Hamtaro Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Huge Duel ❯ Carnivolt ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Oxnard:I lost!!!!I lost!!!!

Yugi:Yippies,Bakura is normal,Jerkolo is now a dog who barfed on everything,cards
are normal,and Everythings normal.

Unknown:I have something to show you Yugi,even you Joey.

Joey:What,if its a duel,i will whoop you.

Unknown:I am named Carnovolt,the ultimate duelist,with almost
every monster above 1500.

Yugi:Oh No!!!I had no crush card,Seto would kill Carnovolt

Yugi:So i have to put every card under 1500 in defense mode.

Unknown:Combine your decks.

I have 120 cards,Seto Kaiba let me borrow them before he lost his soul and Pegasus
gave them to me.

Unknown:I did not leave sagi.

Carnovolt:And i put the 1500 or under in the delivery,making powerful cards out
like Harpys Lady and Elegant Legotist.

Yugis turn
Yugi:I see Red Eyes Black Dragon,i will put him in defense mode.

Carnovolt:I will use a stronger monster,the Beast of Talwar
A 2400
D 2150

Yugi:Oh no!!!He is the strongest monster ever!!!He will kill my red Eyes.

Carnovolt:Right!!!Atack Red Eyes!!!

Yugi:Yugi:If he was in atack mode.

Yugis Turn

Yugi:I will get out the Dark Magician Girl in atack mode,powering it up 500 points

Yugi:Atack Beast of Talwar!!!


Carnovolt:Remember,more strong,more long.
I use the Ryuran in atack mode,but i use toon world!!!

Yugi:Oh no!!!

Yugi:I know the Manga Ryu Ran.

Carnovolt:I put him in defense mode.

Yugi:Oh no,the Dark magician girl.

Carnovolt:I have TreTremendus Fire,i offer 500 life points making you lose half your life.


Yugi:My move,Zera the Mant
A 2800'
D 2300

Yugi:I atack Manga Ryu Ran with the Zera the Mant!!!

Carnovolt:I can also use the Black Luster Soilder!

Yugi:The Black Luster Soilder,he is the one who killed Mai.

Carnovolt stands there.

Carnovolt:Hey,Ryu Kushin powered i know is inside.

Carnovolt drops Bat,faced up in atack mode.

Yugi:He he he,is it that.

Carnovolt:I use ultimate offering.

Carnovolt:I get the Milenium sheild,in defense mode,do not think im dead.

Carnovolt:I refill them with Dien Ketto the Cure Master.

+ 1000 life points.

Yugi:No!!!That thing,its The Thing,so scary,its a roller coaster ride.

Yugis turn
Yugi:He recovered his life points,my Zera cannot hurt the enemy,any my life points are dangerously

Yugi:Swords of Revealing Light!!!

Carnovolt turns light blue,The Swords of Revealing light!!!The Swords of Revealing LIGHT!!!THE

Yugi:Im free for 3 turns.

Carnovolt:I cannot put a monster on the field.
Silently But after the Swords of Revealing Light has been gone,i can use this card to rampage
Yugis Deck and monsters,Cosmo Queen will be used,making Yugis deck a Yu.

Yugi:I use Megamorph to power the Mant.


Carnovolt:Silent:if that morph was not used,i would of won.

Carnovolt:House Brake In will break down monsters atack point in half,the other half,a quarter of
the half will atack my life points,the other 3 quarters will atack Yugs life points.

1200 life points for the little guy.
400 for me if this is succsesful.

Yugi:I will use Red Medicine,it will recover 500 life points,i have two extra ones,i can use
use them.


Carnovolt:That thing will not atack.



Sengen:Yo,come to mama.

Sengen Scream!!!!!!

Zera cannot take it.

Yugi:2000 life points away!!!I was lucki.

2750 atack points.

Yugis Turn
Yugi:I see that a spider crunch is atacking my life points.

Carnovolt:Right Looks in hand(Battle Steer,Juria Goomo,Rabid Horseman,White Hole,and
Anti Rageki)

Yugi:I put Dark Magician in defense mode.

Juria Gooma atack from Web

Juria Gooma,atacking Webs.

If it can go through the spider web without falling,i lose no life points.

Juria goomo sees food,it falls down on its head.

Yugi:I put Simochi Allergy faced down.

Carnovolt sees the card faced down.

Carnovolt Guesses it as a House of Adjestive,so he atacks and kills the magician.

Carnovolt:I use Dian Keyt

Yugi:I had Simochi Allergy,1000 life points are lost.

Carnovolt:How did i lost!!!Why did he,my stinkin' spider lost a web,so,and allergies.

Carnovolt disgises himself as clowm.who is used,as taking over the souls of People.

Clown:Ha Ha Ha Ha He He He He

Yugi:Who are you!!!

Clown Shows up Puppets the shapes of Rex Raptor,Weevil,Pandora,and Seeker.

Clown floats Rex Raptor,a jumping pose.

Rex Raptor Jumps when he says Sword Arm of Dragon.