Gunsmith Cats Fan Fiction ❯ Gunshots Heard 'Round Chicago ❯ Chapter 3 - Heads and Tails ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gunsmith Cats
"Gunshots Heard 'Round Chicago"
By Christopher Ryan
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(Note: I dont own Gunsmith Cats so please dont sue me or anything cuz I dont have any money
to take. Every character involved are property of the creator of GSC. Except the characters I
create namely one Jessie Masters. She is my creation and maybe the Villian and some misc
characters I make. Hey you might even see a few from other series but they are also the
property of their respective creators and I take no credit. Plus the personality of every
char. in the story are my own view so if you dont think Rally would do or say anything like
i make her say..well tough...I think she would. 'Nuff with the disclaimer...On with the show...)
"Gunshots Heard 'Round Chicago"
Chapter 3 - Heads and Tails
"You've got to be kidding", Rally said in disbelief.
"Im not Rally, Ive been chasing this guy for the past few weeks", Jessie replied, "I
just didnt know who his brother was."
"Believe it, I want you guys to get to know Joe, so we can set up a sting", Detective
Hill added.
"Great more work we wont get paid for", Rally sighed.
"What about me, I lose out on Joe's bounty if I play buddy pal with him", Jessie spat
crossing her arms.
"Its nice to see you ladies are taking it so well", the detective remarked as he smirked
and walked away leaving Rally and Jessie speechless.
Just then a familiar face wanders in the door, she wasnt looking too happy as she wandered up to
Rally. She tossed the keys lightly as Rally opened her palm to catch them.
"Hey May, you dont seem lighthearted anymore", Rally joked.
"Yeah well those guys you said to follow gave me the slip", May growled.
"They do drive alittle reckless", Jessie said.
"I lost them a couple blocks from the industrial section of town", May added.
"Thats a good place to start, wanna help May out Jess", Rally asked.
"Oh sure, but arent you going to get the booth set up", Jessica replied.
"I will but May over there never helps much, so Im used to it", Rally said chuckling.
"I heard that", May piped in with a upset look.
"Ugh, nevermind, you two just get going and come back at six. I should be done by
then", she said gently nudging the two girls out the door.
The door swung shut and Rally about faced to complete her task of finishing the booth. Jessica
and May just looked at each other puzzled. Rally wouldnt give up a chance like this, she must
be up to something. May just shrugged it off and grabbed Jess by the shirt, dragging her hoping
she will tell her where her car is parked. Jess ripped her shirt from May's grasp and signaled
that her Camero was close. They both approached it as Jess pulled her keys from her pocket and
opened the car door. She got in and she leaned over and popped the lock so May could climb in.
She was starting to sweat so she pulled her hair up into a short ponytail revealing to May the
buzzed portions.
"Nice hair", May giggled.
"Oh, thanks, it helps when it gets hot", she remarked, wondering if it was a compliment
or a joke.
She started up the engine and the two drove off where May lost they guys she was tailing.
M eanwhile the man that got away in the van pulled into an abandoned building. He climbed out and
was greeted by a tall man in an expensive looking suit. The man looked well groomed for being in
such a dingy place. He pulled out a rather large cigar and lit it, taking one long drag and blew
the smoke out before speaking.
"I take it, the gun's were dropped off", he spoke in a low voice.
"Yup sir, everything went according to plan, the guns went into the convention hall and
are being set up as we speak", the other man said.
"They had better or you wont live to see another day", the man in the expensive suit
remarked as he snapped his fingers.
Just as quickly, about a dozen or more men armed with semi-automatic weapons came out of various
spots around the building and trained them on the man next to the van. His expression suddenly
turned into a fearful look as he swallowed nervously. The man in the suit just grinned as he
picked up a hat from the table and placed it on his head. He then tipped it down covering his
face as he turned to get in a nearby car, pausing.
"Remember Charlie, if anything, and I do mean anything, happens to my guns. I'm holding
you personally responsible", he said as he got into the car and slammed the door.
The car was started and the engine revved loudly and sped off through the large doorway. As for
the men, they just disappeared, leaving Charlie alone and fearful in the building. He quickly got
back in the van and took off out the door back the way he came.
Jess and May managed to make good time as they reached the spot May had lost the Van. They
started to slowly search the area slowly when May spotted the van.
"There it is", May yelled cheerfully.
"This has to be our lucky day or something", Jessica said in disbelief, "But Im not one
to look a gift horse in the mouth."
The Camero crept up behind the van as it pulled out and Jess proceeded to tail it. Though it was
a most uneventful ride of Jess' life as they soon realized where the van was heading.
"I cant believe the goon is actually going back to the gun show", Jess sighed.
"Well you said you werent one to pass up an opportunity", May replied, laughing.
Soon the van pulled up to the back enterance and was greeted by a few of the thugs he left there.
Charlie got out of the van and was greeted by one of them.
"Hey Chuck, Im happy to see you. We almost got busted by the cops an hour or so ago", the thug said.
"What do you mean almost", Charlie inquired.
"Well they said there was a report of gunfire, and they came to check it out. Plus there
was this psycho chick that opened fire on us too. Im serious", he replied.
"Sounds fishy to me but whatever, at least the guns are safe. Is everything set up on time", Charlie said, after taking a deep breath.
"Yup everythings cool man", the thug said smirking.
"Wonderful, lets just go inside, but first I want you and a couple of the guys to get rid
of the van. Got it", he stated firmly.
"Got it", the thug said then whistled as two more came out of the backdoor to climb into
the back of the van.
They started up the van and promptly drove away. Of course May and Jess were parked not far away
and saw the whole thing.
"Looks like they are ditching the van now", Jessica remarked, a pair of binoculars placed
firmly in both hands as she looked through them.
"You thought they would actually keep it", May said, with an awkward expression.
"Not for a second", Jess replied setting them down and grinning at her.
"Well I think we need to get going, we arent getting anywhere at the moment, besides Im
sure Rally would be upset if we delayed. Its almost six", May said as she smiled and pointed at
her watch.
"Wouldnt want to keep her waiting", Jess answered as she undid her seatbelt to get out,
but paused momentarily as she felt something weird.
May had reached up as Jess had her back turned and was rubbing the shaved portion of her head.
Jess suddenly had an unusual feeling, which May obviously noticed considering she pulled her hand
away. She turned around and looked at May, who suddenly turned a dark shade of red.
"Oh sorry, I was serious about your hair though I really like it", May said, laughing
"Thats ok, if you want, I can do the same thing to yours. If you like it that much", Jess
responded smiling.
"You will? Awesome", May squealed in an almost schoolgirl like manner, "Sorry 'bout that,
guess I got alittle carried away.
They both just laughed as they got out of the car. Jess and May started to walk toward the door
but were met halfway by a very upset Rally Vincent. She fumed as she looked at them.
"I said to be back at six, Im hoping you guys have a good excuse for being 25 minutes
late", she growled.
"Twenty five", May responded, stunned, as she looked at her watch, "Dammit, I think my
watches battery died."
Sure enough the watch read the same time as it did when she checked it last. May just groaned as
she looked at Rally, whom was still very much angry at her.
"Well? What do you have to say", Rally said, her right eyebrow twitching.
Jess and May looked at each other then at Rally, responding in unison, "You wont believe
the luck we had."
*~*~*~* Well that's the end of the third chapter...Sorry for getting this one out extremely late guys though Im starting on Chapter 4 tomorrow...This one doesnt have too much action but it is longer then the first two so thats a good thing I guess... And Ill try to keep them all about this long... Again sorry for the long delay*~*~*~*