a heavy chain that was smelted to the ceiling was a hook, which Gabriel carefully pulled down, before returning to the starving boy.

Quatre gagged, a feeling of dread invading his body. He wouldn't get out of it-not him, not the child. It would be worse than he'd expected, worse than he could take.

He closed his eyes, desperately wishing his empathic skills would be still and his stomach to settle. He had no choice, he was helpless. All he could hope for was that it would be quick.

"Open your eyes." The cold voice invaded the boy's thoughts, pulling him from his short reverie. Slowly, as though even that pained him, Quatre did so.

Aquamarine eyes locked with the child's muddy, pleading ones. The boy was now hanging; his arms still above his head, by that hook in the center of the room, facing the blond Arabian. Behind the child, Gabriel stood stonily wielding a long whip in one hand, watching Quatre.

Without words, without warning, Gabriel's hand came up, bringing the whip down with a crack. The boy whimpered loudly, his brown eyes filling with salty tears as the whip cut into his dirty flesh. His eyes on Quatre, Gabriel repeated the slash. Quatre flinched away without effect, but didn't tear his eyes away from the pain filled scene.

The child on the hook squirmed, small sobbing sounds escaping from his throat, his teeth biting deeply into his own lip, drawing a single drop of crimson. Quatre nearly cried out with the boy's pain as the tall demon continued to deliver blow after blow to his defenseless prisoner.

"Pain," Gabriel said, offering Quatre a small distraction. "Pain is life. Without it, one isn't alive." Gabriel paused, the hand that wielded the whip falling to his side. "The art of causing pain," his eyes bore into Quatre's, daring him to speak, to turn away. "Is just that-an art. To be such a teacher, such an artist, one must love life." A small smile that had nothing to do with the still-moaning boy who hung before him flashed across Gabriel's face. "I teach people to love life."

Placing a large hand on the boy's side, ignoring the boy's futile efforts to squirm out of his reach, Gabriel turned the child so Quatre could see the deep whip marks that covered the child's back. He closed his eyes against the red welts, some oozing dark blood, others already growing purple.

"Keep you eyes open." Gabriel commanded, his voice louder and almost angry sounding. "I'm doing this for you-and the less you see, the more pain this child feels."

Reluctantly, Quatre pried his eyes open, forcing them to focus on the boy, whose shoulders were shaking with silent sobs. The young Arabian's heart almost broke with pity he felt for the child. He'd do anything, anything at all to save the boy from the pain that swept through his small body.

Gabriel turned the boy to once again face the Gundam pilot, though the child likely didn't see him, his eyes squeezed shut tightly, and positioned himself behind him. Quatre waited, his stomach a knot, for Gabriel to raise the whip again. To his surprise, the whip dropped from the other's fingers, landing softly on the floor.

Next fell Gabriel's pants. Quatre's eyes widened in horror and he twisted in his chains without results. Dark eyes still focused on the blond boy, Gabriel brought himself up behind the child, strong hands grabbing the other's thighs with enough pressure to leave bruises.

With what almost seemed like a sneer on his elegant face, the sadist rammed himself into the filthy boy without warning.

The child's eyes opened with a flash, pain filled and blood shot while his mouth emitted a hoarse sound that was much like a silent scream. Memories of his own rape filtered into Quatre's mind, mingling unplesantly with the child's gasps and tears. It hurt, it hurt so much....

Salty tears filled Quatre's own blue eyes and his knees gave in, leaving the boy hanging on the wall. His head lolled, brain filling with the realization that this was all his fault, yet his pleading eyes didn't break from Gabriel's as he continued to thrust, almost carelessly, into the child.