Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ All That Clanks ❯ The Dark Creation ( Chapter 3 )
All That Clanks
Chapter 3: The Dark Creation
(It is even later into the night; All the Dark Circle Members are asleep. Well, not all of them, Panda is working on something………something sinister)
Panda: This is going to be my greatest Creation yet!
(A hamster appears behind Panda)
Spat: How's the creation, Pffpt?
Panda: The `creation' is not finished yet, Spat!
Spat: Hey! You're not building my Haminator 3000!!
Panda: Hm! Master said I wasn't allowed to rebuilt your Haminator 3000 yet! You were still unconscious at the time so you wouldn't know! Now, if you'd excuse me.
(Panda turns back to finish building his creation, Spat walks over to him)
Spat: Now listen here, Pfpft, I've been waiting a long time for my Haminator to be rebuilt so I can finally have my revenge against Hamtaro!
Panda: I am only doing what I have been commended to do! And even if Master says so, I still can't build it!
Spat: Why not?
Panda: I don't have the equipment to build it. I would need the inventor who lives in the Wild Woods to help me!
Spat: Inventor? Hm……….
(Spat runs out of the room, down the corridor and out of the nearest window. He spread his wings to fly just before he hit the ground and flew off into the night. The Next Morning at the clubhouse)
Hamtaro: Hamha Ham-Hams! Heke?
(Only Snoozer is there, sleeping)
Hamtaro: Where has everyone gone, Snoozer?
Snoozer: Zuzuzuzuzu…..How should I know? I'm always asleep…..zuzuzuzuzuzu………..
Hamtaro: I hope nothing bad happened to them……
(The Door Suddenly shoots open; knocking Hamtaro to the floor. Boss and the other hams enter)
Boss: Oh there you are Hamtaro! We were looking for you. Oops, uh sorry Hamtaro ^_^;
Hamtaro: *rubbing head* that's ok… you were looking for me?
Bijou: Oui. We were afraid ze Dark Circle had got you.
Maxwell: I'm glad you're safe, Hamtaro! The Dark Circle is merciless
Boss: Someone should teach them a lesson! I'd like too but we got a little problem on our paws right now………
Hamtaro: What is it? Did Oxnard lose his seed again?
Pashmina: No, Panda is missing!
Hamtaro: Panda's missing?! I think we all know who did this.
Ham-Hams: The Dark Circle!
(At the Dark Circle Castle)
Panda: It's finally finished!
(Panda steps back a few steps on looks at the small hamster robot that stands in front of him)
Panda: Master would be most pleased! I should test it first.
(Panda picks up a remote control on presses a red button. The robot jerks and moves forward one step)
Robot: Hambot #1 reporting for deity master Panda.
Panda: Hambot, what is your object?
Hambot #1: To serve the Dark Circle and seek and destroy the hamsters known as the ham-hams….
Panda: The First Hambot is complete……now to make more.
(Panda goes to a tool box and takes out a heap of metal)